Chapter 2 The Note
Key: (F/N) = Friends Name
How much longer is this going to take?
Al-Haitham frowned watching as the scholar before him seemed to be speaking, though his words fell onto deaf ears. He wasn't interested in his excuses, all he was hearing on repeat was that he wasn't completing his task. He didn't expect it to be finished over night, but there's no reason he had to be here explaining why it was taking so long. (Much less the importance of having the seats fulfilled.)
Al-Haitham sighed closing his eyes with a thin frown pressed into his lips.
"Run that by me one more time." Though he was bored out of his mind he decided to interject and stop these senseless ramblings. Though he knew fully well that his mind was else where recalling a now distant dream.
"Have you not been listening to a word I've said?" The scholar gasped as if he was offended.
"I just want you to get to the point, repeat it with only the facts. Nothing more." Al-Haitham looked off to the side, gazing at the bookshelves as though they were the most interesting thing. The scholar's lips formed an oh at his words, then began to reexplain the situation.
"Unfortunately I must report that our search to fill the seats within the Akademiya has hit many road blocks. The students and scholars we have eyed for the positions have all declined! Can you believe that? Such honor and they would rather spend time with their "loved ones" or so they say. You'd think they'd be honored to serve their archon in such a magnificent manner!" The scholar gasped pressing his hands to his chest causing his glasses to slide down the bridge of his nose.
Al-Haitham resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the scholar. This was the sort of thinking he wanted to try and change, serving Lesser Lord Kusanali was an honor but she would want them to spend time with their family for now instead of leaping up to a new challenge immediately.
As I predicted. This is going exactly how I suspected.
Al-Haitham brought his gaze back to the nervous scholar. It was then he realized he had been so quite, the silence must have been intense.
"It's only been 2 months, let them remain with their loved ones for now." Al-Haitham leaned back in the chair. If he had to remain as acting Grand Sage for a bit longer he didn't mind. People were entitled to their decision he wasn't about to force them to take this responsibility. Even if he didn't want it all that much himself.
"That is all. Thank you."
"B-but Grand Sage, how are we supposed to proceed now? We-we're almost out of options for candidates to fill the positions!" The scholar gasped pushing his glasses up back to where they had rested before.
Al-Haitham gave the scholar a sharp glare, pressing his hands against the papers littering the desk. (Some were set apart from the organized piles. Which consisted of things to be done, things that have been done, and things yet to be started.)
"How many times do I need to remind you, just Al-Haitham is fine. I'm not The Grand Sage, nor do I have an desire to remain in this position for long." Al-Haitham couldn't stop his tone from sounding harsh as he spoke. Watching the way the scholar gasped and nodded quickly. Al-Haitham took the time now to motion for the scholar to leave having nothing else to say. (Otherwise his fingers may draw closer to the switch on his noise canceling earpiece.)
"O-of course I'm sorry. I'll-uh-keep looking then." The scholar excused himself from the room, rushing down one of the set of stairs towards the elevator eager to leave.
Al-Haitham released the sigh he didn't know he had been holding, plopping down to sit in what he thought to be a comedically large plush chair. Now alone in his thoughts Al-Haitham rested his elbow against one of the arm rests. Propping just chin up in the palm of his hand gazing across the room in thought.
Why did he get chosen for this tedious job? What did Lesser Lord Kusanali see in him that he didn't? Despite his many efforts to reject her offer he still wound up in the position. But then again he knew he could run Sumeru in the mean time along side her, he had no doubt about that. It was just that he didn't care for this sort of work.
It's only been 2 months since he had been appointed as Acting Grand Sage, and the work was never finished. He had tons of things to finish, it felt as though everytime he finished one thing another sprouted up like an annoying weed in a lavish garden.
He didn't understand however the mindsets of some of the scholars here still. They seemed to value their titled above all still. They were trying to change their tune but it was easier said than done. Al-Haitham may want to be complain about his new position but truth be told he didn't mind remaining here a while longer and sort through the chaos while the people of Sumeru spent time with their loved ones.
Still despite the chaos of trying to restructure some of the things within the land itself, it was too peaceful. Maybe you could call Al-Haitham a pessimist for always expecting the worse, but this peace felt too good to be true.
There hasn't been any sort of issue at all. Isn't that suspicious? Something stirred in his gut, like a sinking bad feeling. Though there was nothing to confirm his suspicions.
Cyno felt the same way as he did, and went as far to tell him that he would be venturing out for a bit to keep an eye on some people he suspects to be doing some shady dealings.
The worst was that there were rumors that Capsules of Divine knowledge were on the market right now. He was concerned about that but Al-Haitham wasn't too worried. Without an Akasha there's no way to transfer the data, but he allowed Cyno to investigate. (After all it didn't hurt to be cautious.)
