Chapt. 24

Kassandra POV

We had started walking around the city's main plaza. Which. Was. HUGE! The place was apparently 3-6 miles across, it's insane.

Ronin: Are you girls ok?

Me and Ember nodded but Luna shook her head.

Luna: My feet hurt.

Only seconds later she was in Ronin's arms, bridal style.

Luna: Daddy! Put me down!

Me: Yeah, shouldn't you be carrying me like that?

The two girls laughed while Ronin went a little pink.

Ronin: You quiet.

As he pointed towards me.

Ronin: And you, you're feet hurt dont they? Or do you want me to carry you by the tail?

Luna immediately made her tail dissapear to wherever it went, somehow.

Ronin: What I thought.

Ember then tugged on his pant leg and awkwardly shuffled.

Ember: Can you carry me too papa?

You could here the snow crunch from how fast he scooped her up into his arms as well.

Ember: Yay!

She giggled and Ronin laughed heartily. He had changed from a . . . Lustful boyfriend, to a pure and caring father. Whether that was just because kids were around or it was cause he prioritized them the most, I don't know. But he had such a loving atmosphere and fatherly sensation around him.

Me: Can you carry me too?

He gave me a, "Are you serious," look before saying.

Ronin: If you were the size of my little babies then yes.

Immediately he was met by slugging from his kids.

Both: We. Are. Not. BABIES!

Ronin: Ok, ok, my little kittens then.

They put their claws on his cheek, causing him to not move at all.

Ronin: Ok, ok girls. Put those down now. Please?

He pleaded. They immediately put them away before snuggling up to him. Rather, holding each other and trying to get as close to him as they could.

Ronin: You both act exactly like her.

He jerked towards me and I was instantly angered.

Me: You better take that back.

I was just playing but he seemed terrified, but was obviously just playing around.

Ronin: Never!

He began running on the newly cleared sidewalks and turning corners. I tried to follow him as best as I could before he was dragged into a store. I followed him in, to see him being hugged by another GIRL!!!

Ronin: Olivia, let me go.

The Olivia, "girl," let him go before letting him set the girls down.

Olivia: Oh come on now. I havent seen you in 2 years and this is how you treat me?

Ronin: Do you not see the kids?

He gestured towards girls in his arms, who had a defensive look on their faces.

Me: Ronin, who is that?

He put he girls down as they hid behind his legs and glared at, "Olivia."

Me: This is an old friend that live here in the main part of the city.

The, "Olivia," girl then grappled herself to his arm, burying his arm in her C cup crevice.

Olivia: And he's min-oof.

Unintentional, maybe. Was I happy about it, yes. Ronin had pushed her off of him and gestured me over to him. I wanted to do the same thing she did.

Ronin: Olivia, meet my girlfriend. Kassandra.

I pressed his arm into my crevice and, unlike Olivia's attempt, he blushed heavily. I smirked smugly towards her. She only sighed heavily.

Olivia: When are you gonna let me out of the friendzone Ron?

He looked thoughtful which made me a little mad.

Ronin: You know what, fine. You're out.

She smiled and squealed before Ronin kept going.

Ronin: You're now in the best friend zone. Better?

She would've punched him hard in the face if he didnt catch it. The impact was loud.

Olivia: Of course it's not better!!

Ronin: Liv, your Bi. I don't want your girl also having the hots for me if we did date. I also wouldnt want to share.

I smiled brightly. He doesnt like sharing and neither do I. Olivia just sighed again.

Olivia: Ok, that was one time, and she wasnt even Bi, she was straight.

Ronin: Not a good first impression then.

She sighed again before looking at me.

Olivia: So, who is this cutie?

I glared at her.

Olivia: Oh! A territorial one. Don't see those too often nowadays.

She walked up to me and touched a finger to my lips.

Olivia: Soft lips too?! Maybe when you're done with her Ron you can lend her to m-

He smacked her upside the head, while I felt the heat rush to my head.

Ronin: Not gonna happen. Cause I ain't gonna finish with her. Ever.

He pecked my lips and my blush grew quickly.

Olivia: Aww, ok. Just mayb-

Another smack upside the head.

Ronin: No.

That's when I decided to speak up.

Me: I'm his and his alone.

She aww'ed in disappointment before saying.

Olivia: Ok, ok, I get it. But maybe-

Me/Ronin: No!

She looked deflated but instantly cheered up.

Olivia: So, why are you in the plaza anyway?

Ronin: Oh, well. These girls wanted tot swim and so I brought them out here to get them swimsuits.

He ripped the girls off his pants and brought them out into open view, to which she gasped.

Olivia: Ronin!? Don't tell me you already did it with her?!

We both blushed immediately.


