== > Continue conversing.

HESTUS: ~Isn'1 Brokensprite the one who almos1 killed me in my firs1 s1rife efur?~

IFERNA: look at you/// youre a natural at meowbeast puns///

HESTUS: ~You ignored 1he question.~

He picks up a stick, presumably to ward off Brokensprite when he sees him. He's improving already

!== > Show him the camp.

He follows you hesitantly, taking in the wild scrub that grows all over your beautiful land. 

HESTUS: ~Your land is very wilderness-y.~

HESTUS: ~Very differen1 from mine, but I like i1~

HESTUS: ~Makes me wonder wha1 else lies out 1here in Paradox Space.~

HESTUS: ~All 1he sigh1s and sounds hidden in 1he folds of 1ime.~

IFERNA: gog you are so peculiar///

HESTUS: ~Is 1ha1 a bad 1hing?~

IFERNA: no its not/// i like it///

HESTUS: ~Hmm... well I'd like 1o ask you some1hing as well.~

IFERNA: oh wel ask away///

HESTUS: ~Do you ever shapeshif1 in1o any1hing besides a meowbeas1?~

You shake your head.

IFERNA: i could but then id lose their trust///

IFERNA: i worked so hard to be one of them/// leaving my trol self behind///

IFERNA: they finaly sorta started to furget that im not realy a cat///

IFERNA: and then i was the hapiest id efur been/// 

HESTUS: ~So you never - nefur, hehe, felt at home wi1h 1rolls?~

IFERNA: no///

IFERNA: and i dont wanna talk about it/// ok///

HESTUS: ~Fine, I won'1 push.~

HESTUS: ~You seem like a lovely purrson 1o me 1hough, and anyone who doesn'1 know you is missing ou1.~

IFERNA: thank you///

You continue to walk through the empty camp, a feeling of nostalgia overtaking you. You feel tears stream down your face in a dull, muted orange. Hestus puts his hand around your shoulders.

HESTUS: ~1ell me abou1 1hem.~

You grin. This will be fun.

You throw the pelt of a growlbeast the pack slayed and skinned near the entrance.

IFERNA: oh no/// its a growlbeast///

HESTUS: ~I'm afraid I don'1 have much experience wi1h growlbeas1s. How does one properly dispa1ch it?~

IFERNA: with your claws sily/// 

You shapeshift into a meowbeast, then unsheathe your long, sharp claws. You show them off, watching Hestus's expression as he sees how beautiful they are. You're pretty sure his wide eyes and aura of fear are a sure sign of respect.

HESTUS: ~I don'1 have 1hose, sorry...~

IFERNA: thats purfectly okay/// find a replacement///

HESTUS: ~Like 1his?~

He holds up his stick menacingly at the growlbeast pelt's terrible maw.

IFERNA:so in a clan the wariors would rush in and atack it to protect the kits!

HESTUS: ~1hey do?~

IFERNA: ./././

HESTUS: ~Right! uh, so...~

HESTUS: ~Infernos1ar, the grea1 and powerful leader, leaps in above the fray, calling all pas1 and fu1ure ca1s 1o ba11le!~

IFERNA: infernostar/// i like it/// but a bit of a mouthful///

IFERNA: how about smokestar///

HESTUS: ~Smokes1ar, the grea1 and powerful leader, leaps in above the fray, calling all pas1 and fu1ure ca1s 1o ba11le!~

IFERNA: aided by her loyal deputy... uh, timefur, she leaps on top of the rogue growlbeast before it can threaten the precious kits of dualmoon clan!///

HESTUS: ~You bet 1hey do!~

HESTUS: ~1hey claw and leap, aided by the cats, doomed and otherwise, in 1his glorious figh1!~

HESTUS: ~1he growlbeas1 is no1 long fur 1his world!~

IFERNA: youve got a flair fur this, dont you know///

HESTUS: ~Really?~

IFERNA: yeah/// keep it going///

HESTUS: ~A gash opens on i1s flank, 1hen ano1her.~

HESTUS: ~But i1's Smokes1ar 1ha1 s1rikes 1he final, fa1al blow.~

IFERNA: the beast is vanquished and the clan is safe///

IFERNA: still its not the same///

IFERNA: my cat consorts are great/// remind my of my clanmates/// but only superficially///

