A Different Set Of Events Review!
Alright, let's see here... *picks up copy of story* "A Different Set Of Events", huh? My first real story I wrote on this site after I was inspired by rocknrolldamnation73 and Day_Tripping_Citrus.
It's really not that good.
To everyone that likes that story, I'm very glad you do. To like the first series I wrote, even with all its flaws and everything, it means a whole lot to me. That's why I've been inspired to write the fourth story, and maybe give it a happier ending.
*grabs popcorn* Alright, let's get on with the show!
Chapter One
-Woah, I never asked how hot it was, I don't need that visual. "Superfluous"? That word came out of nowhere.
-Oh, oh no. You're going to be one of those stories, aren't you? Putting yourself down and then let other various characters build you up? I do have a bit of low self esteem, but I don't need to drown in the written explanation!
-Man, I remember when all that was happening in the band. Seems like it was just yesterday, was I sixteen when I wrote this? What am I now, a hundred?
-Who do you think she meant, who were you just talking about?
-...you know they never actually see that hat. And I will say I like how they don't mention the time travel thing right away, they just talk about casually running into Cliff at a grocery store. Which I'd take either scenario, even though one is obviously better. Cliff isn't even in this story!
-Oh man, my pug. He passed away this last June, three years after writing this. I miss him, I'm glad I mentioned him in this story.
-It's night, what do you expect? It's gonna get colder.
-You fell asleep thinking about swimming? You're an odd one.
Chapter Two
-What happened to my blanket burrito??
-Snow in Australia? Okay, fun fact with Hannah. I was a bit dumb when I wrote this. I knew it didn't snow often down there, but I didn't know it was so rare. So, I made it snow. Now I give the excuse that because something different happened, like time travel, it snowed the way it did. Really, this snow is symbolism. *curls up* Poorly put together symbolism.
-I like how she doesn't meet the band right away, and I like how Margaret is in this story. I like her.
-There's quite a bit of punctuation mistakes in this, I'm real sorry.
-I have a question. Why is Margaret living with the band? Not that I'm complaining, but why would she want to be around such rowdiness and whoever they decide to bring over?
-You mean the BOYS???
-Hope Angus doesn't get picked on for keeping that blanket around.
-You're real calm for someone about to meet 70s AC/DC. Only meant what? ONLY MEANT WHAT?
-Of course I time travel right as we just talked about meeting the band! Hey, want to meet your favorite band? Just click your heels three times and think about meeting them! You'll be there when you wake up in the arms of your hero!
-*snickers* Grammy Jammies...
-The only pajamas I'd like? Margaret, what else you got in there?
-Yeah, Malcolm, take your shoes off!
-Oh no. A girl living with five guys! Whatever shall I do?
-They just smiled at you, you don't know if they're nice or not!
-I like how Mark is in this story, he's not in many even when he's supposed to be.
-Hello, Angus, how convenient for you to sit by me. Now we don't have to shout while confessing our love.
Chapter Three
-Uh, can I help Margaret prepare this feast? It's the least I can do, really.
-...I want to know Mark's story.
-A sympathy cigarette, I suppose?
-*sigh* Phil, you always have to use the bathroom in this series!
-Well done, Bon. How many band members does it take to fish a lighter out of the couch?
-Staring at me, Young? Oh, how old am I? *chuckles* Four years younger than you but we can overlook that over dinner. *snickers* "Minor" details, ya' know.
-...How young could I possibly look?
-Malcolm, you give up?
-I also like how this story doesn't automatically set up a favorite member. This story almost seems to be a Bon story instead with all the attention he's getting. Because of course the favorite member ends up falling for the main character. You know, if someone wants to write a story where a different member ends up falling for the girl, and she has to make that choice...I'd certainly read it!
-I couldn't have a friend go with me, because then the attention would go to her! Duh.
-Because the answer to where I live needs a fool proof excuse!
-Women don't appeal to me, Bon. *flips hair* But five band members do.
-Margaret, I want to help!
-Do your chores, Malcolm, it's what you get for tracking in snow.
-I've got no comment for the sleepover suggestion.
-My mum's not here. *winks with both eyes*
-Any boyfriends? Bon, you must be joking, I have five!
-Women don't appeal to me, Mark!
-I can talk in numerals! And oh crap, I mean uh, all of them are in the zone, you know, you have to concentrate.
