Chapt. 11
Ronin POV
I awoke. Now that would be a good thing if it werent for the situation I woke up to. My face was buried into someone's chest. I tried to pull away but someone was pushing me back in everytime I tried to get away.
Me: "Kass?"
I heard a soft hum in response. Seems she's still asleep. Well, she's gonna wake up from either me or my head burning through her chest.
Me: "Kass, wake up."
I tried to poke her cheek and it worked. Or at least that's what I thought. Turns out, it wasn't her cheek I poked. How did I find out? She moaned.
Me: "Kass! Wake up please!"
She woke up and yelped because of shock before giggling at my state.
Kass: "Do you like the view?"
Me: "Please, not again."
I pushed even harder and was gonna have to go to nuclear lengths to break free.
Kass: "Just a bit more."
She pushed my head deeper into her B cup crevice. I couldnt take it anymore and decided to act. So I jabbed her in the side. She immediately let go and yelped.
Kass: "Aww, please?"
Me: "What he hell?!"
She giggled again before I jabbed her in the side again to which she yelped once more.
Me: "Not so funny now huh?"
Kass: "St-stop. I'm ticklish."
I gave a sly smirk.
Me: "Time for revenge."
Before she could finish she started to laugh and giggled, trying to squirm away from me to no avail. After around a minute and a half I let her go. She was wheezing for air.
Me: "Now dont ever do that again, ok?"
Kass: "Ye-*gasp*-s."
Me: "Pervert."
I whispered before kissing her forehead and getting out of the medical bed. And hearing something I didnt want to hear. A phone. I turned my head towards the noise and saw everyone there. Takeshi, Rene, Elizabeth, and Azula. All four having their phones out and recording.
Takeshi: "Bro, why didn't you tell me she was your girl?"
He walked up to me and clapped my back, whispering.
Takeshi: "Definetly a keeper."
My blush got even worse, except it was mostly out of the extreme embarrassment I was taking.
After clearing up what happened in the nurses office, Kass and I found out that we had missed 3rd and 4rth period because of our sleeping and it was the end of the school day. While we went to my car, I asked Kass a small question.
Me: "Why?"
Kass: "Why what?"
I pulled out of the school parking lot and onto the main road.
Me: "Why put my head into your. . . ch-chest?"
Is what I whispered but she caught it and blushed deeply.
Kass: "I-I dont kn-ow. I just-just wanted t-to tease you."
The car was quiet for the next few minutes until I spoke up.
Me: "Just please dont do that again. Ever."
Kass: "Ok."
We went another couple of minutes before she asked.
Kass: "Can you sing for me again?"
Me: "Uh, sure?"
I picked a song and played it and started singing before she jumped in and started singing druring the female parts.
Me: "Holy crap!"
Kass: "I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have-"
Me: "You're voice is beautiful!"
She was super good. On par if not better than I was.
Kass: "Th-thank you."
Me: "You know, why dont you try choir next semester?"
She looked at me with shock.
Kass: "N-no! I wouldnt f-fit in."
Me: "Come on, please? Then I can tease, tickle, and mess with you more."
She pouted and looked away.
Kass: "Fine, but only because you think I'm good."
Me: "Yes!"
I heard her giggle softly from my excitement. It was hard to try and clear up the confusion with the others. They had it dead set in their minds that we were dating. I would blush at just the thought of that. Although it didnt seem like that bad of an idea. She honestly was near perfect, at least, in my eyes.
Me: "Hey Kass."
Kass: "Mhm?"
Me: "What are you gonna be doing over winter break? You know, after finals."
She sat quietly for a hot minute before replying.
Kass: "I dont know."
Me: "Wanna go to a lake house?"
She stared at me in disbelief.
Me: "O-of course not j-just us! I'm not a pervert. With the others as well."
Kass: "Oh, ok. I'll ask my parents if I can. I'll tell you tomorrow if they let me."
Why did she say that first part sadly?
Me: "Ok! Ask Elizabeth and Azula if they can as well."
Kass: "Ok."
Why was she sad all of a sudden.
Me: "Everything ok?"
She perked up and looked at me.
Kass: "Yeah, yeah. I'm ok."
Me: "You sure? You dont sound like it."
She looked away and out the window.
Kass: "Yeah, I'm good."
I leaned over and kissed her exposed cheek since we were at a red light. She blushed and hid her face in her hands. I smiled grimly even if she couldnt see it.
Me: "Ok. I trust you Kass."
She seemed to lessen her body with those words.
Me: "Girls I'm home!"
Nothing. No tackle to the floor, no response, no pitter patter of steps. Something was odd.
Me: "Girls?"
I walked slowly and near silently through the halls. I learned how to walk without making noise, thanks to punishments I would receive for walking too loudly at night.
Me: "Girls, please tell me your playing around. Jump out and have a nice laugh?"
Still no response. I was getting real nervous. I walked into my room. Nothing. Living rooms. Nothing. Kitchen. Nothing. Their room. Nothing. The only places I havent checked were the basement and attic but the attic they couldnt get to without leaving some sort of trace to it. So the basement was the last option. I slowly went down the stairs and saw that the light was turned on.
Me: "Girls?"
I saw a table and on it was a note.
Turn around.
Instead of turning around I did a high roundhouse kick. Only to see the girls behind me.
Both: "Happy Birthday!!"
They were holding a small cake in their hands.
Me: "Girls!"
I hugged them almost making them drop the cake.
Me: "Why did you do this!?"
Both: "What do you mean?"
Me: "You make me try to find you all throughout the house and make a creepy note in the basement! I scared out of my mind! I thought someone hurt you!!"
They both lowered the cake and bowed their heads, their ears following.
Luna: "Sorry dad."
Ember: "We just wanted to suprise you."
Guess I cant be too mad at them.
Me: "I'll forgive you this time. But please, dont ever do this again, ok?"
They nodded and I let go of them.
Luna: "Eat the cake papa!"
Ember: "Tell us if it's good."
Me: "Let's go to the kitchen."
They led me up to the kitchen ate I cut a slice for myself since they insist on me eating it first.
Me: "Let's see if my two little master chefs made a good cake."
They giggled whilst I took the first bite. It was a tad too sweet but other than that it was surprisingly well made.
Me: "Wow, it's actually really good!"
They jumped up and down in delight. They got some of the cake and ate it with pride in their eyes.
They really are getting older.
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