Notes: It's not the truth that Eleventh Doctor could ever meet Rose Tyler again. I wrote this story because I wished they could have a chance to see each other, a chance for the Doctor to fix his guilt in the past. He never loved anyone else so deeply as her, even Amy. He had left his clone in the parallel universe with her so she could have a happy life with "him", the other him, till the rest of her life. He never did that with any of his past companions. Their love is a kind of undying love, even on his new incarnation, Eleventh Doctor never forgets about Rose, and never stops loving her. She was always a part of his soul and his hearts.
Chapter 1: A journey to the past.
"Take me back!", Eleventh Doctor said aloud and turned on his TARDIS console. He was still wearing his bowtie and his braces as usual, but his hair was in a mess. He was depressed after Amy and Rory had gone. He was lonely again, with the feeling of guilty and broken pressed down on his chest. It reminded him of the day on Bad Wolf Bay in the parallel universe, where he had said good-bye to Rose. Forever. He had left his clone with her, so finally she could be together with him and love him till the rest of her life. But it was the other him, not himself. It made him hurt more than anything else. He wanted badly to see her again, he missed her. For a bloody second, he had missed her again. And he would risk everything just to see her wealthy and happy with a life that she deserved.
"Forever". She had said that to him. Forever, together or not. So much years had passed, he couldn't know if she was still alive or not. Even if she was, he couldn't see her in present. He couldn't come to where she was now. But there was still a chance. He could come back to the past, where he had met her the first time. The day before they had known each other. The day had changed everything.
The TARDIS appeared in a corner of a street, which was quiet at that moment, and made its familiar windy sound. The Doctor pulled the door open and stepped out. No one was paying attention to a 1963 blue police's box. He was in London, in 2003. It was like what he still remembered it. The sky was blue and beautiful. A great Saturday. It summed up his mood a little. He tighted his bowtie again and started wandering in the path, didn't have any idea where he had to go first. Probably Powell Estate.
Rose was a shop assistant when the Doctor met her. He knew where the shop was, and he decided to go there. He didn't know what she would think about this bowtie-and-braces-wearing. Amy mocked him about his bowtie, but Rose would probably like it, because bowties are cool.
The streets were crowded with people and cars and buses, and the familiar smell of gas and dust filled in the air. A new day started, with new amazing and unexpected things were waiting. The Doctor glanced at people around him as he passed through the traffic line to the other side of the street. Nobody seemed to notice him, a strange and freaky-wearing man. It made him feel better and easier to make his move. He found Henrik's Department Store and stepped inside. Clothes, clothes everywhere. He felt confused and awkward. Looking around to find Rose, he bumped into a woman and made her annoy. "Sorry, I am sorry", he said quickly with a good attitude that finally calm her down. That scence drew others's attention to him and he quietly walked out of their gaze. "There is no living plastics this time, they should feel lucky about that", he thought in his mind. When he passed a corner, he saw her.
Rose was talking to an old lady, about clothing things. The lady asked Rose about the shop, the price and what she would wear. The Doctor watched them in secret and listened to their conservation. Finally, the lady left and Rose went back to her works. He tended to bolt, but she noticed him.
"Welcome to Henrik's Department Store", she said with her lovely smile that he always remembered, "What can I do for you?".
"I don't know", he replied, running his fingers through his hair. Calm down. "What's your idea? I like something... cool".
She grinned teasingly, "Blimey, you don't know what you want? There are a lot of cool things here, if you want to get a look at them. I offer suits and jackets".
He made a face, "No. I don't really like suits. My style is just different"
"You mean bowties?", Rose asked, looking at him. She started feeling interested in this weird man. He was, well, maybe, a freak? She wanted to know more.
"I am wearing a bowtie", the Doctor said, "Bowties are cool. Don't you think that?"
She smiled and folded her arms, "Well, let's see", she tilted her head slightly, "You know what? I love it".
"Really?". He gave her a wide smile.
She laughed lightly, "Yes. If you know my friend Wilson , he'll say like me. Oh, wait, he is not what you're thinking. Just kidding. I am Rose Tyler. Nice to meet you"
She held out her hand to him in greeting. He hestitated in a few seconds, then took it gently. It was warm and soft, like old days. The feelings made him feel a little dizzy.
"I am the Doctor", he said without thinking much about it.
Rose stared at him, questioning, "Doctor what?".
Damn. He should say John Smith. He always used that name when it was necessary, espically this time. But it was too late to fix.
He shrugged, "Just the Doctor. You can call me that".
"Okay", she replied with a smile of her own, "I see. So, Doctor, don't you mind if I invite you a coffee, after I finished working here? I know where we can get the best capuchino".
He nodded, "I'll wait for you in the park.I love being with nature. Is that alright?".
"Yeah, alright. See ya". Rose grinned and walked off to continued her works.
