The Final Key Part 2

It's finally nightfall, a great time to break into a military base to steal the key car that the crew needs to barter with to get their friends that have been kidnapped by Shashi Dhar.

Waiting up on the hill that's a bit away from the military base is Sebastian, Cisco and Tony waiting for Mitch they negotiated to get Echo into the military base to let the three of them in.

Cisco: "Are you guys sure this is a good idea?"

Sebastian: "Cisco, it's the only way to get Jordan and Frostee. The car is the barter and I'm sure Frostee will be happy to see you again."

Cisco: "But, what if it goes south? If we get arrested then we won't see them again."

Tony: "We won't get arrested, Cisco."

Then they heard a noise that sounded like a car as they look to see Mitch on the road doing some donuts to attract some guards attention. They saw a military vehicle come out of the base racing towards Mitch.

Sebastian: "There's are cue. Let's go!"

The three starts running towards the base wall that has a door and Sebastian saw land mines on the ground where they're running.

Sebastian: (Oh boy, I hope neither of us steps on one. I mean I'll be fine but not these two.)

Mitch: "You better not be messing with me this time!"

Mitch yelled to Echo who is underneath his car and she is lying on a rolling cart strapped in and is holding a bar.

Echo: "I'm not! You help us this and you'll have the sweetest one-of-a-kind ride on the block."

Mitch looked up to his mirror to see the base police behind him as he sighed. He doesn't want Echo to get hurt or anything else.

Mitch: "Alright. Hey, Echo?"

Echo: "Yeah?"

Mitch: "Be careful."

Echo: "Toughen up, outlaw."

The vehicle got closer behind Mitch's car to try and stop Mitch from speeding.

Soldier: "Pull over immediately! You're in a restricted area!"

It gotten closer then Mitch steps on the break making the soldier who is driving to quickly break too. Echo quickly unlashed her buckle making her slide under the guards vehicle and she quickly hooked herself.

Echo: "I'm on."

Mitch then accelerated quickly and used his rocket to get out of there quickly making the soldier stop and watches him take off.

Soldier: "Just another one of those Flat Earthers with a homemade rocket. We're heading back to base."

The soldier drives back to base with Echo underneath the vehicle then he parks the car where the others were parked and got out the vehicle.

Echo waits for a moment for the guy to leave before crawling out underneath the cars and she runs to the side of a car watching for anyone around but then a spot light came over to her as she gasp backing up a bit and crouch down to not get spotted by it.

It finally passed and she starts to move up but she stopped to see a black jacket and clothing that can be use as a disguise. She grabs them getting behinds a car and quickly changes into them. She gets done changing and she walks over to the main security area.

Frostee through comms: "Okay, so this is a secure facility, so step one is to blend in."

Two soldiers on the left of Echo spots her as they saluted her thinking that she's a higher ranking agent. Echo looks at them then back in front of her with a smile.

Echo: "Now that's some respect."

Frostee through comms: "Step two: is to intercepting the main security hub and uplinking it to me so I can have access. The station you need to get to is across the base, so stay hidden."

Just then Frostee hears a beep making Jordan to look over to as they saw someone coming up behind her.

Jordan: "Oh, boy."

The soldier: "Ma'am can I see some ID?"

Echo pulls out her phone as she puts it up to her ear.

Echo: "Ms. Nowhere, I got some snot-nosed officers here fresh out of the academy harassing me here. Permission to release the genetic engineer laser bees?"

Agent: "Agh! No!"

The agent scurried off scared and it made Jordan chuckle.

Jordan: "That was awesome."

Frostee: "Okay, I said stay hidden, but you do you. The main building has an annex station attach to it. That's where you'll need to go to intercept the transmission"

Echo got close to the door looking around to see any guards but didn't see any as she walks into the building. She got onto the computer sending the security uplink to Frostee.

Frostee waits patiently drinking yoka then the security cameras footages popped up on his screen.

Frostee: "Nice job, Agent Echo! Now I can control everything on the base."

Jordan looks at the footages to see Layla locked up in a cell sitting there bored and upset.

Jordan: "Layla? How did she..."

Shashi: "Looks like Layla is not welcome anywhere these days."

Frostee then found where the key car, and the hauler is on the camera and found what hanger they're in.

Frostee: "Okay, I got eyes and ears everywhere."

Sebastian, Tony and Cisco are finally close to the base as they slam their backs on the wall to stay out from spot lights.

Jordan: "Good job, guys. You made it pass the land mines."

Cisco: "Wait? Actual land mines?! There were land mines and you didn't tell us?"

Frostee: "Yeah. I knew you might get nervous and then accidentally blow yourself up. So, you're welcome."

