Page 47: Royale
Kate: *Walks into Ashley's 'office' also known as her side of their closet* Hey.. Ash?
Ashley: *Bags under her eyes, typing on her laptop and not losing focus*
Kate: I'm.. a little curious
Ashley: ...About?
Kate: I just wanted to know that if this is the 100th chapter... why is it page 47?
Ashley: *Stops typing and looks up at Kate* I- um..
Kate: And I'm also a little curious why you asked me what the 100 chapter should be when your book is clearly called 'Fanfiction Royale'.. aren't all the fandoms supposed to fight? Isn't that what a royale is? And shouldn't this at least be the 50th page? Because the comic breaks and chapters are even-
Ashley: ...please get out... and they're clearly not.
Kate groggily woke up with a pain on the back of her head. Attempting to touch where the pain is she try's to raise her hand only to realize it was tied.
It didn't take her to long after to realize that she was tied to a chair and her face was covered by a blindfold or something.
The first thing she thought to do is shake her head around to get it off, like a dog. And she did. She thrashed around, pulling at her restraints and shaking her head violently.
All that did though was give her whiplash.
"Hello!? Anyone there!?"
The once quiet room sas filled with the sound of struggling and the sound of something breaking. With that it was quite again.
The raven haired female try to turn her head to where she last heard her friend's voice only to get her blindfold ripped off.
It seems like her fear washed away as she looked up at her best friend.
"Ashley!" Kate smiled brightly unable to resist a joke "Huh, weird. I'm still a little taller and I'm sitting.. heh"
She only got a glare in response from the snowball.
"....Nice to see you too, Kate" A small smile appeared on Ashley's face. It was gone as quick as it came. "Let's untie you"
Ashley went behind Kate to undo her hands from the chair. Kate looked around the room and noticed another chair that was all broken and mangled, rope laid next to it and a blindfold fell near by, forgotten on the ground.
"Um.. Ashley..?"
"What... nevermind" Kate realize that Ashley was most likely tied up as well and fought the chair to get out, which explained the noises.
"Wait what-? Tell me."
"I.. uh- just.. how've ya been? It been awhile.. no calls"
"Why would I call someone who doesn't answer?" Ashley answered simply as she finish untying the ropes and threw them to the other side of the room.
The anwser hurt Kate's heart. It's been difficult lately. Ever since Ashley and Kate started to hop into dimensions together and defeating evil the world's been safer. Too safe.
And they did such a good job that they eventually didn't need to defend anyone anymore... They obsolete it their selves.
But them still being guardians kept watch but eventually went their separate ways seeing as they were and most likely in less danger separated than together and they had their own lives they now have the chance to focus on.
That was 25 years ago.
The promise to stay in touch didn't last long. The idea of seeing each other soon was false hope.
The idea of growing old and maturing was more of a want than a ineffability.
You see they never read the fine print when signing up for this job that they were basically forced into an order to go home.
They thought it was a score until it was too late. They weren't allowed to age. Because they were the first Guardians defend multiple universes in other words fandoms in a LONG time no one wanted them to die, so every time they jumped through a portal more years will be added onto their lives. It wasn't in the original cubes but it was in the new ones that they were given.
It seemed to all come to a halt when they both turned 18 and were able to become Elite Guardians. It's basically a promotion that meant they would have to train other people to become future Guardians.
There wasn't one to train them since they were all dead and no one was expecting to get any more anytime soon and then Kate and Ashley fell into a hole, and here they were.
Since they did their part of the deal of helping multiple worlds be safe Ashley was able to go home and reunite with her mother. Who was now dead. She thought she'd be more torn up about it but all she could do was look at the grave and walk away.
Kate on the other hand being an orphan decided to try to distract herself from the realization that she was all alone again travelled to different worlds sticking around just long enough before it broke. She'd always come back eventually. She try to fill in the void of being alone by going on adventures with different characters that were just fiction in her reality. It didn't do much though..
Kate rubbed her wrist trying to ease the pain from the rough rope that was around them.
Though it kind of hurt to look at Ashley, Kate was happy. It was hard to find Ash after they disconnected. With infinite dimensions comes infinite possibilities and infinite worlds. One fandom you walk through could be exactly the same one you just were but slightly different. It's what they call a alternate universe or AU for short.
So when they did separate that day throwing their own cubes across the room opposite sides from each other. They both knew it would be the last time they ever see each other again.
Or a VERY low chance at least
The only way you can go back to a previous fandom is if you remember the coordinates they wrote down a few. It's why they couldn't go back home even though they have the tools to do so, they didn't know the coordinates.
Ashleh stared at Kate blankley. No words were spoken between them, what words were there to be said? They said their goodbyes and they parted ways.
That was the end.
That was supposed to be the end.
What were they doing back at their old HQ? Ashley had no clue. Why were they tied to chairs? Ashley had no idea. Who tracked both of them down and put them here? Any guess was as good as Ashley's.
