Not Another One...Review!
Ah yes, the second story to the four story trilogy. Four story trilogy...right away, you know something is up with this series. This one was meant to be better than the first. Let's see if that proved true, shall we?
Chapter One
-Fun fact: I am not at Western Oregon University. I am at a community college, actually hoping to leave soon. I've almost got a job, I just have to keep trying!
-Vee, you're back! This story wouldn't be complete without the random friend that never gets to experience these adventures with me. Those BOYS are mine, I tell you!
-Death by wreath entanglement. And on Christmas too!
-Quick! Bring up the long forgotten subject of me time travelling again, I want to go back! It's the only way to do it!
-Maybe...Vee will go with me this time?
-Uh, maybe I should check the ventilation in the chimney because I think my house is on fire! Help!
Chapter Two
-Oh, I'm okay! Just fell asleep on the floor next to an active fire, you know, shit happens.
-I'm on the sidewalk again. Just my luck. This time travel business must put a spell on me so I don't wake up before it's morning from just how uncomfortable the concrete is.
-Nope, I'm alone. Can't have a friend with me, that's right.
-No Margaret? No MARGARET?
-Well, for once the weather is normal. There goes Santa Claus in a speedo running down the street right now. Happy Holidays!
-Man, if only Angus had my skill/luck of finding coins in the first book.
-Merry flipping Christmas to you too, bitch.
-Malcolm! Thank goodness you're here! I was afraid I was gonna have to learn to do things on my own! Not in this story, thanks to you.
-Oh man, Bon's gone. Never even got to say goodbye. 1980? Hmm. Many things happened this year...
-Aaaaaaand there it is. He's married, you're too late! Merry Christmas.
-Lead the way to my ruined holiday, Malcolm. Let this story begin!
Chapter Three
-So...these guys still can't afford their own places? They just upgraded to two story?
-Oh, he showed up when you were in the bathroom, Phil. He left a while ago.
-Hide and seek with Angus, neener neener neeeeener!
-Oh, my Eeyore nightie? Thanks.
-Ooooh, was he gonna kiss her? Huh? Huh? Huh?
-I appreciate the wives being here, but how come only Linda and Ellen? Why not Georgeanne, or anyone else? And why don't you have your own places right now? Spend too much on the private plane?
-Brian! Finally a story with Brian in it! I understand the reasons why he's usually not in these books but he's gotta be in some somewhere.
-And Cliff is here too? Whoo!
-Thank goodness the wives are nice. They're nice in real life, so why shouldn't they be nice in the story too? I will say, I read one Beatles story about Ringo, and they wrote Maureen to be kind of mean, but! It fit in with the story and it was honestly very good, one of the best Beatles stories I've read.
-Not just married, freaking married! You gotta get excited about it!
-"Just got back from Walmart, Linda."
-Wow, Brian took that a lot better than Mark did in the first book. Better than Bon did, really better than anyone. Like I said, doesn't take much to please these guys in this series.
Chapter Four
-Angus, you're in denial again, aren't you? Come here and give me a hug, that'll change your mind.
-This is like a repeat of the first book, but Angus actually has legitimate reasons why he would stay away from her. Doesn't want a broken heart and she'll eventually leave anyway, now he's married and she'll leave again anyway, I don't blame him for keeping his feelings at bay.
-Young fight! *rings bell*
-*narrator voice* More roars are exchanged between the youngest of the Youngs. Some fists are swung, some bites are taken, some situations are reasoned, some feelings are denied! And the youngest balls his fists at the memories the second to last Young dishes out, this one's gonna be close! Ooh, a threat from the elder Young: "You'll be sorry you did." And the door is slammed on Youngest's face.
-Uh, we don't need a recall of what happened in 2016...
-Woah, Angus, it's only chapter four!
-Where's the fun in falling and breaking your neck? I thought you were afraid of heights!
Chapter Five
-Angus the magician strikes again!
