Chapt. 28

Ronin POV

It was late in the day, around 8 pm. I had told everyone that we only had 2 days left here, so we should do something together. Elizabeth had the idea of doing truth and dare at night. I was reluctant but Kass convinced me to do it after putting the girls to sleep.

Me: This is going to be annoying if anything.

Kass: Come on. It'll be fun.

Me: Yeah, yeah, just let me put them to sleep. It might take some time.

Kass: We'll be waiting in the living room.

She pecked my lips softly before walking towards the living room. I ascended up the stairs and into Ember and Luna's room. They had finished drying themselves and changing into their pajamas when I knocked and came in.

Ember: Papa!

She ran into me, hugging my leg tightly. Luna came up silently, except, she held my leg with a lot more force.

Me: Did you guys like the food?

Ember opened her mouth and seemed like she was daydreaming about it.

Ember: It was soooooo good!

Luna nodded in agreement. She tried to be mature but often times I catch her being a kid, which is what I want.

Me: Alright girls, time for bed.

Ember/Luna: Awww, but papa!

I smiled at them and gently patted their heads.

Me: What if I sing for you?

They put on a small thinking face before answering.

Ember/Luna: Ok!

I nodded to them and they immediately pulled themselves under the covers. I sat in a chair next to the bed and turned on a small bluetooth speaker.

Me: Its gonna be softer than usual, is that ok?

They nodded and I started the song.

They had gone quiet. I looked down at them and to find them holding each other. I smirked and turned off the bluetooth speaker, stood out of the chair, and quietly walked out. I saw once I got out, I saw Kass standing there, a small smile tugging at he lips.

Kass: Ready?

Me: More than I could ever be.

She interlocked our arms and we headed downstairs. The others were there, all 3 of them, Kesh, Liz, and Azul. Where did Rene go? Well, let's just say he ignored one of the rules I set up to protect my girls. And we had little, "conversation." Ended up taking him back home, having his hands tied.

Me: Hey guys!

They waved us over with raised eyebrows.

Elizabeth: What took you two so long? I haven't even dared you to seven seconds in heaven.

I didnt know what that was, but Kass seemed to know, since she went bright red.

Me: Dont know what that is, but let's get this started.

I replied whilst sitting down on one of the recliners, Kass coming over and sitting in my lap.

Elizabeth: You'll know soon enough.

I heard her whisper before Azul started up.

Azula: We all know how this works yes?

We all replied with a, "yes," or, "mhm," before she proceeded.

Azula: Ok, now who wants to go first?

No one spoke up and she sighed.

Azula: We need a bottle, do you have one here Ronin? A glass one would be better but plastic is fine.

I nodded and Kass got off me as I went to get a wine bottle. I chose the cheapest one in the house before coming back. They gasped.

Azula: No empty ones?

Me: You never said that. But we could make it empty. Although I dont really like this bran-

I got a smack upside the head, by none other than, Kass.

Kass: We are not drinking, we're underaged.

I looked at her with a, "really," type look before leaning into her ear and saying.

Me: You didnt say that in the shower.

She went flush and sat back down. The others looked confused but I gave the bottle to Azul before they could question.

Azula: Ok, now we spin this, and whoever's it lands on will be asked, truth or dare by everyone. We'll go from there.

He spun the bottle and it landed on closest to Kesh, so he was the first to be asked.

Azula: Truth or dare?

Kesh has always been prone to doing dumb stuff so I thought he would say dare. By I saw him look quite nervous.

Takeshi: Truth.

Azul raised her eyebrows before asking.

Azul: Do you have eyes for anyone?

She looked kinda mad. A contained type of mad. It was off putting. Kesh just looked dumbfounded.

Takeshi: Is this cause of earlier?

Azula: Who was she then?

Takeshi: She's an ex that won't leave me alone.

That's when it clicked. She probably saw a message from Alondra, a crazy ex Kesh had, who's always trying to hook back up with him.

Azula: Then why is she always texting you t-

Me: Azul, she is an ex of his. An insane one actually. She is just a lust driven whore.

I proceeded to pull out my phone and pull up the texts Alondra had sent to me. I showed her and she calmed down.

Me: I thought I had put her in her place. Guess she really doesnt care.

Elizabeth: What do you mean?

Kesh backed me up before I could explain.

Takeshi: He has a way with words that can tear down even the strongest of people. It's kinda scary actually.

Me: Psychology is a powerful weapon.

They all nodded. Before Liz asked her question.

Elizabeth: Truth or dare?

