
"No!-" Phil said as Foolish disappeared I shoved the map into my bag
"What deal did you make" Phil said looking form his window
"Nothing!" I yell as I grab my horse and rid it all the way back to Ranboos house
"How was your trip" Ranboo said grabbing the reigns on my horse and walking over to the tie stand
"Tiring" I say hoping off my horse and soon as it stops and Ranboo ties it up
"I just finished dinner"Ranboo said walking inside
"Ranboo I'm going to start locking my doors at night" I say walking inside and grabbing food
"Oh..may I ask why?" He said writing notes in his memory book before starts eating with me
"No reason" I say as I grab my bag and hang it up alone with my jacket
"It's around 8 if you want to go sleep your side you were tired" Ranboo said looking out the window
" thanks, I'll see you in the morning boo" I say heading upstairs to the door labeled 'guest room'. I walk in and take off my mask and take out the high ponytail as my hair falls down I change into the pjs Ranboo made for me
I sit at the edge of my bed as I start to get tired I laid down and started to feel sick. I toke some deep breaths but it didn't help. I tried standing up but it's hard when your vision is turning black.After about 3-4 hours I finally got my vision back I opened my eyes and yawned I noticed I was sitting. I stood up and noticed I was in the woods?

"Hello?" I say as I walk through I notice Cyber
"Oh hey girl" I say walking up to her and hoping onto her. I notice I'm now wearing clothes which I would never wear but I see why I have it, it was a black t-shirt without sleeves, with baggy camo pants with an elastic band for the waist so it was high waisted
"What that" I say riding around trying to figure out where I am that's when I found a pond I walked up to it and saw my face

Blood and bruised hair messy in a ponytail I soon hear muffled talking
"Hello" I say turning around to see now one I get on cyber and walk around careful of my surroundings. I noticed fresh footprints I followed then till I saw the same boy I did earlier
"Oh hey..Micheal right" I say getting off cyber
"Where your dad- Tubbo was it?" I saw walking up to the shivering kid leaning on a tree
"G-gone out" he said I grab a blanket from cyber and hand it to him
"How about I'll bring you to Phil's" I say offering my hand
"N-no you'll hurt me" he said looking at me
"Hurt you?" I say taking a step back
"You hurt people" he said wrapping up in the blanket and standing up
"How about I'll guide you to the path alright" I say calming tone to not share the piglin anymore
"Ok" he said I started walking as I heard tiny foot steps not far after I saw the path I pointing to it I saw Michael running to the path them pulling out a map and following it I get on Cyber and ride off following the path to ran boos house where I walk in
"I'm..back" I say not knowing if he knew I left
"Are you alright?" He says
"What happened to your arms" I notice the bandages wrapped around his forearms
"You just scratched them up" he said coming up to me and leading me to my room
"Sorry" I say and I step into my room
"Good night" he said closing the door the locking it from the outside. Was it really that bad? What did I even do?

I wake up the next morning to seeing my arms in a weak knot I easily escape and stand up and go to the door where I unlock it, Ranboo once locked my door when he was sleep walking so I learned how to lock pick. I go downstairs and see no one's there i right a note and get on Cyber and ride to Phil
"Get off and raise your hands!" A voice yelled I looked over to see Sam pointing a crossbow which it looked like it has sharpness and quick charge on it
"Why" I say get ending off my horse and raising my hands
"Why? You started a solo riot!" Sam said as he stepped closer to me
"No I didn't" I said backing up into my horse

"Yes you did! We have witnessed" Sam said raising the crossbow so it's pointing at my forehead

"Why don't I remember it" I say starring at the crossbow making my eyes go cross eyed

"I'm not a doctor" Sam says grabbing my hands and setting down his crossbow to tie them

"And I'm not a criminal" I say as I kick the crossbow so it's a distance away

"Yes you are" Sam said grabbing my hands and dragging me to two horses Sam surprisingly picks me up and puts me on a horse as he gets on the one in front of it

"What about my horse" Sam said

"I'll get Phil on it" Sam said killing over a green parrot and handing it a letter that he just wrote

"Where am I going" I say slightly petting the horse with the fingers

"Trail" Sam said

"I'm in-" I tried specking but Sam stoped the horses

"What" I say watching him look for something then coming up to me and setting a piece of cloth of my mouth I tried specking but the way it was tied and woven no one could hear me

"Stay quite" Sam said starting to right again

After a few hours of countless horse riding I ended up laying down but still siting so my legs barely moves but my chest touched the horse

"Wake up" Sam says gently punching my arm

I nod as I gets off the horse and throw the rope that was holding my hands together and walks

"When did you do that" he asks looking at the rope

We waiting a few moments before he realized I couldn't speck and toke to cloth off

"I don't know" I say as we go into trail, I start to lose my vision on the sides as it fades to black which I thought from riding on a horse for so long or something

"Can we start trail" Sam said stepping behind a counter with 4 levers behind him, that was the last thing I heard before it felt like I fell asleep but my dream was weird...some time is could still hear like screams and people calling my name

I wake up to see I'm in a tree I climb down and look at my hands, more blood..great

I walk in the forest not knowing where I am that's when I remember the map I pull it out and see there's a tinny orange mark that had and arrow on one side I see what looks like a red 'X' I point the arrow towards the X and walk

I managed to get halfway when it was to cold for me to walk but I knew I had to so I kept pushing when I looked at the map I was about 1000 blocks away I put the map away and wrap my arms around my body as I walk I see a fence where I run up to it and see a tripwire across the part where you enter I tripped it multiple times not seeing any traps

I heard footprints but my vision fades to dark blue and I fell the snow softening the fall

Words : 1270

Sorry for not updating sooner I couldn't figure out a part then got bad

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