== > Consult sprite.
== > Consult sprite.
You've already alchemized your sprite with your little pet owl. You feel slightly guilty for not alchemizing it with your lusus, Gl'bgolyb. But that would likely have quite a few dire consequences.
Owlsprite: H••••••••••••••••T H••••••••••••••••••••T
HEKATA: Ugh... ple∆se s∆y s•mef|n of |mport∆nce.
Owlsprite: |T'S Y•UR DUTY T• F|GURE TH|S •UT •N YOUR •WN, HEK∆T∆.
HEKATA: F•r he∆ven's s∆ke, y•u were my pet! Why s• |mper|•us!?
Hekata: ∆nd y•u're l•ud, t••!
Owlsprite: WELL, | F|N∆LLY H∆VE ∆ V•ICE! ∆ND | C∆N N•W S∆Y WH∆T | W∆NTED T•, BUT C•ULDN'T!
Owlsprite: | H∆TE THE •WL F••D Y•U FEED ME!
Owlsprite: |'VE BEEN W∆NT|NG T• S∆Y TH∆T F•R YE∆RS!
HEKATA: (My spr|te |s ∆ b|rdbr∆|n)
Owlsprite: | HE∆RD TH∆T.
Owlsprite: H••••••••••••••••T H••••••••••••••••••••T
Owlsprite: F|NE. THE G•∆L •F TH|S G∆ME |S T• CRE∆TE ∆ NEW UN|VERSE F•R •THERS T• L|VE |N. T• D• S• Y•U MUST W•RK ∆S ∆ TE∆M.
HEKATA: •k then.
HEKATA: (D|d | just get d|ssed by my pet owl? I think I d|d...)
HEKATA: Well, uh... Anyf|n else?
Owlpsrite: N• BEC∆USE Y•U D|DN'T ∆SK N|CELY.
== > Ask someone less condescending for advice.
You go to your consorts. You've named them all after your characters. There's Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Sirius...
They're all SO ADORABLE.
You go and hug Ginny. You know what? Never mind. You are not going to ask her for advice, you are going to ruffle her little feathers and give her some of the owl food.
== > Reconcile with Owlsprite.
You remember how you got Owlsprite and the terrible things you ended up doing, and suddenly you don't feel so good anymore.
Well, that's Ninfia's fault. Why can't any of them see you're just looking out for them!?
Why are other trolls never as easy to be friends with as your army, your characters, your books, your...
You realize that though you are here in an enormous castle, you are thoroughly alone.
Owlsprite's right, though. You hold yourself apart, and you don't know how to stop it.
== > Be another character.
Alright, you've been Hekata long enough. Time to intro everyone's favorite Prospit Princess.
== > Yaaaaaay Zenana!
You are a troll who can look death (or an impending meteor collision) RIGHT IN THE FACE without fear, because you know that there will be a HAPPILY EVER AFTER someday. Your friends see you as (childish_and_silly), but you prefer to look on the bright side of life. Perhaps a little excessively.
You adore anything pretty and fluffy, despite the utilitarian culture of Alternia. You also use WARDROBIFIER to an absurd degree, but who are your friends to judge? FRILLY DRESSES are BEAUTIFUL. But you can never decide whether they should be. Pink! No, Blue! Pink! Blue! Pink! Alright, pink. You have a weakness for pink.
Your life's ambition is to make THE BIGGEST HOOP SKIRT in the Paradox Space, which is no easy feat. Still, you are DETERMINED TO SUCCEED.
You detest violence and profanity IN ALL THEIR FORMS and are always trying to get your friends to act more HIGH CLASS. They think this is strange because you are a purpleblooded troll, who are known for being notoriously violent.
Your trolltag is animatedGallivant and (You_speak_in_a_polite,_quiet,
Zenana: Check on your MOUSEMOM.
Your LUSUS is standing guard nearby. She is not very impressive, but you have to admire the effort. Usually, trolls of your blood color have very powerful lusii, but, then again, she is a FIVE FOOT TALL RAT.
You go over to her and give her a skritch. Many would be disgusted by consorting with a rat, but you know that ANIMALS ARE PEOPLE TOO. You are GOOD WITH ANIMALS. You communicate effectively, if not perfectly.
== > Troll Persus.
Perhaps that's a good idea. Your dreamself had a very interesting story to tell.
animatedGallivant [AG] began trolling aquaticAdventurer [AA]
AG: (Hey,_Persus)
AG: (Weren't_you_just_on_Prospit?)
AA: YeaH I MeT YouR DreamselF
AA: ShE WaS NicE
AG: (Good_to_hear) :p
AG: (Anyway,_are_you_downloading_the_video_game?)
AA: YeS, ActuallY
AA: ItS TakinG A WhilE ThougH
AG: (Yeah,_I_got_Hekata's_letter_and_a_copy_of_the_discs_from_you.
AA: HoW LongS IT TakinG YoU
AG: (Not_long.)
AG: (Actually,_it_just_finished.)
AA: ReallY?
