The next afternoon, Hailee is struggling to get her dress zipped when there is a knock on the door of the room that she is staying in.
"Come in," Hailee says since she figured it was Ramsey wanting to talk because she had been stressing out about the plan the night before. "Oh, it's you."
"Yeah, sorry," Tej says as he notices the zipper down on Hailee's dress before quickly turning around.
"It's okay," Hailee says as she smiles at the fact that he had turned around. Tej walks over to Hailee while trying to look anywhere besides at her. Hailee lightly giggles as she watches Tej in the mirror. "Could you zip me up?" Tej's eyes slightly widen before he quickly nods. Tej could not understand why he is so nervous around her, especially since he had been with his fair share of women. Hailee lightly shivers as she feels his hand graze her back, since it had felt like fire touching her back but a good type of fire.
"You're all set," Tej says as he clears his throat while stepping away from Hailee. "You ready to go?" Hailee nods as she grabs her purse before Tej offers an arm out to her, causing Hailee to smile as she accepts it.
"How chivalrous," Hailee lightly teases as Tej looks down because he feels his cheeks heat up before leading Hailee to where the others are waiting.
Tej and Hailee enter the elevator with Ramsey as they head for the basement of the tower where the party is being held.
"Was me wearing a dress even necessary since we're not going to the party?" Hailee asks as uncomfortably adjusts her dress, causing Ramsey to roll her eyes because she should have known that Hailee would complain.
"You know it's just in case we need to blend in," Ramsey says with a sigh before the doors of the elevator open, allowing them to enter the basement.
"No. No. No. Listen man," Roman says excitedly as he walks through the party people. "They're telling me they party like this every day. On this level, they party every day." Letty takes a glass of champagne from a hostess as she watches the party from the balcony. "This is crazy. I might have to move out here. I think I'm gonna start a new culture. It's called Blarab. You know, like 'black Arab'." Hailee shakes her head because of Roman as she, Tej, and Ramsey walk through the basement to where they need to be.
"How are we looking, Tej?" Dom asks as he takes the opportunity to get Roman to quit talking.
"We're almost into position," Tej answers as he, Hailee, and Ramsey continue to walk through the basement. "Okay, so this is how it works. We got to move in sync if we're gonna pull this off. So lets go over it to make sure everyone clearly understands their roles. Roman, that means you."
"You know what, you're being real unprofessional right now, Tej," Roman says offended, causing Hailee to roll her eyes.
"The God's Eye chip is hidden in a speed drive installed in the prince's car, which he keeps in a safe room vault," Hailee explains as she, Tej, and Ramsey near where they need to be.
"I make 8 to 10 plainclothes security," Brian says as he looks around.
"Not to mention the prince," Dom adds as he looks over at the prince. "And his personal bodyguards."
"Security cameras are clustered by the north wall. That's where the vault is," Brian adds as he turns to face Dom.
"To get in that vault, we got to tap into the security system, which can be accessed in the prince's bedroom," Tej explains as he starts setting up his computers while Letty finishes her champagne.
"All right, guys, I'm going in," Letty tells the team before heading to the prince's bedroom.
"Now, once we're tapped in, Ramsey and I can hack into the network and pop the door so you can get in and get the drive," Hailee continues to explain the plan as she and Ramsey start setting up their equipment.
"Wait, wait, wait. You both missed a step," Roman says quickly, causing Hailee to let out an irritated sigh before looking at Tej for help. "What about my steps? What am I supposed to be doing?"
"No, we didn't miss anything," Tej answers him with a shake of his head. "You're special teams. So when we need you, do what you do best."
"And that is?" Ramsey asks as she and Hailee look at Tej confused.
"Shine brightly like only Roman Pearce can do," Tej answers her which causes Roman to laugh excitedly.
"See? Now we talking," Roman says with a smile before he takes a sip of champagne.
"All right, Tej, I'm in," Letty says as she walks towards the prince's desk.
"All right, find the phone jack," Tej tells her as Hailee and Ramsey type on their computers. "The tap always runs behind that. It's gonna be a 350-megahertz CAT5e cable. They probably got a couple dozen back there but this will be the bonded pair with the plenum coat."
"English, Tej," Letty says as she looks at all of the wires, causing Hailee to let out a snort of laughter.
"It'll be the orange wire," Hailee sums up with a smile as she winks at Tej, who had looked at Ramsey and Hailee confused because he thought he had been speaking English. Letty cuts the orange wire which allows Ramsey, Hailee, and Tej the access what they need to hack into the systems. "All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are in the pilot seat."
