Problem Children Review!

My most popular story...this was not at all meant to reach the amount of reads and votes that it did. It was something I started writing before the time travel trilogy was finished, and picked up when it was over. Then I started creating a real plot for it and it led to two sequels. Two. Well, on with the show with my favorite of my writings!

Chapter One
-Oh boy, I remember this writing. Like I said, it was written when I was writing the time travel stories so my writing hadn't improved yet. It will get better around chapter six or so. 
-Heh, "heck". Just you wait, Mal, you'll be swearing like a sailor in no time!
-"Those babies", Angus you have a lot of nerve to say that when you whine for four chapters straight.
-Look at Mal, the protective older brother, is only two years older but acts like he's ten years older, and can't be seen around his younger siblings. I love it!
-Honestly as a child, I would have been real abrupt with my answers as well. 

Chapter Two
-I know exactly how that is. Ever since I was a tot I'd sit alone by myself. But I really didn't mind, some people are just to loud to talk to, and I really didn't like loud things when I was a kid. Too much to process, you know?
-Angus' short attention span, I love it!
-So much dialogue, but no actions to follow it! Past me, get it together!
-If it isn't Jonathon Cass. Man, re-reading this fills me with all the memories of my characters, and it's so nice to see them all so little again. 
-I love Angus' comebacks. The classic line, "Shut up, Angus!" Maybe I ought to bring some of that stuff back...
-There it is...the sugar cookie that started it all...
-Here we have it, physical fight number one!
-Messing up his name, and now we know why. It's so weird to look back on that, cause now we know so much more of their thoughts than we did before. 
-Ooh, you can't say something like that to people nowadays, girls can fight just as well as anyone!
-That slingshot...I HAVE to bring back that slingshot...

Chapter Three
-There I am, the nerd of the trio. I really am a nerd in real life, rather stereotypical as well. Complete with a sweater vest, motion sickness, braces, and post nasal drip! 
-I could have written that scene so much better, when Hannah picks the papers up from the floor. Man, I cringe at my writing sometimes!
-Notice, when Angus made a bad joke, the first thing he does is smiles at Hannah, to see her reaction. Little things like that...
-And she still helps him up from the floor!
-Roll credits please...
-Hannah used to be a little Hermione, didn't she? No wonder she named her rabbit that. I can tell she's definitely changed in the second book, not as mouthy as she used to be, and I can either blame that on poor writing on my part, or the effect of living with Travis for so long. I'll take both. 
-"Killed or worse...expelled." My God!
-Physical fight number two! Young Fight!
-That paddleball...I wonder if I should bring that back too...but definitely the slingshot, for sure. 
-He caught you with a paddleball, Mal, it could have been way worse.
-Aw, a brotherly moment!
-Just you wait until the second book, you won't be saying that anymore.
-Hannah's we go.

Chapter Four
-Her "theme". Does she want a Red Rider BB gun for Christmas? Hmm? I have one actually.
-Alright, physical fight number three! What's it been, three days?
-I do have siblings in real life, I'm not an only child.
-Fun fact: I always wanted to play lead guitar in a band of my own when I was little. But we never had the money for one, and I never learned to play. My family was more of a hymn and piano kind of family. The only rock and roll records belonged to my dad, and he's an Elvis fan. And the guitar he bought? An acoustic. Maybe some day...
-Oh, what you boys don't know yet...
-"Holy cow!" Oh, Mal.
-Angus really did jump a few fences to get in his house!
-He checked to make sure she was okay! Fghijusteush!
-Alex? Alexander? What are you doing here? You didn't live there, I don't think. Were those your toys on the stairs??
-Three little monkeys jumping on the bed.
-I really do hate dolls, they freak me out. Not just 'cause of the scary movies. And while I don't like real cars, I love toy cars! I'd rather fix a real car than drive one. And I hated playing House. I was always forced to be the dad.
-I tried to make Malcolm like my own real brother, he reminds me of him. Very...brotherly, very...what's the word? How you say--"Malcolmish".
-The card! She still has that card! I need to bring that back too!
-Oh, their first kiss. How sweet.