The Doctor sat on the park, on the soft ground, which was covered with grass. He read a book while waiting for Rose to come. This situation made him remember the picnic with the Ponds, the last day before he said good-bye with them both. It was a beautiful and sad memory, which made a single tear run down his cheek. He wiped it away and pushed back his feelings. Amy had told him he shouldn't travel alone. He shouldn't be lonely. He should find someone, who would go with him and handed him a hand, and trusted him. But how many people, who trusted him that finally he didn't lose them or let them down, or let them go forever? Finally, there would be only him at the end of the road.
He looked up and took off his glasses as Rose came to him, smiling. He loved the way she looked, the blond colour of her hair, like the warmth of the sun. The memories came flooding back to his mind, the time when they were together, free and happy. She was always his fantastic girl. She had changed him, made him become a better person. He refused to remember again, but the feelings were so strong that he couldn't resist them anymore. She sat down beside him and gave him a thankful look.
"Thanks for accepting my advice", she said with a smile then added, "A beautiful day, huh?".
He smiled, "You're welcome. Yeah, I love Saturdays".
"Everyone love Saturdays. It's time to hang out with friends and do all crazy stuffs", she commented.
"A picnic, and a party. But I am not good at dancing", he joked, which made she laugh.
"I am not, either", she replied, then looked at him, "do you have a job, Doctor? I mean, everyone works for their living. I live with my mom, and I have been working as a shop assistant for a year. It's simple, that's it".
The Doctor realized that he had come back a year before he actually met Rose. At this time, she still didn't know anything about him, or who he actually was. He didn't really exist, not only with her but also with London. He hoped delicately that he could change her past, so her future as well. So, she would never be trapped in that parallel universe. It was impossible, though. He could just give her some beautiful memories about him before he moved on.
"Tell me, Rose", he asked, looking at her almost urgency, "What do normal people do for their living? What did they do? Just tell me".
Rose stared at him in a few seconds, confused. She wondered if he was serious, her eyes searching his face. Clearly he was. She couldn't understand what he really meant in his question, which made her doesn't know how to answer in the first place. She took a deep breath.
"Well...", she said slowly, thinking for the right words to say, "Many things. Careers, nurses, doctors, workers or a shop assistant like me. That's what people do. From big ones to small ones. And get married, have a family. Have children..."
"Seriously?", the Doctor asked, frowning slightly, "All got married, and got older?"
"Yes", she replied, quietly, "That's the life. We always need someone to hold our hands, don't we?"
The words hung in the air, no reply was made. They kept silent in a while. The Doctor's hearts throbbed hurtly in his chest and his head pounding. He wouldn't think he could listen those words again, reminded him of how lonely he was. He sniffed and put his head to his hands, made his hair fall down around his forehead. Rose looked at him worriedly,
"You okay, Doctor?".
He exhaled softly and wiped his cheeks, "I am fine", he muttered, then changed the subject, "Do you smell that? Is it... chips?"
She pulled her hair out of her face, grinning, "Yes. It's very delicious. I know where we can have it. Come on".
He shrugged, "But I don't have money".
"Blimey, I'll pay. Let's go". She gave him a tongue-between-teeth smile and stood up. He pulled himself up beside her, blushing the dust off his clothes.
"Okay", he said with a nod.
That day had passed very normal, with different emotion. The Doctor never thought he could have such a great and peaceful day like this, it was something so... human. And he was happy because Rose smiled during their journey around London, and extremely excited when he picked her up by his motorbike. Just one day like this, that's all he needed. And he wanted to remember.
Later of the day, he took Rose back to her house. The small, cozy house, where her mother, Jackie Tyler, was in right now and probably was cooking dinner. The place that he always brought her back after their travelling. She jumped down from his motorbike and gave him a smile.
"Thanks for today", she said, "I've had a great journey".
The Doctor smiled, putting his hands to his pocket, "You're welcome. Have a nice evening, Rose". He put his helmet on and prepared to leave. He didn't want to say the word "goodbye", the second time with her. Especially not with her.
Rose bit her lips, then ran after him, "Doctor?", she called out.
He turned back, looking at her awkwardly, "Yes?". She stopped and hugged her arms around her body. She was staring at a strange man, who had given her the greatest day in her life and didn't care the fact that she was a stranger to him too. A weird feeling started growing up in her chest, like a ball that was becoming bigger and bigger. Maybe she had met him somewhere, but she couldn't know when or where.
"Will I see you again?", she asked, hopefully.
The Doctor hestitated, and in a brieft moment he looked sad and broken, and guilty again. Then he exhaled, "Just keep waiting, Rose, and one day, a miracle will come to you. There'll going to be a great year for you. Just remember that"
"I will", she nodded then turned back to her house, "See ya". He watched her until she came inside. He was standing here, in the right place, lonely. Again. There was always the curse of the Timelords.
He came back to the TARDIS, and shut the door. "It's time for me to go", he said to himself, and put his hand on the console. But he stopped death, when this time the machine didn't work, although he tried several times. Something was wrong. It can't be. He slammed his fist to the console, then yanked the door open and ran out of street.
The window of her room was opening wide and the light was on. He knocked on the door crazily, didn't care if Jackie was going to slap him in the face.
"Rose!", he called again, "I need to talk to you! It's me, the Doctor. Listen to me, please. I know you're in there".
