I Prooped My Pants Review!
Another request!
I've been asked to review this story a few days ago and I read the entire book to get a good look at what I'm reviewing. I used to watch this show when I was much younger and once in a while I see clips on YouTube so I'm familiar with the setup. So let's get this request fulfilled!
-Fake ID?? *gasp*
-Fraternal quadruplets? So no one has trouble telling you apart? I have trouble telling strangers apart.
Chapter One
-If only the bathroom was just a little bigger so it could fit all four of them!
-I took an improv class in high school for three weeks. There was a reason I was only there for three weeks...
-How convenient! One guy for each of them!
-The Wiggles!
-To think Bill Gates could have just made the Pop-Tart instead of Microsoft...
-But that's four whole parking spaces you have to find! Four tanks of gasoline!
-No tickets? Just walk right in? Sweet!
Chapter Two
-Hey! All four guys are there!
-Glasses reflecting light reminds me of dramatic anime scenes.
-I guess you gotta make the joke when you have a last name like that...
-What a coincidence he picked her!
-Supermodels? Does that help pay for the mansion? Are they planning to have their own homes eventually? Do they pool the money, do they model together as the famous quadruplets or do they each do their own thing? I have questions!
Chapter Three
-Whoever sent those flowers sure got them quick!
-I wouldn't say it's impossible...
-'Gonna be much longer' wait your turn, sir!
-I bet you both breathe air too?
Chapter Four
-You'll get more than that in the world of Wattpad!
-They...knew the answer to that first question?
-But you didn't specify what kind! Just get surprised I guess.
-And they're at the restaurant too! Get on the table and dance!
-Not all water tastes the same, that's a valid question...
-Now are we uh, splitting the bill, or...
Chapter Five
-In love already? Wow! What was in those flowers? This is some Star Trek flora.
Chapter Six
-I hope you name the poodle Harriet. No reason...
Chapter Seven
-I spill food on myself all the time, it's all part of the eating experience.
Chapter Eight
-Poor waiter doesn't get the joke!
-As long as they're dinosaur chicken nuggets. The letters are fine, the regulars...eh.
-I've never eaten French food myself except breakfast/brunch foods. I myself prefer Italian.
-Whatever you do, sir, please don't make me famous on your television show! *winks*
-Oh boy, musical chairs!
Chapter Nine
-Third degree burns is all I needed to hear.
-And they died??
-I've accidentally left my hair straightener on before, always turn off your appliances!
-And unplug!
-Now's not the time, fireman!
-Nothing to see here, shadowy silhouette!
Chapter Ten
-What kind of scummy hotel asks why you need a room? Imagine you're hiding from an abusive SO and they ask?? Humph! We'll be taking our business elsewhere!
-Four jobs just happen to be available? Nice! What about bellhop or valet parking? Wait...did they drive the four cars to the hotel? Probably, there's nowhere else to put them.
-But what about their supermodel jobs? Don't they have any money in the bank? Did their parents have any will? Don't get me wrong, those are respectable jobs but...I thought they had some already!
Chapter Eleven
-As long as you pay for the rooms for as long as you've booked them you can stay! Right? Keeping the jobs shouldn't matter.
-Call museums?
-Meanie Matt.
-Ask her sister! She might have had a few free samples.
Chapter Twelve
-Ha! See? She stole some food! She knows if the food is good.
-The customer is NOT always right.
-Ah, the old cousin trick!
-Poor Rebecca feeling awkward.
Chapter Thirteen
-Wow! Look at the clairvoyance on this guy...
-Ew! I really hope those clothes are washed...luckily they were blue.
-I like teddy bears...
Chapter Fourteen
-Wait, aren't you working? Or is this a different shift?
-Yoga is rather fun. So is Mozart!
-Shadowy figure, bug off! I'm on a date! *gobbles appetizer*
Chapter Fifteen
-Why on earth would he get mad that your house burned down?
-She waited a few hours to tell you! She was grieving!
-If he breaks up with you for taking a minute for yourself when life gets rough, you don't need him!
Chapter Sixteen
-You are a model! At least, I thought you were.
-Always read your contracts! Don't get distracted by giant shrimp!
-"No murder in my lobby!"
Chapter Seventeen
-*slaps Greg* Pull! Yourself! Together! You can't touch a missing person's things! Evidence!
-Wait a day?? Oh yeah...they'll ask you to wait 24-72 hours before filing a report...but these are suspicious circumstances!
