Here We Go Again! Review!

Fun fact: This story is actually the fourth one I ever wrote of this series. I had a third one written where they meet in the present in February of the following year of the second book, but it was odd and I didn't think it was good enough to be published. This book, is the fourth one, having Hannah go back in time to the nineties after meeting Angus again. That fourth story I'm writing, One Last Time..., is technically, the fifth story. 

Now this one is in my opinion the best one. Why? It's better written. I mean, not until you get to about chapter sixty, but...

Speaking of which, why on Earth is the first book twenty three chapters, the second one twenty two chapters, and this one a whopping one hundred and four?! Now granted the chapters are short, and the story does take place over the course of a whole year, but still!

This book also has 4.8K reads, thank you guys so much!

On with the show!

Chapter One

-Wow, this one even starts off different, I like the dialogue!

-Man, what's with this new attitude I've got? I like it!

-There, see? Told you I like tea now.

-*snickers* I have the weirdest thoughts before I go to sleep. And how dare you fall asleep during Golden Girls?

-You're not gonna question why your apartment changed into a nineties sitcom set?

-Hey, I'm describing my outfit! That hasn't been done before.

-I time traveled without thinking about it! My powers are becoming too strong! And I didn't wake up on the sidewalk this time, I've got my own place!

-And it's in Europe, a different setting! It's actually convenient to end up here as that's where the band is! Couldn't be anywhere else in the world, who do I look like, Carmen Sandiego?


-Also real convenient for Angus to stand on the table and see me, and recognize me for that matter.

Chapter Two

-What is this building? Everyone showed up just to see the band, and then disperse after they're gone in a matter of seconds?

-Angus! Good to see you coming out of that closet.

-Oh yeah, my pajamas are actual clothes now. Hey Angus, I have my own place to live! Do you guys have your own places yet?

-Nice suit. Haven't seen it in a while.

-Woah, look at the age difference! Just keeps growing, but I kind of like how they still like each other even with the age difference there.

-Interesting, the first time he's complimented her on her physical looks, not including a dress.

-Their bits were itching? Fun fact: My mom couldn't remember the actual phrase so she came up with that one.

-Their...knockers, Angus? Are...are you sure?
-I told you you were the most famous band in the world! What did you need, the words tattooed on my ass?

-My favorite album is For Those About to Rock, actually. I hadn't heard that one yet while I was writing this.

-You share a hotel now? Do you have separate rooms this time?

-Aw, Angus, one look and you've given it away! Now the readers can't guess for themselves if we still have feelings.

-"Since Angus isn't here now, let me wear this shirt with his face on it."

-Last time going back in time. I was born in 1999, and with the laws of time travel you can't travel to a time before your first visit. If you go back to 1965, you can't go again before that time, it has to be after. So with the decade being so late, this indeed is the last time.

Chapter Three

-Oh, morning, handsome.

-Just like this series. Good, but not as good as it could have been.

-Hey, that's Phil's nickname for me.

-My parents are stressed out enough having another child, I don't think having you lot there would calm their nerves.

-I love that 'It's not a restaurant' scene. 

-How'd you get your belt stuck in the bike rack?

-Phil's flask! Off on its own sea faring adventures, never to be touched by his lips again.

-Ah yes, linner. My favorite meal.

Chapter Four
-Man, I already lost my apartment? Well, all the more excuse to go on tour with the BOYS!

-Daisy growing in a weed? You mean a dandelion?

-"You lost your house? That's great! Oh, I mean uh, my deepest condolences."

-Cliff's room is the secret headquarters.

-The apartment you've stayed at since you got there. You've been there two days!
-Hey guys, remember what happened in the first book? *flashback*
-Master plan maker Malcolm!

-Damn, Angus, for once just take the bed!

-Oooooooooooof course they stayed home for the tours!

Chapter Five

-Ooh, the story's written like a little diary. I tell you, it was hard to keep track of it all. 

-Uh oh, Mike Wanson...

-Making friends Malcolm!

-Uh...Angus, you really have no reason to be...are you-jealous?

-"What the hell goes on at night in this house?!"

-Uh, are people really out there still thinking these guys just bring random girls along to sleep with? I don't think you've got anything to worry about, Hannah.

-Is that a HoND reference I smell?

-Back off Mike, I'm not interested in dweebs like you.

-Thank God, Angus' jealousy got in the way of me being kissed by a dweeb! I'm saved! And of course, this man doesn't smell very good.

Chapter Six

-Oh, I see. He's looking out for me, he remembered my apprehension! How sweet!

-McKinnon and McKinney, a real tag team.

-Sweaty man pressing against my shirt, this concert is not going as I had planned!

-What, Angus, you don't want to share a couch with Filthy Phil? 

-Okay, the laws of time travel, we get it.

Chapter Seven

-*whiny voice* See, Angus? Malcolm gives me his jacket to wear.

-Boy, how my preferences have changed. 

-Aren't they all your friends? How on Earth can you have a favorite? Despite almost being in a relationship with one of them, they're not just famous people now, they're your friends!

-Grammy award singing there, Angus.

Chapter Eight

-You laughed when you wrote that note, didn't you, Angus?

-What, Malcolm's jacket isn't good enough for you, you little ingrate?

-Here, have my backwash hotel tap water for lunch. No charge.

-Oh, I like the adding in the guitar he dropped from Book Two.

-It's alright, Malcolm, we steal stuff from the hotel rooms too, it's no big deal.

-I like that they're brothers. I do, it's nice.

-I'm cold because your jacket sucks, Mal!

Chapter Nine

-Bored? BORED??

-This Mike character is odd, best I stay away from him, huh? ...I'm not going to, am I? See, this is why there's a hundred chapters.

-That's one way to write the lightning bolt.

-Uh, hope this man doesn't kill me or anything.

-Does AC/DC rehearse in their grandparents' houses? A bed, and a vanity?

-Fun fact: Mike Wanson was based on someone I met in real life, and I didn't like them one bit. But I don't think they ever got the hint, hence why Mike doesn't leave her alone. Most of his dialogue is based off of that person.

-Everyone tells me writing is the most boring career, but that's because they only know about writing research papers in school. See, teachers? Look what you've done.

-Oh, you little idiot. You can't blurt things out like that!