She watched as her best friend looked to the ground... Best friend? Friend? They were best friends but best friends don't leave each other... right?
Ashley questioned as she reached in her pocket.
She hated the feeling of being guilty, she hated the feeling of needing to apologize when she did nothing wrong. They both mutually went their separate ways, but why did she feel like it was all her fault?
What fault? Nothing bad happened, she did nothing wrong!
Maybe it was the fact that she was planning on bailing. Yeah, it sounded more like it. The fact that she was reaching into her pocket to pull out her cube to throw it on the ground and leave Kate here.
But why would she feel guilty about that? Kate has a cube and can leave if she wants to, why would Ashley leaving her to go back where she was be a bad thing?
Ashley wanted to go back somewhere, anywhere. She's been jumping back and forth do different fandoms. Some she had no clue even existed, there were a few that she was very nostalgic over but it seemed like those stories always ended prematurely. It took her a bit to remember the last place she was in. Avatar The Last Airbender, she was sitting next to Zuko at a beach thing.
She doesn't exactly remember what 'episode' or anything but it was at the point in the series where is Zuko joined the team and they were watching a 'live action' take on of what happened so far with huge mix ups.
It was hilarious until they made her kiss the prince of fire himself and then it just got awkward. Especially since at this point they've only had cute moments and he was still with the Mai- A LOT WAS GOING ON
She really felt awkward about it because they didn't really know how old she really was. That's the thing about not aging- depending on the dimension and the time in the dimension is depending on their age and since they go back and forth between ages they can't really die or get old so to speak.
The consequences as such are they stay at a certain age in their real reality.
She remembered leaving the tent thing saying she needed some fresh air. She walked outside onto the beach near the ocean, reminiscing about her my hero academia days and then everything went black.
Ashley didn't know who or what did this to them and brought them here together, Ashley didn't know whether or not she cared enough to stay, and She definitely didn't know weather Kate wanted to even be near her.
She realized what they were, acquaintances. They knew each other, they known each other, but they aren't friends. They're no strangers either.
Kate watched Ashley emotionlessally reached into her pocket, most likely to get her cube and leave.
Kate looked for the feeling to be upset about the situation but she couldn't find any. She realized she was not attached to Ashley as she used to be. Which made her feel bad.
She didn't know what felt worse, the fact that she can't find any want, sympathy, or pity to call out to Ashley and ask her to stay to figure out what's going on with her or the idea that she wasted years hoping to maybe run into Ashley from doing smallworks back at the new HQ or even accidentally bump into her while exploring a new fandom only for the person she's been hoping to see to be right in front of her and for her to feel nothing but the small spark of happiness from recognition.
The loneliness she felt when they both separated for the first time was still there only Ashley could no longer fill it.
After she was done staring off to space she reached into her own pocket to pull out her own cube... only realize it wasn't there
She look towards Ashley to see her acquaintance frozen staring off into space her hands still in her pocket seeming to search around in it though it was pretty clear there's nothing in there.
"What's wrong" Kate asked even though she knew full well what was happening.
"My.. my cube-"
Ashley closed her eyes for a moment releasing her grip on the inside of her pockets before opening her eyes and staring intently at Kate.
"Where is it?"
"What?.. wait are you assuming-?"
"Yes, I am assuming you took it!"
"Why would I-?"
"I don't know! I'm scared and I just want it back!" Ashley grabbed two fistfuls of her white hair that grew even longer over the years.
Kate hesitated a little as she opted to try to comfort her acquaintance.
"H-hey.. relax Ashley if this really is the old HQ the new one should just be a few... miles... away.. meaning we can get new ones"
The white hair female released some of her hair she stared at her coworker. "Y-yeah.. new cubes"
"Not so fast! How do you expect to leave before giving your old friends a few hellos!?"
They both froze as they looked up to where there was a reeling. It took them a second to realize they were in the old training room and there was a railing to look over at people who are fighting it was all dusty and cold in there now..
As they looked up at the familiar voice they stared at a yellow triangle.
"The one and only!"
Bill smiled to himself as he watched the girls he knew, or thought he knew, everything about stare at him in fear.
Kate's mind was running at 1000 miles per minute. What was he doing here? How did he get here? This isn't the Gravity Falls universe! He shouldn't have any clue but what this place is or who we really are..
Ashley on other hand tighten her grip around her hair just like she had before and she stared up at the yellow demon. Even though he had no face and only one eye she knew he was smirking. She knew a lot about him.. she knew a lot about him and many others.
"Ashley! Cupid! Did you really think you could just escaped off the face of my dimension and never have to deal with me again? You're pretty bad at relationships Cupid. But it's alright! It's fine! I forgive you" The yellow triangle stared intently at her seeming to grow bigger effortlessly as Ashley resisted the urge to cower in fear even though the only encouragement she had was Kate was kind of hiding behind her.