-It's not high profile because she's dating a famous guy! Also props to the 911 operator for immediately knowing who that was.
-In what elevator?? She needs the name of the hotel! She needs a full name, address, and physical description!
-Oh yeah, the pink dress.
-Artist over the phone? Who's holding the phone for this guy while he sketches?
Chapter Eighteen
-No, five more minutes.
-Is she a real person? That last name is too specific to be a Jane Doe.
-I see! She is real! She doesn't look malicious...
-These Google searches are....uh..."Does Greg Proops children?" "Is Greg Proops a wife?" ....I can't answer either of those...
-How rude!
Chapter Nineteen
-Ah, finally the police.
-Well...you know why they always pick Colin to be the woman?
-Fingerprints in the elevator, what a klutz.
-RIP cup.
-Group hug!
Chapter Twenty
-If she eats that gruel maybe she'll see Jacob Marley.
-Some fans are a bit odd. Harassing anyone, even famous people isn't okay.
Chapter Twenty One
-Are they all just staying in that room? Are the police sleeping there too? When you group hug you just can't say goodbye so easily.
-Yeah, why is everyone here?
-Don't they have to go to work?
-Who's going to work Lindsey's job? Has she been kicked out of Love Hotel?
-Wait....quadruplets living in a hotel....is this Suite Life 2.0??
Chapter Twenty Two
-How did they catch her? Man, she's not a very good criminal.
-Mayyybe don't say that in front of the police, sir...
-Investigate! Get a detective on the scene! Maybe not resort to torture or anything of the kind but there has to be a way to get info on this. You have to keep her in custody. Find some relatives, witnesses, anyone to question.
-She can't just have her way with him! Put her in jail! Lock her up!
-Italian, you say?
-You don't need a new dress! You don't deserve a new dress! You don't get any lemonade!!
-She's taking the police with her to shop at the boutique? Well...I guess she needs to be escorted. To JAIL!!!
Chapter Twenty Three
-Ooh, television! How did that get there on the ceiling? Is this a children's dentistry?
-It's America's favorite soap opera, The Comedian and the Criminal! Grab the gruel!
-She better spill some spicy beans if she's making them hold hands.
-Where's the camera set up? Does Greg know it's there? ...Does Jennifer even know it's there?
-Violin player and everything! And he won't leave until you take a bite of your food!
-I love Lady and the Tramp but...make that extra spicy beans...
-The noodle battle would have made me cry more than the kiss!
Chapter Twenty Four
-Don't play stupid!
-You're a psychotic stalker, why would he have romantic feelings for you? He wouldn't just have Stockholm Syndrome, he'd have Oslo and Helsinki Syndrome!
-She promised to tell him!!! Police!! Take her to the table, shine the lamp in her face, and get the info out!!
-They were afraid...what kind of police is this? What kind of town is this?? Asking why you need hotel rooms, no hotel security, no police investigations, nothing!
-That was a very specific place to look...
-Do you have anything for the dogs to sniff? The're called the K-9 force!
Chapter Twenty Five
-Yeah, make sure Greg sits right between you two. There shall be no tonsil licking on THIS Scooby Doo trip!
-Well of course you still miss her, you're her sister!
-Nice going, you almost missed the turn!
-Group hug for luck!
-Woah, just like those cop shows on TV!
-No, you never split up! Things happen when you split up!
-See? Two seconds apart and crummy elevators are breaking down.
Chapter Twenty Six
-Uh...this is not the time for locking lips! We're on a mission, Columbo!
-And break open a bottle of champagne over that pile of bones and the dust bunnies? Oh, you really know how to show a girl a good time.
Chapter Twenty Seven
-It's all fun and games until the ghosts start whistling back.
-A DOG??? I would love to!!!
-See?? What did I say?? Things happen when you split up!!
-Granted I would get distracted talking about dogs too but...oh dang, he lost his memory? Not even conked out first...this whole building is booby trapped.
Chapter Twenty Eight
-Great. Just great. Her night is ruined. The elevator is fine but Colin is where she draws the line!
-You will only be allowed to call her 'Your highness' from now on.
-Change? Into what? All he needs to do is not get upset when she grieves by herself for two seconds, he doesn't need to change.
-I want you to be a balloon animal that never pops. And I can take you anywhere with me on a string.
-....I've had Nutella....it's not that great...*hides under blanket*
-Real girlfriends don't make out with your best friends!
