==> Enter Name.
== > Enter name.
Maleficent. X
Too cliché. Siriusly, what were you thinking?
You are HEKATA EFICIS. You have an obsession with anything related to MAGIC AND LIGHT, though your friends believe it all to be FAKE. You will go QUESTING FOR SACRED OBJECTS whenever you are EXCEPTIONALLY BORED. You frequently partake in SPELLCASTING AND POTION MAKING, with VARYING DEGREES of success.
You possess FUSCHIA BLOOD, and it is your responsibility to watch out for all your other fandom troll friends who are ALWAYS trying to be as good as you BUT CAN'T. Officially, your LUSUS is GL'BGOLYB, but you prefer to spend time with your OWL, who might be considered your PET, if pet was a valid word in troll language.
He also DELIVERS YOUR MAIL, as you are always SPAMMING your good friends with legitimate PAPER LETTERS, which your friends see as more than slightly ODD.
Your TrollTag, when you use Trollian (whenever you run out of paper or ink) is telltaleTransfiguration, reflecting your passion for anything ENIGMATIC or MAGICAL. Your statements ∆ls• tend t• be ∆ t∆d en|gm∆t|c ∆s well. Perh∆ps y•ur b∆rely d|scern∆ble typ|ng qu|rk |s why your fr|ends d•n't c•nt∆ct y•u much. •r perh∆ps they just d•n't l|ke wr|t|ng letters. But H•w c•uld any•ne n•t l|ke wr|t|ng letters?
Oh, yes - we forgot to mention. You also have a TENDENCY TO RAMBLE.
Moving on.
== >Attempt to levitate your chair.
You attempt to levitate your chair. Nothing happens. You make sure to make the "gar" nice and long.
== > WinGARdium LeviOsa!
Yes! It works. Your chair rises off the ground and... and... and... wobbles out your window. FUCK.
== > Check on chair
Your chair tragically did not survive the encounter with the ocean floor. It will be respectfully cremated amongst wails from the grieving cuttlefish. Meanwhile, you move up a rung on your echeladder for performing a successful charm. You are now a First Year.
== > Do a silly dance to celebrate.
That would be stupid. A true heiress does not commemorate her own achievements. To do so would be very... low class.
== > Just make a discovery already!
You did. You created a spell that did not backfire in a painful or harmful way to you. That is definitely a discovery of the best kind.
== > Make a more plot relevant discovery.
That is a very obscure command. You decide to ignore it and instead notice that your chums are pestering you. As usual, you ignore it because they should know by now you only answer letters. The chats are flying in at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, someone has discovered your one weakness - SPAM MAIL. You open it to teach these trolls a lesson.
== > Give friend a firm talking-to.
aquaticAdventurer [AA] began trolling telltaleTransfiguration [TT]
AA: HeyyyY
AA: HeY ThiS IS BiG NewS K
AA: I FounD ThesE CrazY FroG RuinS
TT: M|ght y•u s∆y s•meth|ng |nterest|ng f•r ∆ n|ce l|ttle ch∆nge?
TT: W∆it, wh∆t?
TT: Ru|ns, y•u s∆y?
AA: YeS AnD TheY HavE ThE WeiresT ThinG IN TheM
AA: A VideO GamE
TT: My |nterest |s p|qued. | c∆n't bel|eve |'m s∆y|ng th|s, but tell me m•re.
AA: I Don'T Know HoW TO PlaY ExactlY BuT ThE RuneS ArE VerY OlD AnD IndicatE IT NeedS A ServeR AnD ClienT PlayeR.
TT: Th∆t's cert∆|nly an •dd|ty.
AA: WE CoulD PlaY PerhapS. I'M VerY CuriouS...
TT: S• ∆m |. |t's qu|te |nterest|ng. H∆ve y•u n•t|f|ed the •thers?
AA: ThosE LoserS? WelL, DO YoU ReallY Want TO PlaY A GamE WitH IfernA AnD NinfiA?! NoT TO MentioN CreepY PonY GuY AnD ThaT OtheR GirL WhO IS AlwayS SinginG
TT: Perh∆ps ∆ tw•-pers•n g∆me |s ∆ b∆d ide∆. | c∆n't re∆lly expl∆in |t...