Ashley and Kate stayed silent trying to process what was going on and whether or not he was even real.
The place was old, maybe one of the dimensional fume pipes that created portals without cubes leaked? Maybe their old coworkers wanted to get them back together and threw this big prank at them?
It was one thing to deal with him in a place he was meant to be dealt with in. It's a completely different thing when he's in their reality and their world and actually has the ability to kill them.
When they left the Gravity Falls universe for good Bill was defeated and weirdmageddon was over.
The excuse they used was that they also had to go back to their hometown with they separated ways with the people in Gravity Falls and Dipper and Mabel and anod were able to safely leave that world without corrupting it.
They did have to leave it occasionally and then go right back but those were too small herrings that no one seemed to notice. It was safe for characters in different dimensions to remember them but as long as they tied up everything in a nice neat bow they wouldn't be mentioned again meaning no everlasting changes.
But if the two heard him correctly he just said his dimension meaning he's aware that there are others outside of his own.
A fictional character is unknowingly breaking the fourth wall while still being contained within a fourth wall.
If that wasn't meta they didn't know what was.
Noticing the awkward silence Bill decided to change his form.
After taking a second or so to turn into a human he floated down to them. "You guys in a little shaken up to see an old friend!"
Kate seemed nerved by his genuine happy voice and mildly creepy smile.
He then turned to wink at Ashley "And I know you prefer this form, don't you Cupid?"
Somehow gaining more confidence. Probably by the fact she wasn't being towered. Ashley turned her head away as she released her hair, crossing her arms "I have a husband"
Bill laughed loudly like a maniac "From what I've been hearing you have several! As I said before Cupid you're really bad at relationships"
"And as I have said at one point in my head, Dipper's cuter than you"
"Oh? Is he cuter than Toby? How about Tom? May be Todoroki? Wow! Cupid you sure have a thing for guys who's names start with the letter 'T'"
Ashley quickly turned to face him again, eyes widen as he named out people he shouldn't know existed.
The girls hearts seem to turn into atomic bombs that they threw their selves to the pits of their stomach.
It was no longer the fact that he was here that terrified them. It was what he knew. In Gravity Falls it seemed like he knew everything about them, at some points there were a few times were they generally thought he knew that they didn't belong there, but that was just the fear talking.
Gravity Falls being a mystery and having to pay attention to detail type world with an antagonist that was aware of dimensions to a minimum standpoint was a big leap for them at the time.
After coming to terms with the fact that no one knew who they really were there for no one really had any power over them they weren't scared of Bill. Ashley even going as far as flirting with him time to time and making him uncomfortable. That came back to bite her in the ass real quick but it was fun at the time.
They were having fun, it was supposed to be fun.
That's what they were promised that's what they received they weren't told the consequences of fun.
It took a few more dimensions and getting to know their boundaries and status is a bit more that they really realize the acronym for a word that was completely different and their reality.
It was some kids next door level bullshit. And you better trust and believe there was a lot of fun.
"Where did you come from?" Kate asked hesitantly as she walked up a little bit to be standing next to Ashley and not behind her. She knew where he came from but she wanted to ask him to see if he knew as well.
Bill grinned.
"Apparently from an alternate universe of Gravity Falls. One where I have the ability to turn human and actually fall for Ashley's affections instead of using her for some type of gain and trapping her in her own bubble during that universes version of weirdmageddon"
"What do you want?" Kate asked another question after processing that he knows a lot more than she assumed.
"Ashley, of course"
Hearing his intentions Ashley fear meter went down into the negatives as she unknowingly rolled her eyes and stopped listening to the conversation.
Kate laughed without humor "You know that's not happening.. right?"
Bill seemed a little angry at that statement but he kept it inside. "Well, after hearing about her other advances I've put together a little game along with several other 'antagonist' in different dimensions that I met up with."
"What do you mean...?" Kate's throat got a little dry as she progressively got nervous as the conversation continued.
Ashley perked up after hearing the word game.
"Well, me and my new buddies have gathered some people you seem to be a little too attached to and we put them in a game similar to Russian Roulette. The only thing is you get to decide whose heads get blown off!"
Kate felt like she was going to faint.
"You see because you guys have no power over me or any of my new friends. We're going to get you into separate rooms where you'll pick and choose who you want to live and who's going to die. If you don't pick in time both options perish!"
Hearing those words. Rethinking what he just said. And realizing the situation she was in. Kate really did faint.
Bill glanced at Ashley he was kind of shaking as anxiety overtook her. She got a little more jittery over the years.
"Don't worry, Cupid! If you really did mean those sweet words this should be a breeze."
For the second time Ashley was hit over the head by something behind her.
3315 words mark!
Technically 3320.
Kate woke up on the floor. This time she wasn't tied up or anything and she was alone. She thought about whether or not Bill was a dream and Ashley untied her when she was unconscious and just left her on the ground and then she realized she was definitely not in the room she was in before.
