Chapter 2 - The Truth
"So, you lied about what you saw?"
The skeleton in the wooden seat in the questioning room, his red and white pupils staring down at the ground in shame. He was wearing a simple grey t-shirt with white pants, then stained with a few dirt stains. He had come straight from his work, which was one of the servants at a household of a rich family.
This was Cross, one of the witnesses to the crime. There was another, but they had went missing shortly after being questioned, which was why he had lied, out of fear of death.
Cross was just terrified of death. He couldn't stand the thought of it. Just... Ceasing to exist?
He didn't like the thought of it.
So, Cross was a very cautious person. He would double check that everything was locked, and wpuld return to his house an hour earlier then recommended. He only ate healthy, he had since childhood. He was careful when cleaning, and when traveling he made sure to keep his eyes on the toad in case of a rock or branch that might trip him.
Basically, when Cross heard the other witness had went missing, he was not willing to be at risk as well, quickly lying about what he had saw, saying that he wasn't paying attention and saw nothing. But, Cross was a very guilty person, and felt bad about it. So, he ended up confessing his lie anyway.
"Yeah..." Cross said, taking a small glance up at the Judge.
The Judge was a big deal, he was the right hand man to the King. He was the one who decided who was guilty and who wasn't. He was basically the King 2.0. Sure, the Jury all voted on one decision, but he could easily overthrow their decision with his own.
Cross should've been more nervous than he was, but how the Judge was dressed, he really wasn't all that nervous.
The Judge was named Sans, but he wasn't dressed to what his job description said. Instead of formal wear, he was wearing a baggy blue hoodie and baggy black pants, and he even had a ketchup stain on his right shoulder. And out of the corner of his vision, he could see that the Judge's shoes weren't even tied.
"Well, that sucks, since it's against the rules and all," Sans yawned, leaning against his arm, "Was it because you were afraid that you'd disappear like the other witness did?"
"Yeah, pretty much," Cross admitted, "But how did you know?
"Eh, not the first time I've seen it, at least ya admitted," Sans said, opening a new ketchup packet and downing a large gulp of it, "Makes my life a lot easier, and your punishment a lot less."
"Punishment?" Cross asked.
"You know the saying 'Liar liar, pants if fire'?" The Judge asked.
"You're going to set my pants on fire?" Cross yelped, grabbing his pants.
"Maybe if we found out you lied another way," Sans said, "But nah, too much work. We'd have to go find a fire and then bring it back, I'd rather take a nap. And you confessed to just lying, you didn't steal or anything like that. It'll probably just be you working here with the chores no one else wants to do."
"You mean, like a servant," Cross said, "Like my current job."
"Depends on what I feel like," Sans said as the door creaked open.
"Sans," The King said, poking his head in.
"K-King Asgore!" Cross stuttered, quickly bowing.
"'Sup Asgore," Sans said, sighing sadly.
"Sans, dear, can we talk for a moment?" Asgore said, smiling sweetly at the two.
"Sure," Sans sighed.
His chair scraped across the floor as he pushed it back, him slowly walking over to Asgore and out of the door. Cross watched them disappear out into the hallway, his breath quickening.
He was just a simple witness to a single dusting, why was the King involved?
He could understand why the Judge and Jury was involved, they were involved with every reported dusting or murder. But the King himself coming in, and judging by how Cross could make out his own name, this was a bad sign.
"Cross," Sans said, making a gesture for him to come towards him, "I got your punishment now, follow us."
"Y-Yeah," Cross stammered, standing up quickly and following him out.
"Sans, have you thought about my offer?" King Asgore had asked Sans as they stepped out into the hallway.
"I've... Went over the possibility, but my answer still remains the same."
"I see..." Asgore said.
Cross remained silent, walking down the hallway awkwardly. On the way, he passed by a human who was cleaning a window, who turned and waved at him. He slowed and waved back slowly, smiling slightly at her.
"Mr. Cross, keep up," Asgore said, "No need to talk to the other servants, for the opportunity I'm about to give you will seperate you from them."
"Ok?" Cross said in confusion.
He turned to the left and opened a door, gesturing for the two short skeletons to enter the room before him. It was clearly the King's office itself, with a large desk and towering chair behind it. Instead of two wooden chairs like Sans' office, there were two large, plush couches on the thick carpet floor.
Sans' office looked like a broom closet compared to this.
Sitting across from Asgore made Cross' soul beat with fear. He practically towered above Cross, and had that cold expression on his face. While Sans was layed back and joking around, Asgore was sitting up straight and was getting to the point immeadiatly.