Cisco: "Oh... uh, thanks?"

Sebastian shook his head but he heard the door on their left opened. Cisco gasped as Tony jumped a bit. They then saw Echo as the three sighed in relief that it was just her as they walked in.

The doors closed behind them and Echo gave Cisco and Tony some disguises. Sebastian is by the exit with the door a bit opened keeping guard.

Echo: "I hope these fit. Couldn't find any other disguises for you, Sebastian."

Sebastian: "That's alright I'm pretty stealthy."

Jordan through comms: "By stealthy he means full on Metal Gear."

Frostee through comms: "Metal Gear?"

Sebastian: "It's a game guys."

Echo was gonna question of what it meant but with all the games he played like RPG games, they been helping out a lot of their issues. Sebastian and Echo waits for the boys to get in their disguise as they come out well dressed.

Echo: "Alright. Let's go find the hauler. Sebastian be careful going out there alone."

Sebastian: "Sure thing, Echo. Tony you're with me. Try not to get us spotted."

Tony: "I won't. Anything to get our friends back."

Sebastian looked both ways for any guards then he gestured Tony to follow him and they both left silently.
Nowhere is testing the incinerator on a watermelon that is in the middle where the key car is gonna be destroyed. The watermelon got disintegrated into nothing an Layla is watching it happen.

Layla: "The government spent a billion dollars on a watermelon juicer. Your tax dollars at work."

Nowhere: "It's an incinerator! And I'm excited to use it on something other than melons and pictures of old boyfriends. Also, I can do it without the sass."

Nowhere looks up at her Gary on her left and he looks at her too.

Nowhere: "I'm starting to question whether or not it was a good idea to keep Layla so close."

Gary didn't have anything to say as he shrugged his shoulders.

Nowhere: "Great. Thank you for the thoughtful reflection."

She then turns over to her agents behind her.

Nowhere: "Get the Key car in place!"
Sebastian and Tony around sneaking around the base to get to the car and Layla but then he turned to the right to see a lot of soldiers talking to one another and vehicles parked next to each other.

Tony: "How are you gonna get pass all them?"

Lucky for him he found a tranq gun inside a crate so he took it and the ammo he needs. But it seems like he can crawl under the vehicle to get to the other side.

Jordan through comms: "There's too many of them, buddy. What's your plan here?"

Sebastian: "You know the mission in Modern Warfare 1 with Price and Macmillan?"

Tony: "What are you two talking about?"

Jordan through comms: "Oh, okay. Seems like you have no choice to get across. Be careful, bro."

Tony: "Am I missing something here?"

Sebastian: "Your in a disguise. You walk pass them while I make my way over."

Tony gave him a nod before walking forward and Sebastian waits patiently to move up ahead.

Sebastian runs over to cover behind some crates and he waits patiently for guards to move. It took a bit but the guards finally moved as he runs over to the back of the vehicles. He looked both directions before as he prone and crawled underneath the vehicles to the next one and towards the end.

He got to the end but there were still guards that could see him if he crawled out.

Jordan through comms: "No use huh?"

Sebastian: "Doesn't look like it... wait."

Another vehicle stopped in front of him as the guards got out and left the vehicle there and Sebastian quickly crawled underneath it. He then spots one guard ahead waiting patiently to see any guards walking pass them but didn't look like there was as he aims the tranq gun at the guard and shot them in the neck. The guard fell to ground unconscious as Sebastian runs up to them to hide them for now.

Jordan through comms: "What was that you shot em with?"

Sebastian: "A tranq gun. It'll knock them out for half an hour."

Jordan through comms: "Geez man we thought you killed em."

Sebastian: "Nope. How far are we from the hangar they're in?"

Frostee through comms: "Three hangers down to your right."

Sebastian: "Thanks."

He then heard a whisper as he look to see Tony waving him over to him and he did."

The two went down three hangars keeping an eye out for anymore guards patrolling.

Frostee through comms: "Turn right into the hangar."

They did what their friend said as they snuck into the hangar quietly.
Echo and Cisco makes it to the hangar where the hauler is being kept as they snuck around and Echo peaks out to see the hauler in front of her.

Echo: "I got eyes on the hauler."

On her left Cisco is groaning scratching the outfit that he was wearing and was sweating in it too.

Cisco: "What size is this outfit? And what's it made out of? It's a polyblend, isn't it? It's making me sweat like crazy!"

Echo: "More than your normal nervous sweating?"

Cisco: "Yes!"

He couldn't take it anymore as he tears off the shoulder parts then Echo saw how much sweat was on them.

Echo: "Whoa. That's a lot of sweat."