-Okay, that conversation was funny. I'm glad I made that mistake.
-Just because he's been staring at you for a collective few minutes now doesn't mean he likes you.
-...my violin unfortunately exploded. True story.
-Woah, uh, it's only chapter three, Angus.
-Oh, goodbye then! I'll kiss myself to sleep!
Chapter Four
-Mom? Was this all just a dream? Margaret, thank God!
-Leave? They can't leave, I haven't professed my love yet. What do they think they're doing having lives of their own?
-oh ReaLlY, wHaT baND?
-Snowballed...ain't that an AC/DC song? Margaret, you've done it again!
-Hope I don't run out there with a milk mustache. That'd be embarrassing.
-Oh, never mind, I'll just run out in my nightgown instead.
-A secret hallway??
-A band, huh? That's impressive. *swishes grammy jammies*
-...what else can you do with an instrument? And why did Angus seem to understand that joke? What's going on here??
-"That's good, I can't have my love interest dressin' up like my sister!"
-And just what am I wearing under this brown trench coat, may I ask? I've seen these types of outfits before. There aren't any.
-Oh, here we go.
-I know, he's been staring at me all evening yesterday. Are...are those binoculars behind that tree??
-Big sale on winter clothes all of the sudden, stores are making hundreds!
-You don't mind if I just keep your blanket, Angus? Hmm?
"Alright then, tuna fish surprise it is, my favorite!"
-Angus' blanket is first priority! Protect the blue knit!
-Let me just look over the fence here, see what the neighbors are doing...
-Well, I tried to stay awake. My heart was in the right place.
-Let me guess...Malcolm slammed the door? Wash the dishes this time, will you, Mal?
-What, Angus can't warm himself up from the frigid Australian winters, Mal?
-Geez, Ang, why so defensive? Do I offend? If that's the case it's because I've been wrapped in your blanket all day, it's your fault.
-BIG BALLS! I like how that's added in, a little idea for Bon to get working on.
-Are my pajamas really that different? Does my tank top say God Bless America while yours say God Bless Aussie?
Uh, I'm in here, and I will definitely hear you.
Chapter Five
-Kind of interesting how little time Hannah actually gets to spend with the band. Makes the question of going on tour a little more sudden.
-Or is there? *X-files theme plays, the record starts skipping*
-Good question, Mark.
-Man, you guys are easy to please. "I uh, actually live in Oscar the Grouch's trash can, I didn't know what you'd think." "Oh, cool, I've heard of that guy before." "I've seen him on T.V.!"
-Oh, you'll be needing that dress, I assure you.
-What is the plot of this story, how to get me and Angus together? Oh...seems it is.
Chapter Six
-These guys already have a private plane? They're already doing this well? How would I have not heard of this band before?
-Oh no, please don't sing. Fun fact: In real life I'm a selective singer. A term I came up with for not being able to sing in general, but somehow being able to sing a few certain songs. Maybe they're in my range, maybe I'm more confident with them, I don't know.
-Ooh, nice save, Angus.
-No, not you, of course not! Beatles!
-Strawberry milk is a stain on my name. A rather large and sour smelling pink stain.
-Just making small talk Phil, what are you doing? Using the bathroom?
-We know your secrets. Don't pretend you don't curl your hair at night, Angus, explain how Malcolm's hair is straight as an arrow!
-Uh oh, someone else wants a piece of Hannah action now? Please don't turn into one of those stories, they can be very good, but stressful. That situation is not as great as it sounds like.
-Cliffhanger sin!
Chapter Seven
-Oh, that was your question, thank goodness!
-Uh, correlation does not prove causation. It could be because of any of us.
-Had he been saying yes to them every time before I came along? Dang, he's busy!
-If he won't tell his own brother what makes you think he'll tell me, the obvious love interest who he just met, is four years younger, won't stay with him forever, who he just met, could be a toxic wicked witch who he just met, and doesn't know very well? We just met!
-Probably won't get mad...what'll you do, throw me out the plane, Angus?
-Of course there's nothing wrong with you. Now, if we're going to drop the subject I have a few questions. It's 1975, how can you guys afford roadies, a bus, and a private plane? But you guys can't afford your own places to live? Real priorities right there.