-This is a bad habit I had when I was first writing. Lines and lines of dialogue, with no other sentences. Now, that's not a problem once in a while. But I would do it a lot in this series so I apologize about that, even if it is easy on the eyes.

-Don't let Angus hear you say that, Mikey.

-Not if they're a creep like you.

-You know girls when it's that time of the month, taking our two hour bathroom breaks.

-Thanks for the advice, Cliff, maybe you could tell him for me? See, he won't take my no for an answer.

-You're thinking too much into this, Clifford.

-Fun fact: I thought expressive movement would be a dance class. It was stage movement actually, the best days were the days we goofed off. Don't regret taking it, now I know how to stage fight!

-*snicker* His "outfit".

-There's the line, "I ain't no doctor!"

-Oh, now I seem fine, Cliff? Now you're not worried?

-I'm going cross-eyed at how close these men are getting.

-That's the shortest fifteen minutes I've ever seen.

-McKinney is the most laid back character in this whole story, like the guy is constantly on some chamomile tea.

-Uh, we're not going to explain who that was that made out with my face?

-Cliff, what the hell? You sit by your bedroom window late at night drinking Scotch and thinking about a random relationship? That's how you spend your time? I wrote you a little odd, didn't I?

Chapter Ten

-Don't pull that memory loss crud on me.

-Angus...borrowed your wear at night? Maybe deodorant, but...

-And he just dowsed himself in half the bottle?

-Oh-goodbye, Cliff! That whole interaction was just...weird.

-Angus, if you did what I think you just did, you're in big trouble. That's why he needed the cologne, isn't it?

-Ooh, bringing back the first book!

-Well see, the Youngs have a hot temper about them, and it comes through their skin like fire from a dragon sneeze. That's why they're so warm.

-Man, Phil's just getting thrown under the bus.

-It's 9:40...A.M.? The story said Angus and I had been sitting and talking the hours away...what time did we wake up? Angus was right, it is f*cking three in the morning.

-Yes, apparently you do wake up this early.

Chapter Eleven

-Had to stand on his toes first.

-I still have Malcolm's jacket in my possession, heh.

Chapter Twelve

-Get away from me, Mike, I don't LIKE YOU!

-My life is just an "I Love Lucy" sketch, ain't it, author?

-You mean I like Malcolm more than you, yes. See this jacket tag? That's his name. Not yours. Not Angus' either for peculiar reasons.

-That's quite the opposite of what I want.

-No no no no no, not fine! Punch him!

-Oh, wouldn't want that to happen, now would we?

-Up in the sky, it's Filthy Phil!

-This is why I have such bad luck, you're jinxing it by talking about me.

-*X-files theme plays* 

-Ooh, I have a date! 

Chapter Thirteen

-Oh hey look, people actually coming over for autographs! 

-I'm sure there are plenty of people walking around with cameras on their necks, I think I need to worry about having my picture with these guys, what if Mike takes it?

-Damn, I wanted to hear the rest of Brian's story.

-Malcolm just predicted the rest of this story with two little words, "not yet".

-What if Mike finds out about my secret and blackmails me with it, oh the plots I could have had with this guy! And I just made him a secret meth addict instead? 

-Are you still on about that, Cliff? One of these chapters you're gonna have a kid on the way and you'll still be so wrapped up on me and Angus' relationship. Wait a minute...

-You know my grandmother uses toothpicks, and that's not a sight I want to imitate.

-Aaand Mike's got bad breath! Like all villains in these stories!

-He's not a rockstar, he's a musician. It's not a skirt, it's a kilt. It's not a doll, it's an action figure. Learn the difference!

-That's what you do, Mike, but I can see...Angus, Mike, the names sound the same, I can see where you'd be confused.

-Your brother is practically eighty! So there!

-Brian, you saved my life!

Chapter Fourteen're telling me right now, you guys held an intervention for Angus, to tell him that his mistress that's half his age doesn't like him anymore, all because of a misunderstanding? What is this story?

-That's it, that was the chapter.

Chapter Fifteen

-Oh, he's not super close? So he's not Angus after all!

-"I just want his name, so we can print his tombstone."

-I'm your best friend? I, I'm your best friend? Can we turn the microphone up please? I"M YOUR BEST FRIEND?

-Can't let go of him yet either. 

-Nice talk, Angus. Let's end this chapter by packing our underwear.

Chapter Sixteen

-Uh, we have a schedule, you can't come late.

-That whole tidbit could have been in the last chapter, that was kind of odd.

-Heh, coward!

-My thoughts in this story are so scattered. I guess it at least makes it realistic, as if someone is actually telling the story. *gasp* New fanfiction idea!

-See, Cliff? I have extra time and I think about general things, like the tour.

-Now his breath really stinks!

-I LOVE that sentence. "The door was propped open by War and Peace and an old record was spinning soundless having finished the job hours ago." Needs more sentences like that, that's good.

-They're just songs, Mike!

-I get by with a little help from my friends. "Angus, thank goodness it's you-oh, it's just you, Superman."

Chapter Seventeen

-I love it when Angus gets their names wrong. It's a little thing I write about him, if he doesn't like someone he doesn't bother to remember their name, and it always makes me laugh.

-You roadies knew about Mike's shenanigans all along??

-Uh oh, you made Malcolm mad. Nothing worse than making Malcolm mad.

-Man, Angus, you stink! And you're out of cologne, borrowing it from everyone else?

-Do I not still have Malcolm's jacket?

-Alright, Brian brought the getaway car!

-Now that, is how you end a chapter.

Chapter Eighteen

-Cliff's room must be the ultimate hangout place. The bar from How I Met Your Mother, the coffee shop from Friends, Eric Forman's basement, and Cliff's room.

-How many cashews can fit in a bra...I want to have a business meeting, with these five as the only ones in it.

-"My life was beginning to feel like a fanfiction." YOu DonTt SAy?

-So, this whole thing with Mike is over? Just like that? If I had known I would have said something a lot sooner!

Chapter Nineteen

-Do what you've done? I've been hanging around them so long I'm starting to talk like them!

-Angus, do you really think Malcolm is going to steal me away from you? Don't look at the jacket, look at my eyes, okay?