Chapter Twenty Nine
-"We're like brothers...only closer...." *SpongeBob and Squidward are attached*
-Hearing moans are never a good thing in Wattpad books...
-Boy, good thing Superman kicked the door down or you guys would have left without her!
-That dress ain't pink anymore...
-Twenty pounds, get this girl to a hospital! Get her on IV fluid! Get her a decent meal!
-Are you kidding, she never misses America's favorite soap opera! Of course she saw you smacking lips!
-She's running kind of fast for someone who has barely eaten...now that I think about it...what stopped her from trying to break out of here? Was the gruel that good?
-First date to fiancee in the span of two seconds? Man, screw that other show, this needs buttered popcorn!
Chapter Thirty
-You think you need to take him to the hospital?? Two of you need to get there pronto!
-Because you have amnesia!
-Hit by a car?? What is this, a Series of Unfortunate Events?
Chapter Thirty One
-Okay...that first sentence made me laugh...
-It's been what, two...three days since they got together? And everyone already knows them from their fansite?
-They come out of a car wreck looking like that?? I don't get out of BED looking like that!
-You know...Mr. Spock was able to minimize the pain when his legs were broken...hmm....
-She memorized the whole license plate in the blink of an eye? Put her on the force!
-See, everyone knows them! They'll have a monument built for the wreck in no time.
-Are there cameras following them? They really are on a soap!
-Get him to the hospital first, then run some tests!! Test and drive, test and drive!
-Grab a number and wait in line, Ryan!! He's seen your soap, he knows who you are, who you're dating, I'm surprised his cat doesn't know about your injury!
Chapter Thirty Two
-Uh...wrong room...*shuts chapter door*
-"Ahem ahem. Yes, this is Gregory Proops speaking, may I have the honor to ask who is calling me on my cellular device?" *twirls mustache*
-"Greg, it's Colin! Turn on your caller ID!!! I called to tell you that!!"
-Amnesia, coma, broken arm and leg, car crash, and Jerry Mathers as the Beaver.
-They're all in one room? Aren't they supposed to be on different floors? An accident/trauma floor, an intensive care floor...
-Okay, Ryan, now get in the bed the nice nurse picked out for you, that's a boy...
Chapter Thirty Three
-Poor, lonely, comatose Jeff...
-Uh...visiting hours are over...go home already! Nah, we don't need sleep! Sleep is for the comatose!
-No! No one is exempt from the rules! No slumber party, the patients need their rest!
-What kind of food do they think the cafeteria serves?? This ain't a movie theater!
-Moment of silence for Blockbuster...
-Man, she's acting out her own music video.
Chapter Thirty Four
-Those losers had to sleep. Cool people like us stay up all night in hospitals.
-Why is there a concession stand at a hospital? And why is a doctor running the joint? Don't you have patients to attend to? The urine sample in your lab coat pocket is dripping into the Mountain Dew!
-My sister is a nurse. The cafeteria might have some food, maybe coffee and surely water but they don't have none of this candy and fountain drink nonsense, she can tell you that right now.
-And who is paying for this food? Can any old hobo just walk right up and grab a Snickers?
-"Want some Mountain Dew to wash down your feast?"
-Ten liters?? What hospital is this??
-I don't want to see anyone's abs, thank you.
-Why don't they have a waitress deliver their groceries while they're at it?
-Just call for a--this is not a hotel!! You can't just pull the cord and ask for snacks! "Yeah uh, hey nurse! Can you give us guests loitering in the dying man's room a refill on the Dr. Pepper? Maybe a foot massage?"
-Romance movies don't tempt me, so many of them are just so toxic.
-I like Legally Blonde. It's not perfect but a woman gets a law degree wearing high heeled shoes and tells her ex to stuff it.
-Uh...meanwhile the guy and his kid in the aisle behind them...
-"Yeah, movie night at the local hospital. As long as you can stay awake you're invited. New reality show, you know."
Chapter Thirty Five
-Jeff, calm down. You're distracting everyone from the movie.
-Skittles aren't great, they can be sacrificed to the hospital floor.
-Can you hear the cars or not?
-Jeff obviously thinks being in a coma is funny, don't you see him shaking the bed with laughter? You'd think the doctors would have kicked him out of the room for being in a coma. You can only stay if you stay awake, remember?
-You're giving him an ultimatum?? The man is dying in a coma! You can't make him wake up! You can uninvite him from the slumber party but that's it!