Standing up Al-Haitham furrowed his brows. Despite the nagging feeling there was nothing else out of the ordinary. He was getting ahead of himself, maybe he's drowning in his responsibilities and didn't realize till now.
Perhaps I should take a break. That doesn't sound too terrible.
He eyed the papers that littered his desk with heavy shoulders. Well he can't exactly leave these unattended. His mind wandered again thinking about the dreams that have been plaguing him as of late.
That girl.
His mind wandered to the sight, then suddenly wandered to the moment he met your gaze. Neither of you seemed to pay each other much attention. Each of you with something else to do. Why was he thinking about you right now? What did it matter. He has work to finish.
Slowly he sat back down scooting the chair closer to the desk. Everyone knows the saying work before play. But that didn't stop his mind from wandering all over the place.
Hmm, maybe this would make a good gift? No...I wonder what I should bring back to Liyue then.
You sighed at the choices before you, hand holding onto a fruit gazing at it in the light to determine if it was ripe or not.
"Anything I can help you pick out today Miss (Y/N)?" The merchant before you smiled, a familiar face you knew all to well. You knew many of the people in the city well now after being here for so long.
"Not today, thank you though. I think I will buy this Henna Berry though." You handed the large berry to the merchant as they nodded watching them wrap it carefully in a wax paper to preserve it for you.
"Anything else?" They smiled as you exchanged mora for the delicious fruit.
"Just this. Thank you!" You took the Berry happily, placing it within your basket wishing them a good rest of the day now walking on to see what else was in the market place today.
The idea of returning home was exciting. Your mind fluttered with all sorts of thoughts and among those were the possibilities of all the gifts you could bring back from the city of wisdom. There was much to choose from, and you wondered what your family would think about some of the things you'd pick for them.
It was just so hard to choose. You already settled on the fact you didn't want to purchase anything too expensive. While money was no issue to you, you wanted to bring home something that had more meaning than financial value.
Having wandered around for a few hours you figured you may as well return home for a bit. You still had to mail the letter after all. Turning to walk back towards the Akademiya you couldn't stop the smile that ran over your face.
This was so exciting! Maybe returning home was just the thing you needed before coming back to continue studying.
You gasped as someone shoved past you suddenly, their presence was unknown until the impact causing you to stumble back slightly. You looked up in shock, meeting the gaze of a large man. (His scar reminded you of something.)
"Outta the way." He was rough sounding as he continued to walk unbothered by the fact that he just rammed into you. You held your basket close in fear that you may have dropped some things. But that didn't stop you from casting a sharp gaze towards the rude man.
Once he disappeared into the sea of people you looked around being sure to check around in case you did drop something. Nothing seemed to be missing.
I wonder what his problem is.
You huffed slightly beginning the walk back towards your dorm. It didn't matter now, you just wanted to get home and put your things away. Now traveling through the Akademiya, you came across the familiar set of stairs that led up towards the dormitory.
The walk wasn't long, which you were thankful for, but just as you came across the bridge that branched out of the Akademiya towards the dormitory tower a cold chill washed over you.
You stopped at the sensation, glancing around hearing the distant sounds of chatter down below in the city. There was a heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach that constricted you like a snake. But why? There was nothing wrong right?
Why did you feel so uneasy?
Taking a step forward you tried to brush the sensation off. Ignoring the wind as it brushed past you, like a silent warning not to continue onward. (But you didn't listen.)
Now fully inside the building you began the walk up the stairs towards your floor. Pretending as though everything was as it always was. It's just another day after all, what is there to be so worried about?
Normally when you'd walk on your floor, the halls would be cleaned. Each door shut and polished to shimmer in the sun light that basked in from the ceiling windows. (Which Sumeru was very fond of.)
Though instead you were greeted with a cold chill. The hallway was as expected but your door however wasn't. It was cracked open just partially, signs of forced entry at the handle.
Your eyes widened at the sight, and quickly you rushed over to it looking at the display. Maybe you left the door open! Yeah that's it. (Even though you remember being sure to lock up after yourself.)
In a panic you pushed the door open, hoping to find everything was normal and nothing out of the ordinary. Oh how wrong you were.
In your shock, your basket fell from your arm spilling its contents out onto the floor. The sight before you was chaotic. The room was turned over, desks had been tossed about. Papers were all over the room, blankets and pillows along side them. The window was cracked open, the sign of escape.
Your first instinct was to rush to your desk, and rescue your letters from home. But just as you took a step inside the chaotic room paper crumbled beneath your feet.
You stumbled back slightly, a little startled at the sound. Your heart was racing with anxiety as you leaned down to pick up the paper. It wasn't like the parchment here in the city. This paper had been exposed to the elements and gave off a sort of yellow hue.
