Chapt. 17
Kassandra POV
I always have to screw everything up. Nothing can go well for me. Now he's gonna think I'm a freak.
*knock knock knock*
The noise was terrifying. Was it him? Or was it Beth and Zul coming to comfort me?
Me: Go away.
Is what I said in a weak voice.
Ronin: That's no way to talk to your husband.
He knocked on the door again.
Ronin: Can I come in?
Is what he asked. He knew it was unlocked, the handle has a weird feature that shows it, but he was still polite.
Me: ... o-ok.
He slowly opened the doors and instantly his fun and mischievous eyes morphed into those of concern and sorrow.
Ronin: Why are you crying?
I had barely even noticed that, guess I've grown used to doing such I cant tell when I am.
Me: Do you think I-im a f-freak?
His beautiful face morphed into a sad smile as his eyes bore themselves into mine.
Ronin: You will never be a freak to me. Promise.
He cupped my cheeks and wiped any tears that decided to stream down my face.
Me: Wh-why?
Ronin: What do you mean?
Me: Why me? Wh-why ch-choo-oose me? There a-are better girls out there.
I let my head fall but he softly held my chin and brought it up.
Ronin: Because you're the one for me. Nothing will ever change that. In my mind, no one is, and ever will be, better than you.
He pecked my lips. Tender and soft, yet strong and firm. Compassionate.
He would make a great husband.
Ronin POV
Husband huh? I mean, I did say to my girls that she could be their mother so I dont have any moral ground here. A weird flutter seems to happen inside my stomach whenever I think about that though.
Me: Do you wanna go and finish eating?
Kass: Y-yeah. That w-would be nice.
Is what she whispered into my ear. I picked her up bridal style, but, this time, she didnt fight it. She sunk her head into my chest and lay there in my arms. I chuckled softly and she blushed the tiniest bit. It was only when we made it downstairs that I was informed I was smiling wildly.
Takeshi: Someone is in a happy mood. Did you propose?
Kass put her face into my chest to stop them from seeing her blush.
Me: You're right, but I forgot the ring back home, so later.
She moved her arm from my neck and lightly punched my chest. I bent my neck down so I could whisper into her ear.
Me: You think I'm joking?
She started to thrash around in my grip after that whilst also trying to cover her immensely pink cheeks.
Liz: What did you say?
Me: Nothing mu-ow.
I was slapped across the face, so I decided to put her down.
Me: Ok, new rule for you missy. Everytime you give me a bruise I'm gonna give you a hickey. Eye for and eye.
Takeshi burst out laughing while Azula and Elizabeth gasped. Kass was just confused.
Azula: You're not serious are you?
Me: My body has become a grape ever since I met this women. Of course I'm serious.
Kass: What's a hickey?
I gave her a mischievous grin.
Me: I'll show you.
I grabbed her by the shoulders and lightly bit down on her neck. She instantly covered her mouth with her hand while using her other to try to remove my head. That's when I started to suck on the spot I had bit. Maybe not the best idea. I could feel her knees trembling and she was letting out little noises of pleasure that, I assume, only I could hear. After a couple more noises I released her.
Me: That, is a hickey.
She crumpled to the ground, beet red. Rene and Kesh were laughing while the girls were recording it. I kneeled down next to her and whispered into her ear.
Me: The more you bruise me the more of those you get.
She stared wide eye at me and I only smiled. Maybe I went a bit too hard on her but, I have the body colour of a grape because of her so I think it as just.
Me: Alright guys, let's go to sleep. It's like, 11 right now.
Rene: But, there are only 5 bedrooms for 6 people.
Me: Dont worry about that, the only people sharing a room is gonna be those two.
I pointed at both Kesh and Azula, who were standing hand in hand. They instantly separated and were tinted red. I laughed.
Kass: Wh-what a-about y-you?
She said, still on the floor, now holding the spot I sucked on her neck.
Me: I'm fine. I dont sleep all too much.
She tried arguing with me but, I was way more stubborn than she was. And because I whispered to her that if I were to sleep with her, on the same bed, I would suck her neck all night. So she backed off.
