== > Deduce.

== > Deduce.

Who could that be? Unfortunately, you don't have any suspects and you can't pull a great deduction out of nothing. You can start working this out though - IP address. It was... wait, there's no IP address. So it must've been some sort of hacker able to cloak their address...

This... this could be someone smart.


Honk indeed.


== > Be the other guy!

There's only one guy left, and he's not a guy, he is a sassbag. Also, that was mean! Be Coanan a bit longer!

== > No! Be the guy he was talking to!

You mean Hestus?


You are now other sassbag.

== > Enter name.

Persassius Jackson!

That's your nickname. Try again.

== > Oh, you're Persus, aren't you!

Yes, you are PERSUS RITAMA.

You enjoy mythology, particularly the GODLY SORT. You are also fond of ADVENTURES. And QUESTS. Quests are cool. You pride yourself on your exquisite tales of the past, including stories about the ANCESTORS. However, you know the PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD, so your strife specibus is PENKIND.

Just a normal PEN.


(dun dun dun...)

You enjoy ADVENTURING, which you often leave the sea to do, DESPITE being a violetblood. You must adventure often or else you start to have DANGEROUS THOUGHTS. Being alone helps. Everything is okay when you're on your own. No one can hurt you, no one can tell you no, you can be as awesome as you want...

You enjoy being SASSY to an extreme, leading to two OH-SO-FABULOUS nicknames, PERSASSY and PERSASSIUS. Also the less fabulous but no less affectionate nickname SEAWEED BRAIN. You also have a RATHER HIGH opinion of yourself, which others find annoying. Still, you have never been beaten in a sass-off. Never. And you NEVER WILL.

Your trolltag is aquaticAdventurer and your sentences ArE AS WavY AS ThE RiptidE.

== > Explore those "CrazY FroG RuinS" you were talking about.

With ple-sha.

These ruins are green, big, and old. They've also got a frog on top of them. You have absolutely no idea what that means. It's not like frogs are that significant, right? They're just semi-aquatic ribbitbeasties. It's not like they're the entire universe or somefin.

That would just be weird.

== > TrolL SomeonE

You will now troll a new girl. You don't actually like her, but sometimes it's necessary to consort with your enemies. Did you say enemies? You mean friends, of course, hehe...

aquaticAdventurer [AA] began trolling angelicTravesty [AT]

AA: HeeeeeY.

AT: +-- so whaT's up?

AA: NoT MucH I JusT WanteD TO KnoW MorE AbouT ThE GamE.

AA: DO YoU KnoW AnyfiN?

AT: +-- no. I don'T acTually know anyThIng about It.

AT: +-- Maybe hekata does, being a fuschiablooD anD all.

AA: UgH, HeR

AT: +-- you lIke her, adMIT IT.

AT: +-- lIke, flusheD.

AA: NO I DonT. NoT AT AlL!

AA: I DO HatE HeR ThougH.

AT: +-- ...sure.

AT: +-- anyway, have you downloaDeD the gaMe yeT?

AA: OH RighT

AA: I ThinK I ShoulD DO ThaT ProbablY.

AT: +-- ...rIghT

AT: +-- gog you stupId hIghblooDs!

AA: GodS YoU ArroganT LowbloodS!

AT: +-- sTop beIng reTarded seaweed braIn.

AT: +-- oh, rIghT, That's ImpossIble.

AA: OH, YoU WanT TO GO TheN?

AA: YouR SworD IS A SticK MadE OF PixelS!

AA: YouR DemoN HuntinG IS A JokE!

AA: AnD WhY DO YoU CapitalizE TMID? BecausE YoU ArE TIMID?!

AT: +-- pfftT. noT up To your usual sassIness sTanDarD, I'm afraID.

AT: +-- anyway, I'm Done here.

angelicTravesty [AT] gave up trolling aquaticAdventurer [AA]

Did you mention you hate her? You think you did. So arrogant, especially for an ochreblood.

What were your doing again?

== > Do "somefin" that will advance the plot!!

Gods, so picky. You just discovered some awesome ancient RUINS! Those oughta come in handy sometime, right?

Your client troll is doing NOTHING interesting and apparently you're not supposed to go in the flipping medium for what, six hours and twelve minutes?

== > Go quest.

Yeah let's just explore the ruins already.

You creep into the ruins cautiously. Something about them makes you want to stay silent, even though that goes against your nature completely. Still, personal comfort must always be forsaken for the sake of the quest.

As you clamber up to rope into the room at the top of the frog tower, you slip on the mossy stones. Catching yourself, you continue on until you crawl into the arch-ceilinged room.

There's a flower in the middle of the room.

Wow, that's new.

It's in a bud, though. There appears to be a countdown on it, but you don't know what it means. 00:10:25.