AA: That'S RidiculouS. It'S JusT A GamE.
TT: N•, |'m sure, s•meh•w. |'ll g• ask them all by •wl. R|ght n•w.
AA: I HatE YoU.
TT: | return the sent|ment.
AA: <3< ?
TT: | return the sent|ment pl∆ton|cally. Go ∆w∆y. Y•u've •verst∆yed y•ur welc•me.
AA: DaM.
AA: WelL GooD LucK AvoidinG AlL ThE OtherS
TT: Wa|t... You put them up to th|s!!?
aquaticAdventurer [AA] gave up trolling telltaleTransfiguration [TT]
TT: W∆|T!
TT: So ∆∆ doesn't w∆nt to pl∆y the g∆me w|th them but he told them ∆ll ∆nyways or... wh∆t? My Gog he's just so |nsane.
TT: Or m∆ybe he just d|dn't w∆nt to ∆nswer the quest|on...
== > Give owl parcels.
Yes, that sounds like a good idea. It's so hard to type for extended periods of time... and annoying, too. You send out ten parcels... none for Ninfia; obviously, you never want to speak with her again and she definitely can't be in on this... and minus one for Persus aka 'AA'... your 'kimesis' (yuck no never) because obviously he already knows.
== > Look at other pesterlogs.
There are ten logs going besides this one... a total of eleven. Some are just you indulging their shenanigans...
There's those old collab chats with Espero...
GA: Ok@y $o t#en we f!n!$# off t#e coll@b w!t# t#e world blow!ng up!
TT: Y•u never le∆rn, d• y•u?
GA: W#o, me? W#@t do you $ugge$t?
TT: ∆ h∆ppy end|ng th∆t •ccurs n|neteen ye∆rs l∆ter.
GA: B@#. To #ell w!t# t#@t. %P
Odd messing around with this one...
AG: (Derp.)
TT: Wh∆t |s th|s Derp?
AG: (It_is_a_word. You_say_it_in_times_of_pure_boredom_to_lighten_the mood.)
TT: |t |s ∆ very 'derp' d∆y, then.
AG: (Very.)
A time you decided to help Attenn with morail issues... (gog you are so glad your morail is low-maintenance)
TA: He jus1 keeps making 1hem!
TT: Why ∆re y•u mor∆|ls w|th h|m |f he pesters y•u s• much?
TA: No one else likes him.
TT: S• y•u feel s•rry f•r h|m.
TA: He feels sorry for me!
TT: St•p be|ng m•r∆|ls w|th h|m then!
TA: No1 happening! He needs me.
TT: Th|s |s stup|d.
This... (dammit Irisen)
CA: ****** Click the link.
TT: N•.
CA: ****** Click it now Hekate.
TT: | w|ll n•t cl|ck the l|nk.
CA: ****** It's not porn this time, I swear. It's just a flash game.
TT: | d•n't trust y•u.
Ugh, no, you're here at the end. There's this...
CC: I can't believe you treated her like that! 3:< ///
TT: |t w∆s n•t my fault. |f | d|dn't d• |t, y•u w•uld be dead.
CC: 3| So you couldn't just find someone else to do it?///
TT: N•. N• | c•uld n•t.
CC: Why not?/// Do we not mater because we're not highbloods like you?!///
And this chat.
You haven't talked to her since, by mail or chat.
Never again.
AC: Y(o)u... y(o)u...
TT: |'m sorry.
AC: Y(o)u actually... y(o)u killed all (o)f th'em?
TT: Yes. Yes | d|d.
AC: Why? Why w(o)uld y(o)u d(o) s(o)mething like that?!
TT: | h∆ve t•, ok∆y?! | d•n't h∆ve a ch•|ce!
AC: N(o). Y(o)u d(o) have a ch(o)ice.
We all d(o).
== > Sweeps in the past, but not many...
Fine, fine, only half a sweep.
It was when you were young and stupid.
Past you was doing something that you'd regret- no, the only thing you ever regret doing.
== > Be Past Hekate.
How about no. You are now a young troll in your respiteblock around the same time. Who is this troll of mystery?
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