-Love the communication among these guys. "I'll get a towel from upstairs." "Towels are upstairs!" *dirty look* "Where's Angus?" "Oh, he's upstairs."
-Was Margaret's nightgown really that bad? Oh yeah, Grammy Jammies!
-Well, Angus, at least you didn't just open the door. You'd get a punch to the nose instead.
-*mouth full, spitting out food* "Get Linda to help!" *smacks lips* Geez, Mal, manners! This is why Margaret gave you chores!
Chapter Six
-Song reference!
-And more punctuation mistakes, again I'm really sorry about that.
-Oh dear, I let out my hideous snort laugh.
-It's your video, Phil, that's why.
-I think I wrote this when I recently watched The Exorcist for the second time. Not a bad film, there are parts in it that creep me out, but I didn't find it all that scary.
-"I'm no doctor..." There's that line!
-And lookie here, Phil's gotta use the bathroom!
-Aw, nothing like a few teasing remarks to show brotherly love.
-As if IIIIIIIIIIIII were made of stooooooooooone!
-Chapter six? I think you mean chapter- *mouth gets covered by review producer*
-More clothes shopping! Maybe I'll get another dress I won't need but actually will to impress the BOYS!
-Hell yeah you remember me beating you at pool.
-Oh yeah, you still have that blanket? Mind if I borrow it? I forgot how much I wanted to smell like y-I mean, I forgot how soft it was! Heh.
-Again, this story had the potential to be something really good, and it just kind of made the 'eh' category. To anyone who likes this story, thank you so much, it means a lot!
Chapter Seven
-Seasonal jeans? What in the fresh hell are seasonal jeans? Rhinestone Christmas trees on the butt?
-Hey, I'm not that small. *cowers in corner*
-We're having roast now? We're not gonna wait until Christmas day, or even Christmas Eve?
-Malcolm's voice surely must be difficult to imitate, but all three of us are pros! Practice in our spare time, do we? Like the average Joe?
-What, no "Hey, Han?"
-Look at this guy thinking he's Mister Brilliant. "Heh, I didn't greet her at the door, I'll be over her by New Years! Genius!"
-Hmm...seems he has another reason for doing what he is, Bon's death is still affecting him. I like that. I mean, I don't, but it's interesting how something else was added to his feelings and troubles, not just me.
-"Hey hey hey, outta my way, we're having Christmas cookies today!"
-Does Angus need another private plane intervention?
-Georgeanne! You're here!
-"We need somethin' to hang on the tree, 'cause we ran out of money for ornaments payin' for out private plane in '75. Hmm...we'll use Ellen's baking, since it already went bad in the oven. You don't mind do you? Great."
-The Whos down in Whoville wouldn't mind a dingy tree like that, they'd just keep singing that gibberish song, so let's get to joining hands!
-Angus? Were you thinking of stringing me up at the top of the tree...?
-Interesting how Angus is getting mad at her now, blaming her for leaving even if it wasn't her fault. Blaming her for coming back so late, acting like this isn't killing him. I like that.
-Time travel law! You can't change the future, Angus, what happens happens.
-Woah, Bon! You're alive! *off key singing* "Fahoo Fores, Dahoo Dores..."
-Angus, you don't seem that surprised or even excited to see Bon standing right in front of you. You're quite casual about it.
-I like how Angus doesn't regret his decision to get married. He just has the unfortunate luck to love them both. Cheers, Angus!
-Did Bon just predict the future? There is a third book!
-You think you guys are real clever with that new catchphrase, don't you? "We'll just see." Is that a threat or something? Try me, deck my halls, mate.
-How convenient to make all the residents leave, giving us two a chance to be alone together on holiday. Tis' the season to come together as a family, and here we are celebrating by splitting up for vague music meetings in Canada. Get to work, Rankin and Bass!