Chapter Five
-"Good job boys, excellent work. Now hold your fingers like I showed you, and play it right this time, got that you walnuts?"
-"Oh shit, Ang!" There it is! There's the Mal we know and love!
-Uh, you mean, summer break. Down in Aussie and NZ it's a bit different in terms of school years. But I didn't remember that when I was writing it so I messed up. They also most likely skipped intermediate school and went straight to secondary, but, oh well. 
-It's the note he put in her locker! THE note! And he kept it all those years too! (Sorry, I get excited seeing these details again!)
-Snickers? There's better candy out there than Snickers. Like my all time favorite, malted milk balls?
-And she becomes a writer in the future!
-Oh yeah, the party. What are you two doing holding a party? Who are you trying to impress, the kids at lousy school? Like the parties your family holds aren't enough? Hmm?
-Talia and friends, these guys might not be coming back. I wouldn't know what to do with them, they just giggle and squeal. You know it's only cute when infants do it or when you're reallllly excited about something. 
-Loaf of bread? If anyone here is a loaf of bread, it's me!
-Poor Susan, leave her alone! I'm glad she gets redeemed. 
-The quickest friendship status change I've ever seen. Good on ya', Mal. Angus doesn't deserve those comments. 
-Physical fight number...four now?
-Woah, when did you learn to swear, Hannah?
-"Let me pry these boys away while I leave this bloodied boy on the floor! Someone take him to the nurse, I don't want blood on my dress!"
-Take a good look at those injuries, guys, that's the last you'll ever see or hear of them. 
-Detention the first week of the school year? Geez, why not have them pay library fines they didn't rack up yet?
-Malcolm is such a good student! Not getting into nearly as many fights as he ought!
-Trouble more than once? I didn't write about that, I wonder what Angus did all those times. 
-Swearing, skipping school, next thing I know Hannah will be going to parties after midnight with drinks, boys, and without any parents home! Wait a minute...
-Malcolm is a good brother to her, not wanting her to get in trouble from their antics. 

Chapter Six
-They're the Young brothers, ma'am, they can't help it. You should hear all the trouble Angus has gotten into. 
-She's been pacing so much, poor woman. There's just a rut in her kitchen. 
-Um, excuse me Hannah? You said you were gonna back them up! What are you doing standing there? SAY SOMETHING!
-"Thanks, Angus, I defend you and this is what you say about me?" -Malcolm Young
-You were just trying to get out of school, weren't you, Hannah? I don't blame you.
-I like the way they both deal with anger. Malcolm holds his in, glaring at things like the rug or the floor, while Angus doesn't hide any of it. If he's mad at you, he'll let you know. 
-Now this is where the writing gets better!
-Wait, she was okay with the party in the first place?
-*scoffs* "But, Muuuuuum, this was the last day before break! You wouldn't understand!" *Hannah in the background holding Angus to her* "But Daddy I love him!"
-I actually got the paddleball idea from Yakko Warner of Animaniacs! my favorite cartoon. 
-You've...already invited everyone? How did you guys manage to invite everyone when you were just talking about who you were going to invite in the cafeteria before getting in a fight and going home early? Angus just shoot invites through the school windows from his slingshot while Mrs. Young gave them a police escort home?
-I really didn't think they'd care about something like that. 
-Angus' schemes begin...
-He won't have time to thank you when he's nursing a hangover, Ang. 
-They just got home from school early and the sun is going down? What were they doing in there, knitting sweaters?
-I think the only two riding bikes are those two themselves. 
-Who else is in school now? George? Alex? You get held back? I thought it was break anyway, who's giving out homework???
- I love Mrs. Young sticking to her guns. And bless Mr. Young's heart, he's a great man. 
-Yep. Everyone seems to think my name is Anna. I've gotten Anna, Honna, Ellen, Banana Gram, even some name I can't remember that sounded completely different than my actual name. 
-How you boys will change your minds.

Chapter Seven
-Does really not having a party to release your energy and hormones tighten your underwear that much? 
-Whose side are you on??
-I love ironic lines like that.
-He didn't beat himself up, that's the problem.
-You hear that? Is that a confession of love I hear? 
-She's such a little rebel sometimes, I have to bring that back!
-You're leaving your kids alone on the night of the party? Well, nothing will come of that I'm sure!
-All of those siblings are old enough to have their own houses, and besides, we hardly ever see them anyway. 
Little Liiiiiiaaaaaarrrrrr!

Chapter Eight
-These boys can't even reach the phone of the wall yet. How cute!
-Susan is not the right girl for you, let her go!
-Why does everyone "punch the number"? Must be a lot of broken phones around, no wonder they switched to cellular. 
-And why are all old ladies so bitter?
-So suddenly Hannah has no Aussie or Scottish accent and the old lady still believes it?
-I mean, she didn't completely lie, right?
-It's just a cold, not gonorrhea for crying out loud!
-I want to know all she said on the phone.
-Weeks? Exactly how much time has passed know what, never mind. 
-And Malcolm didn't really lie completely either, right?