AG: (uh_huh!) :)
AG: (So it looks like my meteor's coming in just a few minutes.)
AA: WelL YeaH ANywaY I GottA GO NoW
AG: (Why?)
AA: I ThinK SomethinG JusT ExplodeD Over BY IfernaS
AG: (I_hope_she's_okay.)
AA: YeaH ME ToO. IlL ChecK IT OuT.
AG: (Be_safe!)
animatedGallivant [AG] gave up trolling aquaticAdventurer [AA]
== > Discuss Persus.
He is a good friend.
... That is all.
Geez, that's a lame command.
== > Go get your tiara.
Ah, yes. Your tiara is a beautiful one, set with gems of all kinds. What they don't know is it's more than just pretty- it's also powerful. Every gem contains memories, fragments of the past laid out for you to walk through. It's what keeps you - well, it's what keeps you different from other purplebloods.
It belonged to your Ancestor, who once stole it for the Empress of Alternia, although the Empress never found out.
So many stories, so little time...
== > Choose at random.
Random gem, random gem. Yellow gem. You put the crown on and envision the gem, and in your mind's eye you can see it laid out before you.
This memory.
== > Sweeps in the past...
You are now the Baroness, ancestor of Zenana herself. You are walking through a royal buffet on a planet close to Alternia. Your high profile is one of the many things you use to your advantage. You does not own this place, but rather a large amount of land on this planet.
Your tiara, which has naught but a few jewels, is beautiful nonetheless. It has it's own... special charm to it.
Ah, if you could only reunite with its maker. You remember him being a highblood, like you, but you seem to have forgotten his name.
You stride through the buffet, not finding a single thing worth eating. Somewhere within you you hunger for sopor slime... but you are going to relegate yourself to more sophisticated tastes.
== > Approach other party guest.
There is a hooded figure nearby. Naturally, the hood means that she 100% must be safe to approach.
You walk up to her and say hello.
BARONESS: (Excuse_me.)
HUNTRESS: +--- ...
BARONESS: (You_enjoying_the_party?)
HUNTRESS: +--- No place for Those lIke me aT evenTs lIke These.
HUNTRESS: +--- ...say
HUNTRESS: Where dId you get ThaT crown?
You nervously adjust your tiara.
BARONESS: (It_was_custom_made,_what's_it_to_you?)
HUNTRESS: +--- I have a thIng for... magIcal objecTs.
You draw away, but she throws down her hood. Her simple clothes in the colors of yellow and black tell it all... she's nothing more than an ochreblood.
BARONESS: (You_shouldn't_be_here)
HUNTRESS: +--- ...I sIncerely hope you know you are In ImmINenT danger. ThaT TIara of yours Is more Than you suspecT It Is.
You decide to play dumb.
BARONESS: (I_doubt_that.)
HUNTRESS: +--- LIsten, If you refuse To Take what I'm sayIng serIously... ugh, you know what? He's comIng.
HUNTRESS: +--- He. There's a renegade blueblood around These parTs. They say he's a murderer. A thIef. A hunter of Majjycks Most evIl... and worst of all, They say he has wIngs.
BARONESS: (Why_would_wings_be_bad?)
HUNTRESS: +--- All the better To kIll you wIth, My Dear. Now lIsTen... If you see The Huntsman, you run.
BARONESS: (Like_i'm_afraid_of_someone_lower_on_the_spectrum_than_I?) (Idiot_ochreblood.)
You groan in frustration, taking one last reproachful glance towards the Huntress (and flipping the bird) and then leave.
You consider telling the Sorciere, the Empress herself, that there is an extremely rude ochreblood at her party. Then again... you're quite intrigued.
== > Follow her.
You step between gyrating party guests after the cloaked figure. She cuts through the crowd deftly, so smoothly they don't even notice her as she brushes past. Against you will, you feel a surge of... What? Envy? No, you can't be jealous of a lowly ochreblood! But you do wish you could walk unnoticed, without people always, endlessly looking to you to fix their problems and keep the lowbloods in line. It's... it's not a pleasant job.
You see her make for the door and out into the night. It's raining hard, as usual... it's always raining here.
She's getting away.
== > Run faster.
You have no choice. You sprint after her, and she turns around the corner into the forest and into a small shack, not even a proper hive.
It's locked.
... well, since when has that stopped you?
You fling the door open with brute strength, and it flies off it's hinges and clatters on the floor.
The ochreblood has a sharp, curved blade in her hand, and she's standing over a body.
It's... just an oliveblood.
You can't believe you were so caught up in this. It's just some lowblood affairs. You have a party to attend to.
You look down at her, and ask-
BARONESS: (That's_it?)
HUNTRESS: +--- IT? ThIs Is The AuThor. He knows ThIngs no oTher Troll Does, noT even you hIghbloods.
BARONESS: (Excuse_me?) (I_could_kill_you_right_now!)
HUNTRESS: +--- Go ahead.
I have noThIng To lIve for.
I faIleD.
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