Getting up off the ground and looking around the room she noted several things. She was behind a glass pane that was tinted white but clear enough to see through. There were a colorful deranged of buttons just ready for her to press on her left and right side. And there were two boys tied up and looking at her.
These guys were on the other side of the glass, they were tied to chairs and struggling to get out.
It took Kate a second or two to process everything going on before she realized she knew them.
One of the males stops pulling against his restraints to stare at Kate with the look of pain and concern in his eyes.
He was tearing up and glaring at her.
The other male next to him seemed to not acknowledge the situation and continue to pull against his bindings he looked towards his green haired friend trying to comfort him. "Relax, you can't get mad at her for doing her job."
"I can get mad at her for playing with my emotions Shoto!"
The other male kept his mouth shut and looked to the other side of the room. He wondered if Ashley knew..
Was she also lying?
Kate stared at them. She couldn't hear a word they were saying and their voices were muffled by the glass. She looked at the control panel that was in front of her. There are three buttons that caught her attention they were speakers with different sound volumes. She pressed the one that seemed like it would turn them up. After pressing it their voices were much clearer.
The moment she did the other voice was heard over a loudspeaker.
"I see you're all awake now! We can finally proceed with the game." The voice sounded exhausted from waiting but excited as they finally had another show to watch.
"Ashley's already several choices in, Kate you're going to need to catch up with her so there shall be no introduction. You know who they are, they know who you are. Choose which one of them dies"
"What!?" Kate yelled surprised as she tried to gather what little memory she had before she passed out.
I was with Ash
Bill showed up
I passed out
She didn't get much information.
"No time to tell you what the buttons do. Just know that if you press one on either side the person that's on that side will die. How you ask? Only one way to find out.. haha.."
The speaker cut out and the three were now left in silence. A ticking noise made itself known as it continued
Kate looked up and above the two males heads. Behind the glass was a timer counting down 5 minutes.
They were timing her!?
It only took Kate a minute or so to rethink what she had to do. She had to kill one of them she didn't remember what happened at the end of that timer so for all she knew all three of them could die she inhaled and then exhaled and she started tearing up a bit.
"I'm sorry, Sh-"
The voice on the speakers sounded again as the timer stopped. 2 minutes and 34 seconds to spare.
"I've been incorrect in my previous standpoint. One of these boys don't mean much to you as they do with Ashley so they will be candidates for her to choose between plus someone else. The green haired mistake gets to live in wins by default and Mr. IcyHot is being moved into another part of the building."
After the voice's explanation several guards that looked like they were from the Fire Nation if Kate had to put her finger on it quickly ran into the room and grabbed Todoroki pushing, shoving, and pulling him into the other side of the building.
As they left the room they pushed a button next to the door trying to close it but it was a button that instead removed the stained white glass pane separating Kate and Izuku.
He was still very much tied to his chair and refusing to look at her.
It was complete silence until Kate attempted to speak up.
"How many?"
He suddenly sharply turned to face her glaring daggers at her form tears welling up in his eyes.
Kate didn't respond. Only staring at the ground at her feet and wallowing in her own pity.
"Does it even count as cheating if you never really loved them!- or me for that matter? Were we even in a real relationship!?"
His voice went hoarse from yelling and he looked down at his lap.
"..was it just a game to you?"
Kate looked up at him. Her voice was firm, truthful, and genuine.
"I love you, Izuku Midoriya. I love you more then anyone else!"
He started laughing without any humor, it was hallow. "How many people have you said that to? What am I? The 50th?"
"I've only ever said that to two people. One of them being you.. the other one was Ashley. Hers was in a platonic form"
Once again silence.
"I lost a lot because of you, Kate, I choose you over my own friends.. and... I think I still would"
Suddenly the glass pane was back between them and someone else was being rushed into the room and tied to a chair.
The guards? Soldiers? Minions? Quickly exited the room as the voice on the speaker came back.
"Now that everything's in order and everyone's where they belong, time to proceed. They know you, you know them. Now choose"
Kate finished up her pity party just as timer started counting down and she looked up at the new person in the room. Her eyes widened.
Ashley held her head down, her hair covered her eyes. She couldn't do anything but cringe listening to the blood-curdling screams of one of her previous suitors as she proceeded to press the electrocution button. The blue hued light phased over her creating a shadow over her eyes behind her hair as Bill laughed.
He's been doing this since she got into the room. Someone she loved or still did love would be tied to a chair or some torture method object and he'd be forced her to press a button to kill them. She had no choice the only other option to kill would be Bill and he wouldn't let her.
Tears slowly fell down her face as she turned away to stare at the wall.
"Oh Cupid! Don't tell me you're upset, the only person who should be upset here is me! I've been lied to and my emotions have been played with! The least you can do is go through a little emotional pain before we ride off into the sunset together."
