Chapt. 25
Ronin POV
I hated seeing her like this, I've seen her get rejected by guys and girls alike because of her sexuality alone.
Ronin: Its ok Liv. I shouldn't have been so harsh.
I rubbed small circle on her back before separating the hug. Immediately putting a hand over my mouth, catching her trying to sneak a kiss.
Olive (Nickname for Olivia): Not even a small smooch?
Ronin: No, never. Girlfriend, remember? You've failed so many times and never succeeded before. Also, she already took my first kiss.
Olive tried to glare at Kass but I gave her a wolf like glare that made her back down. That was when I felt two tugs ta my shirt.
Luna: Daddy! We're done!
Ember: Can we go home now, I wanna sleep.
She took a small yawn immediately after she finished talking which made me chortle.
Me: Of course my soldier. Now, let us march to the front.
They giggled and walked with their legs and arms straight and parallel.
Me: How much Olive?
I looked at the two one piece swimsuits the girls picked out. They looked like lifeguard uniforms for kids.
Olive: You can get a discount if yo-
Me: How many times? Do I have to shatter your heart for you to finally understand? Do I have to date, and cheat on you to understand? Please, I'm trying to be nice, but your starting to pull the last of my nerves here. Just tell me the price before I end up screaming like a stereotypical white, half shaved head, blond, Karen.
That seemed to finally kick the common sense into gear because she responded immediately.
Olivia: Let me ring it up for you.
I gave her the swimsuits and we went to the cash register. I was massaging my temples all the way there, trying not to get a headache, migraine, or hemorrhage. Whatever.
Luna: Papa?
I looked down, she seemed worried.
Me: Yes Luna?
Ember: Are you ok?
I smiled at them before kneeling and hugging them.
Me: Of course my little queens.
I expected a hit to the head but they only held me extremely tight. I eventually let go so that I could pay.
Olive: Cash or credit?
Me: Is debit still not allowed?
Olive: Nope.
I sighed.
Me: Credit.
I swiped my card, entered the pin, signed, and it was paid.
Olive: Thanks for stopping by Ronin. Nice to see you after so long.
Me: Yeah, maybe you could come to the cabin?
Olive: If I ever get an off day, sure.
I nodded.
Me: You guys wait for me outside, ok?
They all nodded hesitantly, especially Kass, but listened and exited the clothing store.
Me: Please. Olivia.
I turned to face her.
Me: I know it hurts you. But what I'm about to say is to help both of us. I know its harsh and messed up to no end but please, take it to heart.
I took a small pause to lock our eyes.
Me: We will never be together. No matter how desperate I get, lonely, or depressed. It will never happen. I'm sorry. I didnt want to hurt you but the more I put this off the more it hurts both of us. Please, for your sake and mine, stop.
I started to choke on my own words. Those words were spoken to me with much more venom and hate. I never wanted to use these words myself, but times change. I could feel my lip start to quiver, so I turned towards the exit and began walking.
Me: Please, d-dont. . . Don't hurt yourself.
I left after that, closing the door. My breaths were somewhat laboured, and deep, stuttering as I exhaled. My own heart ached for having to break someone else's. How could people do this as entertainment? The girls looked at me in concern, my babies latching to my legs and hugging them tightly, while Kass stared deeply into my eyes. I turned away breaking her stare.
Me: L-lets go.
They didnt try to fight me or ask what happened. My aura must have been so off putting it kept them from asking. My own conscience was eating at me for doing such a evil act. We had gotten back to car by the time I silenced my head.
And we drove back in silence.
Kassandra POV
We could tell easily that whatever was said after we left took a massive toll on him. We just didnt want to bring it up now since it wasn't a good location to do so. His lip quivered and his eyebrows told us he was in some sort of pain. We got back to the cabin and Ronin got out silently, and went upstairs, presumably to our shared room.
Me: Do you girls still want to swim?
I knew their answer but asked anyway.
Both: No.
Me: You wanna help your papa?
They nodded with such determination in their eyes. These kids were truly loyal to him.
Me: I'm sorry but you won't be able to help him right now. It's something that you wouldn't understand and we don't want iu to understand.