Chapter Nine
-Is this how parties are in real life? I've never been to one. I had the chance to go to one in high school and I turned it down to snuggle in bed instead. 
-Girls of all "personalities", uh huh, sure. 
-These guys have better entertainment than the school dances, that's for sure. 
-I really don't think these guys cared that much about their statuses in school. If I didn't, they surely didn't.
It gets cut off, I love it!
-At least Susan is being careful out there. 
-How did Johnny find out where she was?
-You guys are eleven and thirteen, and you talk like high schoolers?
-The school refers to Mal and Ang as...those two Scottish boys. "Aye, the wee Scottish lads!"
-"Naw, naw, you don't lay no hands on Johnny No-Thumbs over here, fuggedaboutit!" 
-I wear a leather jacket with my poodle skirt!
-Even Malcolm knows, Angus! 
'Ya' know, Johnny reminds me of Too-Tall and his gang in Berenstain (Berenstein?) Bears.
-I love the extras in this chapter, the boys chugging the punch just kill me.
-Quit poking my ribs, Talia!
-Heeeeeere's Johnny!
-I love the little spiking the punch bowl distraction while Malcolm and Hannah talk over something the readers already know about. And it's a good thing those boys got their drinks before he spiked them. 
-Oh, like it's his fault she took his hand instead of yours. 
-Both Angus and Hannah rub their wrists when they're nervous. 
-"And whatever you do, don't drink the punch!" -Timmy Turner
-I've never played Spin the Bottle, and I never will.
-Is no one gonna question how that beer bottle got there?
-And to think these two get married. They don't even want to kiss each other in the game!
-Malcolm took two sips, of beer no less, and he's wasted. Not only that, but he's aggressive when he's drunk. Throwing bottles at the wall, making a mess...
-Angie could be pronounced either way when you're drunk. 
-As if this is all Mal's fault, Ang.
-Malcolm's a lightweight here, ain't he?
-Pfff. The "dancefloor."
-I hope he's just passed out and not dead.
-That was the shortest song I've ever heard. Two seconds and it's changed already. Maybe the rock and roll was too loud and righteous for the guitar to handle and it just exploded in its spot. I mean, that's what happened to my violin.
-CHUCK DAVIS, my boy!
-Oh, poor Mr. Young. 
-Don't swear in front of the grown ups, Chuck!
-Does it look like it's New Year yet, Hannah??? Rub it in the poor man's face, why don't ya'?
-Everyone is too drunk to care if their partners are ugly or not.
-Go on...yes, yes...almost there...close your eyes...and...
-I will say, I love the chapter ending. 

Chapter Ten
-What a way to start a chapter!
-The high school chapters are the best!
-What in hell were you throwing parties for, Mal?
-Oh man, the story is getting good. The early chapters don't do this justice!
-I think in real life, if I knew I wouldn't have gotten in trouble, I might have gotten in a few fights at school. 
-Miss Jackson from the vine?
-Banjo? Like Harold??
-No, that's just puberty hitting him. He's sweating all the time now.
-Leave it to Ang to crush on a teacher.
-You're gonna love what really happens, Angus, not what you want to happen when you pass that test. 
-Ever since I got braces the gap in my teeth has gotten more noticeable, but I have power chains now, so it will go away in a few weeks. 

Chapter Eleven
-I want to visit a music store so bad!
-So you're smoking already, eh?
-Probably your mouthiness stresses you out. But that's what I am in real life. Mouthy.
-I know he was just making a joke, but still, it begins...
-What a gentleman.
-Well your siblings should all have moved out by now. 
-I hate math too. But I will say Algebra One is really easy, almost fun. *Urkel Laugh*
-Just slowly take your uniform off while whispering math problems in his ear, he'll be interested all right. 
-Oh, don't act like you didn't just piss all over her crush on you!

Chapter Twelve
-I most certainly am one to hold grudges.
-Put two and two together, Angus. 
-Quiet, shy, and very bad with people and socializing. Yep, sounds about right. 
-I remember this chapter being very difficult to write. I started over many times. 
-Oh I know that episode, the one with the big misunderstanding!
-"A few minutes later he felt a drop of rain. His father had insisted keeping their old roof, despite the big gaping hole in it, allowing for rain to fall and birds to shit."
-He's starting to notice things he never did before, even if he doesn't realize it!
-Are...all of them really rosebush scratches?
-"We don't have to study, I mean, our television might be broken but our furniture ain't yet."
-She's even willing to part with him if it means he'll be happy. Oh! *grabs tissue*
-I love the last sentence. The same as the last chapter yet a different feel to it.

Chapter Thirteen
-Maybe if you had opened the window to let the smoke out, Angus' kick to the soccer ball wouldn't have smashed it. 
-That was a good line, Mrs. Young.
-Someone could trip over that pencil, Angus. 
-The same Ethan Maria is in love with? I think I forgot I used the same name. 
-Mumbling Malcolm!
-Or be there too late while your pudgy brother's licking the chicken bones clean. 
-Get out of here, you two Angus and Malcolm wannabes. You have an older brother named Jim or something?
-Angus can kick better than that!
-I think he's changing his mind!
-Does Malcolm ever get a girl in these stories? Does Angus just have girls drooling all over him, and teachers he's got crushes on, and Malcolm just gets screwed? Sleeps next to his soccer ball every night? Big Brother Mal deserves better. 
-Mal actually gave decent advice there. 
-Damn, Angus, you're pretty good at that! I used to play soccer in the backyard with my brother all the time. He'd usually win though. 
-They just stole some Malcolm wannabe's soccer ball, heh.
-I knew Angus could kick better than that!