-Oh, Bon, not now, don't get drunk now! Hannah, don't bring that up, don't let them know!
-Are we driving in a van? Because if not, then Phil's driving, Mark is the passenger, I'm in the middle with Malcolm and Angus on either side of me, *wipes off nervous sweat* and Bon is...drunk in the trunk?? Is that what I hear rolling around back there?
-You didn't ask? "I thought we were in New York, but I wasn't too sure. Oh, my mistake, we were in Kansas!" Small mistake.
-Hang onto your seats, everyone, Phil's gotta use the bathroom!
-Oregon is a big state, usually the western states are easier to memorize where they are because they're big and there's less of them. The bigger the state, the less people live there. Wipe that smug grin off, Angus, you're not getting any action with your attitude.
Chapter Eight
-Oh, thank you, Malcolm! What a sweet man, unlike some people. Uh, I'll have the most expensive thing on this menu please, waiter.
-Malcolm, you didn't hear me tell Angus Oregon is on the west coast last night? But you remember that small detail of how many states I've been to.
-Uh, technically I don't think you guys were supposed to leave Australia until 1976 when you release High Voltage internationally...I could be mistaken but...you're not used to New York's big and busyness, Mal.
-Speaking of groupies, shouldn't you guys have some hanging around? Conveniently Margaret lives with you so I don't have to live with them either, but we're on the road now.
-Damn, Mal, you don't mess around with your questions, do you? Should be an interrogation officer. Get your own lamp and black and white face paint and everything.
-Aw man, now the surprise of who I end up with is spoiled! 'Cause you know I have to end up with one of you guys, it's inevitable.
-They were right! But they must be mistaken...but they're right. They have to be mistaken!
-Wow, what a life you live, Angus.
-A look? Can you describe this look so I know whether to smack it off or not? Oh, you mean that smug grin? *rolls up sleeve*
-"I know his motives and his desires..." That's a weird way to put that, Mal.
-Angus, you've been asleep all day, how did you smuggle Marilyn Monroe in the hotel? Was she in the trunk with Bon? Why do we all share a hotel room? Guess we have to, all our money is going towards that private plane.
Chapter Nine
-Of course she has to sneer at me, because she has that sixth sense that I'm her boyfriend's real love interest and that I'm going to be in the way of her giving him a venereal disease!
-Uh, pardon me, Lucy Parker, but where did you come from? Do you live in New York and Angus picked you up, did you materialize in his morning shower and he couldn't resist, I mean what happened?
-Damn, Angus, you Youngs really don't mess around when you want something!
-Oh, so you knew her before! Malcolm, you know her too? From Sydney? How quick was her plane? Honestly though, how did she get there and so fast?
-Uh oh, Young fight! *rings bell*
-*narrator voice* The elder Young pushes the younger against the wall roaring at him, the youngest Young spitting in his face. A few more roars ending in higher tones are exchanged, and unsatisfying roars are answered in return. Glares from Young VII send Young VIII into defensive angsty teen mode: "Forget it, Mal, you'd never understand." The Young taller by one inch sighs in defeat, wishing it were more than just one inch.
-Crap in a toilet, huh? There's no other analogies?
-Oh. You're not very nice. Wayne's World reference!
-Uh oh, foreshadowing of some very real feelings I have on the subject!
-These feelings I have are real, and I could have written what happens to me in a much better fashion than this, this is a touch odd. And I'm much better at hiding the panic when I'm around people, I would make sure I didn't collapse in front of someone.
-"If you say so." What help you are, Mal. Friend of the year.
-Is Bon okay? Is Phil in the bathroom? Where's Mark? Find out all this and more in...
Chapter Ten
-Okay new rule. No girlfriends on tour! With me as the exception of course, heh.
-Oh, she's not being polyamorous, Miss Five Boyfriends?
-You're a real detective, Mal! Mystery solving Malcolm!
-Uh oh, Mark, be careful. We can't have you in danger and have you take away the plot of me and Angus getting together!
-Is there anyone else in the pool, getting positively sick watching the couple's activities? Just me?
-Did we know there was going to be an interview? Was it just accepted that the guys were gonna have to film it in swimsuits and Angus' napkin? Not that they'd mind, of course.
-We can't be the only ones at this pool, we can't be.