Cisco: "Agh! That's better."

Echo: "I'll make sure the hangar clear."

She ran off then Cisco walks up to the hauler's entrance and put his hand on the hand scanner but it didn't want to accept his hand print for some reason. He did it a couple times but didn't work.

Cisco: "Come on..."

Soldier: "Excuse me, sir. Can I help you with something?"

Cisco froze for a second and quickly tries to gain access to the hauler but it still wouldn't read his hand print and Cisco laughs nervously.

Soldier: "Let me get that reader for ya."

The soldier use his handprint as the reader accepts it.

Soldier: "There you go. My wife suffers from sweaty palms too. You know a hand deodorant works nicely."

Cisco: "Thank you!"

Then out of nowhere Echo then kicks the soldier towards the hauler and the impact knocked him out.

Cisco: "Aw, why'd you do that? He was so helpful."

Echo: "Well, then let's put him somewhere nice and he'll wake up rested and refreshed."

Sebastian is taking point while Tony is behind him. Thankfully there was a lot of stuff in the hauler to not get spotted. The two moved up taking cover behind some boxes and they poke their head out to see the key car.

Sebastian: "I'll try to get Layla out. You try to get the key car out of here, T."

Tony: "What about you?"

*Sebastian looks at him*: "Don't worry about me."

He went over towards Layla quietly as Tony asked everyone if they're ready.

Tony: "Is everyone ready? We don't have much time."

Cisco is in the driver seat of the hauler as he starts up the engine.

Cisco: "I'm ready."

Echo then backed her car out of the hauler and ready to start some noise.

Echo: "I'm set."

Jordan then pops his neck as Frostee pops his fingers, starts typing on the computer and drinks some yoka.

Jordan: "I'm ready for anything."

Frostee: "I'm go."

Echo got onto her phone looking at her music list and clicks "Wreck o' clock" and the song starts playing. She starts dancing to it before she drove out the hanger and went over to where a lot of soldiers are as she starts doing some donuts around a vehicle to drive their attention. After driving some soldiers out she took off heading towards some crates that had some sort of device in them which start to explode a bit.

The soldiers in cars are right behind her to try and stop her but they couldn't. The alarm starts blaring grabbing everyone's attention.
Sebastian makes it over to the cell to see Layla sitting on the bed with her head down bored and bit scared of what might happened to her.

Sebastian whispered: "Psst! Hey! Layla!"

Layla looks in front of her to see Jordan's friend Sebastian crouch down on the other side keeping out of sight.

Layla: "Ramirez? What are you doing here?"

Sebastian: "Now is not the time. Let me get you out of this cell."

Layla: "How? Nowhere and that suit guy got the key to the cell?"

Sebastian gave her a smirk as he swipes the bars across with his fingers melting the bars off. Layla was surprised of what he did and she wanted to ask how he did that but it isn't the time.

Layla: "Thanks."

Sebastian gave her a nod but then the alarm starts going off getting their attention and the look over at Nowhere, Gary and her agents as heard the alarm going off too and they ran out the hangar.

Nowhere: "It's SH1FT3R! Stop them!

They then saw Tony run up but he got electrocuted from behind by Ms. Nowhere.

Sebastian: (Gosh darn it Tony. You have social awareness. Use it.)

Nowhere: "Tony Toretto. I'm actually impressed... with myself!"

Tony is on the ground hurt as he slowly picked himself up looking at Nowhere.

Tony: "Don't destroy the car. Shashi might hurt Frostee and Jordan."

Nowhere: "What did I say about letting your emotions cloud your judgement? I will destroy the car. And you will go to jail."

Out of nowhere, Layla and Sebastian kicked and punched Ms. Nowhere sending her flying towards the ground. Tony was surprise and he looks up at Sebastian who offered his hand to help him up which he accepts.
Shashi: "I can't believe Sebastian let Layla out. You know she's a wild card."

Frostee: "She's the only card we got."

Jordan: "You bet she is. But now this is going to get interesting."

Shashi: "Why's that Thompson?"

Jordan: "Because Sebastian is an experience fighter. Having him and Layla fight along side  together is gonna be interest."
Sebastian: "You did well, Tone. Now get in the key car and get to Echo and Cisco."

Tony: "I'm not leaving-"

Layla: "Tony listen to Sebastian and get out of here. We'll hold her off!"
Frostee: "Oh, she's helping us! Yes!"

Shashi: "Layla Gray, so unpredictable. That's what I love about her."
Nowhere slowly begins to get up with a grunt and Sebastian shook his head at her. He may not like her too much but he doesn't want to fight anyone today but it seems like he has no choice at the matter.

