2.Protejat 1
B:Voi repeta ceea ce tocmai mi-ai spus si voi incerca sa nu o consider ca o mare adunatura de rahat,acum,arat exact ca un bun prieten de-al vostru,iar voi vreti ca eu sa vin cu voi doua si sa il surprindeti,am inteles bine?
Suna ca un idiot.Si pe deasupra,fara creier si toate cele,dar avea dreptate,era cea mai mare prostie pe care am auzit...
Tessa continua sa incerce sa il convinga pe amaratul din fata noastra sa vina de buna voie,dar mie mi-a ajuns.
-Tu,cum te numesti?
B:Oh!Si tu vorbesti?
-Sarcasm...Grozava replica.Pari istet.
Zambetul i s-a prelungit,foarte mandru de el,pariez...
-Fii atent,obrajori,nu te plac si ncerc din rasputeri sa nu te ucid chiar acum...dar as putea la fel de bine sa o fac mai tarziu,asa ca nu forta nota!E in felul urmator:Eu sunt vampir,iar tu arati ca fratele celui care pe fostul meu iubit...
B:Hey,asta e scarbos...esti...
-....l-a ucis.
Strambatura i-a disparut...Dupa un scurtul moment de dezgust, ainceput sa ma priveasca mai serios si cred ca imi cantarea vorbele,nesigur daca glumesc sau nu.Asa ca l-am ajutat...Am zambit,scotandu-mi coltii la iveala.M-a privit cu ochi mari si a zambit.
B:Vorbesti serios.
-O pot si demonstra muscandu-te dar nu iti garantez supravietuirea dupa muscatura.
B:E okay.Si de ce nu mi-ati spus asta direct?Nu se intampla prea multe in viata mea,asa ca va voi ajuta...
T:Esti idiot?Vampir de obicei sugereaza:fugi sau suna ambulanta!
Tessa i-a raspuns razand.Dar se uita in continuare dezaprobatoare la mine.Daca nu reactiona asa i-as fi rupt gatul, asa ca are dreptate sa nu ii placa varianta mea,dar nu sunt o persoana rabdatoare.
B:Okay,ai dreptate.Si totusi,unde mergem?
-Daca iti spunem,trebuie sa te ucidem.
I-am raspuns,asa ca sa nu devina prea prietenos.
B:Sigur ca da.Hey,nu vorbesti serios!Nu?
Am ras si m-am ridicat indreptandu-ma spre usa.Tessa i-a zambit si i-a facut cu ochiul,apoi l-am auzit expirat usurat.Si asta a fost.Sfarsitul povestii,el venea cu noi si parea incantat de idee.Acum,venind cu noi si dand o mana de ajutor e una,sa fie transformat cu cu 99% sanse sa moara e complet altceva.I Dar trecut cu vederea gandul,daca moare,moare si asta e...Stai putin,am toane acum,ba imi pasa,ba nu...trebuie ca mi-am pierdut mintile,Tessa are dreptate...intr-o maniera sucita si nesexuala.Dar nu sunt hormonii,nu m-am simtit deloc sexuala dupa trecerea lui Adam in nefiinta si nu eram prea incantata nici inainte de asta..M-am uitat in oglinda retrovizoare si Sarcasm sin spate era foarte focusat si concentrat pe ceva ca nu a observat ca m-am intors spre el,holbandu-ma.I-am facut semn Tessei sa traga pe dreapta si dupa a incetinit masina el si-a revenit din asa-numita transa.
B:Ce e?
Se uita la noi cu ochii aproape iesiti din orbite,de parca l-am prins impingand un pumnal prin inima cuiva pe la spate.Nu m-am putut abtine.
-Ce a fost asta?
B:Ce a fost...ce?
-Stii tu...ceea ce tocmai ai facut...cum ai facut-o?
I asked slowly looking in his eyes as his heart beats accelerated,I wasn't sure of it,but he didn't know,he was doing something but I just couldn't put my finger on it...and then it hit me,I focused a little and cought a few images of what was going on in his mind and a name and a few more things I couldn't really link them to something specific...
B:You're crazy!
-Yeah,if you want to make me be so...
His smile slipt slowly down his face.Got him,he's some kind of mood controller,he's a warlock...That makes him a bit more helpfull.Tessa listened silently and started the car so we kept on going.
T:You're gonna need it.
She said.
B:Need what?
I was intrigued but it wasn't the time nor the place.
-Play dumb for now but use it without looking like you're using the toilet.
Annoying and curious...I answered him just to end it.
-You looked rather constipated when you used your charm on me,but be warned,you should seriously use it when you meet the others.That's all you're getting,so chew on it and zip it.
The last hour of our journey we stopped to eat,well Tessa drinked and Sarcasm ate something and it was quiet.As we got closer I got goosebumps,I didn't came here since the week of Adam's death,when I'd come in town,I'd check in at the hotels around.Everyone Tessa saved and turned lived here changing the place's appereance but I still remember the mess I made around this town,and the house was practically a wreck,my footsteps were usually bathed in blood and there would be a nice trail from the back of the house to the basement and the bathroom upstairs...Tessa stopped the car,Sarcasm got anxious and there would be a bunch of curious faces lurking around in a few moments.
-Tessa,go in,tell them the situation upstairs and I'Il take him in the living room and wait for you guys to come.
T:Are you gonna stay here with everybody or at a hotel as usual?
I think it's time to implicate myself and it would be more practical for all of us if I do stay...
-Here,for now...
T:Got it.
I waited till everyone was upstairs to go inside.As I got out I called our passenger to come along.
-Bryan,come,let's go inside.
B:How exactly did you find out my name?
-I'Il tell you later,prepare your mood vodoo for 4 vampires,3 very pissed off ones.