-Lucy had the potential to have much more character development and she didn't, and for that I feel kind of bad. She's just mean with no reason, there doesn't seem to be anything good about her, while Angus just kind of goes along with it. He's not dumb.
-Horrible breath. Fun fact: I gave Lucy bad breath, right? Well, in the second one, that drunk man at the party has bad breath, and Mike Wanson has bad breath. All the 'villains' in the stories have halitosis and it was all an accident.
-Oh, now the people come running!
-Hah, no one believes Lucy! *blows raspberry*
-I've been smelling like your blanket since day one, so, no, I don't mind smelling like a boy. (Man). Well, I don't mind smelling like you anyway. *twirls wet hair, my finger getting stuck*
-"Angus watched Hannah as she made her way to the bathroom, hoping she'd forget to close the door." -First Draft
-God, Lucy, gross!
-So Angus' word is gospel, Phil?
-Another cliffhanger sin!
Chapter Eleven
-You swallowed your tongue? Oh, RIP! Roll credits!
-*tune of Little Lover* Little Liiiarrrrrrr!
-That news was just too much for Bon to take.
-Uh oh, first panic attack!
-One of the first instances where Phil calls me 'kid'. I like how that stuck, I like how they all have their own name for me.
-Ouch, thanks a lot, Mal.
-"I need some air." *proceeds to come back in hotel with a cigarette* You're asthmatic, you really should be getting some fresh air, Bon.
-"What are you, a doctor?" Fun fact: That line, or a variation of that line happens in all three books. That happened by accident.
-So the truth comes out, eh, Angus?
-Bon, damn! Telling Lucy like it is!
-They will not let Malcolm's method of opening doors go.
-"Mark wants a smoke." Don't we all today?
Chapter Twelve
-Heh, "How'd this bruise get there?"
-You seem real happy to see I'm alive and well, Mark. I appreciate the enthusiasm.
-Just too tired...with the way the rest of the story goes anything is a good enough excuse for these guys.
-Yeah, that probably wasn't it. How could Angus ever be embarrassed by me? *yawns a little too loudly, letting out a small burp*
-I really miss my 2016 life of swimming laps in the pool on deflated swim toys. Being on tour with AC/DC has nothing on the good old days.
-Gotten to know each other, you asked like, three questions on the private plane ride and ever since you've been hanging around "Sin"derella over there. How much interest could I possibly be to you?
Chapter Thirteen
-Quiet, Mal, waking up the whole hotel!
-A little respect for Angus for wanting to tell her himself how he felt. Minus three points to Malcolm for blabbing it a month before.
-I wouldn't worry too much about that, Mark, Lucy has her ways of getting around the world in short amounts of time. How do you think she got to New York so fast from Sydney? Well, I guess if Angus Young calls you to meet him somewhere you don't stop to take a piss. Well, Phil might.
-Aw, Malcolm thinks I'm worth it!
-My birthday! I hate my birthday!
-Oh, quiet, Phil you live in Australia, that just so happens to be under a severe climate change right now.
-Oh, now you need two cars! So they must have been driving in a van. So...were they driving in vans this whole time? Why did I feel the need to describe their driving situation now? Oh, I see, because Angus and friends wanted to make sure Lucy was in the other car, ha!
-AC/DC is playing at ten at night? Must be a short concert.
-You're a real comedian, Bon.
-Oh, big mistake. It will be a big deal, I can assure you.
-Random flashback (flashforward?) to the eighties!
-Oh, go with the strange girl whom you just met that knows your name into the dark alley at ten at night with no one else around! You're a genius!
-I am a little cold, thanks for asking! Do you have a spare burrito blanket I could borrow? Mine disappeared eleven chapters ago.
-You dipstick, you really thought she offered you a friendly drink?
-Lucy is, what most would call nowadays, what's the word? 'Extra'?
-Little liiiarrrrrrr!
-...uh...how the hell does Lucy know about my private past? Is she a witch with a pensieve? *gasp* She must have used some kind of portkey to get to New York! It all makes sense! This is some nine and three quarters kind of drama here!
-You know, I do like how Hannah isn't a complete badass and just takes out all seven girls on her own, but I like how she's not helpless either and does try to fight back. Speaking of which (witch!), where did these other girls come from? Who are they? Are they witches too? You guys are missing the concert, why is beating me up a better use of your time? Oh, they don't care because they must have a time turner!