-This is the oddest conversation I've ever heard. Well, I'd count the cashews but I was taken away too soon to hear it.

-Pretty? They must be talking about after my braces come off and when my hair will be much shorter. I'm in my twenties in the story and nineteen now, so all that hasn't happened yet.

Chapter Twenty

-Oh, another walk with Malcolm like the first book. We'll come back and find Mike with a blonde wig on the couch.

-Oh can't tell him that, that'll piss all over his day. It actually hadn't happened yet when I wrote this story.

-Everyone knows about the surprise except me. Great.

-Uh, Bon's girl sounds a lot like Lucy Parker if you ask me.

-Get some cologne too while you're out, Angus.

Chapter Twenty One

-Phil drank so much he's got other people going to the bathroom for him!

-Uh, what was the point of this chapter again?

Chapter Twenty Two

-Normally the story would be almost over by now.

-You sure sing a lot, Angus. 

-Man, instead of Angus telling me about his lack of sleep, I could have shown it with his mood all pissy, or have him yawning a lot, I could have done so much more with it!

-Fun fact: Ever since I was a tot I've had a fascination with guitar, but I never learned to play.

Chapter Twenty Three

-Oh, now he's in a pissy mood. McKinney, bless his heart, he must be on his fifth cup of chamomile.

-Angus? Do you realize what you just said?

-Yeah, there's only room for one Filthy Phil, no Mucky Malcolm.

-Does a toothpick look anything like a cigarette to you people?

-So someone could have taken my picture and found out about me, what a great idea for a plot!

-Oh, we're not doing that? We're going with some weird ass plot? What is the plot of this book anyway? At least something else besides relationship stuff is happening in this one.

-Ooh, another character! Hello!

-Are you all sex crazed??

-Oh, Malcolm, you've got an admirer!

-You'll tell Angus he's your favorite, but you won't tell a complete stranger? Now they're all your best friends, now they're on equal terms? You're in a complicated relationship with all five of them now, are you? Make up your mind!

-No, I'm not jealous! Angus was written as the jealous one, I have to have a level head! That's how this works!

-I like Justice, she's an interesting addition.

-I've made a new friend!

Chapter Twenty Four

-Halloween? Troolllll in the DUNgeon! 

-She's heard about your sweet hangout, Cliff!

-Fun fact: I really do laugh when I'm nervous!

-What were you thinking of doing, Angus? Huh?


Chapter Twenty Five

-I'd be scared to death if someone came looking for me in a rage like that. 

-But if it gets me free hugs...

Chapter Twenty Six

-If I'm not going to receive my secret in four to six weeks then what's the point of telling me it's shipped??

-I can't promise that, Angus, you know that.

-Yeah, bring the wives back, we need to see them again.

-Angus still doesn't know my full name? But don't worry, everyone, he knows my favorite color.

Chapter Twenty Seven

-I've never been to Utah, I'm sure it's beautiful, go Utah!

-Bon! You're back!

-You guys are a real group of girls when it comes to love, aren't you?

-Uh...that wasn't me singing...

-I can't see Bon? What a rip!

-Malcolm gives me his jacket, Bon kisses my cheek, come on, Angus, step up!

-Okay, Angus calm down, you're getting jealous of everyone!

Chapter Twenty Eight

-Oh yeah, this incident. Actually this happened around 1990, 1991ish, not 1996. But, I added it in now to put a little actual event in the story.

-Aw, I don't want to see Angus cry. I don't want to see anyone cry.

Chapter Twenty Nine

-I'm glad she had the guts to talk to Malcolm about what he was dealing with, but I'm also glad she didn't solve his problem. She didn't make him feel better, like all these types of characters are supposed to do. The main character can't do everything.

-Justice is back! I've got a friend!

-Oh but-is this Mike she's talking about?

-No, they finally got enough money from The Razor's Edge to pay for their own houses and the debt from their private jet.

Chapter Thirty

-If anything like this happens to anyone in real life, don't try this stunt at home, get help.
-"Woah!" -Dorothy Zbornak

-Don't ever say that about Ellen, she's one of the nicest people around.

-If I ever get too mad, I can get a little violent. I don't like it but it seems it's the only way people listen to me. Can't always control it either, and I always regret it afterwards.

-Meanwhile, Angus is whistling on Easy Street.

-Oh good, he's bringing the pizza.

Chapter Thirty One

-"Take this pizza, Mal."

-Okay, that was a funny joke.

-Well geez, I got over my trauma pretty quick.

-I like how the nurse is a man, nice touch!

-What Phil said was pretty funny too.

-I like the girls and the guys going to opposite sides of the room and talked. I also like how no one is correcting Angus on Mike's name anymore.

-We're going to Oregon!

Chapter Thirty Two

-Bowling! I liked writing this chapter, this one was a fun one.

-To the beach!

Chapter Thirty Three

-What car did we get that all that stuff fits in it? And how long are our breaks during shows? We're all off goofing off in Lane 10 and surfing waves with a concert the next day!

-Now this chapter is one of my favorites. One of the funniest ones I ever wrote.

Chapter Thirty Four

-That famous photo! That's gonna show up in the next book, huh?

-Is there no one else on this beach? AC/DC is here, you'd think it'd be packed.

-It's like Rugrats, we're just off on our own adventures in the woods! Hope we make it back home!

Chapter Thirty Five

-Maniacal driving Malcolm!

-You guys all just packed yourselves in the car? And didn't tell us??

-You think Malcolm thinks this is funny? He's pretty stressed himself, you know.

-My surprise!

Chapter Thirty Six

-I love this chapter too! This one is cute, I've gotta say.

-Orange underwear? I don't have that color anymore.

Chapter Thirty Seven

-Sooooo, you're all going out to a bar again? Remember what happened the last time?

-Oh, you look great, Angus. Here I am in Malcolm's poor jacket like a commoner.

-The same exact pool room? How much thought did you put into this, Angus? A jacket, Malcolm? A kiss, Bon? Step it up, boys!

-Ooh, our favorite things again! Forget real conversations!

-Jealous again, Ang? Heh, you make it sound like you should have been the one to kiss-mmmph!

Chapter Thirty Eight

-Fun fact: I was just getting into The Breakfast Club when I wrote this story, so of course I have this song in it. Now, every time I hear this song, I think of this scene.