Chapter Eight
-Good question, Angus. You'd better stop that right now and stand up and leave, giving her the cold Christmas shoulder. That ought to do it! You're a mean one, Angus Young...
-Early Christmas! *dives into pile of presents, searching frantically* Hey, where are all mine?
-Phil, you dorky little bugger.
-"Can't have them findin' my letter to Santa I left at the bottom of the bag!"
-Yeah, Phil. Don't we all.
-Hope that envelope comes into play later.
-Making plans without checking anything Malcolm!
-This is gonna turn into a story of AC/DC getting kidnapped in Canada, all because Malcolm wanted to spend his holiday sitting there in a meeting without getting anyone's approval. But really though, this is what you want to spend your holiday doing, Malcolm? Really??
-You don't even know the other bands joining you! What if they don't speak English?
-Well, we got Angus to pick up all the garbage.
-You look disappointed, Angus, were you hoping it was Mrs. Claus coming to help?
-Little liiiarrrrrrr!
Chapter Nine
-Who...carried me up? Why do I keep falling asleep in random places?
-"You'll see them again anyway." Yeah, until they get kidnapped in Canada!
-"We had to turn up the radio and listen to the same three Christmas songs on loop because Angus wouldn't shut up about you!"
-You and Ellen sure talk about weird things. And it doesn't matter whose words they were, it's still not necessarily a good thing!
-This was a Christmas gone wrong as soon as I fell asleep next to a raging fire at my house, this is nothing new.
-Oh, Angus, no need to follow me, you just got back from...where were you again?
-"Brian, quick, follow me! We'll make Angus jealous!"
-Okay Brian, you have a point, but that doesn't make that the right answer.
-Damn, Hannah, you ruined Angus' Christmas morning getting that milk for him! How dare you!
Chapter Ten
-It's the most crappiest tiiiiiime of the yeeeeaaar!
-Well we couldn't miss the Frosty rerun, now could we?
-Poor Angus, did Rudolph not end the way you wanted it to?
-Curse you random bar in the middle of the floor that no other laundry room has! You're making me look bad!
-Oh, hello, Superman.
-Oh, God, don't use the word 'shipping' in my stories! I wouldn't touch it with a thirty nine and a half foot pole!
-You happy now, Angus? We're going to the store together like you wanted.
-I'm kind of glad I live in Oregon 'cause while we don't get a lot of snow, we don't get ninety degree weather either.
-Darn it Linda, now we have to wait another chapter!
Chapter Eleven
-Huh, I like how she gets sick. Getting sick with the cold or flu is a very common thing and not a lot of stories have little things like that in there. Either it's a major illness or none at all. Was this part of Angus' plan too? Did he sneeze on my Christmas cookie?
-Nothing like a party at a storage building! Does someone eventually buy it and make it a Blockbuster?
-Hope Cliff doesn't mind!
-A moment of silence for John to the storage party!
-Party in my pajamas!
-Mr. Drunk Man and his bad breath! One of my accidental tropes.
-This guy is real bad at flirting, even when he's drunk! What is it, eggnog?
-Thank you, Angus, how convenient for you to come along. Can't have me defending myself, now can we?
-"I am still sick, Angus, have you got a plastic bag on ya'?"
-See, Eggnog? This how you flirt.
-Darn it, Angus, now we have to wait another chapter!
-They're green hazel, for your information.
-What are we dancing to anyway? Jingle Bells?
-Yuk yuk yuk, good one Brian.
-Oh good grief, this ought to be a Valentine's Day book!
-Likely story, Brian.
-Here we go, ripping on modern music. Not all of it is that bad, but yeah, some of it is due to a pretty face.
-Good timing, Linda. Good timing.
-No, I don't know what he does, I don't need to know what he does, I don't want to know what he does, no thank you.
-You never question anyone! No one ever questions anyone, we just let each other run amok and get feelings and go to Canada, and buy bendy straw flasks!
Chapter Twelve
-Are you boys talking about me? Oh, stop it, you!