It was folded neatly, was this one of yours? Slowly you folded it open, shaky hands trying to steady themselves in your fear as you glanced over the written letter.
'Hello little bird,
It seems that we've missed you today. You weren't home like we had hoped. But that's alright, I'm sure our paths will cross soon enough. I cannot wait to meet you. You've got something I want you know, and we know that you have it.
There's no use denying it, we know everything. With that said I do hope you'll cooperate upon our meeting. That is if you want to see your family again. If you fail to comply they may just have to die.
Or perhaps Death will come for you instead if you fail to listen to us. So little bird, remember these words and this warning. This is the only one I will give. Remember our name, and know that we are knocking on your door again soon.
It's a shame you won't be returning home like you hoped.
~ Bloody Reaper.'
You stepped back into the hallway, hand shaking now more than it had been to the sight of your room. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. Hastily you brought one hand to your chest feeling for the necklace you always wore trying to even your breaths.
Who are these people? What are they talking about?
You gasped inside your mind looking around hastily. They could still be here. Oh god they could still be here.
I've got to tell the Mantra.
You gasped at the thought, unable to stop yourself from breaking into a run dashing back the way you had come leaving your things abandoned on the floor. You had to tell the first one you see.
What do you even say? You'll worry about that later. You had to find someone. Anyone! Who ever did this meant business. It was clear by the note and you didn't want to cross paths with them anytime soon.
The first soldier you found you hurriedly explained the situation to. Shoving the notes in his hands you hastily explained, urging him to help you. He tried to calm you down, calling out to one of his coworkers before rushing up to your room.
You were quick to follow after them wanting to see who they'd find, but as the three of you went up there to investigate it was an impossible sight. Your room was perfectly fine. In an instant the chaos that had once been in there had been picked up. Your room was back to the way you had left it, no it was better than that it was tidy.
You wanted to cry, scream out in confusion. This was scaring you and now the mantra didn't seem to believe you. They scoffed at you as they left shoving the letter back into your hands.
"I'm sure one of your friends wrote that letter miss (Y/N) no need to be so frightened." One of them had said lively in an attempt to soothe your nerves.
But you know what you saw!
You looked back to the letter hearing their retreating footsteps clutching the paper tightly in your hands.
Bloody Reaper.
You echoed the name inside your mind still feeling that sinking sensation in your chest. Who ever this was, was really trying to scare you. But why? And who even were these people.
I need to calm down. I can't think rationally if I'm upset. A calm mind is a wise mind.
You closed your eyes sucking in a deep breath at the thought before opening them again. Right, first course of action is to get information on this bloody reaper person. That you could do.
Quickly you ventured out towards the market. If there's anything to know they'll most likely know it. Right? It wasn't a bad place to start. But you quickly realized it was a vain search. When ever you asked someone about it they seemed confused. No one had ever heard of the bloody reaper before, that much was clear.
"Hmm Bloody Reaper you say?" One of the merchants to a fabric stall you frequented, to buy materials to make some of your clothes, seemed to think for a moment. Then they shook their head.
"Nope doesn't ring a bell. I'm sorry (Y/N), would you at least like to buy something to take your mind off your latest puzzle?"
You sighed disappointed. They all thought you were asking them some sort of riddle and hoped they'd know the answer or maybe clue you in on it. But alas that wasn't at all what you were doing.
"Not today. Thanks anyway." Sucking in a deep breath you left without another word. You felt like you were going crazy. Maybe you imagined the whole thing?
No I know what I saw. And I have the note to prove it happened.
You pulled out the parchment from your pocket examining it closely in its folded state. There was one more place you could question.
Hastily you made your way towards Puspa Cafe. (F/N) was bound to have the answers! Right?
With new motivation you walked towards the cafe, not bothering to greet a few regulars as you rushed to (F/N) on a mission.
"Do you know anything about someone named Bloody Reaper?" You gasped as you made it to the bar. (F/N) turned around shocked blinking confused before a smile erupted across their lips.
"Well hello to you too." They walked closer to you washing a glass as you took a seat.
"Bloody what now? I know a Bloody Mary, want one?"
"Be serious (F/N)!" You gasped fishing out the letter from your pocket handing it to them.
"Someone trashed my dorm this afternoon and left me this note and the mantra don't believe me. Do you know who they might be?"
(F/N) placed the glass down upon the bar, reading over the note before shaking their head.
"Never heard of them before I'm sorry." Their answe made you lower your head in disappointment.
"You look like you need a drink hold on let me make you something."
You wanted to refuse but you knew better than that when it came to (F/N). You've known them the whole time you've been in Sumeru. They've been your closest friend out of your whole group, you knew by now when they wanted you to have something they meant it. (No sense in arguing you wouldn't win.)