Chapter Fourteen
-She's friends with you because she likes you, dummy! 
-Out of the house, whose house? Mine? Yours? I go to school every day, probably more than you do!
-But you can't miss a day of studying, you have to pass the test! She's tutoring you!
-Don't get me wrong, I love violin as much as the next guy, but hating rock and roll? Who spit in your cornflakes??
-Or if you break anything on the fall down that doesn't include limbs.
-I weigh no more than you do, Angus. 
-Only four hundred? The one I want is two thousand! Not including the amp!
-You think you're Peter Rabbit, Angus?
-I think I'm the only one in my family that likes the Monkees. They are too a real band!
-If you know how it should sound then, why didn't you tune it??
-Angus and Malcolm are the sweetest trouble makers any neighbor could hope to have. 
-That practice with the soccer ball is paying off!
-Hug him, you ninny! 
-The mother doesn't seem to be all that awful and cruel like she could be. 
-No one's gonna question how Malcolm paid off that guitar? Selling..."brownies" perhaps?
-I'm surprised she didn't at least scold him! I'm sure my parents would have wanted to hit me. Calling somebody a batty hag? Whew!

Chapter Fifteen
-How did you manage to set your alarm too early, Angus? Either you had this planned or you were busy thinking of...something else, heh heh.
-Oh, finally they got their own houses. 
-What does Malcolm do all day? Bake cookies with his mum?
-It most certainly is his business, that's what messes the whole story up!
-Nah, Malcolm couldn't have any romantic feelings. Angus is the one getting all the girls here. For crying out loud, give Mal a lady!
-This is a gender reversed episode of "Three's Company", I swear. 
-You wouldn't feel this way if you didn't like her, Angus. Admit it!
-What's in that trash bag?
-"In the boy walked, the guitar he looked around for. The price tag he spotted, to the floor he dropped." -Yoda.
-Four hundred is higher than anyone's IQ.
-I love the detail of putting that album in the front. Since it comes up in a later chapter.
-Everything I want is always the only one left. 
-Angus...Angus, even the friggin' shop owner knows! Admit it already!
-"How much for this album I just broke on your counter?"
-Not yet you aren't...
-Maybe you should have studied on Wednesday! And-oh well, too late now. On with the romance!
-You KNOW you'll go to the dance with him!
-Kiss him, you ninny!
-Where have you been, Malcolm? Standing outside the door just to pop in the story to break the couple apart when they're about to kiss? Shame!
-It's easy to tell a brother, Mal, but Angus is...a little loveeeeeerrrrrrrrr.
-I love how you don't know what the news is until it's too late. That's good writing! And maybe Malcolm should have told him. If it's the only way to let him know, ya' know. 
-Oh, suddenly it's not raining anymore? How convenient. 

Chapter Sixteen
-Now what were you doing up there, Malcolm? Paddling some balls or what?
-I respect your decision about that, Malcolm, but then the news never gets told. 
-Physical fight number five! I think...
-"The pillow Angus took wasn't a match to the soccer cleat Malcolm had." I love that sentence.
-We'd call Miss Miller but she's now taking care of three chipmunks. 
-Mrs. Young's lighting up more than that lamp ever will now. 
-"But Muuuuuuuummmm!"
-Because he likes her, Mrs. Young. I thought you knew that.
-So, at least some of those scratches are from the roses, but...who knows.
-My mother is not like this in real life. We're "religious" I guess you could say, and she wouldn't care if I prayed for someone else. 
-That was cold. Who else would Angus go with besides me? After all, I'm the best friend he has the hots for now. Step aside Losin' Susan.
-This family is full of savages!
-You better perform well for Miss Jackson, Angus, you hear?
-I need to see some more adventures of these kids as kids. Ya' know? I want to hear about all their pranks and all their losing swimming trunk stories. 
-Where was she sleeping? Her house? How did Malcolm get past the warden mother?
-"What's that in your bag, sir?" "An AK-47?" "No, next to that." "...A bag of chips?" "You can't take that into the theater, sir."
-Yes you do know. Now help your brother clean the lamp!