Ashley hated the fact he was right. She did lie to him, she did play with his emotions, and when it was all over she left him high and dry. She started shaking, crying and proceeded to huddle herself into a corner and hug her knees to her chest.
"Come on, not the corner again!" Bill decided to attempt to comfort her.
He teleported into her side of the room and gently put his hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay.. it'll be over soon"
He tried to pick her up and hold her to his chest.
Bill remembered when he would do this when she was sleeping. It would calm her down from a nightmare without him actually having to go into her mind.
He thought about the first time she let him do this. It was when-
The moment Ashley was close enough she didn't hesitate to smack him right across the face and wiggle out of his grasp, running to the other corner of the side of the room they were on and started weeping again.
"Ow! Cupid, that type of pain is not funny!"
Bill rubbed his now red cheek with a huff.
"I'll let you be for now. You clearly need space. And I have two twins I need to get"
Bill glanced at Ashley. Softening up his once hardened glare and voice.
"Relax Cupid, you'll be happier with me.." With that he left.
Hearing the door close Ashley laid there for a few seconds before wiping her face.
"Well that was something!" The voice on the loudspeaker boomed into the room.
Ashley in a blind fury lashed out at it.
A low deep voice chuckled. "So you do remember me? I would love to explore this conversation further if it wasn't for the fact another candidate is walking in.."
As if on cue Light Yagami handcuffed willingly sat in the chair on the right closest to the door and let the evil doers tie him up.
After they finished and left the room Light glanced up at Ashley, a smirk crossed his face.
"And here I thought when you ran off with Near I'd never see you again.."
He looked her up and down as Ashley attempted to stand up straight and tried to look confident.
"..and boy do you look.. a mess, don't worry dear messes can be fixed."
After Ashley finished wiping her face she glared up at him.
"Hello.. Light.."
"Where's Kate? It would be a shame if you let our child wandering around this building you don't seem to be familiar with"
She cringed as he forced her to remember the first time he ever flirted with her.
"I know I wasn't your one and only but I didn't know my odds were this slim until now. Have you seen Near yet? Or is that who I'm facing off with?"
Ashley's hand twitched before she clinched it into a fist she thought back to the blacken and burned body she lit a blaze an hour or so ago.
"...he's dead"
"I'm sorry to hear that, my condolences"
Ashley went from a straight standing position to back on her knees on the ground. The emotional trauma was not good for her already unstable mental state.
"I just.. I want this to stop.. Light"
It wasn't hard nor did it take long for her to already crumple down and give Light the widest opening to take advantage of her.
"I can help you, Ashley. They took my death note. All we have to do is get it back and all our problems are solved."
Ashley wiped her face again. She was clearly falling as a victim to stockholm syndrome and Light didn't even have to do anything.
"What do you want me to do?"
"That's my girl. You see the vent right next to you? Unscrew it and crawl through, from what I know there's air ducts all around here and there's in a room full of other weapons, you know what it looks like."
Ashley looked over at the vent next to her nodding quickly before going to unscrew it.
Light spoke up again as she was unscrewing the last bolt. "The second I have my death note we can leave. I'll even reward you with a kiss."
Ashley ignored the obvious flirting as she started to climb into the vent.
She knew there wasn't much time before Bill came back but she also knew there was a bunch of more other suitors than Light meaning she'd have time to get the layout of the vents and find the Death Note before The Finale. She didn't know what it was but Bill talked a great deal about how he'll represent her in it..
As she crawled through the tight squeezing vent she thought about whether or not it was a battle between the last standing person Kate chose and Ashley's.
These vents were not only a tight squeeze but were pretty rusty and if she pushed too much onto the wrong side she'd definitely fall through.
The last person to go in here was Derek.
As Ashley thought about the name it seemed almost foreign to her.
She shook the thought out of her head as she was appearing over what she remembered being the armory.
Unscrewing the vent by keeping one hand on it to make sure it didn't fall and make a loud noise she opened it up and slowly lowered herself into the room.
She took a look around. The room was basically empty just like she remembered it. The only things there were few keepsakes. Other than that it seemed the big bads decided to keep all the weapons their captives were carrying in a place that wasn't so obvious.
Ashley took one last survey around the room before something caught her eye. She knew she should have gone right back into the vant after realizing that The Death Note was in there but she couldn't help herself.
Hanging on the wall with a picture of her, Kate, Alex, and Derek. There is standing in front of the first portal about to walk through together.
It gave her some sad memories. Alex was in her final resting place, it was a bittersweet ending. Derek on the other hand got trapped in limbo or at least that's what everyone called that dimension.
When you jump through too many dimensions at one time your Cube eventually breaks open into a whole new dimension on itself and its called Limbo. The reason why is because since your cube broke into many fragments to form a new universe you no longer have a way back home.