"Cross, I've had an idea to start a new force, one which will help hunt down and kill our greatest enemies, vampires," Asgore said.
"Y-You're trying to kill... Vampires?" Cross asked, his fear accelerating upwards, "But that... No one has ever done that."
"What evidence we do have about the crime, it shows that it was most likely a vampire that dusted the monster," Asgore said, "Is that right, Sans?"
"Yup," Sans said, gesturing to the papers on the desk, "The conversation was written down. It's always been our policy, especially since they went missing the day after."
"So, Cross, you are one of the few monsters left that have seen a vampire dusting another one of our kind," Asgore said, leaning forward, "If you will confess to what you saw."
"I..." He took a deep breath, running a hand down his arm, "You'll protect me from being killed like the other person, right?"
"'Course," Sans answered for the King.
"Ok..." He said slowly, "I didn't see what it looked like, but it was wearing this outfit that covered it's whole body. The other servant and I were organizing the books and ducked behind the desk when he had intruded, Sir, and... Well, you know that part. He grabbed him, dusted him almost instantly, and went out the way he had come in. Through the window."
"I see... Well, I guess my idea was a good one," Asgore said, "But I hate it when people don't tell the truth, so, as your punishment, you'll be working on the new team."
"Hunting vampires?" Cross screeched, "You want me to hunt vampires?"
"Of course not, servants should be cleaning the hallways and only professions should be doing this," Asgore said, "You'll just be using your arms to carry things around them, like a servant. Just a change of scenery, really, the workers on this case will be able to order you around. After every work day, you'll return to wherever you were."
"Asgore, ain't you even going to give him a room?" Sans asked, raising an eye socket wider than the other, "His old Boss was killed, he has nowhere to go, a room wouldn't be too hard for you to give him. I mean, it would be beneficial if he was within the same building to help them."
"Sure, Sans, empty out a supply closet or something later for him," Asgore said, standing up from his desk, "But later, right now I'll go fetch everyone else."
With that, Asgore shot Sans a look before leaving, one that made Cross feel awkward for being in the same room with Asgore looking at Sans like that.
"Sorry 'bout King, he gets a bit... How do I say it?" Sans thought for a moment, "Rude, I'll say, around commoners like yourself."
"You shouldn't call the King rude, what if he heard you?" Cross asked in a hushed tone.
"He wouldn't do anything, he's had a bit of an obsession for me ever since I was applying to be the new Judge," The short skeleton said, "Only reason I can get away wearing what I am."
Silence filled the room, both of them looking around through the warm air. However, the fear that Cross had felt was mostly gone as soon as Asgore had left the room. Sure, he was anxious about what was going to happen next, but mostly the King's presence was the one building the fear in him.
Cross didn't understand what his plans were. Sure, he had seen a vampire eating, but why get him of all people to help? If anything, he was probably there so if a vampire found out and tried to put a stop to it, he'd be the sacrifice, a servant that Asgore didn't care about.
Oh, the fear was there again.
Just great.
"Cross, my bro," Sans said, "You're a paranoid guy, you know that?"
"I'm not," Cross argued lightly.
"I've only talked to you offically for a couple of days, and you look like you're going to suddenly burst out into screaming just by a pen being dropped," Sans said, "I dunno if this is from th' vampire sighting or not, but take a chill pill. You're safe here, no one ain't going to hurt you."
"I'll... I'll try..." He sighed.
Sorry for the late update, like I said on my message board, I had a busy day earlier today when I was supposed to upload it and didn't have enough time to finish it. But it's here now!
And I was going to start in my shipping club comic, but there was a slight problem. The problem was that I don't have a FREAKIN RULER, which I will need in order to draw comic panels!
So, now I have to wait until we go shopping and buy one, since my whole house is void of rulers. Oh boy, my luck.
Also, if any of you are confused why Asgore seems nice to everyone in chapter 1 but rude in this chapter, he's only nice to people of power, he thinks people like Cross, servants, are a waste of time and are practically worthless. He's also racist to humans in this book, which is why none of them are in a power position under him.
So yeah, he ain't going to be good in this book. He's practically going to be like Edge from the Office book, a complete jerk that likes someone and will cause the comments to outrage. Not to mention no one will stand up to him for awhile since he's the King. Basically a tyrant.
*Strapes in self for a comment wave*
And a big shout out to Pixel_Star, who wrote this in their new Sanscest story you guys should check out!
(And yes, I took a screenshot, this didn't just make my day, it made practically my whole year!)
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