Chapter Seventeen
-As fashionable as 1969 can be. 
-Focus, Angus!
-Sorry, Angus, that won't be for several chapters.
-It always stressed me out to hear someone turn a page. But it always made me puff up my feathers when I was the one turning the page. 
-Angus, come on, your hormones can't be this out of control. that a Beatles reference I smell?
-And remember, he's not passing the test to pass the test, he's passing to go to the dance with his best friend. I miss this story.
-"Look at me, an invisible voice inside your head."
-Not the man you know and-yes? Something you wanted to say?
-When did she start calling him Bumblebee??
-She must grade those papers like lightning.
-Some kids won't even be at school on Monday, they're gonna be six feet under when they get home if they fail that test.
-Okay, dick delivery. I know you're trying to be clever but my goodness, you scared the boy half to death!
-And it stopped raining!
-So he's turning page after page of this long test, a whole packet of a test, using way too many papers and trees, and now he just shoves it in his pocket like a license? The magic test that changes size!
-This is one of the sweetest moments. They're not together, haven't even confessed their feelings, and yet, there's so much care and affection between these two. Stories ought to have more of these scenes, I mean, who needs a sex scene when you can have this? This is a real romance.
-Oh, Susan, you know he's got to be losing some interest in you, don't you? 
-I loved writing this part, I love Malcolm and Angus talking when they're not fighting. The fighting is good, but they're so funny here.
-Good thing he wears a necktie to concerts, eh?
-What are you wearing, Mal, a tuxedo shirt?
-Because brothers usually love each other, Ang?
-Not unless you're Chuck Davis or Timmy Turner.
-No, Abbot and Costello probably didn't go to many dances together. 
-You make it seem like she's going to die, Mal...
-I love when he gives the flowers to the maintenance man! 
-I feel bad she had to spend so much money on the television and window. 
-Yes, your tuxedo shirt looks very nice, Malcolm.
-Malcolm is one slick character tonight. 
-Maybe Angus should do it, you're driving Mal!
-Physical fight number...I don't even know anymore.
-*tune of Peter Cotton Tail* "Here comes Ang and Malcolm Young, driving 'round, before the sun, sliding, skidding, destroying the neighborhoooooood."
-What if a man answers the door instead and takes the flowers???
-I have that dress, I didn't make it up! It's a very good summer dress, I don't know why she chose it for a winter dance.

Chapter Eighteen
-My favorite chapter!
-Finding a parking space is the worst!
-I may have made up the word "nervosity". 
-The same thing happened to me and my sister at the grocery store. And we got the spot before they did!
-Be thankful Malcolm is driving and not Travis.
-Remember, Mal? You don't get any dates in this story. That would make it too good and complex, and rich with depth. We wouldn't want a good story, right?
-That car has hair trigger reflexes.
-How much did Johnny pay to have that plate customized?
-Who does this kid think he is, a T bird?
-It's amazing how quickly you can go from being a friend of someone to their worst enemy.
-Nice one, Hannah!
-I'm most certainly not this brave in real life. I'm a Ravenclaw, not a Gryffindor. 
-What do you know, a stoner saved my life! That should be a book...
-Don't worry, Angus, you end up paying her back big time. 
-Is no one collecting tickets to this dance? No raising money? Anyone could just walk in and party? And smoke joints outside?
-Billy Haney playing some Bill Haley. Heh.
-I guess that's one way to earn money, but if Bill Haney is keeping all the money to himself...
-Now we see Malcolm was actually a real popular stud in high school. Should have had him in the story more, I told you guys!
-"Hiiiiiiiii Maaaaaaalllllll!"
-Mister Malcolm is unimpressed with you girls.
-You daft dimbos didn't pay any attention to him before he was in a band, and now suddenly he's God? He deserves more respect than that!
-Oh, we can't have Malcolm getting all the attention, God forbid. Ang wants some of that action.
-So just because he's in a band means every man is his friend and all the girls will sleep with him. He deserves more respect than that, all of them do. 
-"So wes gots this kid from Brooklynn see, and wes have him plays this song at a dance see, and wes have a good time, see."
-Oh, now Malcolm's a baby, is he??
-Malcolm's hoping that punch is spiked again.
-So that's where they got the title for their song!
-Angus, no! She'll poke my ribs again!
-Yeah. Your friends will always leave you out of the group, they don't invite you because there's no room, or they forgot, when really they just don't want you. I've seen it all before. 
-Malcolm just disappeared, I see. Thoughts of Hannah, you say?
-Maybe you can get a Boy Scout's badge for the knot in your heart, Ang.
-Thank you, Angus, I appreciate that.
-...Where's the faculty? Who's watching these kids?
-Someone must be paying Billy Haney some good cash to keep changing the songs this quick.
-There's no need to hide your whiskey, Johnny, there are no grown ups here.
-Hey, it's Ang's song playing.
-How's the punch, Malcolm?
-How did you know dancing with his brother would make him jealous?
-"Pay a visit to his doctor after all this was over..." Brilliant accidental foreshadowing.
-Come on you two, don't ruin a good song with your porno!
-Is everyone slow dancing to Little Richard?
-I like how she's giving him a chance to explain.
-Malcolm's getting tossed like a fried fish fillet tonight.
-You don't want to use the boy's room, they don't have stalls on the doors.
-Who wants a bet Angus' voice cracked when he said "Me either"? 
-This is the quickest dance I've ever seen.
-It's the author's fault for making the time go by so fast.
-She won't get hurt, Mal, but someone else will. More accidental foreshadowing!
-And she is taller than them! In a few years and in real life!
-"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you! Come on!" -Samwise Gamgee
-He doesn't pass away but he does pass out. More A.F.!
-This chapter makes me feel too many emotions. This, and I know this is kind of sad to say that a fanfiction holds this title, but this chapter here might be one of the best things I've written. Every time I read it, it never fails to make my heart swell. That's what writing should do.
-My one good feature, my dark eyes and long lashes. Spread the love.
-Very smooth, Angus. You're so in there!
-Excalibur couldn't pierce my heart more painfully than this chapter. My God, man!
-I've got to write another scene like that, that was brilliant! 
-Well, you've already (finally) kissed her, holding her hand should be no problem.
-Her mother still isn't home??
-He really does get that jacket back first thing. You'd think Angus' parents would be worried sick where he is, unless of course, Mal told them.
-"I'm siiiiiiinging in the rain...."
-No, Johnny, you said the joke wrong!
-Damn how the mood shifted in this chapter.
-And how explicit!
-What is this, a scene from "Back to the Future"?
-Hope Wattpad doesn't take my story down for violence. 
-That's good, never be afraid to admit you need help.
-*blushes* Oh shucks.
-It's like "That 70s Show" when they all get high in the circle and Eric goes to talk to his parents in the kitchen. 
-She finally told him, and he, not even the readers get to know what's going on.

