== > Download the game, posthaste!

== > Download the game, posthaste!

You get on your husktop and begin downloading the game. Wait, it needs... eight hours to download?! Suddenly, it begins skipping around. The time goes down to four hours, then up to seven, then down to three. Suddenly, it goes down to four minutes and thirteen seconds. Odd.

You get a cup of tears of your enemies and wait it out.

Soon, you're faced with a screen. It's a respiteblock... a familiar one.

This asshole.

== > Answer Hestus.

What? Hestus was trolling you? That's... odd. You didn't even notice over the four minutes!

tardisAmalgamation [TA] began trolling canteringAndrogyny [CA]

TA: ~Some1hing's weird~

CA: ****** You don't say.

TA: ~I'm supposed 1o be in 1he Medium already!~

CA: ****** Did you even download the game?

CA: Plus, I'm pretty sure we have free time to figure out the game pre-Medium.

TA: ~That game's s1ill downloading. Doesn'1 i1 1ake like 1hree hours?~

CA: ****** I think you mean four minutes.

TA: ~No I'm pre11y sure 1ha1 s1ill says 1hree hours...~

CA: ****** You just have to believe!

TA: ~You sound like Zenana.~

CA: ****** /Sighs/ Just try it.

TA: ~Okay. Wai1.~

CA: ****** What?

TA: ~1hat ac1ually worked!!~

TA: ~Hey, I'm Cariel's server player! Wha1 about you?~

CA: ****** The biggest asshole's.

TA: ~Who, 1hen?~

CA: ****** You know.

TA: ~No1 1his again. Why do you ha1e Des1en?!~

CA: ****** Why don't you come out about hating him yourself?

TA: ~He is my morail!~

CA: ****** Your relationship is super dysfunctional.

TA: ~Says who?~

CA: ****** You have an auspistice for a moirallegiance.

TA: ~I ha1e you more 1han I could ever ha1e him. Anyways, 1his is going 1o be a load of fun you don'1 deserve 1o have.~

CA: ****** Yeah, I know. Say, who do you think is going to die first? My money is on Persus, but then again, Ninfia... oooh boy. 50 boonbucks and a horse doll says she gets Hekata as her server player.

TA: ~1ha1 was no1 wha1 I mean1 a1 all. I was just 1hinking you would probably have fun screwing around wi1h his house.~

CA: ****** Really?

TA: ~Yup, 1ha1's how 1he game works.~

CA: ****** So I could drop his toilet in front of his door so he can't leave his respiteblock.

TA: ~In a nu1shell, yes.~

CA: ****** This game thing just keeps getting better and better.

TA: ~Bu1 someone will be able 1o do 1ha1 to you, 1oo.~

CA: ****** I hadn't thought of that.

TA: ~Hope you ge1 someone nice as your server.~

CA: ****** Same to you.

canteringAndrogyny [CA] gave up trolling tardisAmalgamtion [TA]

You wonder who your server is. Maybe it's Zenana! Doubtful, though. Another notification pops up in your screen. Oh... It's Ciphre.

consequentialGravity [CG] began trolling canteringAndrogyny [CA]

CG: so are you goxng to play xt

CG: the game xt^s called sgrub or somethxng

CA: ****** Oh my. Seems like there's a lot of potential... for horseplay.

CG: Xf you^re goxng to ruxn xt wxth those creepy musclebeasts you can not come

CA: ****** They are ponies, Ciphre. Ponies.

CG: Doesn^t make you any less wexrd.

CA: ****** Do not offend the ponies, Opsida. You will find it less than pleasant. The Herd will come for you.

CG: Do you want to play or not?

CA: ****** I have herd about it from other sources and it seems like good fun.

CA: ****** Plus, I've already downloaded it.

CA: ****** So there's that.

CG: well then.

consequentialGravity [CG] gave up trolling canteringAndrogyny [CA]

That guy. If he wasn't so hot, you'd probably ignore him entirely. As is, though...

never mind. What were you doing again?

== > Enter.


You sip hot cocoa and then look up at the sky.

Well hot damn there is a meteor flying towards your house. You think. Actually you're too scared to look into the sky to check. But don't tell anybody.

== > Be Canira.

First, you are already Canira. Irisen does not do cocoa. He does tears and sweat. Second, WAIT A SECOND. THERE IS SO MUCH STUFF YOU HAVEN'T DONE YET. OH MY GOD YOU'RE JUST GOING TO DIE NOW AREN'T YOU?!


== > Troll Ciphre.

grandioseAdorability [AG] began trolling consequentialGravity [CG]

#ey !'m k!nd of fre@k!ng out #ere

CG: oh really

GA: No ! me@n !'m re@lly fre@k!ng out

GA: T#ere'$ @ meteor fly!ng toward my #ouse @nd @ w#ole bunch of str@nge m@ch!nery just appe@red.

CG: x guess your server connected then

GA: O#, w#o !s !t?

CG: x don^t know

GA: ! don't know w#at to do @t @ll!

CG: well better get your stuff connected then

CG: wxth your sprxtes and cruxxte artxfacts

GA: Wh@t do you me@n?

CG: fxrst open the top of your cruxtruder (the bxg box thxng wxth the pxllar stxchxng out of xt) by bangxng xt wxth somethxng large

GA: Ok...

You chuck a bookshelf at it and the cap pops open, releasing some confusing swirly circle thing in the colors yellowgreen and pink.

GA: Now wh@t?

CG: program xt

GA: W!th wh@t?

CG: xt^s up to you honestly

CG: but xt^ll make a sprxte out of the two thxngs

GA: Th!s m@ke$ le$$ @nd le$$ $en$e the longer we go @t !t!

CG: amen sxster

CG: but anyway program it and then it^ll tell you what to do

CG: xt^ll be sentxnent

GA: Even !f !t's m@de out of $ocks @nd t#e @$#e$ from my $tor!e$?

CG: even xf, but x hope you^re not programmxng xt wxth that!

GA: ok, well...

GA: !'ll get to !t, t#en.

GA: T#@nks, C!p#re!

grandioseAdorability [AG] began trolling consequentialGravity [CG]

== > Program sprite

Not yet! First, you need to check on your dear lusus. He must be freaking out too, with all the meteors striking. As you yell out into the grassy plains around you, you see meteors striking left and right. Not big ones, bit scary ones just the same. "Indy! Indy!" You yell repeatedly. He doesn't come. Oh well, you'll just have to go into the storm of meteors to find him. You've done riskier things. Actually no this is the riskiest thing you've ever done ever but it's worth it for Indy. Dear, sweet, precious Indy.

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