They were going to argue when we heard a door slam up stairs. Since he was in the room it was the probably the bathroom door.
Me: Go take a shower girls and wait in your room, please? I will help him the most I can, and I will come get you when he is better.
They nodded very nervously. But Luna asked me a question.
Luna: Promise?
Simple in words, complex in meaning. I smiled at them and gently held her hand in mine.
Me: I promise. Now please wait in your room for now.
We went up the stairs and they went into their room. Knowing they were at least somewhat preoccupied, I opened the door to our room.
Me: What the?
It looked like a rabid animal was unleashed in here. The bedsheets were thrown to the floor, pillows hanging from the ceiling fan, a majority of his clothes on sprawled about, and a hole in the wall. Multiple actually.
Me: How did we not hear that?
That's when I noticed the heat. It came from the bathroom, as well as something I never expected to hear from Ronin. Soft weeps and sobs came from the bathroom and they shook me to my core. He was always so strong, never once being even remotely sad. I knocked on the door.
Ronin: G-. . . Go away!
His voice cracked throughout the small sentence and he sobbed in the small break.
Me: Please Ronin. Let me in.
Ronin: N-No! I don't wanna hurt you too!
He paused, every second he kept me out hurt me more than he knew.
Ronin: Please.
He pleaded. I knew he didnt really lock the door, it was a habit of his to forget to. I didnt want him to be alone in there in this state. So I did the only thing I could think of. Here goes nothing.
Ronin POV
When my emotions go rabid, I cant control myself. Things become a mess and I attack anyone I see. That's why I came up here immediately. I could end myself if I ever hurt any of those 3.
Kass: Ron, I coming in.
Me: Please, don't.
My lip quivered and my soaking bare skin was pelted with by the boiling hot water. I heard the door creak open and in came Kass, fully nude.
Me: Pl-ease, get away! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!
She walked closer to me and I scooted away from her, cutting myself on the rugged shower floor. I cornered myself and she stood above me.
Me: Please.
I held my head in my hands, trying to keep myself down. I was slowly slipping out of control, before I felt warmth spread throughout my body.
Kass: Ronin, you telling me to get away from you hurts me more than anything you could ever possibly do.
My body weakened, every body part of mine was shuddering, and shaking back and forth. She only hugged me tighter.
Kass: I'm supposed to be there when you need me. I'm supposed to help you when you need me. That's what a girlfriend is for.
Girlfriend. Girlfriend. GIRLFRIEND. The single word bounced around my mind, with every rebound making my body weaker and weaker. I never wanted someone to see me at my lowest.
Me: I'm sorry.
I managed to slowly raise my arms to her waist and bring her closer to me. Before having a complete meltdown.
There they sat, coming closer and closer together as they both broke down in the other's arms. They sat for nearly 10 minutes before regaining their composure.
Ronin: I'm sorry for messing up the room. I'll fix the hole tomorrow.
He tried to hang his head but Kassandra softly held his chin in place, not allowing him to.
Kassandra: Its ok. You had to let it out somehow. You didnt hurt anybody and that's all I care about.
She caressed his cheek with her free hand and wiped away the tears that mixed with the warm water from the still running shower head.
Ronin: Thank you Kass.
He said with full, genuine gratitude. His mood seemed to have brightened since the encounter at the shop to which Kassandra began to smile brightly, warming his heart even more.
Ronin: But may I ask something?
She nodded and emensly regretted it.
Ronin: Why are we taking a shower together?
His face had turned a light crimson before he had finished his sentence while his lady's face was a bright scarlet, whilst trying to cover her chest.
Kassandra: U-um, I-I-I c-an explain!
She said, rather hastily, to which Ronin only chuckled.
Ronin: Why do you cover them? I've seen and felt them before? What the embaressment?
It only added to her immense blush and embarresment. Ronin had lowered the water's temperature as not have her die via excessive heat.
Kassandra: I-I'm j-just . . . not used to it.
He chuckled before it was his turn to cover himself in embaressment.
Kassandra: You've seen parts of my body. Can I see yours?
She asked as innocently as she could.
Ronin: What?!
She pointed towards his lap and responded with.