Kesh opted for dare this time. To which she said to do some kind of freestyle dance. If it was to get a laugh, then me and Kesh would be the only ones laughing. He smirked before asking me to pull up his, "favorite."

He started with the Top Rock, before moving on to windmills, ending with a, "draw me like one of your French girls," poses. The others were baffled while I just clapped.

Me: Even after 3 years you still got it huh?

Takeshi: After 3 years for you, not me. I still practiced.

He got back to his seat, after which Kass asked truth or dare, to which he said truth.

Kass: Are you two dating?

She pointed at Kesh and Azul, to which, Azul went slightly red and Kesh just put his arm around her.

Takeshi: Yes we are. She wouldnt have made such a big deal about the Alondra thing.

She huffed before saying.

Azula: Why do you even have her number then?

Takeshi: I forgot about her completely. Didnt even remember that I had her number.

She huffed again before turning away.

Takeshi: I'll delete her number if you want.

She nodded her head and he deleted her number, even blocking it, as for another measure. Now it was my turn, and he opted for dare. I smirked evily, and he quivered.

Me: Alright, I dare you to drink half the bottle.

He was frightened, but I knew he would do it. However, the others looked at me like I was crazy.

Elizabeth: Are you crazy?

Me: Well, there is a different bottle that can down him in just a couple sips. This is kinda the easy mode. But if Azul doesnt allow it, or he doesnt want to, he doesnt have to.

Azul looked at Kesh and they had a silent conversation, to which she just nodded, while Kesh grabbed the bottle. After a couple minutes and complaints about the high amount of sugar, he downed half the bottle.

Me: You good mate?

Takeshi: Y-yeah. I-im. . . Good.

Me: Welp he's drunk now, so you can have fun with him if you really want.

Azul went flush but shook her head, while I got another smack upside the head.

Kass: Dont bully her.

I chose to whisper into her ear my response.

Me: We know you would if I were drunk.

She slugged my arm and looked away, blushing slightly.

Me: Now that Kesh's turn is over how about we move on to Azul.

Everyone nodded in agreement except for Azul.

Me: Alright, welp I start with the questioning. Truth or dare?

Azul: I'm scared now, so truth.

I chuckled slightly before asking.

Me: Alright, how far have you gone with Kesh?

She got embarrassed and stuttered out her response.

Azula: K-kissing, b-but n-nothing more!

Elizabeth: Wait, y'all dont sleep in the same bed?

She shook her head.

Azula: He knows I'm uncomfortable with it so he sleeps on the floor unless I let him.

I shook my head, but understood his reasons.

Elizabeth: Truth or dare.

Azula: Dar-

Elizabeth: Sleep with him in only you're bra and underwear.

She went bright red.

Azula: Wh-what! Liz!?

Elizabeth: You chose dare.

Azula: F-fine.

Elizabeth: Just try not to moan to loudly. We are trying to sleep.

She would've gotten a slap by Azula if it werent for the fact that Kesh, drunkingly pulled her back down, onto his lap.

Kass: Truth or dare.

Azula: Tr-uth.

Kass: Have you thought about doing anything with him?

Azula: N-NO!!

We all laughed at her. I was the one laughing the hardest since I knew the hypocrisy of asking that question. My dirty girl. Kesh said that he wasnt gonna ask anything, so we moved onto Kass, and Azula started.

Azula: Truth or dare?

Kass: Dare.

Azul looked at Liz and they both smirked at each other. Uh oh.

Azula: Sleep with him naked.

Kass went bright red and leaned into me for support.

Kass: AZUL, WHY?!

Azula: You guys made me answer embarrassing questions. So I'm gonna make you do the same.

Me: Welp tonight's gonna be fu-

I saw Kass turn around with her hand up about to slap me.

Me: Nevermind.

She smiled but it was very off putting.

Takeshi: Truth or dare.

His words were slightly slurred but not as much as before.

Kass: Truth.

Takeshi: Did you really mean it when you said Ron would be a good husband?

She went red and looked over her shoulder slightly to see my reaction to the question. To which she saw my wide eyes. She looked back before responding.

Kass: Yes, I did mean it.

Liz and Azul, "OOOOOO'd," while Kesh just chuckled silently. I kinda sat there, flabbergasted, before I regained my compsure and hugging her from behind.

Ronin: Husband huh? I'm flattered but we are just freshmen. Maybe later.

She lossened up before softly placing her hands on mine.

Elizabeth: Ok love birds, Kass, truth or dare.