-This was a sweet part two to the little date.

Chapter Thirty Nine

-If I'm taller than Angus, and my nose is on his lips, my feet have got to be hanging off the edge of the bed!

-Oh, don't give me that poor memory thing again!

-Uh, morning breath, ladies and gentlemen!

-This story has such an innocence to it! I mean, the whole series does but this one in particular.

-"It's raining, it's pouring, Angus Young is snoring, but if he gets up without his cup he's gonna be a grump in the morning!"

-Malcolm, you didn't get drunk, did you?

-Another surprise? Are you kidding me??

Chapter Forty

-What on Earth was this chapter?

Chapter Forty One

-You keep all these secrets from me, Angus, as if it's just the funniest thing.

-I like the adding of "that time of the month". Not a lot of stories have that in it.

-Finally the wives are getting their rightful places in this story.

Chapter Forty Two

-Okay, enough hugs Angus, I've got cramps. And mine get awful, so bad I can't breathe.

-Fun fact: I was starting to run out of names that start with M, so I just started pulling names out of my ass.

-A fist fight? Alright!

-Your house looks great, Angus.

-Ellen! Finally you're here!

-I will admit, this part was kind of funny. 

Chapter Forty Three

-Messing with Angus, that's what he gets for all his secrets!

-...Bob? Now he's not even trying.

-What kind of tension is going on here? What a fight! Never say "Make me" in a fight like this.

Chapter Forty Four

-I told you not to, silly girl.

-Right next to all the open windows too!

-He even told Ellen the wrong name on the phone.

-Yeah, real nice putting someone in intensive care.

-Making this harder on me, aren't you?

Chapter Forty Five

-One of my high school teachers supports a football team while his wife cheers for the rival one, heh.

-I've pulled that prank so many times, and it works every time.'re going with two women?

-You guys are being real risky here with this. This isn't something to toy with.

Chapter Forty Six

-Do the living room scene from Risky Business!

-Mistress for Christmas...that really describes this, doesn't it?

-I've got a question. What even is this party? Christmas party? Why? Welcome back party? This town isn't small like the one in Gilmore Girls, we don't all know each other.

-Why does everyone leave me in parties? Am I that boring to be around?

-Justice! My friend!

-Wow, she has a background too. I like this character!


-Oh, we are such geeks. This film was good, but we don't have to dance to it, do we?

-Oh man, they're staring...

-Oh sure, let me just let myself through random doors to the roof! 

-Even the wind is making a move on me.

-No, I'm not going to time travel again, and I'm not going to explain it again.

-You better hope no one else had the same idea as I did.

Chapter Forty Seven

-Oh, thank goodness it was just the guys. 

-We need to tell her, Angus, or someone else will.

-Woah! He's getting amorous now, someone call the police!

-Aussie spiders on the loose? Get your sneakers on, Angus, we're getting our asses on the road!

-Yeah, Justice go on and meet the rest of the guys. Meet Malcolm.

-Police? Angus is kidnapping me, again!

-Uh oh, I knew someone else would tell her.

Chapter Forty Eight

-I hate yelling. 

-I do like how she got upset about this, she has every right to. You can't sneak around like this, no matter what the reason.

-Yes, someone told her!

Chapter Forty Nine

-What happened to Malcolm's jacket? I guess this makes more sense to have my own, after all, I did pack my own clothes.

-How did Justice find our house?

-I like how I don't get mad at Justice for telling. I mean, maybe a little, but she understands that it needed to be said one way or another.

-Malcolm has to house everybody? Where does he live, down the block from his brother? We all might as well be sharing again.

-"Hey, Malcolm. Lost your jacket. Is breakfast ready?"

-Angus needs to calm down, he always thinks I'm off running away with some hippie band and eloping with the drunk bassoon player.

-I was in it just as much as Angus was, I need to settle it with them too, why am I leaving?

-Life isn't fair!

-I'm not in the mood for a card castle, Justice.

-Oh come on, you're leaving too?

-No, "Ells" is not a spelling mistake.

-Good, he still loves his rightful wife.

-Lamest goodbye in the history of the planet.

Chapter Fifty

-I like this chapter, I like the length.

-It's both of our faults, Angus.

-He even cares if she's getting enough food! I get asked that question a lot, actually. 

Chapter Fifty One

-Can you blame me? Cookie dough is delicious!

-You said it, Malcolm.

-Fun fact: My brother and I got the exact same assignment when my mom was making cookies one Christmas, and this scene is based off that race we had unwrapping the candy. He always won, even without cheating.

-Man, everything makes you think of Angus, doesn't it?

-Okay, Linda, don't believe a word you say. Next!

-Well done, Malcolm.

Chapter Fifty Two

-We're halfway there! The Youngs are livin' on a prayer!

-Filthy Phil strikes again.

-Probably this all started because you two were such good friends, and then it just snowballed and now the feelings won't go away. You never officially tried out a relationship to know if it would work or not, and now you're dying to know.

-Uh, Angus? Dear? I was sixteen, and you were twenty.

-Bon's pretty funny in these stories, I got to give it to him.

-Now he can smoke without all that asthma.

-"We kissed when we went to bed, then when we woke up, then we kissed after we brushed our teeth-yes, Bon, after. Then we kissed in the elevator, then right after we got off, then in the car..."

-Man, Bon, when did you become a therapist?

Chapter Fifty Three

-I still sing that little song that Phil made up sometimes.

-The title! Roll credits!

-*sigh* Yes, Phil, I remember.

-I don't know what happened, I just don't like that stuff. I'm unable to feel lust, and it all makes me uncomfortable. And I'm glad she never got over it either in the series, because it's not a problem that she needs to "get over". If she can live with it, that's all that matters.

-Phil...said my name. My real name.

-Make sure to knock! Oh good, they're sleeping. 

-Oh, Malcolm, bless your heart.

-Linda just left her husband to "sleep".

Chapter Fifty Four

-Ripping on Malcolm, on Christmas, after he saved me from leaving? Really?...Can I join?

-We have really awful luck with Christmas trees.

-Nothing says Christmas like eggnog and broccoli!

-Oh dear, Malcolm's gonna be up in a second if we sing!

-We were so bad Angus got out of bed just to tell us to shut up.