Unable to find it in hurt you shed any more tears about the situation she hopped back in the vent. She smelled some gas ahead of her so instead of turning back she continued forward. It wasn't long before she reached event that led into a room but seem to be quarantined off. From her view she can see the door was closed and purple gas was entering the room quick from a broken pipe.
The gas was leaking into the van and smelt like unicorn dust. Which believe it or not it's not an appetizing smell. But it's hard to get used to. Ashley felt like she inhaled this before come they guess looked so foreign yet felt so familiar the same time she was there for so long that it started to overwhelm her scent.
She would have investigated if it wasn't for the fact Ashley could hear Bill's booming voice and remembered she needed to get back into the room quickly yet carefully shuffling through the vents backwards she was able to reach the room again but unable to close the vent in time before Bill walked in.
"How's it going, Cupid?"
Attempting to not show fear towards the dream demon she got up hoping he couldn't see the ground right next to her.
The timer started it's countdown and after looking into Light's eyes thought of a plan.
"Bill why are we doing this anymore? I've proved that I still love you and that I want to be with you by hurting everyone else I love. Why can't we just go?"
Bill stopped for a minute. Turning back into a human and quickly coming face-to-face with the glass.
"Really you mean it!?"
Ashley rushed over to him placing her hand on his hand laid on the glass.
"Yeah, I want to get out of here with you."
Bill considered it for a second but figured Ashley was a little too smart to think of the plan the stupid. Bill wanted to trust her, she wouldn't lie to him for a second time, would she?
Bill felt like his heart was going to burst when Ashley called to him over to hug her.
He didn't hesitate to teleport right over, pick her up, and spin her around. After he pulled her close.
"Cupid, you better not be pulling on my leg here!"
Light looked on, he was a little confused. Ashley already proved herself to be a great detective and amazing at plans. She's one of the reasons he was locked up.
Bill pulled away and looked at her eyes seeing nothing but genuine feeling. What feeling you may ask? He couldn't decipher it.
It was a mixed of emotions.
"Cupi- Ashley. I lov-"
It took Bill a second and only a second to notice his hands, arms, and upper body was disappearing. Just as he realize what was going on it was too late and he evaporated into thin air.
Ashley knew what that gas was. Her heart hurt a bit, she really did like Bill. In his own demonic way, he caught her heart.
Ashley stared at the ground as she heard Light start to laugh.
"Haha.. nice one, Ashley"
Light... Light is also pretty messed up. God complex and all. But she fell for him too.. and Toby is a literal serial killer.
Worst of the worst people somehow caught her attention. Does that make Ashley messed up?
She stared at Light for a little bit.
She had a plan.
Kate couldn't see beyond her tears as the timer ticked down. The two cup brothers were begging her to choose. They didn't want the other to die.
Just as Kate's hand hovered over one of the buttons on Mugman's side as the timer ticked down to zero and more tears poured down her face.
Her pleads and cries for help were met with the screaming of the two brothers. Unable to look she turned around and cover her ears..
This was the third time she couldn't make a choice.
It took her a while to realize who the man the loudspeaker was.
But she had a pretty good guess.
"Geez, first the Pine Twins and now them? You really bad decisions Katie"
Kate continued to cry her heart out. She hated him, this guy that's so tired of waiting but he only gave her 2 minutes. Everytime Deku would come along she instantly picked him, the man used this against her.
Were nothing but dust now.
Well at least in Joker's instance. L falling down that long hole and hearing him screaming all the way there was traumatizing.
And him hitting the ground-
The door opened.
The two rushed to the glass and tried to meet their hands in the middle.
She was happy and scared to see him at the same time. Seeing him usually meant there's about to be another tough choice.
Midoriya was troubled. He had a mix of negative emotions that were stressing him out to the max. Unable to use his quirk, Kate being and trouble, and seeing his friend was now just a corpse.
"Sh-...Shoto.. he's.."
He stopped in the middle of a sentence. The look in Kate's eye was enough to confirm she got what he was about to say.
She detached herself from the glass as she sat down and laid back on the cold ground.
Kate and Midoriya have been trying to escape for the longest. All their plans would fail and they'd be right back at square one.
At this point there was no use the matter. Everytime they got an escape even got close to it let alone have the idea soldiers or guards would come in and close up that area.
It scared Kate. What if-
6630 words mark!
Technically 6635.
What if they could get out..? What if this was it and whoever was behind this would kill them anyway. Kate had a feeling it wasn't Bill, he was probably just here for Ashley.
Escaping now felt impossible. Kate had two iron balls of weight attached to her ankles and she was handcuffed to the table in front of her and everything was either concrete or iron around her.
If it wasn't for the fact that every 20 minutes two more people would come in this would be solitary confinement.
"I'm so sorry I got you into this... If I never agreed to go to that stupid party or if I was able to stop them from messing with Ashley we wouldn't have got ourselves into the situation and you'd be living your life in your world-"
Midoriya pressed himself against the glass. "YOU ARE MY WORLD!"