-Oh, get off of my friend! He doesn't like you, he likes me! Don't listen to him, he's in denial! Obvious denial!
-"All I see is you and me." And this roadie awkwardly watching us while he unplugs all the amps.
-Geez, Mark, do you know that girl's name?
-Man, look at this roadie watching out for me! What a sweet chap, hey, what's your name?
-"Oh no, people! Scatter! You're on your own, Lucy!" Heh, some friends you got there.
-Oh, hello, Angus. My you smell bad, have you been playing guitar again? Sorry I couldn't see you, I was preoccupied with not dying.
-You're a real sharp one, Mark. Nothing gets passed you.
-Oh, I just latched onto this guy like a leech without even knowing it was Angus? What if it had been some security guy? Or the roadie?
-Whose eyes is the concern swirling in?
Chapter Fourteen
-*circus music plays on the way back to the hotel*
-Malcolm and Phil snuggle fest! Hope Phil doesn't have to use the bathroom!
-Uh, don't we have a tour to keep schedule? Why is my alley fight getting in the way of when we leave the hotel? Unless we just conveniently had more time to stay here for a while, like most of my fanfictions do.
-Have the fans gotten too wild before, Malcolm? Bon? Play any cards lately, gentlemen?
-"That's my girl." Fun fact: That line has been used in all three books and will be used again in the fourth. That was not an accident.
-I couldn't come out to the kitchen with you? Do you have a surprise in there you don't want me to see? Berniece Baker hiding in some large birthday cake? I told you it'd be a big deal.
-Where could the band have gone? And why wouldn't they have told us? Probably Malcolm's master plan of getting us two alone. In that case, Mal? You're a genius.
-Angus...brought his baby blanket...on tour? I think I need to see this story from Angus' point of view, you know, I think I need a whole childhood from this guy's point of view.
-The sun goes behind the clouds one time...*pulls out all the fall and Halloween decorations*
-Has anyone else besides Bon gotten drunk the whole time we were here? Surely Bon can't be the only drinker here.
-"Told him not to drink this early. I tried that once and was using the bathroom every scene break! But of course, Bon won't listen."
-This is your third cliffhanger sin. When will you learn?!
Chapter Fifteen
-Great timing, Bon! How thoughtful of you to piss off the readers of this tale.I'm sure they love you for that one!
-"Better clean up the evidence," Angus whispered to himself.
-What are the chances AC/DC had a concert in Oregon? Someone must have done this on purpose, it's too convenient!
-I put the finger on you!
-It's not like Angus and I have spent that much more time together since Lucy left, I mean, we played a board game. And then one of us was probably losing royally and a heated argument ensued. Some chess pieces were thrown, monopoly money torn...
-How does all this time travel work? Send me back to 1975, and right when I finally spill the truth I go home? That's it? I just fall asleep and there I am? None of this makes sense!
-Here we go, racing the clock, time for the plot of getting us together to commence!
-Matchmaking Malcolm! With his plans that everyone just goes along with!
-Um, I think we need to be talking about Hannah's issue with all that stuff, because if Angus doesn't know about it, then he might try something, or end up real disappointed about how this relationship is going. Sure she can take care of herself, but it might not end in the way that you think.
-Do the guys all have to dress nice too? Is this a prom we're going to?
-That shut you up real quick, eh Ang? I knew you'd need that dress.
Chapter Sixteen
-Nicer shirts than the beer stained white t-shirts they've been wearing this whole tour? How much of an upgrade can you get?
-Meanwhile, Malcolm rubs his hands together, all while chuckling to himself about how clever his plan is.
-Man, left my fake ID at home!
-Threw Malcolm right under the bus!
-I see, working on the international High Voltage album, are we? Very nice.
-Of course you didn't know I played pool, how could you have known? We never talked!
-Oh, but now we'll get some real juice on each other as we talk about our favorite things. Not our life ambitions, no. Favorite things. My favorite color is actually black now, not gold.
-Oh hell yeah, I beat him at pool!
-*blushes furiously* Oh, I thought you were gonna give me your jacket, Angus, I didn't realize we'd be on hugging level so soon. What's that I hear? Wedding bells in the distance?
-Excuse you, I'm seventeen. Wait...
-Big deal birthdays, coming right up!