Chapter Fifty Five

-Probably Cliff's cologne you're smelling.

-Hello, Malcolm...merry Christmas?

-I can't remember how soccer works. The last one I watched was Ukraine versus Ireland in my psychology class. Ireland won, by the way!

-Time's just flying, isn't it? Has to, otherwise this is a two hundred and four chapter book, and that's passed the limit. 

-Oh no, Malcolm's gonna think I'm a stalker.

-Oh sorry, wrong room!

Chapter Fifty Six


-The second half of the story is coming, the better half!

-Angus could be a ballerina with how much time he's got to stand on his toes.

-Yeah, sneaking around isn't the best option right now.

-Excuse me? You tried to kiss me again? Have you learned your lesson??

Chapter Fifty Seven

-Shortest chapter in existence. No comment.

Chapter Fifty Eight

-What, you thought they redecorated while you were gone?

-I'm glad this didn't take too long to settle again. It's a real issue that needed to be addressed, but it doesn't do well to dwell on it for too long.

-"This is the best decision. Hannah? I'm afraid I'm gonna have to let you go. That okay? Great, now let's go snuggle on the couch."

-Ellen conveniently has a headache.

-And they're conveniently not coming on the next tour with us. This story is getting suspicious...

-I've got to learn how to walk to bed on my own. This is why I don't remember anything the night before.

-Oh damn, again, that's how you end a chapter.

Chapter Fifty Nine

-So...I wasn't asleep? What is this, prank on Angus day?

-Woah, Angus! I didn't know you'd get this upset!

-I don't think sleeping in my bed will keep me from leaving, Angus.

-Man, he's spoiling for a fight, he's pissed!

Chapter Sixty

-Alright, now the good chapters can start!

-Ooh, am I in time for the fight?

-You guys are gonna wake up Ellen, or Malcolm!

-To be honest, I'd still feel bad about it all, even after reconciliation. I still feel bad for all the stuff I've said to my mom, and that was years ago.

-I don't know if I'd run away in a strange town in the dead of night...

-I like this part. I like how it doesn't use religion to solve her problems and make her feel better, so that way anyone can use the advice this woman shares with her, anyone can relate to it.

-I like Monica's character. Man, all the side characters are better than mine!

-See, chapter sixty is where the writing gets noticeably better. 

Chapter Sixty One

-What? Oh, that's just the Beatles' White Album. Revolution 9, I presume?

-Looking for me in the rain? Were you looking all night? You'll catch cold!

-Oh, this chapter is rather depressing.

Chapter Sixty Two

-Valentine's Day, good ol' Valentine's Day. The worst day of the year.

-Does...this woman believe in polygamy? Oh...oh my...

-"Feeeeed the birrrrrds...tuppins a baaaaaag..."

-You're allowing one more? We all know that's not stopping Angus from stealing more. Like a child with cookies, he's not taking just one.

-A rain kiss, how romantic! *gags*

Chapter Sixty Three

-Of course he believes you, he's been seeing Bon since Book Two! But, yeah you're still nuts.

-This is a very organized book. Dates and times and everything.

-Spongebob reference!
-Day One of the new series, AC/DC Adventures, starring Hannah Ruth Dumbass! Co-star, my dumb ass!

-You have no clue what you're doing, you could start real trouble!

-Disney reference!

-I based this window off of a window I had at a hotel room. The hotel is styled off the hotel we had in Vegas, (or was it Hawaii?) and the window is from one we had at...the Oregon Coast? Can't remember.

-The snitch! Make like Harry and catch her!

-Uh, best not to mouth off to a cop, especially one in a different country? Do you have ID that shows you exist? That you're from this time? You're f*cked!

-I've ridden two horses, one Western style, one English style. Western's better.

-Another character! And I like this one too! She's got a background too!

-You're sure not wary of telling me your story two seconds after we meet. 

-I may have used my phone to type out naive, so it has those two i's.

-Donna! That's right, nice to meet you, Donna.


-Sex crazed! All of you!

Chapter Sixty Four

-Better get used to this boys, I get in trouble a lot.

-Georgeanne! I'm glad she's at least here.

-You saw me being taken away by the cops, and you gave up??
-Yeah yeah yeah, he's cute like Rudolph, ya' happy?

-Oh no, I'm singing again.

-"Angus! It's you! You gotta get me outta here, you don't know what it's like on the inside! you?"

-Oh, Angus, be careful! Don't end up in here with me!

-You'd better hope they don't understand English more than they can speak it.

Chapter Sixty Five


-You actually can't just do that, break out of jail like that.

-That'd stink to go through all that trouble then get drilled by a car in the night.

-It's been two seconds and you're already kissing me again?

-We better be sleeping in a limo, Malcolm, or my foot's gonna be in your face.

Chapter Sixty Six

-THAT'S how you open a chapter!

-Thanks, Brian.

-Whose car is this exactly?

-Majorly Stubborn Malcolm!

-You mean Malcolm isn't bilingual? Huh, could have fooled me!

-Emperor's New Groove reference!

-Oh, Angus! My bad, I didn't mean to fall in your...strongish arms. *fans self* HA!

Chapter Sixty Seven

-One of my favorite chapters, I had the best time writing this!

-He catches her under the table, ha!

-I wonder if that bite hurt, or if...the mouse didn't bite him there...

-I love this scene!

-Wouldn't the cake also have Spanish words in icing?

-One of the best random chapters.

Chapter Sixty Eight

-We never do go back to that concert.

-I've always wanted those footie pajamas ever since I saw them. And no, I don't have them, but I do have dinosaur footies!
-So, if I buy these pajamas, does that mean that when I go back I'll have them?

-YES, I'm not coming back.

-You know I could have bought sexy lingerie? Instead I bought pajamas that make me look like a stinky skunk, and a fool? I DON'T REGRET IT!

-And it's Day Two of our Adventures!

-My, you've got to stop swallowing your tongue!

Chapter Sixty Nine

-I love how much the writing has changed, it's definitely gotten better. 

-I don't remember how much research I did to write for this country. Currency, language, even names.

-How did I end up in this situation? I am the most Oregon looking person around!

-But, I need it to be Australian dollars, not American. And...hey! You DO know I'm American!

-Aaaand Angus is worried again.