Olivia whispered to me.

Olivia: How big is he? I've always wanted to know.

I was glowing red by this point and she just laughed.

Olivia: I'm just joking with you. Its obvious they arent yours, they don't even have the same hair colour to you.

The girls shrank a little and Olivia noticed, instantly apologizing.

Olivia: Oh my gosh, I'm sorry kids. That wasn't something mean, I promise.

Ronin: It better have not.

We looked up at him and he had a serious glare and his arms were folded over his chest, making Olivia back up in fear.

Olivia: I-I swear.

His gaze softened a little but his arms never fell.

Ronin: Now, since were in your parents shop, you should know where the swimwear is. Yes?

She nodded quickly.

Olivia: Y-Yes, right this way sir.

This was the few times I've seen him mad or offended. He really does care about Ember and Luna.

Me: Ronin, you can stop. She didnt mean it.

He sighed.

Ronin: I know, I just don't want them to think I don't care about them.

Me: I know, you care for them like a father should. Maybe, we can make our own.

He blushed again and lightly chopped my head with his hand.

Ronin: Kids are around Kass.

But he whispered.

Ronin: Wait until tonight. Cause you're asking for it.

That made me blush and he locked our arms before catching up to Olivia, the pitter patter of the girls footsteps right behind us.

Olivia: O-Ok sir this is the swi-

Ronin: You can stop Liv.

She lossened from her tense state and sighed in relief.

Olivia: Thanks god, I thought you were gonna blow up again.

Me: Again?

Ronin: I got really mad at something she said once and would've hit her, but punched a hole in her room wall instead.

Olivia: You're lucky I covered for you and took the blame.

Ronin: You caused it.

I giggled and they looked at me oddly.

Me: You guys are bickering like a couple.

That was a mistake. She immediately pressed herself against his arm and so did I.

Ronin: Guys st-

Luna/Ember: Leave our papa alone.

They had their ears, tails, and claws out. Their tails were puffed up and ears were twitching in the direction of any noise that was made. We both let go of Ronin and backed up.

Ronin: Thank you girls. Now, go find something you like and come straight back here, ok?

Both: Yes sir!

They mock saluted and giggled while doing so.

Ronin: Good soldier. Now, march.

He scratched behind their ear and they leaned into before running off into the racks of clothing. Once they were gone I latched back onto Ronin.

Ronin: You tired?

I nodded.

Me: Mhm, can you carry me now?

He laughed, causing me pout.

Ronin: You can walk Kass.

Me: Hmph, please?

I pleaded and stared deep into his rusty eyes to which he did the same to mine.

Ronin: Fine.

I gave a little yelp as I was quickly swept off my feet by Ronin. I buried myself as close as possible to his chest.

Me: Better.

He moved my head a little with his arm to get my attention. Once I gave it to him he locked our lips together in a lovely kiss. Too bad, "Olivia," had to ruin it.

Olivia: At least some sympathy here.

We broke apart and stared at her.

Olivia: I havent had anyone for he past 3 years, be somewhat considerate.

I looked to Ron who locked our lips again, only, sticking the finger to Olivia. She huffed in frustration.

Olivia: At least have sex in the changing rooms and not out in the open.

We separated immediately as she had a dreamy look on her face. Muttering the words, "sex in changing room," over and over again.

Ronim: Dont even think about it Liv, it ain't gonna happen.

She had a sad frown on her face.

Olivia: Why cant you give me a chance?

Ronin: I told you then, and I'll say it again. Not my type. And again bi, not my thing.

She huffed.

Ronin: Plus, look at yourself. You could pick up, literally anyone, off the streets, bars, stores, anywhere. Yet you choose to pine after a guy that rejected you multiple times?

She smiled sadly, seemingly knowing the truth behind all those words.

Olivia: Because there is no one else like you. You're different in a way that makes it nearly impossible to find someone even remotely close to how you are.

He face turned grim. It was true. Finding someone who was remotely wealthy and not flaunting it in this day and age was next to impossible. And finding someone loyal when you are that wealthy person is just as difficult.

Ronin: Then change what you want and be willing to bend around people's flaws. That's why it's so hard to find someone like me. Because people are one of a kind, no one is the exact same as someone else by nature. There is only one me and probably no one else will be like me.

She seemed on the verge of tears and so Ronin put me down and hugged her.

Ronin: Just find someone that is close to me. Someone that is similar, because I can guaranty that you will find that person immediately. Female or male. Maybe even both. Ok?

She held him tightly as silent tears fell down her freckle covered cheeks. I sympathized with her immensely. Ronin was one of a kind and, up to now, no one I heard of or met was even remotely close to how he acts and treats people naturally.

I truly am lucky to have him.

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