-Oh hey, another park that happens to be open! Sweet!
-My yawn was so powerful that it stopped our laughter short.
-You left me for a quarter? Was it a SHINY QUARTER?
-I can't even get mad at this cliffhanger, it wasn't a bad one.
Chapter Seventeen
-*punches man who grabbed me* I'm so sorry, I thought-oh, it's just you guys. Well then it's okay.
-He didn't ditch me per se, just kind of skipped off to find a quarter. You all, however, ditched us for drinks!
-Goodness, Angus, every penny counts!
-Yes, Angus. Lovebirds.Now get over here and sing to me.
-What's there to be confused about? You're not in touch with anyone's feelings are you? Lucy makes Angus' life miserable, "He seems happy with her." Angus pulls you in for a hug and gets teased by the rest of the band, "What could this mean? Obviously no one has the hots for me." Good grief, clean your glasses!
-"I beat Angus Young at pool, everyone! Hear ye, hear ye!"
-Uh, birthday? What birthday? No big deal, please, it's NO BIG DEAL!
-Malcolm, Mark, please, just take one big shower and quit your arguing.
-Did I fall asleep while we were walking? Was I sleep walking, or did someone eventually carry me? I have questions!
Chapter Eighteen
-Oh, thank goodness I'm still in my dress. Whew!
-Did I wake up to Angus blowing the roof off the hotel, yelling at all the guys for ditching us?
-Hey, no need to pressure me, Mal, I'm stressed about it enough. I can't stay somewhere simply because someone asked me to. But Lucy probably said the same thing.
-Quit acting dumb, you know exactly how he feels!
-But-that uh-doesn't mean I feel the same way, psh! Silly, Malcolm, too many cigarettes, ya' know?
-Smelled like him...yeah, that's something I'm striving to do. You ever think maybe Angus wants a turn with his blanket?
-Since when has Angus ever woken up with a merry heart? "Wake up, love, we're home! Isn't life swell?"
-Be careful running around the runway, this isn't a playground!
-...come and get what, exactly?
-A runway is a big open space, you didn't see him run around behind you? Again, clean your glasses!
-Well, Angus, if you insist on being my seat belt, I guess I can't stop you. Mind you, watch the fingers!
Chapter Nineteen
-Here we are, back again in the magical winter wonderland.
-Why am I wearing Malcolm's jacket? Did Angus not have one? Did he tell me, "Well damn, Hannah! I can't control the weather!"
-Yeah, maybe we'd better get back on the subject of telling them all the truth.
-Ha, Margaret gave me a hug, Bon!
-Malcolm! Getting married?? Weren't you just telling Angus about asking Hannah out...wait, did Angus know you already had a girlfriend? And he didn't stop you?? And...we just got home. How did you find the time to ask her? And you actually don't get married until 1979...what's going on?
-Make it yourself, Phil. Make it yourself.
-I like the next opening sentences. That actually made me laugh a little.
-Ugh, why am I the center of attention now? Malcolm, tell us about Linda, have you known her long? You know her favorite color yet?
-Swallowed your tongue again, what awful luck you must have! Keep this up and you won't be here for the sequel!
-You're right, it doesn't make sense.
-Someone is pissed and breaking all Margaret's dishes!
Chapter Twenty
-Oh no, Angus is gonna have a fit!
-*sputters* D-don't get mad at me, Malcolm! Making me promise Malcolm!
-To his room...that reminds me...where do the rest of the guys sleep? How big is this house? Does everyone have their own rooms, does Margaret have her own room? I just got the other guest room with the spare instruments? How come no one has their own place? But we can afford private planes?? Wait...were we driving from state to state? Do you know how big the states are?
-I can see why he'd be frustrated, I mean, now she's even younger than what he thought, or-he's older than what he thought-I mean, ah, time travel! Curse you!
-They'd think I was mad if I told them! I'd be taken away! Have you got a nail file on you? These chains are killin' me!
-You do? Are you sure?
-Okay, so they do have their own rooms. Meanwhile I'm sharing a bed with this amplifier because Angus hates me now.
-Aren't you gonna ask me how the hell I time traveled in the first place? Mark won't believe a word I say.
-I see. I'm just thirty seven of the numerous girls Angus took into his life? *grins at the stuttering Malcolm* Explain yourselves!