Chapter Nineteen
-Angus has a black eye again, but this time it actually does some damage. 
-I had to do some extensive research on this chapter, I wanted it just right. 
-Of course he didn't confess his feelings, but we need some more misunderstandings to keep the story interesting. 
-Aw, Malcolm is a terrific brother. 
-Ooooof course Angus finds you two snuggling it up on the bed. Tsk tsk.
-I bet that doctor can't even read what he just wrote.
-"What about death? What about blood? What about those hospital gowns that don't close in the back?!" -Dorothy Zbornak
-Way to get our spirits up, Doc.
-Your daughter can back up a bit, now can't she?
-That little job of yours couldn't pay a whole hospital bill, could it, Mal?
-And we never know what job Malcolm had...heh heh.
-Oh no, I feel so bad for him. That's got to be miserable. And freezing out there!
-It's alright, I was awake for the first time you puked. Lovely.
-Are you a 7-11 now, Mal? Got tissues, mints, all on hand.
-You're barfing up a lung and you ask if I'm okay??
-I must have been abandoned or something, this is ridiculous. 
-Oh, but I was having the best dream!
-Small mouth is an understatement, have you seen it?
-Geez, you'd think I was the one with the concussion.
-Slipped the bathrobe off her, what are you doing??
-Oh, we're okay, never mind.
-Man, he got interrupted again!
-Is her mother gonna wonder whose car it is parked by the curb?
-Maybe then you'll both have concussions.
-And where are your parents??
-Don't snoop around and take anything while you're in there, Angus, what could you possibly want with a bra?
-What office do you work at?
-Wouldn't Angus be curious about a goodbye party?
-Angus and Malcolm get her out of an abusive household, so yeah, they're not so bad.
-Here we go, get on with the confessions.
-I love this conversation. I love the dialogue. 

Chapter Twenty
-Ladies and gentlemen, behold, the kings of getting grounded.
-It won't ruin the friendship, really, please do tell!
-It stinks to be without friends in school. Them being gone is one of the worst.
-You think the teachers would be suspicious. Does Johnny ever get in trouble? Is he a bully to anyone else, or just the Youngs?
-And now we see more of Susan's character, I love it!
-It wasn't all her fault she went to live with Travis. My goodness, it's just one bad guy after the next, there will not be any abusive guys in the third book, I'll tell you that!
-Uh, chloroplasts are in plant cells, not in hair cells. May I see your teaching degree please? And...whose hair are we looking at exactly?
-Is Sister Margarita using her ruler for more than just measurements?
-If I talked like that to a teacher, I'd get the beat down of my life. 