Chapter Seventy

-I have a dress similar to that. But it's red, not gold.

-Good for you, don't conform if you're not comfortable!

-I have to dance for these people? I'm selling myself to be a stripper???

-Fun fact: That chocolate milk powder story is a true story. Not one my shining moments.

-You're so thoughtful Angus. Sparing me so you can kiss my silly little nose.

-"And now, the news. Our latest report: Sources say they've seen two men with the likeness of Angus and his brother Malcolm Young entering a mysterious building. The building is thought to be a soft core strip club. What does this mean??"

-It's not a restaurant, Mal, it's not a restaurant!

-Man, if every mess I get myself into leads to a kiss, I ought to plan my next grand heist! 

Chapter Seventy One

-Filthy Phil. He really needs his own theme song by now.

-Oh, now this is the shortest chapter in existence. 

Chapter Seventy Two

-The way his hair smelled? If this story has its continuity right, it smells like Cliff's cologne. 

-You hear that, Angus? You've got some soft shoulders.

-You're gonna freak the poor man out looking like that in the dark.

-That smell of smoke won't make you feel safe for long.

-I like how he doesn't think everything she does is the work of a goddess. That dance at the Christmas party, he thought was ridiculous. As cute as she may look in the pajamas, he can't understand the fascination with them. 

-And I sneezed on him! Just my luck!

-Huh. Angus is the one to get the nightmare, usually it's the main female.

Chapter Seventy Three

-Of course he doesn't pay attention until I tell him I'm getting married. You're a needy little fella, aren't you, Angus?

-Don't worry, Angus, I'll invite you to the wedding!

-Yes, he was very jealous. 

-Oh! The Chinese Checkers scene!

-The dominoes!

Chapter Seventy Four
-She just can't get enough of your smell, Angus. You attract them like flies. Uh, female flies you know.
-Poor Malcolm always getting woken up.

-Men's Bathrobe Malcolm!

-Woah, Phil walked in at just the wrong time!

-For goodness' sake, Angus, you should have let me open the door!

-Aw, Phil's also protective of me and my "issue".

-Don't tell me you've never heard of Chinese Checkers, Phil.

Chapter Seventy Five

-I hate flying too. Takeoff and landing, both horrible.

-Can't have anybody seeing me and my fabulous self, they'll faint and drift away in the ocean!

-Book One reference!

-Wait, what did his shoes look like?

-No, I can't swim. I sink.

-At least Angus made sure I was passed safely to his brother before performing the spider removal ninja dance.

-No, I don't belong to anybody!

Chapter Seventy Six

-William Shakespeare reference!

-Oh yeah, it's weird to share a bed. But lying on top of him on a skinny couch? Now that's what I'm talking about!

-Tank top? You all know what happens when you wear a tank top to bed. I'll be giving Angus a show every morning.

-You two really act like a married couple, don't you?

-Boxer shorts? Don't lie to us, Angus, we all know you prefer to wear napkins. (Have you seen them? They're practically loin cloths!)

-Yeah, what if this fanfiction didn't turn out like we all expected?

Chapter Seventy Seven

-That reminds me, I'm so excited for my new hair style I'm getting in two years. Hoo!

-Yes, Georgeanne, I think we've established that, where have you been?

-Man, this altitude is messing my thoughts up, I've got to get off this thing.

-First off, married man. Second off, doesn't he know about my issue, and doesn't he respect it?

-Do you guys have nothing else to talk about?

-It's just the after show high, I'm sure.

Chapter Seventy Eight

-Yeah, I mean, I know he's not allowed to kiss me anymore but that's not stopping him, is it? What makes you think he won't cop a few feels? After all, a few more chapters of a fanfiction never hurt!

-I hate surprises!

-Okay so it's been established that I have my own jacket now. But, where did Malcolm's go?

-You know for the longest time the word "phlegm" was misspelled? I had it as the stuff in plants rather than the stuff in throats. 

-Angus and I are getting to be almost too good of friends.

-Well spoken, Angus. A lesson to be learned on every chapter. Really you can read this story in school, due to the educational value.

-That ending was bizarre to say the least. With all the references with the term "you know" that are mentioned in this story, I wonder what Angus was really doing in that bathroom. 

Chapter Seventy Nine

-My hair grows pretty fast and unless I shave every week I end up looking like Curious George. And, if I've been wearing a tank top to bed, surely Angus has know what? Never mind, someone could be eating while they read this.

-You too, Georgie? 

-It's like this fanfiction turned into a completely different story. And you know what? I'm not complaining.

-You'd think Cliff would be the one to play spy, considering his past behavior and the fact that it's his wife.

-I'm not sure when Georgeanne had her children, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't this time. But, it makes for a decent story.

-Poor Malcolm. 
-Assuming Malcolm!

-I will admit, this scene was pretty fun to write. 

-I'm glad Cliff is excited! And I feel bad that it wasn't actually true.

-Man, none of these guys can keep a secret for two seconds. Back with the Chinese Checkers!

-Aw, he'd support her, how sweet. I think the reason it knotted his napkin was because the only way Hannah could be pregnant is if she was taken advantage of. I think that's what got him so upset.

-I actually have a pet fish now named Beetje Van Alles and he's the best fish anyone could ever ask for! He is NOT a decoration!

Chapter Eighty

-My birthday! I hate my birthday you know.

-Well of course I can't cook. I've been baking this whole time, not cooking. But come on, I know how to make delicious toast and eggs.

-Bon! My birthday wish!

-I love my hair bows.

Chapter Eighty One

-Thanks for looking out for me, Malcolm.

-Carrot cake? I've never tried carrot cake, but I bet I'd like it.

-A jailbreak you say? Another one? 

Chapter Eighty Two

-"Aw, a moment alone with Angus, how swee-ahh! Georgeanne! Angus? Hello? Oh! *pulls door away from wall* Take an aspirin we've got to go!"

Chapter Eighty Three
-It's true now! I guess shaving your legs got things to speed up, eh?

-You remember how Cliff took the news last time, he'll be thrilled!

-Those tests took a longer time back then, not those five minute ones they have now. One of them was one where it would change color if you were pregnant and stay the same if you weren't, and they took forever. Not...that I would know anything about those, heh.