HESTUS: ~Wha1 do you mean?~

IFERNA: theyre here to carry out my lame commands like build this/// theyre dumb and not my equals or superiors the way my clanmates were///

IFERNA: you cant make a clan outta people who do everything you say mindlessly/// you need people who can think and hunt and dream and have romances in all quadrants///

IFERNA: these guys are just kinda adoring me fur no good reason and i kinda FUCKING HATE IT///

IFERNA: then theres brokensprite/// and hes just messed up!///

HESTUS: ~I1's hard, I know.~

HESTUS: ~But I'm here fur you now.~

HESTUS: ~And I'm no1 leaving.~

HESTUS: ~No1 un1il the end of 1ime, and pas1 1hat, even.~

You curl up on his stomach in meowbeast form. He pets you gently, unobtrusively, and, slowly, slowly, you fall asleep purring

.== > Be someone who's not actively in a redrom.

Eenie, meenie, miney, you. 

You are now Coanan Semloh.

And GOG do you hate Irisen's planet. It's so happy and harmonious, completely at odds with the world you entered upon your arrival. Nothing but ridiculously tall buildings. No one is ever going to let you forget that suicide attempt, are they? Godammit. But something about the world is twisted too, like youth gone wrong. Huh, maybe its not as at-odds with your personality as you thought. SMAUGSPRITE: ROOOOOOOOAR 


Oh fuck. He just made you drop your quirk. NO ONE DOES THAT TO YOU. Except for your Ashen buddy, Hestus, you guess.Wait a minute... you just said that out loud so no one could know. Joke's on them!Maybe this programming was a mistake. Not that you ever make mistakes. You just kinda thought that a dragonsprite would be pretty badass. No one would dare mess with you.Oh look. Somone's messing with you. Bugging and fussing and meddling. What a meddler.

== > Interrupt the meddling. 

You head over to your Husktop to turn the thing off. You really don't want any meddling right now. But as you reach for the power switch an interloping sword narrowly misses your finger, impaling itself in the dirt. Attached to the handle is a note saying "+— hey. hey look up and Don'T Turn ThaT ThIng off yet."You walk over to the meddler, who is standing a little ways off. Arrogant lowbloods! You could have her killed if you actually had time for that. 

CARIEL: +— nIce huskTop


Cariel dramatically reveals another sword, sheathed by her side. You've never seen it before. In fact, you're certain that is a new blade. It's layered with multiple runes, feverishly polished, and really, really... sharp.

COANAN: C4N Y0U N07 P0K3 7H47 47 MY HU5K70P?

CARIEL: +— ThIs Is More IMporTanT Than your personal preferences.

CARIEL: I aM TryIng To save all of our lIves. you've goTTa sTop DesTen before he kIlls us all. You're hIs auspIsTIce so It's acTually your job!

COANAN:  1 D0N'7 C0N5P1R3 W17H D3573N.

CARIEL: +— I can Tell. You're clean enough. 

CARIEL: +— anyhow you shoulD see ThIs memo hekaTa said she'D make.

Annoyed, you go get your husktop, purposefully leaving Cariel's throwing knife in the dust. She can go get it herself, the meddler.

CURRENT telltaleTransfiguration [CTT] began memo on team Enigmajjykal at 07:13 PM


Cariel smirks. 

CTT: S∆lut∆t|•ns, everyb•dy. CTT: |'m n•t fully sure wh∆t th|s me∆ns, but |t ∆ll•ws us t• ut|l|ze Tr•ll|∆n's en|gm∆t|c t|me-shen∆n|g∆ns ab|l|ty. Th|s mem• |s resp•nd∆ble fr•m ∆ny •f us •n any t|mel|ne, even ye∆rs |n the future •r p∆st. |'ve ∆dded y•u ∆ll t• the mess∆ge b•∆rd, (yes, even y•u, P|xel∆), s• y•u'll rece|ve n•t|f|c∆t|•ns every t|me the mem• b•∆rds ∆re upd∆ted by ∆ny •f y•ur current, p∆st, •r future selves, wherever ∆nd whenever y•u ∆re. CTT: | f|nd |t f∆sc|n∆t|ng th∆t ∆ll •ur t|mel|nes must run ∆l•ngs|de e∆ch •ther, p∆r∆llel-w|se, ∆nd c•nnect. P•ss|ble even |ntersect! Surely Tr•ll|∆n w∆s m∆de by ∆ w|tch •r w|z∆rd w|th pr•d|g•us sk|ll.