Kass: Truth.

Elizabeth: Have you thought about doing something, sexual, with him?

She went red again before both Liz and Azul leaned forward in their seats, Azul less than Liz because of Kesh.

Kass: N-no.

Liz raised her eyebrows.

Elizabeth: Huh? No? Are you really telling the truth?

Kass: U-um. . .

Elizabeth: We'll just say you have since it's very obvious that you have.

Liz and Azul giggled while Kass tried to hide her face.

Me: Ok, truth or dare.

Kass: Takeshi didnt ask Azul anything, why are you?

Me: Well I dont think I'm drunk am I?

Kass: Hmph, fine. Dare.

I raised my eyebrows and smirked mischievously.

Me: Hmm, you chose dare when its me? Are expecting something perverted?

Kass: Wha-what!? No!

Me: My, what a dirty girl I have. Hmm, what kind of punishment should I give you.

She tried to thrash out of my grip, but obviously, couldnt.

Me: Sing.

Kass: Wha?

Me: Sing. What? Are you disappointed I didnt say something dirty?

Kass: N-no. I just, dont have music.

I pulled out the bluetooth speaker and turned it on, making a very audible beep.

Me: Please. If not for the dare. Then for me?

Kass: Fine.

She picked a song and it began.

By the end of it everyone was clapping. She looked over her shoulder towards me, seeing me give her a big smile.

Me: I told you. You are a good singer.

I gave her a small kiss on the cheek before she turned around.

Me: Alright who's askin'?

Azula: Me! Truth or dare.

Me: Dare.

Azula: Kiss Kass.

After that me and Kass looked at each other before shrugging and going at it passionately for a good 3 minutes, before gasping for air.

Me: That *gasp* good?

They were staring at us mouths agape. It was rather funny, because me and Kass laughed at them for a bit.

Me: Next?

Takeshi: Truth or dare.

Seems he's recovered from the wine.

Me: Dare.

Takeshi: Drink.

I raised my eyebrow.

Me: How much?

Everyone else: What?!

Takeshi: A full bottle of the same wine.

Me: Alright, but no changing it after this.

I went into the same room I went to get the wine bottle and grabbed a second one. Coming back to the living room and chugging it down.

Me: Ugh, definitely not to my tastes.

Takeshi: Why do you have such a tolerance?

Me: Probably my father. Anyways, who's next?

Liz would've said something if Kass didnt look like she was about to burst with joy.

Kass: Truth or dare?

She then whispered.

Kass: Please pick dare.

I grinned but went along.

Me: Dare.

Kass: You have to sing now.

I looked at her with a, "really," type of look.

Kass: Come on, you're really good!

Me: Ugh, fine. But its gonna be a joke song.

I got the bluetooth speaker ready and started the song.

A/N: Only pay attention to the actual singing. Nothing else.

I coughed a bit after finishing the song and signalled to Kass I had to stand up. As I did, I coughed again and I saw blood on my hand.

Me: Shit. Over did it.

Elizabeth: Are you o-

Ember/Luna: Papa!

They ran into my legs and hugged me hard.

Luna: Are you ok?

Ember: Why are you coughing blood?

Luna: Where does it hurt?

Ember/Luna: Did they hurt you?

I chuckled hoarsely.

Me: No, I just sang a bit too much. Wait. Why are you two awake?

Their eyes widened and they fidgeted in nervousness.

Ember: We heard you start to sing-

Luna: And we wanted to listen.

I sighed but smiled at them nonetheless.

Me: You troublesome kids. Come on let's get you back to bed.

I coughed blood again before heading upstairs with them.

Me: Go to sleep ok? If you go to sleep, we can go swimming tomorrow ok?

They nodded vigorously and immediately tried to fall asleep. I kissed their foreheads, wishing them a goodnight, before heading to the kitchen for a couple glasses of water.

Me: Ahhh, much better. Ah, damn it. Now the glass is stained red.

I put it in the dirty dishes section of the sink and went back to the living room. Sitting back down with Kass immediately checking up on me.

Me: I'm ok Kass.

Even after that she still wouldnt calm down, so I quieted her with a kiss.

Me: Better?

She nodded.

Me: Welp, Liz, you're last, and I pick truth. I'm scared of what you can think of.

Elizabeth: Good, cause that actually reminds me of something. You say you have parents.

Me: Yeah.

Elizabeth: But nobody knows your last name. What's with this?

My eyes went wide. I locked eyes with Kesh and his were the same. We both had the same thought.


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