-Uh...POV change?
Chapter Thirty Six
-I can't hug my boyfriend, that would be weird! Uh...uh...Twizzlers!
-The doctor doesn't need the guests' permission to enter the patient's room!
-With a name like Smithsonian you've gotta be a genius in your field!
-I think the doctor ought to run some MRI scans on Ryan...but then again, I ain't no Smithsonian.
-He's a miracle worker! He's invented anti amnesia medicine!
-Let's celebrate and wake all the other patients up! Sleep is forbidden here!
-Yes yes, she is well aware that her house burned down, next!
-This guy deserves some kind of prize for this medical miracle. We'll make a statue and put it in a museum, then name the museum after him!
Chapter Thirty Seven
-How long did they stay at this hospital? They must not have slept for hours! What about their jobs? They worked one day! They'll lose their penthouse in the Tipton!
-Ah, they still have their penthouse.
-And here we see the cast of Whose Line all in maid's uniforms!
-You guys better have a cake with that whole party title written in buttercream icing.
-"The money is always right!"--Mr. Krabs
-Forget the improv show, what about your crime show/soap/reality show?
-How did they know they'd come back from the hospital that day? Have they all been staying up there working various jobs unclogging various toilets?
-Remember, Lindsey... Drew Carey has the power to hire and fire you.
Chapter Thirty Eight
-You recognized the license plate? Both of you remembered that plate when you got hit, you both ought to be on the force.
-Whose Line has now been changed to Eight is Company. #Where the kisses are hers and hers and hers and hers and his and his and his and his!#
-The cameras aren't looking but the audience sure is.
-Hey! You can't do that on TV! Blur that finger!
-Ooh, now it's Wrestlemania! Ashley vs Drew and Clive! Ding ding!
Chapter Thirty Nine
-Baby Face?
-You can laugh all you want at Fat Tony but your name is still Baby Face.
-"Oh, that's Eight is Company! That's my favorite show, scooch over!"
-He tried paying the fish their due rent money but all his dollars fell apart underwater and they evicted him.
-Some witness protection program, they use his full name and face on the telly!
Chapter Forty
-Muddy pools of water, ha! We need more justice for brown eyes!
-#Nothin' suits him like a suit!#
-Hey, I always played as the thimble in Monopoly! Mostly because my sister claimed a "monopoly" on the dog token...
-Don't worry, everyone gets nervous before they play this game, that's standard.
Chapter Forty One
-Does Clive also get a little man under the desk?
-Greg is probably thinking 'Now the lines for the drinking fountain are even longer...'
-'So this is the man who attracts improv actors like satellites...'
-There was a live shooting?? Does this studio have no security??
-No! You can't just keep the show going, the audience is probably scared to death! You need to call the police, put some tape around the building, shut it down, get everyone evacuated to safety, and ask some questions!
-Jeff can't catch a break!
-Oh, Wayne Brady was the best on that show.
Chapter Forty Two
-Jeff can wait, we're hungry. Not like the hospital has a smorgasbord to nibble from.
-It was a truck that hit you?? Isn't there a movie about a truck following some guy?
-Duel! Turns out it's called Duel.
-Chloroform doesn't work that fast I hear, nor for that long.
Chapter Forty Three
-But...you shot him in the leg...hopefully his mother would still recognize him after that!
-But...you just asked him who he was!
-He has a memory all right, he memorized your plates!
-How did you kill him in the hospital? Your story doesn't add up, Chubby Cheeks!
-I don't know...that airline food is pretty funny, and it ain't worth that much...
Chapter Forty Four
-These aren't very intimidating members of the mafia...they might just get downgraded to desk jobs.
-What happened to the penthouse jobs? Aren't you supermodels?? The money in some bank account somewhere??? You can't have kept all that under a mattress!
-A million dollars, sheesh! Also...call the police!
-Oh yeah, he heard that nod.
-Now is not the time for making out!
Chapter Forty Five
-I don't think anybody in existence thinks you're just nobody.
-You could play Twister on these guys. Heh. The Twister Sisters...
-How do they know exactly what happened to Tiffany?
-A gofundme page for a ransom??? POLICE!!
Chapter Forty Six
-Greg...? Where did you get the money for flowers? And why are we 12.99 short from when we counted last? You better run, squirrel!
-'Scuze me, I was talkin' here!
-"Yeah, Tiffany can wait. We have a wedding to plan!"