-These guys sure change their minds quick. "Spend time with her, but don't share that couch. You can't snuggle. Hey Angus, take her on a little date!"

-Ooooof course it's in my hand.

Chapter Eighty Four

-And ooooof course no one can shut up and listen for two seconds so there's no misunderstanding.

-Again, Phil? Aw, shove off, Brian.

-Oh, great, now we all know what know what, never mind.

-Everyone just left while I laid on the floor with a pillow on my face?

Chapter Eighty Five

-Yes Angus, you'd be the first I'd tell. And not because-oh, gross!

-I used to love building forts as a kid! One of my ended up being a ship with a built in submarine. It was great.

-I don't know what shade of brown my hair is. I think it's light but it looks dark sometimes. Like John Lennon's.

-Ooh, I've been practicing my German and Dutch! *clears throat* Ich habe hunger und ich will etwas zu essen.

-Good thing Angus kept asking me phrases I knew. Would have looked pretty silly, eh?

-Dick means fat in German. You could say someone is gross and dick, meaning big and fat. Heh.

-My hair keeps falling out of place on purpose.

-I like how imperfect this relationship is. She didn't wake up all snuggled next to him, she woke up with his sock practically up her nose.

-Fun fact: This cupboard and running water scene actually happened years ago with my sister and dad. My sister woke me up to tell me someone had left the cupboards open and we closed them. Then the faucet was running, and we turned it off. A few minutes later, everything was back where it was. Turns out my dad was doing it because the weather was so cold outside, we couldn't have anything freeze.

-Oh, don't hit the poor guy, he didn't mean to! But really, you are a slob at night, Angus.

-The radio is from a different experience. Our house is haunted you know.

Chapter Eighty Six

-A whole chapter from third person point of view. Whew, I need a break!

-This chapter took me a few tries to write. It's difficult coming up with a story like this.

-Hot dogs? I'm not the biggest fan of hot brother once dropped his hot dog in a frying pan that was filled with water because I just cooked eggs in it and it needed to soak. Heh.

-Sure beats working for peanuts.

-What a sweet thing for these men to do.

-And what a stupid thing for me to do. Hey, author? How come these things never happen to anyone else? Hmm?

-Yes yes, good morning, Angus. Glad to see you're in a good mood.

Chapter Eighty Seven

-We got a sweet house now!

-With conveniently enough space for all who came to join.

-This house is based loosely off a house my family used to go to church in.

-Careful, Angus. Now people are gonna be expecting you to do that every show. 

-And...why did you do this?

-He used to have those breathing machines during the concert, didn't he? Show hadn't even finished and he's dying.

-And what gave you the guts tonight??

Chapter Eighty Eight

-I'm small as well, but I still don't think I can fit comfortably on his lap.

-Vacation in Sun River there was a ping pong table in the basement. One of the best vacations I ever went on.

-What a good guy. But, ehhhhhhhhh marriage isn't really my thing. No worries Ang. No wuckin' furries.

-Oh, Georgeanne! Now I'll never know!

-What am I going to do, fight you? You wanna piece of this, Young?

Chapter Eighty Nine

-Don't lie to me, young man.

-So I can see Bon now, good! I wonder what that would be like. After years of a good friend being passed, and you see them again.

-Oh, I could never reach Bon's level of nuttiness.

-"But, what happens when I-" "Just follow the yellow brick road."

-Guys, come on. I'm not that pretty, maybe a four? Five? Wait till my braces come off, wait till my skin clears up. Ugly ducklings get to be swans, right?

Chapter Ninety

-That'd be cool to see them working on new songs, and future albums.

-Uh, my opinion doesn't have a place here, you wouldn't want it. I'm too honest.

-Finally I get the truth out of him. 

-I can't get married, to anyone and that's the truth. 

-Yeah, but living in a world where sex is everyone's number one, and if you go one day without in your marriage you're a failed couple and the world says divorce right away? It's hard living here sometimes. Everywhere you turn your head and there it is.

Chapter Ninety One

-That frog is an absolute sweetheart!

-I think little Cara is grown up now, right? And where's Ross? He should be here. Hell, where are everyone's kids in this story? What's going on, is this Rugrats??

-Okay, Phil's pretty funny.

-See? You don't wake up looking like a model. You wake up with grass in your hair.

-So that's why his hand felt cool, I had a fever. Nice foreshadowing. All an accident actually.

-I do shake when I'm really sick. Just a few days ago I was sick and shaking like a dog.

-That's true, I've got no vaccination while I was here, everything is going to hit me harder than it should.

-You mean barfing up lungs, Angus?

Chapter Ninety Two

-Being sick like that is miserable, especially when there's other people around.

-The spinning must be awful. I remember when I got my wisdom teeth removed and my head was spinning afterwards because I had swallowed blood, and I was throwing it up every five to ten minutes.

-Oh goodness, Georgeanne, you look awful! I wish my eyes could change colors. But, this story is cliche enough without the usual Mary Sue trait.

-Where are we, in the boondocks? Surely Ireland isn't all this isolated.

-Chapter Ninety Two: Everything That Could Go Wrong, Does Go Wrong. 

-Good grief, I could die! This story took a turn!

Chapter Ninety Three

-Oh good, it's not one of those scenes where the character wakes up and then the doctor has impeccable timing and enters the room right that second saying, "Oh, you're awake!"

-Even in the hospital we do that little leg trick.

-I hate IVs. I hate them, they probably put them all over my arms, hands, and feet before they got the specialist to do it.

-*snickers* I'm sorry but, "Tacos," is just funny.

-Would have been nice to include a scene with me getting a water bottle from someone, yeah? But of course, this story is long enough already.

-We really need better security. This is a famous band on the road, even without someone hunting them down they'd have people everywhere making sure they were okay. If security didn't exist, Paul McCartney's head would be on someone's living room wall by now. And his ass on another.

-I did a lot of research for this poisoning. Probably made the computer suspicious, so I looked at treatment right afterwards.

-That prison break is getting real serious, huh? I mean it just went from jailbreak to prison break.

Chapter Ninety Four

-I stayed at the hotel y myself? I'm a sitting duck!

-Angus' mother I think passed away a little before this time, but yes, his father did pass away first I believe. With that in mind it makes this whole part of the story rather sad.