" were supposed to be with someone else Izuku.."
"Stop! Stop trying to get me to stop loving you! It's not happening.."
Someone else came into the room and pulled him back into his seat tying to the chair.
He struggled but eventually calmed down seeing as there was no way he was going to get out. He was quirkless and hopeless.
Kate squinted her eyes has she tried her best to remember who this person was. He looked familiar, he really did..
She couldn't placed her finger on it, the feeling made her sick. The feeling of someone wanting to hurt her but her not knowing who they were or why they want to hurt her in the first place.
The feeling of knowing you impacted someone's life so negatively to a point where they want to watch you suffer and you didn't even realize it.
The feeling of guilt.
The feeling of self pity and hatred.
He looked at her, taking in the state she was in, the confusion on her face.
"Katie, I know I look a little different but no need to be a stranger."
Katie. Kate only knew three people who called her Katie.
Her mom's from multiple universes.
That one guy that she kind of knew in middle school.
Kate's face drained of any color that was left in it as she stared up at an old friend.
"You know, both of you girls made Edd and the rest of the game very sad when you had move back to America. Or at least that's what you said you had to do.. but that doesn't really matter seeing as they're dead"
She watched as he walked around Midoriya. The green haired teen angrily glared at Tord. He had no clue who he was all he knew was that the guy with the russian accent made his girlfriend upset.
"I always knew there was something up with you and Ashley. I tried to find out those secrets.. find out your secrets. But you wouldn't budge. The day you 'moved out' of the house so it's a day I thought I lost my chance. But all it took was a little following to watch you both crawl into a portal back where you came from."
Kate's blood ran cold as she watched him pull out a knife and place it above Izuku's neck.
"You know those portals stay open for a while after you leave them right? Long enough for me to walk through. I've always been around.."
He laid the knife a little closer.
"I've been lurking, watching. When I realized you both were lying it made me upset. But then I realized I can get back at you. I only can I get back at you I can rule not one world but multiple!"
"I of course needed a little help and couldn't just forget the first thing I wanted to do which was getting back at you both. So I rounded up a couple baddies throughout yor realities and they did a pretty good job of giving me the status quo of your relationship statuses throughout these universes, and I got to say.. there were a few."
He chuckled placing the knife right on Midoriya's neck drawing blood..
"So Katie, for old times sake.. would you mind telling me how I did?"
It seemed like time and Kate's breathing stopped for a second.
"Well I mean, this prank was pretty hard to pull off.. I just wanted to know how I did"
Tord said as he waved the knife around before putting it back on Midoriya's neck.
Kate sat there staring at him for a second before she exploded.
Kate couldn't hold back the rage she was holding anymore, it's been one thing to another thing. She was hurt, she was broken, and she'd be damned if she was going to let some commie ruin what little life she had going for her.
She started angrily crying as she realized he already did.
Tord chuckled at her outburst.
"Katie, don't make me laugh we both know to you all these people were mere fiction. Fictional blood splattered on a non-existent book in your head that you were assigned to take care of and you did that assignment."
With that said Tord didn't hesitate to split Izuku's throat and pushed over the chair he was tied up to to the ground stepping over the green haired teen and closer to the white tinted glass.
Izuku gag and coughed up blood out of Kate peripheral vision on the cold floor. The cut was deep and he was losing blood fast.
Not fast enough for Tord.
The brunette glanced down toward the soon-to-be corpse as if he was looking at gum on his shoe.
He started stomping on Izuku's neck over and over until he heard a nice loud crunch.
He then looked back at Kate as if nothing happened as she stared at him horrified
"So it would be nice if you quit pretending you care and give me your honest opinion"
Kate couldn't see exactly what happened but the blood splatter was everywhere and some of it was on the white tinted glass so she had a pretty good idea.
All she could do was stare blankly at the man she used to call one of her closest friends with a furious mix of emotions.
Her voice was hoarse from the lack of water throughout this experience and her sudden outburst earlier.
"I.. don't care...."
Tord gave her a bored look. "I know you don't care, now I would like your opinion on this prank like I said it was hard to-"
Even though her voice was cracking and she was wincing from the pain she endured by yelling Kate didn't back down. She meant every word.
Fictional or not the people that she had to kill in order for the other one to live meant everything to her. They were the people who got her through tough times when the real people in her world never spared her a glance and always assumed she'd be fine but that wasn't always it.. that was never always it.
There are times where even people like Kate feel lonely and by theirselves. Everyone, even the happy people, are lonely it's a human thing, but anytime they express this or tempted to express it someone else always has their problems that they rather talk about or just brush her off.
Fictional characters never did that.
The short time she was there even though he was kind of a douchebag Cuphead always listened to her. Always tried to hear her out.
Even when he was a bit of a goofball Joker attempted to help Kate out when she really needed it.
