Questions - Part 3

Bubbly ducked underneath a thrown chair, picking up the hat.

"Guys, we have more questions!" Bubbly yelled.

"Hold on, we're just trying to get rid of this pest first," Error said, kicking Asgore onto the cage before Nightmare shoved the cage out of the window.

"Ok, I'll answer my question while you guys do that," Bubbly said, looking down at the peice of paper.

"Is there going to be other skeletons?" She asked, "Well..."

Suddenly, the door burst down.

"SWAPFELL SANS IS HERE!" A short skeleton yelled.

"Demon!" Ink yelled, diving underneath the couch Bubbly was sitting on.

"Not now, you're not in the story yet," Bubbly said.

"So, we're not allowed in the story yet?" Fresh asked from the door.

"No, not yet," SwapFell grumbled, grabbing Fresh and dragging him out of the door.

"Ink, it has a question about me for you, one a scale of one to a million, how hot am I?" Error asked.

"98°, according to this themometer," Ink said, holding up the item.

"And the note says Cross has to kiss me!" Nightmare said, appearing behind Cross.

"No, take me with you!" Cross yelled, causing after SwapFell Sans.


"Yes, yes I am!" Nightmare said.

"It's just that I don't like him per say..." Cross said, looking down at his piece of paper, "It's just that I don't know him very well and he's throwing himself onto me. Kinda overwhelming, especially after he scared me half to death."

"I can make a list of anything you'd like to know!" Nightmare offered, pulling out a piece of paper, "Ask away!"


"Here's another one for Nightmare," D.B said.

"People ship me and Dream together?" Nightmare asked, his eyes narrowing at the paper.

"Dream and I!" Sci corrected before lowering out of view.

Nightmare was silent for a few minutes before he closed the piece of paper and faced the commenter.



"You okay, you had the snickers?" Bubbly asked, patting his back, "And you have Cross?"

"Why am I his pillow?" Cross asked from Nightmare's lap.

"'Cause I'm not in love with my brother," Nightmare said.

"Where'd Dream go?" Fell asked.

"To the bathroom to throw up," Flowey answered.

"Oh, there's one for me!" Bubbly said, opening the paper.

"You're inside of the book right now!" Bubbly said, "Isn't that awesome?"

"Stop being an a*s!" Silica said, flicking Bubbly.

"Fine," She whined, holding her injured head, "But, sorry, I have too many characters right now for you to be a complex chatacter, and I'll be more behind on the story if I added in another person. Maybe another book? Or if you wouldn't mind, you could appear in as a minor role!"


*Sci cries in the corner next to you because he understands your pain*


"O-Oh," Sans said, his skull flushing a bright blue.

"Ah, well, I don't think we had much time-"

"HE'S SUPER HOT I'D LET HIM F*CK ME!" Sans yelled.

"Oh..." Grillby said, his flames tinting a light blue.

"You heard him~" Lust said, pushing his husband towards Sans, "Have fun!"


"While they do that, here's another one for you Sci," Bubbly said.

"Well, this all is just a fake reality for our world, so technically I haven't really met a real vampire and studied them," Sci said, "As much as I'd like to study them here and bring it into the real world of this story, it doesn't really work that way. But for my free time I like a good chess game, and I have a pet hamster too that I play with. Does that answer your question?"

"HAMSTER!" Bubbly squealed.


"Another one?" Sci asked, "Cool."

"Best m-memories?" Alphys asked.

"Well, there was the time Alphys had been sneaking out to go on dates with Undyne because she thought I hated gay people," Sci laughed, "Her face was hilarious when I told her that I was gay and so was Ink and Sans, and she was freaking out over nothing."

"My girlfriend is the best!" Undyne yelled.

"I feel like I'm the only straight person in this room..." Bubbly said, "Like I'm at a gay convention or something. Never been to one before. Let's do this!"


"Stinky," Cross said, holding up the pet skunk.


"Well, I just have always had a love for science, my name is even the first three letters of science," Sci said, "It's just always been a passion of mine, and Alphys liked it too. And I liked how we both had the chance to work together, so I took advantage of it."

"Oh, and our favorite foods?" Bubbly asked.

"POPTARTS!" Blue yelled.

"Well I like grape soda," Sci said.

"Blood is fine with me," Nightmare said.

"Steak," Cross said.

"Can I change mine to steak?" Nightmare asked.

"No, and mines cheesecake!" Bubbly said.

"I don't mind shrimp," Dream said.

"I don't really care about taste, so I don't really like anything," Ink said.