-Yeah, no one asks me if I still like him or not! What if I dropped him like a bad habit while I was gone? Got someone new with a sweet Italian mustache?
-To the above comment, Angus, please don't try to grow one of those.
-Get a good look, Hannah, 'cause he's not coming out of that room for a long while!
Chapter Thirteen
-Ooh, new house, new neighbors to look at over the fence!
-I'm siiiiinging in the suuun...
-What bad luck you have, Angus, I'm everywhere you don't want me to be.
-Seems Bon is too.
-Really, who is the one controlling this time travel business? Why did I come back, and why so late?
-But he did. *X-files theme plays on the new record*
Chapter Fourteen
-Nature: "Would I give you anything less, dear main character? Here's some sun to warm up your wonderful life." Me: "What about my friend?" Nature: *scoffs* "Oh yeah, here." *insert an Angus sized rain cloud*
-Yeah, uh, what did me and Brian do all evening?
-Nice to put in my flu bug going around, make it seem like Angus had just gotten sick.
-That's the big turn in these kinds of stories, Angus picking up the bottle. That's when you know shit's hitting the fan.
-Bet your meeting's been real fun, hasn't it, Malcolm? Phil and Cliff singing carols over there?
-"Fuck, we were gonna drink those when we got back, this meetin' is the worst!"
-I choke up instead so Angus wouldn't. How sweet of me.
-Who said anything about kissing? *looks around* It happened one time, five years ago! Okay, maybe twice...three times...
-Good morning, sleepy head.
-"Tireder"...that's a word?
Chapter Fifteen
-"...So how are we doing this evening?"
-Can we bring in some spirits in here to show Angus Christmas past, present, and future to maybe cheer him up? By the way, that story actually has been done before here, I recommend reading it!
Chapter Sixteen
-Well, Angus! Nice surprise to see you here! Have a seat, won't you?
-"You hear something down there, Angus? Like a group of men talking about our forbidden love? No?"
-History repeating itself, Mal.
-I may be a time traveler, but Lucy Parker is a witch! With a pensieve and portkey and everything!
-"Only like, a hundred years older than her." -Cliff
-"That sucks balls." -Malcolm Young
-I think he would mind, actually.
-Here we go again, another one of your schemes, Malcolm to get us on a date!
-There it is, the beginnings of Filthy Phil.
-I've been walking around in the fresh air since chapter two! What am I so happy about?
-Man, could you imagine finding a photo of yourself in the seventies, or eighties, or something like that? A picture of the Beatles with you in it?
-Let Angus gripe, Malcolm. This air is too fresh.
Chapter Seventeen
-"Cliff, when a man says 'splendid', he means it's sissy."
-News people, leave Bon alone! Speaking of the news, now we're watching it? Now that the weather is perfectly normal?
-Yeah, Angus, it's our laundry room too! We all share this house, now deal with it!
-What book is it? Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging?
-Young and-wait a minute...does Angus even know my last name? Have we been falling for each other, spending all that time with each other, and I still haven't said my last name? Actually, I was going to have my last name be a part of the book but I didn't want people knowing it was me, so I used my middle name instead. But still...Angus, you don't even know my last name! Anyway, Young and ******* fight! *rings bell*
-*narrator voice* Young roars at the thought of spending another minute with the female, especially after she ruined his Christmas. The elder Young grabs him before he can escape the shared laundry room, and shoves him back in to deal with his anger. Young Curly Q starts foaming at the mouth, to the utmost annoyance of his female companion. She stands up for herself, teeth bared and ready to bite. After mention of their fallen friend, Young grabs his friend and bites-wait, no! He's kissing her, he's kissing her! And Malcolm is watching! gotta breathe sometime, Angus...
-That actually wasn't a bad argument. Could have been written better, could have been written a lot worse.
Chapter Eighteen
-"Hey, Angus, you work everything out yet?"
-Heh, it's my laundry room now.