"All right, Roman," Tej says with sigh knowing that nobody is ready for whatever stunt Roman is about to pull.
"Do whatever it is you do," Ramsey orders as they watch the cameras.
"It's your birthday, right?" Roman asks a random girl. "Are you Jasmine?"
"Oh, God, no. Not the birthday routine," Tej says as his face cringes before he shakes his head, causing Hailee to raise her eyebrow in question.
"Take my hand. Happy birthday to you," Roman says as he helps the girl up before making his way over to the DJ booth. "This way, this way. Excuse me, so sorry. I'm coming through, sorry. Right this way. Listen, excuse me one second." Roman steals a microphone from the DJ. "All right, listen, people. Please, everybody, gather around. Understand something right now. Listen to what I'm telling y'all." All of the guards follow the prince, who starts walking towards Roman with a glare present on his face. Ramsey glances at Hailee worriedly which causes Hailee to shrug before she notices that Dom and Brian start making their way to the room that the guards had been in front of. "We are here to celebrate Jasmine's 18th birthday. Happy birthday, my dear." Roman starts singing happy birthday.
"Oh, I wish I didn't see that," Hailee says as she watches the cameras with a horrified expression while Tej nods in agreement.
"Ramsey, open it up for us," Dom orders as he and Brian reach the door that leads to the car.
"Copy that," Ramsey says before typing on her computer. "You're in."
"No, no, no!" Hailee starts to panic a few moments later as they start losing the security systems.
"Tej, your magic trick is failing. We're losing systems," Ramsey says as she looks around at the computer while Hailee starts typing on her computer to put up a defense.
"I know," Tej tells her as he types on his computer to help Hailee.
"Tej, talk to me," Dom orders as an alarm starts going off.
"I'm trying, but their security system is locking us out," Tej explains the situation as he and Hailee continue to type codes in an attempt to beat the security system.
"And we're so happy for you to be here. You look like you got some missiles underneath that dress. No?" Roman starts rambling in an attempt to keep the attention on him as he turns to a girl beside him.
"He did not just..." Hailee starts saying in shock as she stops typing to look at Tej.
"Did you just say that?" Tej asks him with a mirrored look of shock.
"Oh, shit! Not the gate! Not the gate!" Tej panics as the gates in the room with the car begin to close.
"Brian, faster!" Dom orders as he sees the gates close.
"We're playing all the defense we can up here but we're gonna lose. You gotta hurry up," Hailee explains as she continues typing on her computer, entering another code in an attempt to keep one of the gates open.
"Guys, get out of there right now," Ramsey says as she stands beside Hailee and Tej while watching the cameras. "You've got an army heading your way."
"Brian, get out! Forget it!" Dom orders quickly which causes Brian to roll out from under the car before Dom drops it. "Tej, we're taking the car."
"This is what I do. You know what I'm saying? As far as I'm..." Roman says still trying to be an useful distraction before Letty and the lead female guard flip off of the balcony, landing on the DJ booth. "Letty?" Roman rushes over to Letty. "Letty, talk to me. Are you okay?"
"Guys, I can't hold it. I'm losing the final gate," Hailee explains as Dom and Brian get into the car while Tej moves to her side to see if he can help. "You gotta get out of there."
Two guards sneak up behind Tej, Hailee, and Ramsey, who are all focused on the computers.
"Wait, wait, wait. Now, just hold on, man," Tej says as he notices the guards before standing in front of Ramsey and Hailee protectively. One guard pulls out a baton before Tej quickly knocks the baton out of the guard's hand. The second guard goes to punch Tej but Hailee throws a device at him, which ends up shocking him when it touches him. Tej punches the guard in the face twice which causes the guard to drop to his knees before Tej elbows the guard in the face, knocking him out. Tej looks around for the other guard before finding him writhing in pain on the floor, causing Tej to look back at the girls in shock. Ramsey motions to Hailee, who shrugs with a wink at Tej.
"Impressive," Tej says with an impressed nod before they all turn back to the computers.
Dom revs the engine of the car before driving through the door, into where the party is while at the same time, the elevator opens to reveal Deckard Shaw. Deckard starts shooting, causing the already screaming party goers to scream more and run away.
"Lets get the hell out of here," Hailee tells Tej and Ramsey before grabbing her equipment. They quickly make their way out of the building before meeting up with the team.
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