"I'm a vampire, so I can't eat normal food," Error said.

"I don't remember what my old favorite food used to be," Fell said.

"I like squirrel blood," Killer said.

"Don't have a favorite," Dust said, Horror nodding in agreement.

"I like the taste of my enemies despair as a bathe in their blood."

Everyone turned towards Death who had said that, them all staring at him awkwardly.

"I like his," Geno said, pointing at Death, "I like his choice."


"Toby Fox you're popular," Fell said.

"Um, hug me?" Sci asked, "I'm still wearing my lab coat, which is covered in chemicals."

"Yup!" The commenter said, hugging Sci.

"Oh, tell me later if your skin starts to glow blue or your hair starts to fall out," Sci whispered to her.


"Can I live there?" Blue asked.

"Let's make it happen!" Sans yelled, lunging at Asgore.

"We can't kill here guys, already tried," Error said.


"Chara, oh, they don't really say much," Cross said, "They don't make me angry, they just don't do much. So a zero would be fine."

"And if I had to hang out with a person," Chara spoke, "Death is hilarious, so him."

"Glad to see someone appreciates my dark sense of humor," Death said.


"I don't have low self esteem or low confidence, I'm pretty sure," Blue said,  "I'm just afraid that I'd fail in saving another persons life."

"Which is self confidence issues," Lust said.

"POPTARTS!" Blue changed the subject, shoving a poptart into Lust's mouth.


"And here's the last question, for Ink, Dream, Blue, Geno, and Cross first," Bubbly read, "What do you think of vampires?"

"I think one of them is a great brother, who I love!" Dream said, hugging Nightmare.

"One of them is a crazed stalker," Cross mumbled.

"Well, I was kidnapped by them," Ink said, "So I don't know."

"Dust was nice enough to catch me, so I like him!" Blue said.

"Vampires killed my brother," Geno growled.

"Way to kill the mood," Death said.

"You're a Hippo of the crite family!" Dust said, "Hippocrite!"

"And I think the mortals are rude, Cross hit me when I was holding a chainsaw!" Dust added on.

"Because you're crazy!" Cross said.

"I find them interesting, to say the least," Death said.

"Well, I didn't mind talking to Dream," Killer said.

"Mortals are the best!" Nightmare squealed, hugging Cross.

"Why me?" Cross groaned.

"They forgot me..." Horror whinned.

"And me..." Lust said sadly.

"I wouldn't mind mortals," Error said, "But Asgore drags them down quiet a bit."

"And the last part is if the mortals were dying, would they change into a vampire if given the opportunity, and how would the vampires react?"

"Yes!" Cross said quickly, "Because I don't want to die."

"I'd let you live with me forever my dear Cross!" Nightmare said, hugging Cross, "Let me change you right now!"

"No, I'm not dying right now!" Cross said, pushing away Nightmare.

"It would depend if I had finished my mission or not," Geno said sharply.

"I think it would be interesting to have him around," Death said, "I'd turn him."

"Well, I don't want to live forever without a soul," Ink muttered, looking down at his chest, "I was hoping I could be reincarnated into a different form with a soul that I could enjoy at last."

"I will turn anyone who's willing to follow the rules," Error said, "Or anyone who's determined enough to not die. And of they don't follow the rules, I could always kill them later."

"I would probably turn," Lust said, "Then, I'd be powerful enough to hopefully be able to swim across the ocean to another land."

"Pft, no you wouldn't," Error said, "We already tried that. Didn't go so well. Killer was almost killed by a sea monster."

"That was a dark day of mine," Killer said.

"Like I said before, I don't know if I'd even be able to turn into a vampire," Dream said, "But if I could, I would."

"I'd turn you, since you seem like a nice fella," Killer said, poking Dream.

"No!" Blue said, "Because I wouldn't be able to eat Pop tarts!"

"It's not that we can't eat them, per say," Dust explained, "It's just that our bodies don't use them as food anymore. So, we could eat every food item in existance and still be hungry."

"That's why we don't eat," Error added in, "It's a waste of time, really."

"Oh, okay!" Blue said, "Then sure!"

"I'd turn you so we could have fun all day!" Dust said, high fiving Blue.

"Fun, eey?" Sans laughed.

"NOT THAT KINDS FUN!" Blue and Dust yelled, their skulls blushing.


Okie, I just got my internet changed, so writing has been minda wonky. And I'm still working on the next chapter, don't think I'm getting distracted by this, I've been just rereading over the story so I can remember some things I wrote down, which is why the next chapter is taking some time to write. Don't worry, it'll be out soon!

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