-How big are men's pockets that they can fit a wad of magazines in them?
-Were those champagne bottles in their pockets too?
-If positivity is good for complexion then I must be the most jaded child in existence. And why is my computer saying 'positivity' is misspelled?
Chapter Forty Seven
-How do you ask the pharmacist for medication like that...the good doctor just invented it!
-I kind of like different colors for wedding dresses. I myself would probably still wear white or else my family would never let me hear the end of it.
-What's wrong with sand? If you don't mind a little in your...uh, ahem. Never mind.
-KInd of a crowded wedding hall though, eh? #Here come the brides, the stage is not that wide! Here come the grooms, there's not much room!#
Chapter Forty Eight
-Enjoying your hospital stay, wonderful! You're living the life!
-A new mother is your roommate? She should be on the maternity ward!
-Jell-o, blech!
-*scoff* Only fifty? This is your future wife!! We're trying to raise a million, here!
-New roommate? Where's the mother?
-Smoking a cigarette in the hospital?? Strike one!
-Nice to meet you Baby Fa-Bob Smith. I bet you have a hard time finding souvenir key chains, huh?
-Well, now we know what happened to the mother roommate. She's become a human submarine for the second time in a week.
Chapter Forty Nine
-"Yeah sure thing, I won't text the police." *wink* Text the police...?
-She's awfully calm in this group chat...everyone is awfully calm...uh, your sister has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom!!
-Wait....900,900,000 more to go? I thought they were only raising a million...now they're raising 901,000,000?? Are the mafia charging interest??
Chapter Fifty
-Chest pains? Probably from that cigarette...
-I can see Go Fish being a member of the mafia's favorite game.
-Talk about poor sport!
Chapter Fifty One
-I thought chicken nuggets came in happy meals. Well, the more the merrier.
-French fries and milkshakes are the best, I'll have what he's having.
-I've always wanted to play in a real ball pit but...I've heard what goes on in there...
Chapter Fifty Two
-I really don't care about how many guns someone owns, what's more important is how many pets someone owns.
-Some people really do order the nurses around like that! It's terrible!
-That violin case needs to be checked by the security that none of these buildings have.
-He is the worst gangster ever! Downgrade him to a desk job pronto!
Chapter Fifty Three
-"Ugh, five more minutes."
- "6:20? But I thought you said we were late!" "Late for being early!" "Hey! When did I start wearing a watch?"
-These kidnappers accommodate awfully well...they even bought blue clothes!
-I'm surprised they don't tie her up or blindfold her or something.
-You grabbed the first blue thing you saw!
-If you're gonna stuff her in two hats and a pair of sunglasses, why make her dress like a nurse? She'll stand out worse than a sore thumb!
-Is impersonating a nurse illegal? I know pretending to be a doctor is wrong but what about a nurse?
-Who let this guy have a gun with him???
-Ah, just missed her.
Chapter Fifty Four
-Jell-o, blech!
-Wayne could do the whole show! He's that good!
-Isn't there any other way to cure amnesia than just pills he has to take every day? What kind of miracle pills have a catch? ....All kinds...
-Some couple is out on their first blind date and here comes some drunk dude swinging by slipping rings in the champagne.
-I don't know, I still think they're biased.
Chapter Fifty Five
-He's just checking if he's brought his checkbook.
-Oh! They're just at a taping.
-What does spare change have to do with...?
-And Paperback "Pedantic" Writer22!!
-Woah! This show doesn't go that far!
-*cough* Only 99% left?? And you're at 1,000,000??
Chapter Fifty Six
-Sheesh, he'll ask when he's good and ready! You all just met!
-You got crayons? And you didn't even ask for them? Nice! I love crayons!
-As long as they're dino nuggets.
-Le...fromage? The cheese? That's all?
-Those poor guests that have to watch that scene...
-Uh sir, breakfast hour is long over, we don't serve pancakes anymore.
-He can't read your mind!
-If you haven't told him you're allergic to cheese he won't know!
-The spaghetti order that never made it to the kitchen because the waiter never got there? Man, the service is great!
-The meatball!
-She's stealing crayons! They didn't even get any pictures to color!
-But Matt is a piece of rip off!
Chapter Fifty Seven
-The doctor gave you your stitches?? I got to keep my wisdom teeth, but stitches??
-If you play as well as I've seen you practice, I'll be the first one out of this hospital.
-No one to pick him up, he just leaves?
-Don't go pick up a backup just because of one meaningless fight!