-Party in my room at eleven o' clock at night, ain't it?
Chapter Twenty One
-Is no one watching the news and keeping an eye on the suspicious levels of snow flying through our windows? Margaret, have you any more knit blankets?
-Angus' midnight epiphany.
-Yeah, I don't think time travel really gives a crap about how we feel about each other, it's just gonna take me away whenever it feels like it. We're not really stuck with each other.
-Oh, Malcolm didn't sustain enough damage the last time he was thrown under the bus, let's do it again!
-You allowed him to ask me out!
-"Uh, Angus, forgot to tell you...I have mono, I've had it for a few months now, I guess I had a little more news than I thought, ha." -First Draft
-Take the driver seat of the bus, Ang, be my guest.
-Friend? Oh, Brad just got friend zoned!
Chapter Twenty Two
-Or they're tired from the tour, but yeah, it's all about you.
-Bon, put down the book and listen to my monologue! I'm trying to apologize!
-You know, most stories the girl brings her cell phone with her. I like the change, and in the laws of time travel, you can't bring anything from the future with you. The cell phone wouldn't work anyway. You can bring clothes, and a guitar, and you can bring toothpaste, but that's all been invented before. A cell phone is different.
-Oh no...
-Oh no. Bon, you can stuff it.
-You didn't give it time! You didn't give it anything, you ran from it! The nerve!
-Fun fact: I'm a huge fan of tea now, I drink about four cups a day. Except green tea which tastes like disappointment, and Chai tea which tastes like a big huge lie.
-I love this conversation.
-Turn on the news, please, we need to know when this weather will end.
-Oh, come on in, Angus, no need to knock, I was just changing my underwear since the icicles on my last pair melted. Wanna help?
-Seems the binoculars have come out from behind the tree, now he uses them at the dinner table.
-Um, pardon me? I'm a minor, Young, I'm still only seventeen! You're twenty!
-This whole scene is a little uncomfortable to read. I think it's because it was a little uncomfortable to write, and that might be because situations like that are scary to me and since this was my first ever fanfiction, I wasn't used to doing this. I'm just saying it could have gone a lot smoother. In real life, and for Angus too, poor guy broke his back.
-Yeah, maybe someone should have told him a million years ago. I knew something like this would happen if you didn't. I called it! I also wrote it!
-Indiana? When the hell were we in Indiana? What'd I miss??
-Oh boy, here's the start of using the phrase, 'you know', to refer to having sex. Biggest and longest running gag in the whole series, and that's a pun not intended.
-Oh, who knows? Maybe she'll return your love in the morning?
-I like how they didn't get together right away. I like how it took a lot of time, even though none of it was spent actually getting to know each other better.
Chapter Twenty Three
-Oh, I'm back home? What a rip! I'll never get to profess my love to the BOYS! Whatever will I do? Oh, I'm the author, heh. I'll write a sequel!
-No one knew I was gone. Another rule of time travel. Time doesn't continue here when you leave. It's like Back to the Future, it's instantaneous.
-Electronic calendar? Nice! Can it talk?
-My friend is a bit of a weirdo in this story. But! What fun is a boring normal friend?
-"Hey, Vee. Remember when a few months ago-I mean, yesterday...*wiggles eyebrows*...we talked about meeting our favorite band? Well, it happened! Crazy, right? I love fanfiction!"
-Did I miss a quotation mark, really? After all these years? *grumbles while fixing it*
-Which one do you think liked me? The one I've decided is my favorite, because that's how these stories work!
-Had to censor out my verbal description of Angus' little trick. *whispers incoherently*
-Wayne's World reference!
-That's all folks!
Okay. Conclusion time. *puts on glasses while a cue card drops from the ceiling from a wire* What did I think? I liked it, it's a cute little story. It has its mistakes, more than most, but overall it wasn't bad. This was one of those stories that had so much potential. It could have been a terrific story and now it's just been settled to, 'eh'. But that's okay, considering this is just my first story. I can look back on it and fix any mistakes I might make in the future. I like how it doesn't follow all the tropes of time travel fanfictions, but it follows them enough to where it's still a recognizable piece of work. And, it doesn't end happy. Not bad, just not happy either. They don't end up together which is something a lot of stories don't do. But, it could have been written in a much better fashion. Stay tuned for the sequels!
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