L was always supportive and logical about things could never about emotions and he kept her safe.
Edd was silly and made her laugh. He inspired her when she really needed the inspiration.
Dipper was always awkward but so was she. Dipper with someone Kate could relate to, he was a type of person she can be weird with because he lived in weird.
Even people she wasn't romantically interested in. They were there for her fictional or not they were always there for her, to make her laugh, to make her smile, to even make her shed tears but always there to cheer her right back up.
They all matter to her in their own special way and she had to watch them all die.
There are so many more that she couldn't even wrap her head around it and then there's Deku..
Deku died right in front of her without warning and she could do anything about.
The person she chose everytime couldn't even live because of her past mistakes. Because of her past. Because of her.
"It you really want my opinion Tord.. I think you should burn in hell"
The Norwegian laughed harder than he ever laughed before. He laughed like he hasn't heard a joke in a long time.
"So I did good, and I assure you that won't be happening anytime soo-"
Just before the words could finish coming out of his mouth Ashley busted in with a gas container and blasted him with it. It didn't take long before he evaporated into nothing.
Seeing as he was in the general area as well Deku's body also evaporated as well.
Ashley then quickly hit the button next to the door opening the glass and then allowing Kate to run out and hug her.
They haven't seen each other in the longest, they previously before all of us assumed their friendship was over and they could do nothing about it. Yet here they were crying on each other's shoulders as if the past wasn't currently the present.
"I'm so sorry...!"
"This isn't your fault! You didn't do anything! We got into this mess together so if it's your fault it's my fault!"
They pulled away is Ashley quickly started wiping her face ridding it of tears which didn't do much since they were so pouring out her eyes.
"I thought separating would keep you safe but apparently doesn't matter how far away from you I am! Uou're still in danger and there wasn't a day I wasn't hoping you didn't end up in limbo with Derek!"
Kate sniffled wiping her face on her shirt as she smiled sadly at her friend.
"There wasn't a day for me where I felt like giving up because a part of me knew if I did you'd somehow jump out of a portal out of nowhere and kick my butt telling me to get back up on my feet!"
"That sounds like something I'd do!"
"I know!"
Taking a second or so to calm theirselves down Ashley handed Kate a gas tank with a vacuum pump attached to it.
"Remember that time there was a gas leak and Derek tried to fix it but couldn't? That gas sends fictional characters back into the dimensions. I was reading the disclaimer and it was only for emergencies just in case fictional characters got out or knew too much about the agency. You're supposed to blast them with this and their universe will be completely reset along with them."
Kate listened to Ashley as she read the small disclaimer as well showing instructions on how to use this foreign device.
It was pretty simple aim and shoot.
But she had questions.
"If every character from every universe we've ever been to is either dead or working against us and we have to take them down. Every person that we met up until this point will have no idea who we are."
Ashley stared at her and then smiled softly "We'll just have to remind them, we'll just have to redo those adventures.
Her eyes suddenly sharpened in her face went strict.
"But this time no screw-ups"
Kate smiled down at the gas blaster in her hand and looked up at her friend "No more mistakes"
Just as they finished up they looked around and just like the first time chose the first portal they ever went through by their selves together. No help, no Derek no Alex, one chance to make everything right again no mistakes.
Kate sighed she stared in the mirror putting on her old mask that she used to wear walking back into Ashley's and her shared bedroom as they waited for Sam, Taurtis and Grian to get there and take them to the haunted school.
Ashley was pulling out the collar of her red hoodie that in their reality was alone in her closet dusting away.
"I swear I had absolutely no style back then, I mean it's just a red hoodie with a yellow spot. What's so special about that?"
"I have no clue, I just left you to do your own back then. I was a little too scared to disagree with you but doesn't it bring you back some type of nostalgia?! It does for me! Though I don't know what I was doing about the ears... am I supposed to be part cat or are they fake?"
"I wouldn't hold you against it, everyone at one point kind of wanted to be a cat-girl back then. You we're just going through a phase, I used to want to look like Pikachu like with the whiskers and red rosy cheeks and wearing yellow and stuff"
"What you just said made my cat ears seem normal. Good thing they're only temporary.."
"Like how you used to ask me whether or not I'm choking when I clearly wasn't?"
Before Kate could playfully retort a comeback to that that there was a knock at the door Ashley smiled once again as she ran to go get it.
Kate smirked to herself. This time she'll have to go easy on Sam before punching him in the stomach.
Kate walked back into the room after chilling in the living room for a while. She glanced back into the closet to see Ashley fast asleep on her laptop screen.
Kate gently removed it from her and saw that she published the story. Smiling softly yet excitedly to herself she closed Ashley's laptop placing it on the desk nearby and dragged Ashley to her bed tucking her in.
"Sweets dreams, I'll read it later"
The next chapter will be Heroes, huh? Part 2. Seeing as you like her so much we'll be getting more that Fangirl.
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