Nowhere: "You think you two can take me? I do pilates three times a week and tae kwon do on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Layla: "Yeah, well I grew up in Gum Neck North Cackalacka."

Sebastian got next to Layla's right in a fighting stance ready to defend himself or Tony if he needs to.

Nowhere: "Are you gonna say anything Ramirez?"

Sebastian: "You read my file. You should know already of what I'm capable of."

Nowhere: "Maybe it'll be a scrap after all."

Nowhere threw her jacket at Layla giving her the time to run up to kick Layla. Layla dodge the with a back handspring. Nowhere stunned her with a kick in the arm but Layla kept blocking and dodging the kick attacks coming to her.

Sebastian saw this as he jumped in taking some of the hits but dodge and blocked Nowhere kinda easily. Nowhere tries to do a power kick but Sebastian saw an opening tackling Nowhere down to the floor. He was about to do a heavy attack but Nowhere stunned him with a kick to the chest and was about to swoop his feet but he does a quick roll to the right and turned towards her quickly.

Layla: "Go! Go!"

Tony was hesitant but he ran towards the key car. He looked at the car then back at Layla and Sebastian fighting Nowhere.
Shashi: "What are you waiting for, Toretto?"

Frostee: "He doesn't want to leave Sebastian and Layla."

Shashi: "It's either them or you two."

Frostee felt someone pat his shoulder as he looked to see Jordan giving him "They can handle themselves" look.
Layla saw another kick coming towards her but she grabs it with her arm locking it then elbowed Nowhere in the chest. She then looks over at Tony to see him still here. She rolls her eyes. She looks at Sebastian fighting Nowhere and it seemed like he can handle himself a for a bit.

Layla: "We said go!"

She runs up towards the laser control activating it. Tony quickly gets in the car and sped away before getting vaporized.
Frostee is covering his face a bit in case he saw his friend get vaporized but Tony quickly drove away.

Frostee: "Wild card."

Jordan: "That she is."

Frostee: "No wonder you like her, J."

Jordan is about to say something but he kept silent and shook his head at his little friend sitting down.
Sebastian and Layla saw Nowhere try to run out the hanger but the two tackled her down before she could. Sebastian then heard a familiar car as he turns his head to see Echo getting chased but having a good time.

Sebastian: (Seems like she's having fun.)

He then sense someone behind him as he quickly sidestepped and saw Nowhere who failed kicking him from behind and he quickly grabbed her leg then thrown her towards Layla.
Echo past the hanger where the three were getting chased by guards in cars behind her and she then spots three cars coming towards her too.

Echo is smiling dancing with her music then clicked a button for smoke grenades to blind the drivers behind her and she did a spin out to avoid the cars in front of her which they crashed in the cars that were coming behind her.

Echo: "Whoo! That's right! Frostee, did you find a getaway vehicle for us?"
Jordan and Frostee are searching until they spotted a big plane in a hanger that hey could use.

Jordan & Frostee: "Coming right now!"

Frostee clicked enter then the hanger where the plane is opened and the plane starts to come out of it slowly. The soldiers next to it starts running away but a car got knocked back.

Echo through comms: "Woah."

Jordan: "Are you sure you can fly this thing, Frostee?"

Frostee: "I flown a lot of drones before, but this will be my first time piloting a giant cruise ship."

Shashi walks up amazed of what is going on and is the best thing he ever seen.

Shashi: "This is the craziest heist I've ever seen! I can't you guys are still alive."

Frostee: "I know. Right?"

Jordan: "Told ya that they can handle themselves."
Echo is still getting chased but she spots a scaffolding up ahead. She speeds over to it and when getting close, she turns quickly hitting it from the rear of her car. The scaffolding fell landing on a car. Echo makes a sharp turn and the two cars spun out hitting each other and out of nowhere a third car hit them pretty hard into a wall.

Echo: "How we looking? As much I'm enjoying this, I can't hold them off forever!"

More cars are still chasing her and when she passes the hangar, Cisco comes out of it hitting the cars flipping a couple that was chasing Echo.

Cisco: "We're looking good! Tony got the car!"

Frostee through comms: "And I got the plane!"

Jordan through comms: "Time for all of you to get out of there. Line up to load up."

The plane is up towards the runway door as Frostee hacks the doors and Jordan carefully watches where the security is. The doors opened and the plane hits the doors knocking them down and is finally on the runway.
Sebastian and Layla are still fighting Nowhere to keep her busy for a bit. Sebastian saw that Layla and Nowhere are having it out so he stood back a bit in case Layla needs him to jump in.