-Have any of us actually done any laundry down here? Or do we all sit in The Circle and get high like That 70s Show?
-Not every day the guy spreads his legs, but if you insist.
-Man, and to think one kiss took away all of his building up anger! Like a fairy tale when they break spells. Hey, didn't Angus make a reference to Cinderella earlier? Oh my goodness, so that's what this whole story is! One big fairy tale!
-"You're killing me, Smalls!"
-Oh, so that kiss was my present! Angus planned it this way all along! You sneak!
-Man, Eggnog Breath really needs to take some notes from Mister Suave here on flirting.
-Oh yeah, I just saved Angus Young's life. No big deal.
-Aw, their first dance!
-And their first confession! *squee!*
-Take a picture, Malcolm, it'll last longer.
Chapter Nineteen
-If we can't spend Christmas together or New Years, we always have Malcolm's birthday to fall back on! Fahoo Fores, Dahoo Dores...
-Man, I'm a little kiss up.
-Aw, poor Ellen. That's not the kind of news she ought to be hearing.
-Uh...that's not the kind of words she ought to be spewing.
-They made a bet?! Damn, talk about a plot twist!
-Angus is thinking, "Shit, now I'm not getting my sweet gold watch! *cough* I mean, uh, you made a bet?!"
-Wow, you guys are pretty good at saying things at the same time.
Chapter Twenty
-So, you get a feeling when you're about to leave? Do you get a feeling when you're about to-oh, maybe I shouldn't word it that way...uh, do you know when you're about to time travel? Besides clicking your heels and thinking about it or falling under the spell of sleep? How come you didn't feel this way the first time you left? Was it because you felt Angus' hands instead? Tsk tsk, Angus, you're messin' things up!
-It does suck, Mal. You could say it sucks balls.
-No, Malcolm, no one ever says what they feel, that wouldn't be good for the drama of the story!
-"Well," Brian said. "That's not good."
-How sweet of her to throw me a party when I practically made out with her husband. What great friends I have! "So no one told you life was gonna be this waaaayyy..."
-At least I get to say goodbye this time. Aw, Malcolm, you don't have to wait for me!
-Angus, don't you dare pull this again! Remember your back, it still hasn't healed!
Chapter Twenty One
-"Hannah?" "Angus?" "Marco." "Polo!"
-Asking about our favorite things, sitting in silence, you know, normal things couples do.
-Oh yeah, your letter to Santa! Did you ask for a napkin like the ones he wears this hot holiday season?
-Angus, I said watch the fingers!
-This time traveling business really does put a sleep spell on you, doesn't it? What if it's a false alarm like women into labor sometimes get? That's a real thing, right?
-And the last thing Angus heard his love say before he fell into a blissful sleep, never seeing her again was..."You smell nice..."
Chapter Twenty Two
-"You smell nice..." "Uh, thank you...?" *opens eyes to see Vee in my face*
-I sleep on the floor all the time, Vee, you should know that by now.
-Your magic of talking about meeting the band caused me to time travel again! Too bad there's not enough magic for both of us to go!
-Why does everyone immediately say he still likes me? And why are they always right?
-These last chapters are always just recaps of what happened. We get it, we read the story!
-What a sweet letter, I'm gonna hang it up on the fridge!
-Now I get to celebrate Christmas again! Fahoo Fores- *Vee covers my mouth*
Alright, what did I think? I liked it, I don't know if it met its goal of being better than the first. I like how Bon was brought back into the story by seemingly being Angus' confused imagination, and I like how this story dealt with something that could very well happen in real life, despite time travel not having happened yet. You could leave someone you fell in love with, come back, and still have feelings even if they're married now. I also like how this got in touch with Angus' point of view more, and how it talked about how he felt about all of this. I also like how it didn't have any touring in it, it was just a little holiday break. Again, it had the potential to be really good, but it's still a bit rushed. Until the next review!
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