== > Back in the Present Day...

== > Back in the present day...

You are now a completely different troll. Who is this guy?

== > Enter name.

Clockwork Bighead. X

Your head is actually quite moderate in size, and you resent that comment.

== > Try again.

You are HESTUS ATTENN. You are an avid follower of anything related to WIBBLY-WOBBLY, TIMEY-WIMEY conundrums, paradoxes included. You enjoy exploring paradox space's many offshoots and secret timelines whose mysteries you are constantly ATTEMPTING TO PROBE.

You consider yourself SOMEWHAT OF A DOCTOR, both in time and in medical terms. You are also the OLDEST of the trolls, and BOY DO YOU WISH they respected you for it.

Unfortunately, due to your BURGUNDY BLOOD, many other trolls think you are lesser than them. However, none of them have EVEN COME CLOSE to beating you in the great game that is putting up with everyone's favorite blueblood, your morail. (Not like anyone else wants to put up with him.) You beat all the trolls. All of them.

You have a penchant for CLOCKS and WATCHES, and have a number of them strewn around your house. They all read different times, but that is PERFECTLY ALRIGHT.

You like to think that perhaps, they are perfectly aligned to other points in paradox space.

Your trolltag is tardisAlmagation and your statements are ~Jus1 1he sligh1es1 bi1 peculiar.~

What shall you do now?

== > Go troll your morail.

You look at your computer and grimace a bit. Of course he's already trolled you... and he's angry again. Your auspistice pisses him off a lot. In fact, your auspistice is pissed off by your moirail, too - to quote, 'you two idiots are the ONLY TWO TROLLS IN ALTERNIA who need an auspistice for A MOIRALLEGIANCE!'

Sans the quirk, of course. That guy's quirk is super annoying.

Well that went very well indeed. What shall you do next? You are easily bored and often switch from activity to activity with no real resolutions between.

== > Break one of your clocks.

NO! Those clocks are some of your most prized possessions and you would sooner break your tailbone than break a clock. Instead, you will check on your favorite clock, a mysterious one which you are still not sure how it came into your possession. Likely through TIME SHENANIGANS. But that's beside the point entirely.

== > Look at clock.

It's so ornate! It is dark green and large, somewhat imposing. Your hive is rather humble, and this clock is easily the fanciest thing in it. The only problem is that this large, opulent, green clock... Doesn't work. It simply won't tell time, and no amount of clock-doctoring will make it do anything of use.

It is obviously the best clock ever.

== > Kill someone.

What?! Why the hell would you do that?!

== > Discuss physical state.

Oh right, this isn't a comic.

Well, fine.

You are a burgundyblood, as stated earlier. Your horns are lopsided, one larger than the other, but both resemble clock arrows. You have short hair that curls a bit at the top, and you always wear a fez. Fezes are cool.

Besides that, your symbol is simply an hourglass, the oldest time-telling device of all.


== > Hop into your blue telephone box and time travel!

Do you actually mean the TARDIS, you rubbish excuse for a person?! The TARDIS is far more than a blue telephone box. It is also... broken. Well, uh, your morail, Desten, he's... kind of ... never mind that.

You decide to head outside with your husktop and contact an old frien- er, acquaintance.

tardisAmagamation [TA] began trolling grippingConundrum [GC]

TA: ~Hello~

GC: GR3371NG5.

TA: ~Oh my gog your quirk~

TA: ~Can you s1op please~

GC: 1 5UPP053 1 C0ULD, BU7 WHY SH0ULD 1?

TA: ~Out of respec1 for a fellow!~


TA: ~Yes, fellow.~

GC: Fine, I'll give you three lines. Including this one.

TA: ~So did you hear abou1 1he game?~

GC: Nothing escapes me. Of course I heard about it.

TA: ~Somebody's got a high opinion of 1hemselves!~

GC: Well, why shouldn't I? Anyhow, if we're going to talk quirks, have I mentioned those new tildes are super annoying?


GC: 4NYW4Y, D0 Y0U W4N7 70 PL4Y?

TA: ~Why not?~

TA: ~I1 sounds like fun, sorta~

GC: 1'V3 D3DUC3D TH4T 1T 1S S0M3 S0R7 0F L1V3-ACT10N R0L3PL4Y G4M3.

GC: 0R 4 R34L17Y S1MUL470R, P3RH4P5?

TA: ~Well, 1ha1's se11led.~

TA: ~We'll play i1 1ogether, 1hen.~

tardisAmagamation [TA] gave up trolling grippingConundrum [GC]

GC: 1 D0N'7 7H1NK 1T W0RK5 L1K3 THAT!

CG: G0N3 4LR34DY?

CG: F0R S0M3B0DY 0B53553D W1TH T1M3, H3'S 4WFULLY 1MP4713N7...

grippingConundrum [GC] gave up trolling tardisAmagamation [TA]

== > Explain.