Jackie appeared in front of him, in her pink sleeping gown. She clearly wasn't in a good mood, and he was ready for a good slap.
"Who the hell are you?", she asked, looking at him updown, "And what are you doing here in this hour? Rose is asleep now, you can't talk to her. What kind of you that yell my daughter's name and ask to see her in the middle of night?"
"I am the Doctor", he said, "I know she is still awake. Trust me. I have something very important. She has to know. Now".
She folded her arms, irritated, "She'll know tomorrow. Now get out of my house!".
He wasn't going to give up easily. It wasn't just important. Emergency situation. Rose walked down the stairs and towards her mother.
"Mom", she said, "What's going on here? And...Doctor?".
"Yes", he replied, "Hi...Again". Jackie shot him a supicious look.
Rose reassured her, then grasped his hand and pulled him out. "I'll be right back, Mom", she said, "Don't worry".
After walking far away from the house, Rose stopped and looked right into the Doctor's eyes.
"Tell me", she demanded, "Why do you want to talk to me?"
He avoided her gaze, "There is...It's hard to explain", he said, looking down at her," You have to trust me first, Rose. You'll never know, but I am your future. You'll meet me in 2005, then your life'll change. Everything'll never be what you are thinking them to be. Then, I lost you...".
She blinked, disbelief and yanked her hand back. "Who are you?"
"The Doctor, I told you"
"It's not even a name. Tell me who you really are".
He took her hand again, gently, because she let him.
"Turn around and see yourself", he said with a smile. She stared at him in a few minutes, then turned and looked. The TARDIS was standing right behind her.
"It's a blue box", she commented, stepping closer to it, "Well, a phone box, actually".
The Doctor took out the key and opened the door.
"It's a time machine", he said, pushing it open, "It's called the TARDIS. Sort for "Time and Relative Dimension in Space". Come, go inside, Rose".
She looked at him, doubtfully.
"Are you sure?", she asked, "It's just... a box. Sorry, time machine. But what are you trying to tell me now, Doctor? Why me?".
He looked down. This wasn't his Rose, the Rose that he still remembered. She didn't have much enegy, and didn't trust him. Not at all. But he couldn't blame her, because this first met was different. She was like the little Amelia Pond, and he had to show her that he was trustworthy. He stepped closer to Rose, and his fingers intertwinded with hers and they fit perfectly. He said those words again, looked right into her eyes.
"Trust me, I am the Doctor. I am an alien, I've travelled in time and space and seen many things. Beautiful and mysterious and terrifying things. I am a TimeLord, the last one. And why you? There is a story, a great story that you'll never forget".
"Tell me", she muttered, her eyes sparkled.
"Well", he began, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "There is a man in a box. He just stepped out from the Last Great Time War, which had destroyed all his planet and he became the only one that survived. He met a girl named Rose, and saved her from the threat of the living plastic creatures. Then, he took her along with him in his TARDIS, his magical blue box, and they travelled together through time and space, and had the greastest adventure forever. Rose had healed some of the pain that caused by the war and gave him the purpose of life. In a fight with the Daleks, the worst enemies of the Doctor, he had to abandon her and the TARDIS together and sent her back to the Earth to save her life.Leaving herself a trail of clues throughout history, she was able to recognise, when all her hope had evaporated, that she needed to find her way back to the Doctor. Unable to actually fly the time machine, she was forced to simply stare into its heart, which enfolded her in time vortex energy and turned her into what was called "Bad Wolf"- a new and seemingly omnipotent being that could rescue the Doctor. But it also nearly killed her. Only the Doctor could absorb the time vortex energy and transfer it back to the TARDIS, and it destroyed every cell in his body and caused him to regenerate to save his life. Although he had had a new face, new body and new personality after regenerating, she still stayed beside him and continued travelling with him. He genuinely loved her, and did everything to protect her. But all ended when she was literally pulled into a different universe after saving him the second time, and he was remained alone to save the world. She spent years trying to find a way back to the Doctor, and when they could finally see each other, he explained that she had to remain in her new universe till the rest of her life. But he had left his clone with her, a version of himself, a human Doctor, who finally she would love and grow old with. He sacrificed his happiness for her so she could finally be happy. It's not a ghost story, it's a... love story".
Rose's hand was shaking a little, and when she looked up, her eyes were filled with tears.
"That girl in the story", she said slowly, "She is me, right? She is Rose Tyler, isn't she?".
The Doctor smiled softly, "Yes", he replied, "Yes. She is you, no doubt".
"And how do you think about her, Doctor?".
He looked even sadder when he heard the question.
"A resourceful, brave, sweet and kind-hearted girl. And good at gymnast. And brilliant. I love her for that. She was always herself, no matter what".
She stared quietly at him, with a warm smile on her face.
"Am I that girl right now?", she asked.
He smiled, "Always. A curious one, too. I bet you're feeling curiously what's inside the TARDIS, so move on. Come inside".
She grinned playfully, then turned to look at the blue box again. She put her hand on the door and pulled it open gently, and stepped inside.
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