Chapter Twenty One that a typo I see? Really?
-Well ma'am, it is the title of the book...
-This is something I wish more people understood about artists. But telling your mother to shut up is not something I condone.
-When I wrote this...ya' know, I was going through this same thing in real life with my mom. I still kind of am, but it's getting better.
-My mother has never physically hurt me, I will say that.
-Oh damn, I forgot how good that speech was. 
-"Hey, Dad, you mind if we take your car for the night? We'll just take a couple of ciggies too, if ya' don't mind."
-I think it'd be worse if your dad came in, it is his cigarette.
-Let's see, what could Hannah possibly have to tell you?
-You just stuff cigarettes in your pocket? Gross!
-Quick, Ang, put the cigarette out!
-All you needed were four forks, how did you pull out extras?
-I love this conversation too! I love this family, I have to write more of them!
-You just gotta know where Malcolm used to work to get it.
-Did a swarm of bees attack your car, Mr. Young?
-Is your dad really your dad unless he can't remember any of your friends' names?
-This whole talk at dinner is just chaos.
-Did Angus suddenly get the whole week off? Did I miss a line?
-...Uh, can someone pass me the potatoes, please?

Chapter Twenty Two
-Oh, I forgot Malcolm gets sick!
-See, Angus, this is why you don't have that guitar, 'cause you're spendin' all your money on these mags! I wonder if there really is a mag with a page like that.
-And where exactly are the fingerprints on the pages? At the bottom, or the sides, or...I take it this isn't a Scratch and Sniff?
-Angus, you sentimental little bug.
-How long did it take you to notice that dial tone?

Chapter Twenty Three
-Just you wait, Angus, just you wait. You'll be joining his band in no time.
-Physical fight number fhsgfnshg...*mumbles*
-Are you deaf over there, Mrs. Young?
-I like how they make the distinction between love and a crush. There is a huge difference, love doesn't happen right away.
-Finally, Malcolm's girlfriends!
-A few that you've considered, who are you, John Bender?
-This is one of the most important chapters in this book. Please, go back and read it again. You can't skip this one.
-"Sighed with his lips". I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to phrase that. I looked up everything, and nothing came up. You know that thing horses do when they're tired? Yeah, Angus did it. I just compared Angus Young to a horse. 
-I'd go see those plays.
-I knew a boy named Luuk in my senior year of high school. He was an exchange student from the Netherlands, very tall, very nice.
-Can you specify, Mal, there's a lot of first days of school.
-I have a spot on my face too. A "beauty" mark. 
-Way to go, Malcolm. You told Angus about your hickey story and Angus takes his lesson into the next book!
-And now Johnny got some background. Like I said, an important chapter.
-You animated the whole story? You should have let Shiela know what could do with your hands instead of just a hickey, she wouldn't have sent you home.
-Just tell him, Malcolm, for God's sakes!

Chapter Twenty Four
-What a way to start a chapter!
-Aw, he takes a little trip to his parents room to tell them he's sick, what a doll.
-Green? That can't taste good.
-Angus never lets a little cold get in the way of a concert, I'll tell you that.
-Ferris Bueller reference!
-That's a different story of mine, Malcolm.
-Is...that a Tempest reference?
-Ooooof course Angus gets sick, how convenient.
-Uh....Angus? Upon hearing "give her one last hug from me", I feel you should be running to her house, make sure she's not dying.
-It's weird to think it's been a week since all that happened.
-Trust me on this, Ang, you don't want to have to take your work home.
-Unbelievable. Even this guy knows what's up!
-I love the detail of the old shop owner, telling Mrs. Banker off. Just like Angus told her to.
-And now we get even more of Susan's story!
-"You can cry on me, and in return I'll sneeze on you, babe."
-Crazy to think those bruises on Susan's arms will turn into something else on Hannah's arms in the next book. Like I said, no more abuse in the third book!
-Grown up well, he's fourteen! Wait a few more years.
-Kissing his cheek won't make the boo boo go away, ya' know.
-How could Hannah mix up the notes?? Wouldn't she search around her bag looking for the note she wrote him, and realize she gave him the wrong one? And try some hare-brained scheme only used in cheesy sitcoms trying to switch the two? 
-I wonder if Susan really did spread the word.
-That vehicle almost drilling Angus down is the moving van...
-Deciding knocking on the door was too much of a scene, Angus knocked on all the windows like a robber. Face it, Angus, you can keep a knockin' but you can't come in.
-Better hope a cop car doesn't show up, Angus, you're in a bad spot here.
-"Hannah? Are you changing your clothes for me?"
-You didn't see the for sale sign when you were knocking on the windows and doors, trying to climb down the chimney?
-Malcolm's got a bit of a "Noah's Lark" moment here. 
-Man, I left in a quotation mark!
-You really should have told him, Malcolm.
-Angus has a right to sing the blues.
-Physical fight number one million!
-I love these parents, doing all they can for their kids, keeping them safe, taking care of them.
-What a way to end the chapter!

