== > Troll Irisen.
== > Troll Irisen.
Déjà vu, much?
celestialTurmoil [CT] began trolling canteringAndrogyny [CA]
CT: ring ring ring.
CT: you heard about this game thing then.
CA: ****** Yes.
CA: ****** Do you wish to play it?
CT: will there be lots of killing.
CA: ****** I am not sure, unfortunately.
CA: ****** But most games have an objective, and often you must resort to violence to achieve that objective.
CT: im not sure i followed all that but ok.
CT: anything with violence im good with.
CA: ****** That is not an attractive personality trait, you know.
CT: matter of opinion.
CA: ****** I suppose.
CT: so when does your session start.
CA: ****** After Coanan's
CT: im gonna kill you for that someday you know.
CA: ****** Yes, yes, you've said it all before.
CA: ****** And I was just messing with you.
CA: ****** I've been told my session starts in about three hours.
CA: ****** The first person (that would be Hestus) enters in mmmm... exactly four minutes and thirteen seconds.
CT: ok.
CA: ****** What the fuck
CT: ??.
CA: ****** I thought I saw... never mind.
CT: what.
CA: ****** Meteors.
CT: shit.
CT: i saw one two.
CT: one to.
CT: one too.
CA: ****** Did you really?
CT: look if i was gonna lie id pick a better thing to lie about.
CA: ****** I'll investigate.
CT: naw let Coanan do it he likes that kind of shit.
CA: ****** Very well.
CA: ****** I'll let you be now.
canteringAndrogyny [CA] gave up trolling celestialTurmoil [CT]
== > Be the other guy already.
Excuse me! Rude again. Geez, you can be the other guy, just don't throw a fit over it!
== > Enter name.
Pixela Maguno.
Nope, not happening. Try again.
== > Enter ANOTHER name.
Creepy Horseophile.
What? Who are you even talking about?
== > Jegus Christ just enter a valid name.
Irisen Cabalo.
About time, too. Yes, you are IRISEN CABALO.
GOGDAMN do you love PONIES.
Your passion for said hoofbeasts (if you can even call the FINEST CALIBER OF HOOFED MAMMALS such barbaric terms) overwhelms all others. Except, perhaps, for your passion for rainbows. GOD DAMN do you love RAINBOWS. You have made many VOODOO dolls for your friends and BOY DO THEY HATE IT.
What they also hate the most is you use them to ship people. Grey thread for ashen, black thread for calignous, red thread for flushed and pink thread for pale. You have some INTERESTING PAIRINGS. You have yourself flushed with Ciphre, an OLIVEBLOOD who despite his terrible hemospectrum ranking is still HOT AS HECK and Zenana. She is a DIFFERENT STORY.
You also enjoy being a HUGE ASSHOLE to people (in a very gentlemanly way) and WEARING FEDORAS. The two have A LOT IN COMMON.
Plus, you're a ceruleanblood. You can piss off whoever you want.
Your trolltag is canteringAndrogyny and you ****** Holy mother of Celestia what the hell is that meteor doing in your backyard?!
== > Irisen: Investigate meteors.
Though you said you'd let Coanan do it, you really are curious. You are about to step outside when suddenly, your house shakes. What!? You peer out the door to see a smoking crater not ten yards from your front door. Stepping outside of your hive, you feel the heat rising from it in waves. A meteor in your front yard... this keeps getting weirder and weirder.
== > Check to see if your friends are alright.
What friends? You don't really have any, unless you count your pony voodoo dolls. There is one troll you're quite fond of, though. You decide to contact her.
canteringAndrogyny [CA] began trolling animatedGallivant [AG]
AG: (Oh,_hello_Irisen.)
AG: (These_meteros_sure_are_crazy,_huh?)
CA: ****** I would agree. There's one in my front yard.
AG: (Oh,_cool.)
AG: (derp.)
CA: ****** This is not a derpy time!
AG: (Every_time_is_a_derpy_time,_genius!)
CA: ****** Matter of opinion.
CA: ****** My point is, are you in danger?
AG: (No,_silly!_I'm_fine!)
CA: ****** No, but I was almost hit by a meteor, or my house was, anyway. I just want you to be safe.
AG: (You_are_the_creepiest_creep_ever,_Irisen!)
AG: (It's_so_adorable...)
AG: (And_don't_worry_about_the_meteors!_They'll_just_take_you_and _your_house_away!)
CA: ****** What?!!!
AG: (Yeah,_Canira's_in_already!)
CA: ****** In... where?
AG: (The_game,_silly!_You_enter_the_game!)
CA: ****** Do you, now.
CA: ****** You seem remarkably well informed.
AG: (That's_from_Prospit!)
CA: ****** I'm so lost.
AG: (You_mean_you've_never_been_to_Prospit?_The_yellow_planet_with the_swirly_clouds_above_it?)
CA: ****** A solid and empathetic "no" to that.
AG: (Oh,_you_poor_thing.)
AG: (It's_lovely_there._Everyone_is_nice_and_so_kind._It's_like_a _huge_golden_castle!)
AG: (Persus_is_the_only_other_awake_one,_though.):/
CA: ****** Awake one?
AG: (Yes,_you_go_to_Prospit_in_your_sleep._Persus_is_awake_there,_but the_other_four_of_you_are_snoozing_in_your_beds.)
CA: ****** So when we are there, we're asleep?
AG: (I_think_Persus_understands_it_better_than_I_do._I_don't_really get_it,_either._Whenever_I_ask_him,_he_just_rambles_on_about_dream selves_and_how_they're_us_but_have_lived_on_Prospit_our_whole_life.
AG: Oh,_and_there's_another_one,_too._It's_called_Derse._And_it's purple._It's_supposed_to_be_scary,_though._There_are_six_of_us_on Derse,_too._But_everyone's_asleep.)
CA:_****** I've never been so confused in my life.
CA: ****** You said Canira's in. Wasn't Hestus supposed to go first?
AG: (I_think_so;_at_least,_that's_what_the_letter_said._Maybe_there's been_a_change_of_plan.)
AG: (Welp,_here's_my_meteor._I've_gotta_enter_now!_Byeeeeeeee!)
CA: ****** Wait just a second,
animatedGallivant [AG] gave up trolling canteringAndrogyny [CA]
That was the most confusing conversation you've ever had. Like, ever. So you actually go into the game? And what's this about kooky dream selves?
But when you see the neighboring forest catch on fire from a meteor strike, you realize you have bigger things to worry about at the moment.
Canira got in the Medium before you.
That is SO like her and it is SO ON RIGHT NOW.
== > Enter the Medium.
Wait, how do you do this? The meteor just completely MISSED your house. You are tempted to say, nice job, smartass, when you realize that it missed for a reason.
You are not logged onto the game at all! You have to download it!
So this is just a regular meteor then.
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