The two both kicked at the same time blocking each other. Sebastian sees them both struggling as they both put their feet down. After watching them fight for fifteen seconds Layla did an uppercut with her two hands together hitting Nowhere in chin knocking her down.

Sebastian then spots a knight stick in front of Nowhere and he knew what was going to happen while Layla walks up to her. He runs up knocking Layla out of the way and took the hit of electricity in the chest.

But to Nowhere's surprise he wasn't fazed by it which confused her.

Nowhere: "This is not possible. How are you not fazed by this?!"

Sebastian: "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

He grabs the knight stick ripping it out of her hands and did a powerful punch into Nowhere's chest but it wouldn't kill her. He knows how much for to use to tire someone out. The punch sends her flying out of the hangar and he saw her getting up quickly gasping for air looking at him.
Sebastian heard Nowhere growl but ran off towards the runway and he watches her closely.
Jordan: "Guys the planes exposed. I gotta get to the run way and take off!"

Tony, Echo and Cisco are all on the runway racing towards the plane.

Tony: "Do it! We're heading your way!"

The plane then went past some vehicles as the vehicles went towards them while blocking the runway to the plane.

Cisco: "Guys, get in the hauler! I'm gonna ram through!"

Cisco put the rear hatch down as Echo braked and sped up towards into the hauler.

Tony: "You two get on the plane. I'll meet you there."

Cisco: "Whatchu doin', T? Come on!"

Tony: "I'm not leaving our best friend and Layla!"

Tony makes a U-Turn heading back towards the hangar to get Sebastian and Layla.

Frostee: "Tony, I can't stop the plane!"

Shashi: "Do not go back there, Toretto!"

Tony: "Don't worry. I'll make it!"

Cisco sped up with the hauler and he rammed the cars in front of him flipping them on their side before getting in the plane.
Layla: "Sebastian your hand."

He looks at Layla then at his right hand to see it bony and on fire. He looks up at her then he sighed and the hand starts regenerating back to skin.

Layla: "You're.... you're...."

Sebastian: "Ghost Rider."

Layla: "How?"

Sebastian: "It's a long story. I'll you one day. Also haven't told the crew except for Jordan."

Layla is still surprise and Sebastian offers his hand to help her up which she accepts it.

Layla: "Thanks."

Sebastian: "No problem. But can you keep this a secret?"

Layla: "Why me?"

Sebastian: "Because I know you'll keep your word from my friends and everyone else."

Layla: "Well, for saving me I will."

He gave her a nod and the two heard a car coming as they saw Tony with the key car driving over to them. He stops in front of them as the two walked up.

Layla: "You've came back. I guess I'm family now."

Sebastian laughed but he agreed of her joining the crew as well. She's a great fighter in his eyes but he doesn't know about the rest.

Tony: "Don't push it. Let's go."

Sebastian and Layla looked at the car but didn't find anywhere to sit.

Layla: "Where are we supposed to sit?"

Sebastian looks a little more and saw that they can sit in the back of the car holding on the wing. But having two people in the back will slow them down.

Sebastian: "You can sit in the back holding onto the wing, Layla."

Tony: "What about you, S?"

Sebastian gave him a smile before getting onto the comms.

Sebastian: "Echo you there?"

Echo: "Yo I'm here."

Sebastian: "I need you to unhook my bike for me."

Echo: "On it."

They waited for a moment for her to get it unhooked.

Echo: "Done, S."

Sebastian: "Thank you, E."

Sebastian wasted no time as he whistled loudly then waiting for about a second the bike arrives pulling up next to Sebastian. The two watched him get on and he looks back at them.

Sebastian: "Let's ride!"

He starts the engine as Tony and him sped off towards the runway next to each other. They then looked up ahead to see the plane about to take off and is still getting chased.

Layla: "The plane is about to take off!"

Tony: "Then we better get on it!"

Tony and Sebastian sped up passing the cars but then four drones are behind them heading towards the key car. The drones then start blasting at it. One of the drones had a lock on a tire but Layla kicked it then kicked the other three down. One of the drones that got kicked almost hit Sebastian as he quickly dodged it.

Sebastian: "Nice one but watch where you're kicking please!"

Layla: "Sorry!"

Tony speeds up into the hanger going 120 mph. He lines up the hatch before speeding in and Sebastian followed him in too and the plane starts taking off into the air.

Tony: "We made it! Guys we're coming to get you!"

Sebastian: "Well that sure was fun."

Everyone starts cheering of their victory as Jordan and Frostee High-five each other.
Nowhere is looking at her plane that was hijacked and palmed her head in defeat then looked up at Garry.

Nowhere: "Bring me my jet."

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