Chapter Twenty Five
-I wonder if Hannah ever got sick from Malcolm, I must have forgotten about that.
-Everyone makes promises in this band, and they're never kept! 
-Malcolm and Angus really do have the best voices around. For talking anyway.
-This is turning into a Malcolm story all of the sudden. 
-Really Oregon is my home, but I wouldn't mind going to visit Australia.
-No, I can't do whatever I pleased, you made me promise you I would live with Travis!
-Can you imagine living in the same house as your high school sweetie? Hee hee!
-Beatles reference!
-This mother is a real villain.
-I used the word vagary and I don't even remember what it means.

Chapter Twenty Six
-This story must have been the peak of my writing, because I have never written anything so nice and flowing since.
-Perfect timing, Angus.
-I love how Mr. Young is the one to come talk to him.
His dad has some pretty funny lines in this book. 
-Nice save, Angus. You'd think Mr. Young would know it was tobacco though.
-This conversation between them is so nice, another chapter you can't skip.

Chapter Twenty Seven
-The Malcolm Show is back! *turns up volume*

-More smokes? Holy smokes!
-A nice thing would be to let him recover before he starts smoking like a chimney again.
-With Angus' cold he won't be able to taste them anyway.
-Seems the mother had a rough time with family as well growing up.
-Angus himself doesn't realize how much he means to her!
-When did you two get so philosophical and good with words?
-It's probably the same bag Angus threw at the beginning of the book, and no one else bought it.
-Um, I do have a brother actually. He reminds me of Mal in a way.
-Just you wait, just you wait...
-That story the man told is a fanfiction all on its own.
-Da da da da da dum dum da...
-Malcolm Mitchell, you dog.
-Man, he really loved her, didn't he?
-Heh, he's just under the blanket chewing his candies.

Chapter Twenty Eight
-Going back to school after a long break sucks.
-I took a theater class. The drama kids are usually the weirdest and the friendliest.
-Getting hit with an orange must hurt! I hate oranges.
-Where are the teachers? Why doesn't Johnny ever get in trouble?
-Yeah, well, I don't see any teachers in this whole school. I bet if you punched him Angus, one would show up in no time.
-And finally Johnny gets some other emotions, finally we see how human this boy can be.
-Well, I guess he won't be picked on any more.

Chapter Twenty Nine
-Bon! The band is here!
-Oh yeah. Sherrie is here too.
-Sir yes, Malcolm sir!
-He finally got that guitar he wanted!
-Roadies and extra girls? What is this, a playboy bus?
-Man, I spelled blonde wrong! That's how you spell it for a male, for a female, you add the "e" at the end.
-I wanted to make Sherrie not a bad guy. I wanted to give Angus a reason for being with her, tall, beautiful, kind, obviously. If she was a witch, it'd make no sense for him to be with her. But of course, it would make no sense if they broke up if she were a perfect angel. So, I had her interrupt him a few times, and quickly change the subject back on herself. Taking a long time getting herself together as they leave the bus, and not showing up to their concerts. Leaving him without a note every morning after. Little things like that. Blink and you'll miss them.
-Uh, Cliff? Is this the best time?
-Not important? What do you mean not important? 
-Woah woah woah, the playboy motel!
-Nah, Mal, you still don't get a girlfriend. But you're certainly in the story more with a plot of your own.
-That picture...I still have that little note I made, for a prop. I took a sheet of paper, wrote the note and dipped it in some tea, and then I tore it up and taped it back together. It adds a realistic touch.

Chapter Thirty
-Look at this guy, making an impression, getting all goosed and spruced.
-I wear a lot of layers too, to be honest.
-How did they manage to find the address?
-And right away there are little details about the burns on her arms. 
-His girl? Oh stop, I might swoon!
-Oh, I'm falling for that love story bullshit all over again. It's too sweet!
-A few inches lower you say??
-Even being away for so long, and they pick up like it was yesterday they saw each other.
-He means so much to you, that's why you tell him!
-And he still feels the same way!
-There's that ring, that cursed ring. I like how it's not revealed to be a promise ring until the next book, so it looks like an engagement ring.
-But, it's okay, Angus, since you have Sherrie now?
-*the two share a most passionate kiss on the sidewalk, before finally breaking away* I have a girlfriend," says Angus, catching his breath. "Might marry her next week, ya' know."
-Aaaaaand there he is, the man himself. Travis.
-Shoo, Travis, you bug!
-They both are so good at hiding what went on in that house. Hiding everything Travis had done.
-Poor Malcolm.
-Angus will just find anything about Travis to pick on.
-And that's it! The story is done, and yet it's just started! 

What's the verdict on this story? Well, I must say this was one of my most favorite stories to write, and once I got in the zone, I wrote so much in so short a time. It isn't the greatest piece of writing in the world, I know there are better, and I know I can do better myself, but so far this is one of my best. I never knew how popular this story would become, and I want to thank everybody for taking the time to read it. I'm anxious to continue this story and let you all know how their lives turn out. 

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