Kassandra: Can I see it?
She acted out of what looked like curiosity. In reality, she only wished to keep his mind from wandering back to those thoughts.
Ronin: U-Um, d-do . . you really want to?
Kassandra has gained a small hue of red but nodded nonetheless. He removed his hands and opened his legs, allowing for his average sized member to be visible.
Kassandra: This is what it looks like.
She said in suprise and amazement, adding more and more to her boyfriends embarrassed expression. That was when he felt something wrap around it and he immediately backed away.
Ronin: K-Kass!
Kassandra: What?
Ronin: You asked to see, not touch!
At just the thought he had become aroused and was now over average size for his age. Kassandra noticed and moved closer.
Kassandra: Can I touch?
He thought long and hard, fighting his body with his mind. In the end, it was his heart that won over both and he eventually responded.
Ronin: Ok. Just. . . be gentle. I don't have any experience.
She carefully reached towards his aroused third leg and wrapped her right hand around it. To which Ronin winced, causing her to reel her hand back quickly.
Kassandra: I'm sorry did it hurt?
Ronin: No, it's just felt. Odd.
After he said so she immediately wrapped her right hand around it once more. The warmth of her hand seemed to perceived as higher than anything else by Ronin's mind.
Ronin: Are you done?
He pleaded, but she was no where close to finishing. She began to move her soft and smooth hand up and down his shaft. With every movement his vision become blurrier and his eyes shut more and more. Only half a minute had passed before he felt a tingle in his nether region.
Ronin: K-Kass. It. . . It's starting to feel wierd.
Although he knew nothing of what was about to happen, she knew full well of what his bodies reaction was. She tucked all hair that was in her face behind her ears and lowered her mouth onto his third leg's end, engulfing it within her mouth.
Ronin: K-Kass!!
He balled his hands into fists as his body stimulated his lower area in a large amount of immense and intense pleasure. He could feel a viscous liquid shoot from the same area he used to urinate. That's why, when he recovered from the pleasure he immediately apologized.
Ronin: Oh god, Kass I'm so sorry.
However, he winced in a mixture of pain and pleasure when she licked the tip of his member, which was still in her mouth. She removed her mouth and swallowed whatever the liquid was that was within her mouth. She licked her lips and squirmed a little before lifting her head, revealing lustful eyes.
Kassandra: Mmm~ You tasted sweeter than I thought~
She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. She seemed to want to go further but a knock on the bedroom door was heard by both, snapping them out of their stupor.
Ronin: I'll get it.
He quickly got out of the shower, dried himself, and put clothing on before answering the door.
Ember & Luna: Papa!!
They jumped up and landed on his chest knocking him back onto the floor. They nuzzled themselves into his chest and were purring very loudly. He returned the hug and held them tightly.
Ronin: Sorry for making you worry girls. I just wasnt in the best of moods. I'm better now.
They kept nuzzling themselves into his chest and purring loudly before Luna asked.
Luna: Can we sleep with you dad?
Ember: Yeah papa, can we?!
Ronin: You know what, sure. It's pretty late anyways.
Kassandra: So like one big family?
She had gotten out of the shower and changed, her hair glossy from the water still trapped within it.
Ronin: I mean, if you're ok with it?
Kassandra: Of course I'm fine with it.
She walked up to the three and helped them up.
Ember: You kept our promise.
Kassandra smiled towards Ember and Luna.
Kassandra: Of course I did. Now, let's get to bed.
She picked up Luna, who still squirmed in slight discomfort. However, it wasnt as much as their first encounter. Ronin held Ember out like a doll, walking over to the bed and getting underneath the covers, before discovering a slight problem.
Ronin: Wait how is this going to work?
Ember: M-. . . Mommy, can lay on top of you. She helped you most today.
Both Kassandra and Ronin's eyes widened before smiles etched into their faces.
Ronin: Ok.
He sprawled his arms out, to which Ember and Luna crawled as close to his torso as they could, before being held in place by his arms. Kassandra, who came in last lay on top wrapped her arms around not only Ronin, but Luna and Ember as well. They looked like a complete family.
A peaceful and loving family.
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