Ten hours and twenty-five mi-

Oh wait. It just changed to 00:10:24. Then 00:10:23.

Must be seconds, then.


== > Keep moving.

After staring fixatedly at the budded flower for exactly two minutes and twenty-four seconds, you decide to explore farther into the temple.

You accidentally step onto a disappearafier and disappear.

Wow, that's new.

So you're on Prospit now.

Wow, that's new.

== > Meet your dream self.

That would probably lead to a large amount of weird plot shit.

== > Do it anyway.

You know your dreamself is asleep because you are awake. You guess it can't hurt just to take a look at him. He'll be asleep, after all.

You peek in and...

Oh shoot.

Oh shoot hide.

DreamPersus is asleep, but DreamZenana isn't.


ZENANA: (Hey!)

ZENANA: (I_thought_you_fell_asleep!)

PERSUS: UhhhhhhhH

ZENANA: (Why_are_you_backing_away_slowly?)

PERSUS: I ThinK I JusT GenerateD A WholE Lot OF WeirD PloT ShiT.

ZENANA: (Language,_Persus!)

PERSUS: LooK IM NoT DreampersuS IM OtheR PersuS ThE, UH, OtheR OnE.

ZENANA: (._._.)

ZENANA: (What_now?)

PERSUS: SO YoU KnoW HoW TherE ArE ThE ProspiT VersioN OF US AnD ThE AlterniA VersioN OF US?

ZENANA: (Yeah...)

ZENANA: (So_you're_Alternia_Persus,_not_Prospit_Persus.)


ZENANA: (So_how'd_you_get_here?)

PERSUS: DisappearifieR IN ThE FroG TemplE.

ZENANA: (Cool!)

ZENANA: (So_can_I_take_the_disappearifier_back_to_Alternia_and_meet_


PERSUS: I ThinK ThaT WoulD FucK UP ThE TimelinE PrettY BadlY, ActuallY

ZENANA: (Language,_Persus!!)

ZENANA: (But_I_understand_how_that_could_be_dangerous.)

PERSUS: ReallY BecausE I DonT

PERSUS: I JusT HaD A HuncH It WouldnT BE GooD

ZENANA: (Hmmm,_Well...)

ZANANA: (I_sorta_get_it._I_understand_quite_a_bit,_actually._It's


ZENANA: (Anyway, maybe_you'd_better_go...)

ZENANA: (Because_if_our_talking_wakes_up_Prospit_Persus,_We'd_really_



PERSUS: HeeeyyyY...



ZENANA: (Whisper,_like_me._He's_waking.)



ZENANA: (Language,_Persus!!!)

Welp you're back in the Frog Temple. Carefully, you step onto solid ground. Hey, the flower thing's almost open! Wow, really, that Prospit adventure took nine whole minutes? Yeesh... Time flies when you're talking to annoying princesses on Prospit.

== > What's in the flower what's in the flower open it open it now

MmmmmmM... I DunnO. MaybE WE ShoulD BE AnotheR CharacteR NoW.

== > Nonononono check what's inside!

AlrighT, FinE.

You go over to the flower as it opens. Something floats to the top... A whole bunch of sheets of paper? No, they're discs. Labeled... Sgrub?


The countdown restarts, now 11:11:11.

== > Grab them.

You grab them and continue the quest, looking around the temple. The walls are awfully mossy, but they look like they have something under the moss and grime. Scraping it away, you find... words!

Wow, that's new.



x12 or 4 or 8


They're scrawled in red... like a mutant troll's blood!

Wow, that's new.

You decide to tell a responsible troll. How about...

aquaticAdventurer [AA] began trolling telltaleTransfiguration [TT]


AA: HeyyyY

AA: HeY ThiS IS BiG NewS K

AA: I FounD ThesE CrazY FroG RuinS

TT: M|ght y•u s∆y s•meth|ng |nterest|ng f•r ∆ n|ce l|ttle ch∆nge?

TT: W∆|t, wh∆t?

TT: Ru|ns, y•u s∆y?

AA: YeS AnD TheY HavE ThE WeiresT ThinG IN TheM

AA: A VideO GamE

And so on...

== > Be the other girl.

You are now Hekata Eficis.

== > Wait, we still have two more characters to introduce!


== > Hekata: Enter.

You can not enter because you are already in the Medium, within the Land of Castles and Sorcery. Currently you are giving a large and well-prepared speech to your legions of adoring consorts. They are odd little things, sort of resembling your 'pet' owl but... not quite. You have alchemized them all matching hats and robes in four different colors, according to their character traits.

Well, it's not like there was anyfin else to do!

You do have occasional imp attacks but you have a very large castle to keep everything else far, far away from you. Besides, your little army of consorts is very good at Defense Against the Dark Arts.


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