-Oh good, I was about to pry you two apart with a crowbar.
-Uh oh, don't let him order you anything!
-One fight and everyone just grabs a second!
-And she's your private enemy number one?? Round one, fight!
Chapter Fifty Eight
-And she's his ex-fiancee??? Small world indeed!
-Oh what language, my ears are burning!
-Or it's the ten liters of soda from the hospital snack shack.
-*chef's kiss* Pure poetry.
-Hurtful thing? You turned right around and called another woman up! You're just as bad!
-She speaks in numerals!
-Where did that ring come from?
-Uh...marriage won't keep a relationship together if they break up over mac and cheese...
-Now she's a bridesmaid? Man!
Chapter Fifty Nine
-You're going on a date in that warehouse? Not exactly the streets of Venice, is it?
-Cooties, that's a killer VD.
-Yeah, someone around here is cursed with bad luck.
-Sorry, wrong room!
Chapter Sixty
-Unrelated note, yeah, sure.
-They've been accommodating in every other sense, I'm sure they'll give you a television, if only to watch the Godfather.
-Looking at something? Picking something out? You don't say? Mr. Unrelated Note?
Chapter Sixty One
-They don't have any board games around? Get it? Board? Bored? I'll see myself out.
-One dollar, come on!!
-Now they're leaving money on the floor, they're losing their grip!
-How do you type in a piece of legal tender?
-They even made change for her!!
-Simultaneously the best and worst mafia ever. Rules are rules! Like the monster under your bed that can't take you to the shadow realm because you're covered with a blanket.
-In five minutes? With three other couples? On live television? If that were my wedding I wouldn't show up.
Chapter Sixty Two
-Reminds me of the Mr. Bean sketch of the old lady on the hotel stairs.
-That's not an address! But good on the bus driver for knowing where that was anyway.
-And they're a bus mechanic!
-Are the limos all different colors? They better be, or I want my ransom money back.
-I can't imagine how difficult it was to find matching wedding dresses in those colors on such short notice. It'd be chaos on Seinfeld.
Chapter Sixty Three
-Oh, that's kind of sad their father won't be there to walk them down the aisle. But...does he walk all four down at once? Or does he keep going back for the next pickup?
-That's sweet of Clive to offer.
-That Greg, him and his crazy nicknames.
Chapter Sixty Four
-What??? Dad's alive???
-Those women are all the culprits? Mother is alive in the audience?? But...didn't one woman go to jail? And one ended up being a bridesmaid? And one who did nothing the entire time?
-Wait...by 'your mom did too'...you mean she survived or set fire to the mansion?
-You were afraid they'd be angry if they found out you were ALIVE?? They'd have jumped for flipping joy knowing their parents were okay! They ought to be angry you lied and hid from them while all this was going on! Your daughters got kidnapped!!
-Guess Clive has been fired.
-Yeeeeaaaaaah...about that, Clive...
Chapter Sixty Five
-I haven't listened to Selena Gomez and 1D in a long time. I don't usually keep up with the newest music.
-#Here come the brides! With sick limo rides!#
-I like blue tuxedos...not just navy blue but...those "old" blue ones. They're cute!
-Poor Ryan, but he's usually really good at the hoedowns, isn't he?
Chapter Sixty Six
-#Eight different people met one day thrown in obscurity, from kidnapping to 'stablishments with bad security, now they're getting married so they can get their kicks, and you can see that happen all on chapter sixty six!#
-Five hundred billion points, can we redeem those for prizes? Like Skeeball?
Chapter Sixty Seven
-A gangster wedding? Ha, this IS the Godfather!
-Midsummer Night's Dream?
Chapter Sixty Eight
-In...high school...? I thought they were nineteen! I GUESS you can be nineteen in high school, it's not unheard of. But...how long have they been supermodels? How have they balanced that with their school? Now they're on television! And that rival...is she still in high school too?
-"I promise to love and cherish you as long as you shall live." *takes bite*
Chapter Sixty Nine
-Quickest vow exchange ever. Now that's my kind of wedding.
-Grab a number and get in line, ladies.
-Tickets to what? Paperbackwriter's Believe it or Not?
-And that's the end!
Final review: Well, I'll say right now I enjoyed that a lot more than I thought I would. I laughed more than I thought and the creators are quite inventive. I appreciate that most of the spelling and grammar was good and that the paragraphs were separated. Overall I think it's worth taking a look at!
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