t w o
Before you start reading please vote for this chapter to make my day even better!:D
Chapter Two
After school was over we all went to Yoongi's place. Surprisingly enough, Yoongi didn't live with his mother. I didn't know a lot about his family status since he was not so open about it, but I knew that she lived in a small town nearby.
Although Yoongi could be a little blunt and shallow at times, he was a very loyal and caring person. Despite trying so hard to hide it, he was really protective of me and acted like an older brother, always making sure I was healthy and happy.
"I'm going to get us something to drink, alright?" I asked standing up, turning at Yoongi for permission.
"Yeah, go ahead." He nodded at me.
I made my way towards the kitchen and looked through the fridge. I took out some beers and soft drinks for the others while for me I poured a glass of apple juice, my favourite.
"Why do you even have so many envelopes here? Are you having a birthday party I'm not aware of, princess?" Lexi asked in a teasing tone.
"These," Yoongi started. "Uh, these are not mine." He said quietly.
"Whatever. Hey, Minna,what happened to those drinks?" She asked as I came out of the kitchen.
"Here." I answer and handed her a glass. I left all the drinks on the small table near the couch and took mine in my hand.
"Isn't Namjoon coming?" Jimin asked, taking a sip from his beer.
"No, he is working the night shift." Yoongi answered since he was the one closest to him.
"Don't you think it's time for you to get a job as well?" Lexi tried to get on his nerves. "You're the same age as Namjoon yet you haven't finished school. Shouldn't you at least get a job like a proper adult?"
"Why should I?" Yoongi snapped. "And who are you to talk, anyway? I don't see you spending your own money for all the make-up you use to cover your ugly face. No, it's all your parents' money."
"Yoongi, what the hell, man!" Hoseok exclaimed in surprise.
"As*hole." Lexi muttered quietly.
"Bi*ch." He continued.
"For f*cks sake, stop it! We are tired of your shit!" Even Jimin sounded mad.
"Yeah, right. I'm going home." Lexi said and stood up. I followed behind her, not enjoying the idea of her walking home alone. "You have fun sending your girly invitations, shitface."
"Come on." I grabbed her arm. "See you tomorrow guys."
[ . . . ]
"Mum, I'm home!" I yelled as soon as I got home.
I walked into the kitchen and I was greeted with my dad. "Your mum is not here. She's gone grocery shopping." He explained munching on some chips. "How are you?"
"Good, you?" I answered simply.
"Good. Aren't you going to eat?"
"No, I already ate." I informed him and run up the stairs. I sat on my bed, removed my shoes and then opened my bag.
I got the envelope out of it and held it on my hands. Curious as to what was inside I opened it and took out a piece of paper.
My eyebrows furrowed as I started reading it.
Dear Minna,
You probably think that letters are a bit old-fashioned. You are right, but I couldn't stand looking at you anymore and not doing anything.
I remember the first time you talked to me when we were younger. I was the 5 year-old little boy that sat by himself in the corner of the classroom.
I was fine with being by myself, though. The other kids wouldn't play with me for some reason. At first, this made me sad but I learnt to live with it. Instead of playing with them, I tried to have fun by myself despite how boring it would get.
But then you came along.
You were so pretty. Your hair would always be up in a ponytail, rosy cheeks on display and a beautiful smile on your face.
"Hey, do you want to play?" You asked and smiled up at me.
Why won't you smile at me anymore?
By the time time I finished reading the letter I was left dumbfounded.
Somebody's playing tricks with me.
During my almost eighteen years of life my love life was pretty much non-existent. I mean,sure, I had a couple of flings. My first boyfriend, Junseo, was cute but our relationship ended quite fast because... well, we were too young and we both got bored.
My second boyfriend I would not like to talk about. Jiho was hot as hell and super funny. The second Namjoon introduced us to each other we hit it off. Although I knew he was a player I fell for him. Maybe the fact that he was a year older intrigued me, or maybe his great sense of humour and his good looks blinded me, but I couldn't help falling for him.
Turns out Jiho had cheated on me a total of seven times in the five months we were together. Other that that not much had happened. I had my occasional crushes but that's it. Things never got far.
So to believe there was a guy out there who was sad "I didn't smile at him anymore" was kind of hard to believe.
But who would play such games?
Not really in the mood to worry about it any more, I decided to call my brother.
Of course, being the idiot he is, he took an eternity to answer my call and when he did he greeted me with, "Hey, loser."
"Hey dork. What's up?"
"Hm, the usual. Studying hard." He said and I could imagine him smirking.
"Studying what? Sex positions for your play-toys?" I snorted.
"You know me too well, sis. All jokes aside, do you know how hard it is to take care of myself with all those girls?" He laughed, taking pride in the number of girls that threw themselves at him daily.
"You know you're disgusting, right?"
"You know your a prude, right?" He mocked me. " What about you, loser? Any unlucky guy you're interested in?"
"Ha ha, no." I said with a straight face.
"What? No? You're over this Jungcock dude?" He said and laughed at his own joke. God, why am I even related to him?
"Yeah, you know what? It was nice talking to you. Good-"
"No, no, wait. I was only joking. Don't hung up." He sighed. "How's mum and dad?"
"Avoiding each other more, fighting less. Everything's just fine." I said with a bored tone.
"Hm. Sounds good."
"I was thinking about visiting you next week." I announced. "Would that be okay?"
"No need. I will be there for the weekend."
"So what? I want to see Jin as well."
"Alright then." He agreed while yawning. "I'm going to go now, okay? Goodnight, sis. Love you."
"Love you too, idiot." I said and hang up the phone.
Frowning I laid back on my bed. As much as my brother annoyed me I really wished he would be here.
I'm definitely going to pay him a visit next week.
A/N; So... the long awaited letter is here. What do you think?
And what's your opinion on our girl Minna?
Any predictions for the next chapters? :)
ALSO. Where my ghost readers at? It would be lovely to know who is reading so please let me know 😊
Anyway, I think I'm going to post every Thursday or maybe Friday, but I'm too excited so it might be more often, I don't know 😬
Like and comment guys 😘
-Constantina ❤
P.S. Sorry for the short chapter, I'm going to make it up to you in the next one 😏
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