PAST grandioseAdorability [PGA] began responding to memo 1025 hours ago. 

PGA: W#@t do you me@n, w#erever? Don't we @ll know w#ere our #!ve$ @re, more or le$$? @nd w#y does !t s@y "FUTURE telltaleTransfiguration"?

CTT: F•r me |t s∆ys "PAST grandioseAdorability," s• | ∆ssume |t |s fr•m the perspect|ve •f the re∆der. CTT: | c∆n't tell y•u ∆nyth|ng, de∆rest Esper•, bec∆use y•u've g•t t• d|sc•ver |t f•r y•urself. CTT: •ur h|ves ∆ren't ∆t ∆ll where they used t• be. 

PGA: U# ok but !n t#e future w#en t#!$ @ll m@ke$ $en$e !'ll be re$pond!ng to t#!$ memo aga!n.PGA: $o $ee you ! gue$$, "future #ek@t@".

PAST grandioseAdorability [PGA] ceased responding to memo 1025 hours ago. 

CURRENT grippingConundrum [CGC] began responding to memo RIGHT NOW. 

CGC: D0 W3 R34LLY N33D 7H15 BULL5H17?CGC: S0M3 0F U5 4R3 BU5Y. CURRENT grandioseAdorability [CGA] began responding to memo RIGHT NOW.

 CGA: Now ! get !t @ll!CGA: Me$$e$ w!t# my m!nd @ b!t but $t!ll cool. CGA: But doesn't t#!$ me@n we could cre@te p@r@doxe$ by tell!ng our p@$t selves not to do t#!ngs?

CTT: Ex∆ctly.

CTT: ∆nd |'ve l••ked ∆t •ther mem•s my future self's begun ∆nd c∆n't help but th|nk "Wh∆t |f | just d•n't type th∆t when the t|me c•mes?" ∆nd the tempt∆t|•n |s a f•rce t• be reck•ned w|th.

CGC: 1'M 50 0U774 H3R3. CGC: I'V3 G0T 4 B4D455 DR4G0N 70 74K3 C4R3 0F 4ND 4 WH0L3 BUNCH 0F MURD3R5 70 50LV3. MURD3R5 1 M4Y 0R M4Y N07 H4V3 1MPL3M3NT3D.

CGA: U### you go do t#@t ! gue$$

CGC: 4LR34DY 0N 17.

CGA: ! bet we'll get @ w#ole bunc# of confl!ct from t#ese memos. CGA: End!ng up @rgu!ng w!t# our p@$t @nd future selves...

CTT: Yes, |t's l|kely. Pe•ple change.

CTT: Just l••k ∆t p∆st y•u fr•m f•rty-tw• d∆ys ∆g•. Y•u h∆d n• |de∆ ab•ut th|s g∆me and h•w much •f •ur l|ves |t w•uld ch∆nge. Even fr•m th∆t brev|ty you seemed m•re n∆||ve th∆n y•u ∆re n•w. CTT: Maybe |t's just my |nner psych•analyst peer|ng •ut aga|n fr•m under layers •f puer|l|ty and the plen|tude of delus|•ns. 

CTT: We ∆re ∆ll delus|•n∆l. CTT: S• very, very delus|•n∆l.


CGA: U########

CGA: Welp bye, K@t@.

CGA: $ee you w#en you m@ke $en$e :)

CURRENT grandioseAdorability [CGA] ceased responding to memo RIGHT NOW.

 CGC: H0W 1N5P1R1NG 7H353 M3M05 4R3.

CURRENT grippingConundrum [CCG] ceased responding to memo RIGHT NOW.

CTT: **s|gh**

CURRENT telltaleTransfiguration [CTT] closed memo.

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