Me: So, since no one is against the scheduled rooms, time to sleep. Any noise after 11:30 and your helping me with firewood tomorrow. Got it?
Everyone nodded their head and went upstairs while I stayed downstairs.
Everyone was hopefully asleep by now. It was around 1AM so if they werent asleep, I would have some slaves, I mean helpers with the firewood.
Me: Alright, time to head out.
I went to the garage and grabbed my old hunting rifle.
Me: Been some time huh? Let's see if I'm still as good as back then.
I went out into the snowy forest with my hunting rifle and a fur coat. Hunting for tomorrows meat. Since it was so late in the morning, most predators were asleep as well as prey. Making it very easy to sneak up on both. It wasn't long till I found rabbit tracks, only around an hour old. I followed them as the snow beneath me crickled and crunched. In the little moonlight there was, I saw the a couple rabbits huddled at a carved out tree trunk. They were sleeping but any amount of noise would wake them.
Me: Steady now.
Is what I whispered to myself. I aimed down the sights and held my breath. My heartbeat raced and it didnt make aiming easy, but I managed to still the rifle and take a shot.
Idiotically, I had forgot to grab a suppressor. Everyone at the cabin is probably awake because of it. But on the bright side, 4 out of the 9 rabbits lay there bleeding and losing any amount of their life they had left. The rest fled, either because of the noise or the fact that 4 of their members died. After they dissipated I went up and grabbed the 4 bodies and swung my rifle to my back. Walking back was easy since the snow hadn't covered up much of my tracks. It was quiet and serene in the forest, with the only thing not allowing me to immerse myself was the smell of dead rabbit blood. And the fact that something fur like rubbed against my leg.
Me: What the?
I looked down to see, in the moonlight, a white fox, brushing itself against my legs. It had a scar or gash above its left eye and seemsd to be limping. I wasn't scared but I wasn't exactly confident either. Did it want a rabbit?
Me: Hey there bud.
I knelt down and freed one of my hands to try and pet the fox and it let me. When I was out here with father they would always attack when we had meat. So why wasn't this one?
Me: Do you want some?
I held out one of the rabbit and put it on the floor, the fox sniffed it before ignoring it and rubbing against my hand.
Me: Take it bud, I dont need this much. Everyone's gotta eat around here.
It looked at me, and tilted its head. I grabbed the rabbit and gave it to the fox. This time, he took it in his mouth, he put his head under my hand and let me scratch behind his ear.
Me: Go on now.
He let out a little yelp and walked away and out of my sight. Very, very peculiar. The rest of the way back to cabin I kept replaying that moment in my head. I was stuck in that single memory, at least until I noticed 5 people in front of me.
Me: Oh, hey guys.
I closed the door behind me. I hadn't even noticed that I no longer had the rabbits in my hand, probably in the garage freezer.
Kass: Why were you outside? Why was there a gun shot? Why do you have a gun?!
Is what she asked in rapid fire. But, Kesh answered all the questions in one sentence.
Kesh: He went hunting without a silencer. Again.
Elizabeth: Again?!
Me: For meat. And yes, again.
Rene: For meat? Do we not have any here?
Me: Not until now, and I didnt want to drive anymore today.
Azula: So you went hunting at 2am for meat because you didnt want to drive to the city?
Me: Ding ding ding. We have a winner!
Kesh: Take a silencer next time dude. I was having a good dream.
Me: Lucid dream?
Kesh: Shut up.
I laughed before noticing a Kassandra with crossed arms, glaring daggers at me.
Me: What?
Kass: Put the gun back, and to my room. Now.
I put my hands up in surrender and did as she told. Putting the rifle back and locking it, I trudged upstairs after everyone else. Going into her room she was standing by the bed and, once noticing me, pointed towards the bed.
Kass: Now.
Me: Ok, ok, geez.
I got into the bed and laid there before having someone lay on top of me.
Me: Why exactly?
Kass: So that you dont leave without me knowing, now go to sleep.
I sighed and kissed her cheek before hugging her and drifting off.
Welcoming her warm embrace.
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