Chapt. 21
Ronin POV
It was now late at night, but I wasn't tired. I didnt have to go hunt since the two leftover rabbit helped and Hunter went for his own. But air couldnt sleep. It was around 10pm. I sat up from the bed, and looked to the sleeping, naked, queen herself next to me. I was going to go to the bathroom when my phone began to vibrate. I picked it up and the contact read, "House Phone." Kids must've done something they cant reverse.
Me: Hello?
Luna: Dad?
She dragged out the word, trying not to get to the point.
Me: Honey, whatever you did, I won't be mad. Just tell me, because I don't want to worry about you being in danger.
Ember: The microwave broke.
Ah, the worst, eh well, maybe not the worst but one of the more problematic things that could've happened. That's when I went into parent mode.
Me: For how long, when was the last time you ate, why didnt you call sooner?
Ember: Since noon yesterday.
Luna: Yesterday morning.
Both: Because we were scared.
That last one kinda hurt, them being scared of me. I sighed.
Me: Its ok, I'll come and pick you up. It's going to take a long though so pack some clothes in the meantime. Try not to fall asleep. Ok?
Both: Ok.
Me: And please, the next time something like this happens, dont be scared to tell me. I've said this so many times but I won't be mad. Just dont lie to me.
Both: Yes dad.
Me: Alright, I'll be there in maybe, 3-7 hours. Love you.
Both: Love you too papa.
They hung up and I immediately went to the bathroom.
Tonight was gonna be a long one.
Blasting music, singing, and speeding down the barren road at 100 mph. That was what I was doing. Singing, but why? You may ask. Because it kept me awake and concentrated. I wasn't tired but it kept me organized. One in particular that I was fond of singing was Boy In The Bubble.
It wasn't very long till I eventually reached my home and saw the lights on in the living room. I parked the car in the driveway, took the keys out, and unlocked the front door.
Both: Daddy!
They ran up to me and both their ears and tails were out. Luckily, not with their claws. They had ran up to me hugged my legs, purring all the while. I chuckled, knelt to their height, kissed both of their foreheads and hugged them back.
Me: I missed you girls. A lot more than you think.
Both: We missed you too dad.
We stayed there a while, before they broke the embrace. Why? Their stomachs grumbled.
Me: I'll cook some of the food in the oven, just wait here or in the kitchen with me.
Luna: Kitchen.
Ember: Yeah!
We walked into the kitchen and after heating up some of the food in the oven, I gave it to them. To which, they devoured it. Almost instantly. After eating they held their stomachs. Luna got off her chair and so did Ember, and they walked up to me. They hugged me.
Ember: Sorry for breaking the microwave papa.
I ruffled her hair a little.
Me: Its ok girls. I needed it replaced anyways.
Luna: We sill broke it.
Thwy tried to hang their heads but I grabbed their chins and forced them to look at me.
Me: Listen girls. It hurts me more to think that you're scared of me than having a broken microwave. I dont care about the microwave, I can buy another and replace it. But I cant replace iu guys. I cant go to someplace and buy a new Ember or Luna. That's why I dont want you to think, "Dad is going to be so mad," I want you to think, "I have to tell dad." Because I care more about your safety than a lifeless microwave.
They were crying a little and I wiped the tears away.
Me: Ok?
They nodded.
Both: Ok.
Me: Now, let's get going. Where is all your stuff?
Luna: Living room.
Me: Ok, you guys take anything you can and go to the car. I'll bring everything else.
They nodded again and took the small backpacks they had. Leaving two medium sized luggage bags.
Me: Easy.
I grabbed them both and lifted them, carrying them out of the house, and stuffing them into the trunk of the car. I went back into the house and said.
Me: Hey Google, initiate lockdown mode.
Google Home: Initiating Lockdown.
I could hear the clicks of every window and door except the front door lock and close.
Me: Hey Google. Disconnect.
Google Home: Disconnecting. . . Disconnection complete, entering rest mode.
I locked the front door and closed it heading back into the car and starting it up.
Me: Seatbelts?
They say in far back so it was hard to tell, but I heard the clicks of the already attached seatbelts.
Me: Ok, let's get going.
I drove us out of the neighborhood, main streets and into the barren roads ahead.
It was super late at night, and they couldnt sleep. We were still a good two or so hours from the cabin. I didnt feel even a bit tired. I guess parental instincts had fully enveloped into my body.
Me: Why dont you guys go to sleep?
They both sunk into their seats before Ember said.
Ember: Its not comfy.
Me: Why didnt you say anything before?
I stopped the car on the side of the road and opened he trunk. I asked them to stand from their seats for a little and pushed them all the way down. Making a small bed out of the seats. Grabbing a blanket from their luggage I gave it to them before going back to the drivers seat and moving us forward.
Me: Is that better?
Both: Thank you!
I laughed.
Me: Anything for my little princesses.
They giggled and covered themselves with the blanket.
Luna: Dad, can you sing for us?
Me: Again? Geez, y'all are gonna make me lose my voice.
Ember: Its not our fault your so good at it.
Me: I'm just playing with you, of course I will! Which one?
Ember: OOO, OOO, the one where ou go. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
She did a rough interpretation of my singing which didnt sound too bad.
Me: I know which one, although, maybe when you're older I can teach you guys.
Both: Yes please.
Me: Alright. I'm picking it.
I looked in the rearview mirror and saw them holding each other, in a deep and peaceful sleep. I felt pride flutter to my chest. I had taken them un at their worst and am helping to make them their best. I guess this is what it feels like to be a parent. Maybe not.
Me: Now how am I going to explain to the others?
I had time to think it over.
I pulled into the driveway and checked my phone. It was currently 6 am though it was still relatively dark out. I knew that no one was up at this hour though, they all slept in till around 9-11 am. The girls were still sleeping like the babies I thought them as. So, as careful as I could be, I picked them up and carried them to the 5th and last unused room. I tucked them underneath the blankets and kissed their foreheads, causing then to purr. I smiled and went downstairs, grabbed their luggage a brought it right outside their room. Why outside? Because exhaustion finally hit me.
Me: So tired.
I guess now that I knew my kids were safe, I wasn't in overdrive. It hit me like a bag of bricks so I was overwhelmed. I tried to walk but I couldnt move, so I just slouched to the ground sitting against their room door.
Me: Sleep well girls.
Is what I whispered to myself before finally passing out.
Knowing my children were safe.
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