== > Enter Name (2)

== > Enter Name.

Colossal Weeaboo. X

Excuse me?! That is super rude! That is not a nice term at all and you should feel bad about saying such mean things to people.

== > Try again, this time without the oily smirk upon your features.

Ninfia Raiyen.

Much better.

You are NINFIA RAIYEN. You are a friend to the LUSII, even though yours was killed long ago. You now help care for the MOTHER GRUB, who you live with, along with the OTHER JADEBLOODS. However, you also protect all the other FAUNA you can find. You also enjoy a good game of FIDUSPAWN. It is quite possibly the BEST GAME EVER.

Seriously FIDUSPAWN is freaking AWESOME!

Besides that, you also are a HUGE FAN OF SHIPPING but you're too flighty to make any STABLE RELATIONSHIPS. You are glad you have a MORAIL who also enjoys these UNSTABLE SHIPS.

Secretly, you also have a KISMESIS - she is a bitch/the BIGGEST MEANIE EVER and you love hating her so much. However, your friends DISAPPROVE (yeah, even with how weird they are) so you pretend it's not really a thing.

But it totally is. Like, totally.

Your trolltag is anarchistCreatures and y(o)ur statements are apparently naive, but (o)h well, you can't please th'em all!

== > Play some Fiduspawn.

Not today, silly! While you DO keep a large host of Fiduspawn around your house for some very... important purposes... you have more pressing matters to attend to.

You're going to visit one of your very close friends!

See, she's probably trolling you now!

== > Answer friend.

Nope, never mind, that's your kismesis. Her name is Pixela Maguno and she is so annoying sometimes.

Still gotta answer her!

It would be giving her a victory not to. You would hate to do that.

digitalCalamity [DC] began trolling anarchistCreatures [AC]

DC: Lol you showe'd' up

AC: Kinda busy today! Make it quick!

DC: I'm just messing 'roun'd'. Watcha doin?

AC: I'm actually... well, g(o)ing to the (o)cean!

DC: Wow and you can 'd'o that how?

AC: Wellll... uh *looks down* I have a few Fiduspawn wh(o) can get me there... and help me N(O)T die underwater...

DC: Why visit though? Those highbloo'd's will murder a little jadebloo'd' like you on sight.

AC: N(o)t true! I have a fuschiablood wh(o)'s watching a few lusii for me.

DC: Psssh. If you 'd'on't come back, I steal ALL your stuff. Got it?

AC: Yeah like I'm n(o)t c(o)ming back

DC: Well at least then I might be able to get some work 'd'one without you trolling me

AC: Y(o)u're the (o)ne always tr(o)lling me!

DC: Suuure. Hate ya. <3<

AC: <3<

== > Cease all this waiting around. Go anyways.

You take a few of your precious Fiduspawn with you. They will help you on your quest...

There's your Merfish, for the underwater transport... it is the best mermaid fish. The very best.

Then the Taloroc, for air transport... you are very proud of it. You used it to gore one of (something)'s 'prized' Fiduspawn once. Then you apologized, which was definitely not a caliginous thing to do! You really need to stop apologizing and take this relationship seriously!

You're also bringing your Nyanbow! It's like a cat and a rainbow! It's also super cute so maybe it can play with the lusii Hekata is taking care of for you!

== > Think about your amazing friend!

Hekata is so nice. She watches all these lusii for you all the time, but she never wants you to visit because you might get hurt! That's why this time, after stalking her IP address with some help from Irisen, you finally know exactly where to find her! She can't hide from you now!

== > Head outside and get on with it!

Uh, can I be the first to say "Rude!"

== > Head outside.

You head outside, skipping a little bit for fun. You pass by the forest where Iferna's house is. You never see that girl! You entertain a thought of checking up on her before deciding that you'll head over later.

You reach the beach in good time. You clamber over the rocks and down to the sandy shore. You dip a toe in the water. It... it could be warmer. How Persus and Hekata can live in this full time remains a mystery to you. Gritting your teeth, you pull out a fiduspawn egg and slip underwater. Brrrrr! It really is chilly! After setting up your lovely Merfish, you're off!

There's Hekata's hive! It's pretty big, but you'd much rather live in your nice, cozy home. You look around, wondering where all the lusii are. You don't really see them anywhere... wait... wait...

You see something white poking out from under a rock.

== > Investigate.

You swim over to the rocky overhang. What you see stops you in your tracks.

BONES. Breaking the surface, you see a small island. Maybe the rest of the land lusii are there, you think, but a sense of horror grows within you. Those bones could just be from Hekata's meal... or they could be the remains of a lusus.

== > Investigate more thoroughly.

No. No no no! No no no no!

== > More bones?

They're all gone. Stepping among the regurgitated bones of the fallen lusii, you feel an anger unlike any you've ever known. How could she do this to you?!

== > Look around.

You see Hekata step onto the shore of the island behind you. Whirling around, you begin to scream.



HEKATA: N|nfy... h•w did y•u get here?

NINFIA: Y(o)u killed th'em! Y(o)u killed all (o)f th'em!

HEKATA: Y•u d•n't understand! I h∆d t•!

NINFIA: N(o)! N(o) y(o)u didn't!

HEKATA: IF I DIDN'T Y•U'D BE DEAD! If I didn't feed her, Gl- Gll - •h fuck even I c∆n't pr•n•unce her n∆me - IF I DIDN'T, she'd rele∆se the v∆st glub ∆nd we'd ∆LL be de∆d! I'm s∆ving your life here!

NINFIA: Y(o)u d(o)n't get t(o) decide wh(o) lives and wh(o) dies. N(o)t y(o)u, n(o)t anyb(o)dy. Y(o)u lied t(o) me! All this time, I th(o)ught y(o)u w(o)uldn't let me c(o)me here because y(o)u were pr(o)tecting me! But y(o)u... y(o)u... Y(O)U KILLED TH'EM ALL!!

HEKATA: N|nfy... |f there w∆s ∆n•ther w∆y, I'd h∆ve ch•sen it! Y•u d•n't kn•w wh∆t |t's l|ke e|ther, h∆v|ng ∆ m•nster f•r ∆ Lusus. |f she's n•t fed, y•u ∆ll d|e! Y•u th|nk | l|ke h∆v|ng th∆t h∆ng|ng •ver my he∆d ∆ll the t|me!!?

NINFIA: N(o)w I d(o)n't have a lusus anymore... I w(o)nder if she was killed by s(o)me(o)ne like y(o)u.

HEKATA: N|nfy... ple∆se...

NINFIA: St(o)p calling me that! Y(o)u have no right!

NINFIA: And the m(o)nster isn't y(o)ur lusus. It's y(o)u.

== > Ninfia: Storm off crying.

Never in your life have you been so shocked and sad. You know better now - never trust highbloods. They'll turn on you when you thought they were your friends. As for the lusii, you will honor them your whole life long. Maybe Hekata doesn't care, but you do. You always care about the lives of innocents. "Why, Hekata?" You think. "Just because you're a spoiled-rotten fish princess doesn't mean you can kill whatever you want!" Well, one thing's for sure - you and Hekata are Never. Speaking. Again.

== > Be the other girl.

You are now a DEEPLY REMORSEFUL HEKATA. You stand there, reaching out towards your friend - no, she's not your friend anymore and never will be again. That wasn't caliginous hate, it was murderous rage.

Yet... she had three Fiduspawn right over your head and didn't kill you.

The last lusus, the one you just couldn't kill, swoops down and lands on your head.

Even it's soft chirrs and hoots won't reassure you now.

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