That wasn't your moirail, that was your auspistice. He is very smart, but he's also a severe asshole most of the time. Tealbloods are so high and mighty... then again, your moirail is like that too, so maybe it's just like that with all highbloods.

== > Troll your moirail already!

You look over at your other chats. He is definitely spamming you, even if you currently have no interest in trolling him. Oh well, he is your moirail...

celestialTurmoil [CT] began trolling tardisAmagamation [TA]

CT: (add quirk later) Ring ring.

CT: Hey.

CT: Hestus.

CT: It's Desten.

CT: Hey.

CT: Your morail.

CT: Trolling you.

TA: ~I know, Des1en... I was jus1 1rolling Coanan.~

CT: Why.

CT: That asshole? Why.

CT: You idiot.

TA: ~Are you con1ac1ing me for any reason o1her 1han jus1 1o bug me?~

CT: Maybe.

TA: ~Arg ge1 on wi1h i1 1hen~

CT: Actually I changed my mind.

CT: Bye.

TA: ~Oh my gog you jus1 was1ed almos1 1hree minu1es of 1ime

TA: ~1ime is precious!~

TA: ~You did 1ha1 on purpose, didn'1 you?~

TA: ~Real Sub1le, Des1en!~

celestialTurmoil [CT] gave up trolling tardisAmagamation [TA]

That guy is lucky he's got you. Though he's... difficult, he's a good guy at heart. At least, you're pretty sure. If not for his obsessions with murder and destruction, he'd be a pretty peaceful guy.

Hah, no, you're just kidding yourself. If anyone needs a guidance counselor, he does.

Anyway, what were you doing again?

== > Introduce your morail

Great, more commands. Well, this one seems relatively non-asinine, so you might as well.

You are now Hestus's morail.

What is your name?

Murderous TARDIS-Breaker. X

Yes, you are that, but it is not your name. As mentioned before, your name is Desten.

== >Desten what?


You are EXCEEDINGLY VIOLENT, being a blueblood, with tendencies toward the UNCOUTHLY VENGEFUL.You hate everyone, but especially hate CARIEL. That dude stole everything and you're sure you'll kill him someday. You're sure you'll kill EVERYONE someday.

Your favorite pastimes are DEMON-HUNTING and PLOTTING MURDERS, many of which you fail to actually accomplish. However, it is obviously THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS.

You wear a pair of wings which surely INSPIRE TERROR in all your ENEMIES, and their insinuations that you look like a chicken is SURELY just FALSE BRAVADO.

You KNOW A LOT about false bravado. You also know a lot about GIFs. You love to make GIFs. All the time. ALL THE TIME.

Your trolltag is celstialTurmoil and you are infuriatingly awesome.

== > Take off those stupid chicken wings.


== > Find asshat.

You take out your strife specibus. It is saltgunkind, meaning guns with salt for bullets. Demons hate salt. In fact, you think if you shot enough rounds of these at Cariel, he would probably die too.

Being the demonic twit he is.

Now to find the asshat and shoot a few rounds through his head.

== > Fail to find asshat.

Welp. You tried. Have a gold star sticker. You add him to your list of beings who have invoked your wrath and then listen to your personal playlist.

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-That one Destiel Shiping Song

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-Carry On My Wayward Son

-Carry On My Wayward Son

You pride yourself on your excruciatingly subtle variety of songs. You have, right here, the four basic food groups of music- this song and a lot of bullcrap you don't need on this playlist.

== > Troll Irisen.

Even you don't want to associate with that asshole. With his creepy horse mane, and voodoo dolls, and... yikes.

Yeah that's not happening.

== > Troll Coanan instead.

Coanan is your auspistice. He really, really hates you and is only auspisticing between you and your moirail because Hestus begged him to.

Hestus is not a very good moirail sometimes! He is supposed to try to keep you from getting provoked because you are... dangerous. Powerful. Hotter than the fires of hell itself.

Someone needs to keep away all the lady trolls before they throw themselves at your feet.

Seriously though, asking Coanan to auspistice was a bad move on Hestus's part. You clearly have the situation under control here. Clearly.

You decide to do something more productive.

GIF making.

== > Make some GIFs.

You make a ton of GIFs for every single pointless moment of SUPREMELYUNNATURAL. It is the best thing.

The very best thing.


Suddenly an owl flies by your window. Hekata again!? She's so uppity. She moves up a couple of spaces on your to-kill list for that. But you might as well retrieve the letter from the owl.


Greet|ngs. We ∆re ∆ll ∆b•ut t• pl∆y ∆ myster|•us g∆me |nv•lv|ng ch∆|ns •f pl∆yers. Be ∆lert f•r when y•ur sess|•n st∆rts. |t's r|ght ∆fter C∆b∆l•'s (Hem•Spectrum •rder).


Wow. What an idiot that Hekata is. What a stupid idea. A game? Why.

Though you won't admit it, you are intrigued. Most games involve killing people, right? Hopefully you'll have plenty of time for killing. Maybe you should troll Irisen after all. Arg. You hate this game already.

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