B:Who's not gonna be very pissed?
-I will need calming down,but I don't want to kill you anymore,or at least for now,the others don't like the person you look like.His brother did screw me up bad.
B:Ok,show me around first so I don't feel totally out of my element.
-And that you prepare emergency escape plans?
I was in a good mood thanks to him,I guess,but I should prepare myself for the house.As I got in it didn't look anything like it did before,it was modernised you can say...And it was in a very bad condition because of my drinking habits and taking it off on the walls.Now the walls had a creamy colour,the doors and window frames seemed to look woody-like...We entered the living room and listened around to see what I'm preparing for,but it was not what I expected,after Tessa told the guys about our visitor,they asked a few questions about the plans regarding him and that was it.As I was showing Brian around I heard a new subject being debated:me.They seemed scared,well I did almost kill them and they saw me on rare occasions but still...
,,Natasha:Is she gonna be ok?
Vlad:Are we gonna be ok?I mean what if she remembers something and gets berzerk?
Gabriel:She wouldn't be here if that were the case.She's stabile now.And we have everything thanks to her,let's be by her side if she wants us there.
Tessa:That's enough!You owe us your life,she was a good person that had been trough a lot."
Vlad came down first and immediatly searched with his eyes the curious lookalike we had as a guest.
I forced a smile,I guess he doesn't like me,after him was Gabriel,who made a short bow with his right hand on the left part of his chest,I responded the same way,Natasha repeated the gesture and Tessa catched up from behind.
B:What's with the reverence?
Bryan asked.Bad moment for your curiosity to kick in, it's getting on my nerves...
Gabriel:It's a sign of respect,she has a higher rank...and I am Gabriel,the closest thing to a friend that you'Il have around here.
Everyone shook hands and introduced themselves,I just watched silently.It wasn't going according to plan,it was better.
T:He's gonna stay upstairs so it would be easier to supervise.Next to the room you're staying in...
Tessa told me,now I have to tell him that he's getting that upgrade that might kill him...
-Tess,you do it...
T:I don't know a way around it...
-No,you tell him.
T:Ok,but why?
I didn't how to answer her,I didn't know why,so I just left.Walked outside,conjuring the memories I had here.By the time I got back Brian was sitting in the living room on the couch looking lost,he didn't seem so confident anymore.Tessa was in the other part of the room and raised her eyes at me,she looked at me,practically screaming at me to do something.I didn't think Bryan saw me but he did...
B:I'm going out!
He said and got up,Tessa got in front of him immediatly.
T:You are not going anywhere!
B:Look,I had good intentions and got stabbed in my back,I thought she was a suffering girl who needed closure,she isn't...she is just a psihotic ripper.
T:You should be more careful with what you say!
Tessa got angry and started shouting at him and somehow that touched a nerve.I got Tessa out of his way pulling her aside.
-Let him be...
T:He shouldn't go out alone.
-He won't I'm tagging along.
And as I was heading towards the door she yelled after me:
-You shouldn't run away from him,that's what went wrong,you sent me to do the talking like you don't care about anything,not even about your own revenge.
-I work better as a killing machine then a spokesman.
I let her tell him because I just couldn't,I don't know why,it's not that I don't care,it's almost like I fear the consequences...I catched up but still holded a distance.He went in a park close by and choose a wheel like swinger to sit on.I was behind him,at the entrance.
B:I know you're there!I feel your emptyness...
Good,he won't run away...
B:Come closer sit by my side..
I don't know why but I went in front of him immediately,but didn't sit down.
B:The feelings I got from you till now,made me sad and feel lonely,even the sarcasm,the laughing...all I got since you returned from outside,after I talked to Tessa...was void,I can't change your mood,I can't even read your thoughts.Was it all a act of being hurt?
-I'm a heartless monster.I didn't pretend to be your friend.
B:You do know you have a heartbeat.
-My heart died,what remains is just a mechanical filter for blood.I don't feel a thing.
B:How is that even possible?Not feeling...
He lowered his voice and got up pushing me to sit down,I let him push me down but he pushed me from my sitting position to my back,I was looking at him reading his moves and I wasn't sure what to get from it. He was in a sitting position with his hands holding my wrists,leaning over me,his breath was so hot it burned my lips and I breathed most of what he exhaled,his pulse was accelerating,his breathing got harder,his eyes seemed blacker now from the clear brown they used to be,he had a strange look in his eyes,he got closer,kissed the side of my lips,my cheecks he hesitantly licked my lower lip and kissed it then bit it,continuing by placing little kisses around my mouth...slowly sliping to the side of my faceto my ear,he released one of my wrists,I didn't move,he took between his fingers my chin and closed his eyes whispering:
-Come on baby open your lips for me...Let me taste you...
I just sat there not doing anything,I was...surprised,but it reminded me about something,his lips were so soft and skilled and his voice could melt Antarctica... from an objective point of view...anyway.I couldn't let myself feel anything for anyone,me+sex=ripping clothes and heads off,besides,I am about to put his life in danger and he wants to kiss me,that's stupid.So as he tried to kiss me I started talking before thinking about his reaction.
-You're reckless!
That got out unintended.He stopped and looked into my eyes like he was searching for something but I guess he didn't find it cause he quickly withdrawed,let me go even helped me up,but his eyes lost their intensity and he didn't even looked at my face...
B:We should go,there is nothing worth fighting for in my life,so let's get to the end of it and see if I will be thirsty from now on instead of hungry or just plain dead.
Words were meaningfull,I didn't have anything to say to confort him and:,,it's not you it's me" described the situation very precise but did not sounded good.I am not in search of a soulmate,he would be a simple pion and that's it,after it's all done I'Il leave here,alone,anyway.I get revenge or I die trying.
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