-That's true, being half his age doesn't help any.

-To be honest, I actually hope I;m unable to have children. I want my fertility to go to someone who can't have kids and really wants them. 'Cause I don't really want them.

-Except the house they had in Aussie didn't need room for all eight kids because not all eight kids went with them. But, details details.

Chapter Ninety Five

-And son?? Ross? Hello???

-My brother is my mom's favorite. Parents always deny having a favorite, don't they?

-Oh look. Something fell in my hair. Look at that.

-How close are we, Angus? Closer than we all are to losing our shit from school.

-My grandmother's house had a prism hanging in the window and a whole wall would be covered in rainbows.

-I like Mrs. Young. The parents aren't in a whole lot of stories.

-But it seems Mrs. Young doesn't really like me.

-She doesn't like the age difference already.


Chapter Ninety Six

-Hey, stop laughing!

-Angus doesn't need to make a tale about me at all, it's already a given you're not gonna like me.

-Bon, you're everywhere! We need to get you a bell.

-Imagine if your son came home and told you all of this.

-This is touching.

-I wonder if the mattress is infested with little Malcolm mites.

-Woah, Angus! What do you think this is, the playboy mansion?

-So much dancing in this series, how sweet.

-Mrs. Young really doesn't like me, does she?

-Uh, I wasn't using your son as a pillow! I swear!

Chapter Ninety Seven

-Oh man, we're busted!

-Did he hold me like a piece of trash? 'Cause that's the only way you'd have no worry about him doing anything to me. I'm confused.

-Alright, naked baby pictures of the Youngs! Can I have a few copies?

-Angus, you show crowds of thousands your grown naked ass. You can zip your little lips.

-I like this chapter, this a sweet moment.

-Uh oh, that ending doesn't sound too good.

Chapter Ninety Eight

-Man, everyone changes their mind like crazy around here. "Don't touch my son! Angus, take her out to dinner!"

-She hasn't had guests over in a long time, yet she just had one last night and now she's having a ladies' aid society meeting this evening? Hmmm...

-Breakfast for dinner, my favorite!

-I shower by myself! I take my time and I do NOT want someone else scrubbing my back. do I still have that black dress that Margaret bought for me back in 1975? I didn't take any clothes with me when I returned, how could I have packed that dress from my closet when I went back to 1996? What is this sorcery??

-And tell me why am I wearing heels?

-Heh, Angus, what's the matter? You've got yourself an older woman!

-I own that black dress in real life. I don't look that special in it. The best thing about it is the pockets, and I got it on sale!

-Hey, a running gag! We'll never find out what Angus ordered!

-Nice restaurant, it comes with free hair in the milk!

-Why are we always getting into fist fights?

-Angus is like a child in this chapter! Getting kissed by all the older women, mumbling and grumbling in response.

-This story is getting dark.

Chapter Ninety Nine

-This took a complete 180 turn.

-You're weeping on the floor, this is no time for song references!

-Justice died...that's awful. If I hadn't gone back in time, it's possible the two would never have met up. And she'd still be here. So of course I'm gonna feel guilty about all this. My friend!

-So the guy who tried to poison me must know Mike.

-Mike needs to be taken to an actual prison, not a jail cell. He keeps getting out with that little silver spoon of his.

Chapter One Hundred

-I had this fire chapter planned for a while before I wrote it, but it took me a while to get to it. It landed on the perfect number though, didn't it?

-I like this! They're mourning, they're scared, but they're not gonna let it keep them down! 

-One last act of kindness...he gave me his jacket! That doesn't explain where Malcolm's is though.

-This poor little girl...she shouldn't have had to deal with this Mike guy.

-I'm not this good with little kids, they don't tend to like me. Animals do, but not kids.

-I'm actually quite amazed how one lighter managed to set fire to a whole bookcase and in two seconds a whole library.

-Was he willing to kill a whole mass of people just to kill me? What on earth happened to this man? It couldn't have just been meth that messed him up.

-Interesting. Both of them faced with a mutual fear of losing the other one, and then each with a fear of their own. Angus with heights, me with fire.

-That one little book saved our lives. 

-And they just opened the place too.

Chapter One Hundred One

-This has got to be a record for longest AC/DC fic to date. If anyone wants to make a longer one I'd be happy to read it.

-Again, a hospital scene done right.

-Tools?? Do I need an operation?

-Who's paying for all these hospital bills? AC/DC? They're not billionaires. I like that about this story, instead of them being the richest people on the planet, it shows again and again that they don't just carry millions around with them everywhere. 

-A white rose, he remembered.

-Uh, Angus I don't think you can just take my mask off. You'd know about that, wouldn't you?

-There goes my hair, falling out of place again!

-And there I go, rambling about all the mistakes me we made against taking precautions.

-Bon! Way to ruin the moment!

-Yeah, you wanna join, Bon?

-What an ending to that.

Chapter One Hundred Two

-My other female friends!

-How sad is it that Georgeanne, the one I spent the most time with in terms of females, is the one I never got to say goodbye to. I hardly get to say goodbye to any of them!

-I'm not gonna be able to see everyone tomorrow, Angus.

-Thank goodness a sleeping position is all it is.

-Hey, he did that thing when he messes up while he talks!

-Oh man, I hate seeing Angus cry!

-Damn. That's it then.

Chapter One Hundred Three

-I had to say goodbye to everyone in a note? How sad!

-Now Angus has to tell everyone that I'm gone.

-Damn. This is depressing.

Chapter One Hundred Four

-Golden Girls is still playing! I remember that episode!

-And I'm back in my own apartment. Am I okay to be out of the hospital now? I don't still need that mask? And how did Angus get out with only an inhaler? Does he really smoke that much that he's just used to it?

-Vee's back! I had to include her in this story. And look at the way she interacts. She's still the same character, but she's matured. I like that.

-I also like how even after talking it through, she's still not completely okay. Because talking doesn't always make you feel better.

-And there's the reference to the first book. Roll credits!

What's the sentence of this story? I liked it a lot. It's long, but it's better than the first two. And it's worth reading if you like AC/DC, and if you like the series. I like how it doesn't end on a happy note, because real life isn't always happy, fanfiction or not. Now, to finish that fourth story!

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