Chapter 1: Once Green, always green.
It had only been two weeks ever since emperor Garmadon took control of Ninjago City. He enjoyed seeing the fear in the already mortified villagers's eyes. He didn't understand why he loved this feeling and dreaded more. Desperately hoping that his son would show that same fear for him. He wanted his own son to be afraid at the monster he has become. He knew perfectly well that he was a monster and he wasn't ashamed at all to admit it. The emperor approached the edge of Borg tower, the location of the Sons of Garmadon's base. Even the man was surprised that a whole cult was organized just to worship him for his heroic act to slay the great devourer. He certainly didn't want to put all this effort that his minions did to ressurect him to waste. He growled as he lifted his hand forward and made the stone titan move. He will find his son and he will make him bow before him. That was his number one priority.
A loud thud was heard in the distance, Ultra Violet shot up from her chair and directly made her way to Harumi's chambers. She knocked on the door urgently. " Quiet one! I believe the emperor is angry again! " she screamed, looking around her in panic. The walls seemed to shake a little and the lights occasionally went out. Harumi, who was in her chambers, planning the next course of the plan, groaned in frustration and opened the door. " Shut up, do you even know who we're dealing with at the moment? " she asked the shaken general. Ultra nodded quickly. " Pfft yeah duh! I am not a member of the S.O.G for nothing. " she replied sharply.
Harumi glared at her. " Then you should know by now that Emperor Garmadon has a short temper especially when it comes to that troublesome green ninja. Hm, while you're here Ultra Violet. What are the reports of the raid I assisted to you, Killow and Mr. E? " she inquired, holding the knob tightly as the walls shook even more. Ultra Violet gulped. She knew exactly what happened yesterday during the raid. The ninja were right before her eyes and yet, she let them escape? Just because of a simple motorcycle malfunction.
The sound of the engine went on then turned off right after. Ultra Violet kicked the wheel of the vehicle in fury. " Come on! Come on! Work you stupid bike! " she tried to turn on the engine again, only resulting in a failed attempt. Killow and Mr. E were parked beside her, waiting for her to get on her bike. " Will you hurry up? The ninja are getting away. " Killow pointed at the small group. Ultra Violet yelled angrily. " I swear it's not my fault. Someone must of- " she paused to kneel down and examine the engine even closer for any items that could be potentially stuck on the mechanism. Killow rolled his eyes before turning the handle of her bike. " Maybe you aren't just turning it enough." He suggested. Ultra gave a smug look. " you take me for an idiot? This is a biker's gang Kil- " her statement was stopped as smoke blew in her face. The girl huffed the smoke on reflex and began coughing violently. " A-Ah! I swear to Garmadon-" she stopped to cough. " I-I'm gonna-" she stopped again. " I'm gonna kill you! "
Ultra Violet felt something sharp entering her cheekbones. As she blinked and returned to Reality, she was greeted with the blade of a dagger digging through her cheek. Her eyes turned to Harumi who was the one pushing the weapon deeper. She immediately slapped the sharp switchblade out of her hands, freeing her already swollen cheek. Harumi smiled as the weapon hit the cold cement flooring. " Ugh about time you snapped out of your thoughts. Now will you answer my question? " she grew impatient. The purple coded general knew that this was pointless. She took a deep breath and looked at Harumi right in the eye.
" I-I...we failed to track down their base location. I'm so sorry! It's my fault! " she stopped right away as she realized what she just said. "It's my fault" that sentence rung in her head several times. Ultra couldn't believe it. She took responsibility for once? Did she woke up from the wrong side of the bed this morning? Harumi narrowed her eyebrows before punching the door. " Augh! I thought I could have trusted you three! What was the cause of this failure?! " she was now enraged since she knew that Garmadon was gonna take his anger up on her and not with the fools who deserved his scolding. Ultra giggled quietly. It was her way to calm herself down in a stressful atmosphere.
"We were about to hunt down the ninja but then my stupid bike wouldn't function. " she explained shortly in embarssement. It was truly embarrassing, being one of the generals of a punk motorcycle gang and your bike just gives up on you in the middle of a mission? Harumi listened attentively. " well in that case, I don't blame you Ultra Violet. " she told her. Ultra's eyes lit up in relief. " Thank Garma- "she was cut off by Harumi saying one last thing before slamming her door shut to continue working on her plan.
" bring it by a repair Center, will you? "
What do you guys think? And holy heck it's just half of the beginning of the chapter and it's already at 934 Words? I didn't know that it would be that short. Anyways I don't have an official name for the AU. Once the first chapter will be completed, I will post a warning that the new book will be out and chapter 1 should already be out to read. This story is basically an alternate storyline to S9. First of all, the ninja never got transferred to the Oni realm hence the whole Firstbourne discovery was never found by Wu, Harumi lives and finally, Harumi, Ultra, Killow and Mr. E have a change of heart and helps the resistance fight on.
This story will involve some Jaya, Kailor, Pixane, slight hints of Killolet and finally, Lloyrumi.
I hope you guys enjoyed that small Sneak peak. Who do you guys think sabotaged Ultra Violet's bike? I would love to read your theories in the comment section.
Anyways, this is Author~Chan signing off!
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