Lowering your head you rested your arms against the wooden counter top, rereading the letter with heavy eyes.
"Don't look so sad I'm sure we can figure out who this mysterious person is." (F/N) offered you a smile as they mixed your drink, before placing it in front of you offering you a spoon. You scooted the drink closer to you staring at the swirling purple liquid.
"No one in town seems to know who they are! It's like a ghost just harassed me." You sighed swirling your drink with the spoon mixing in the flavors a bit more throughly.
"I just don't get it. I feel like I'm going crazy here."
"Well," (F/N) picked up another glass washing it as they stood in front of you, "maybe it's just a prank. I know one of your scholar friends is a bit of a jokester. Maybe they thought this would be hilarious?"
"I don't know." You shook your head now tapping your spoon against the top of your glass.
"The mantra thought similarly but I just don't think someone would do this as a prank."
"Well that seems to be the most logical answer." (F/N) sighed setting down the glass to wash another one.
"Oh god I feel like I'm a protagonist in a novel from the Yae Publishing House." You ran a hand over your face exasperated. (F/N) laughed.
"Hey now isn't that a good thing?" They chucked.
"Who wouldn't want to be in one of their novels. They're a real hit all over Teyvat! Ah to live a life full of romance and adventure. Isn't that the life for you?"
"No." You groaned frowning deeply.
"All I wanted to do was return to Liyue and see my family again. Not be involved in some sort of elaborate novel."
(F/N) leaned on the bar, no longer cleaning glasses, trying to smile at you reassuringly.
"Hey it'll be okay. I know your (Parent) isn't doing well lately but they wouldn't want you upset like this right? Why don't you reread the letter again maybe there's a clue in the writing?" (F/N) spoke softly.
"I've reread this what feels like a dozen times. All I could tell you is this paper isn't from the main city." You groaned staring at the contents of your drink, only to jump as (F/N) hit the counter.
"Hey! Maybe that's a clue in itself! Your harasser isn't from the main city!" They seemed rather pleased with that thought.
"There's tons of other cities in this nation." You heaved a deep sigh.
"Well at least you know they're maybe outsiders?" They shrugged not sure what else to offer. The door to the cafe opened ringing. Welcoming a new customer. The man wandered through the cafe making his way towards the bar taking a seat on the stool.
"Maybe. Ugh I just wish I knew who this Bloody Reaper person was." You grabbed your glass pulling it closer to you.
"Maybe I could try asking around. You never know." (F/N) shrugged before they softly excused themselves from you walking towards the newcomer to get his order.
Your mind was wandering, your eyes staring at your reflection within the liquid lost in a deep thought. Where else could you search for this person? Maybe you could try your luck asking some mercenaries, though that comes at a price doesn't it? But all information these days did didn't it?
"Excuse me, what were you just talking about?" A man was calling for your attention as you tried to pull yourself out of your own mind. That voice sounded familiar. Like something out of a dream. Slowly you turned your head in the direction of the noise only to find the Acting Grand Sage before you.
At first you weren't sure what to say. Stunned at the sight, but then you cleared your throat looking for the right words. Why was he talking to you?
"I-I'm sorry?" Why did you say that?! You heard him perfectly fine! But maybe the sight of him startled you.
""I asked what you were talking about. Didn't you mention someone named Bloody Reaper?" Al-Haitham crossed his arms thoughtfully.
"I'd like to know why you're talking about them."
"Them?" You swallowed thickly, did he say them? So it's a group? You tried to shake off your nerves. Something about him was making you uneasy even though you had an idea of who he was.
"Yes." Al-Haitham looked as though he regretted striking up a conversation with you.
"Why are you talking about them."
You contemplated on what to say, words seemed to evade you nothing felt like the right thing to tell him. But eventually you found something to say.
"I was talking to-to (F/N) about this letter I received when I came home this afternoon. M-my dorm was ransacked, it was just-just chaos! I tried telling the mantra but they didn't believe me, they think someone was playing a prank on me. And I asked around town to see if anyone knew who this person was but it's like chasing a ghost!" You couldn't help the stutter in your words. You were still in shock from the events from today.
"A letter?" Al-Haitham furrowed his brow thoughtfully.
"Yes, I still have it, here." You handed him the note. Which he carefully took from you, glancing over the words for a brief moment. You wondered what he was thinking. Unable to stop yourself from shifting on top of the stool.
Al-Haitham held the note still for a moment, eyes still gazing at the parchment. Then he looked up meeting your intense gaze with his own.
"Perhaps it's best if we discussed this closer to the fountain." Handing you back the note, Al-Haitham dismissed (F/N) from handing him his drink.
You nodded, after all there's no arguing with the Acting Grand Sage. You did want answers and he seemed like he had at least something for you.
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