Ellie Maxwell
FULL NAME Elizabeth Mary Maxwell
NICKNAMES Hush (alias), Elle
3-5 (first avenger)
physically 9 (winter soldier)
physically 11 (civil war)
physically 13 (infinity war/endgame)
"fuck you time is an illusion why do you need my age???" (tfatws + Hush(fake movie lol))
GENDER, PRONOUNS demigirl, she/her
Winifred Wendy Willows (girlfriend)
Agnes Kallie Maxwell
Winston Alexander Maxwell
James Buchanan Barnes (foster father)
Susan Maxwell
Alexander Maxwell
Aphrodite Samaras
Axel Samaras
Susan Jolene Maxwell
Eleanor Maxwell
Caroline Maxwell
Zoe Samaras
Elizabeth Samaras
Athena Samaras
Dolley Madison Barnes (foster)
Frederick Maxwell
umbrakinesis - able to control and generate darkness, able to turn herself/parts of her body into shadow
mediumism - the dead speak to her. she can't control who speaks to her or when, they just do when they feel like it. she can speak back to them and essentially, she's a therapist for the dead. just- like- "girl, no, you did not deserve that" "no, john, you were a piece of shit, you honestly deserved to die like that. work on yourself and go find another medium to talk to jfc"
wanda like shit idk what it's called - self explanatory I think. Ellie also has the ability to destroy vibranium.
APPEARANCE (fc - Sadie Sink)
first avenger - An excitable little girl who will scream at you in Greek. She will talk your ear off and be like "hey, look at this cool rock I found". Very, very, brave though and if she gets a boo-boo she will fucking rock it because she's a bad bitch.
winter soldier/civil war - A confused, scared, little child who has no idea what the fuck is going on. But dare try to hurt her, they can still very much kick your ass and honestly kill you within fifteen seconds, give or take.
infinity war/endgame - Still pretty quiet but she's a bit more sassy and sarcastic (thank you, Rosette).
tfatws/hush - Honestly, borderline mean. She takes no shits, she gives no fucks, and will kick your ass with zero hesitation if you come within twelve feet of her. She's sarcastic, sassy, and lotta violent urges going on there. She's pissed off pretty easily and is constantly just five seconds away from committing mass homicide (again).
(t/w murder, violence, rape, child sexual abuse, kidnapping)
(sorry if it gets really shitty and rushed at one point, this shit is long)
(also not proofread, I ain't doing that shit)
BACKSTORY Elizabeth Mary Maxwell was born on March 8th, 1940 in New York City. Early years, not too exciting. She lived near Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes and their official first actual introduction to her was a one year old screaming at them in Greek she learned from her Greek immigrant mom. Ellie's father joined the military and became apart of that infantry that got all kidnapped or whatever idk I'm very tired. Ellie heard and somehow this little shit made her way to Europe and got kidnapped and thrown in into that place where her father was for plot reasons I guess idfk I don't think things through, okay, and neither does Ellie.
She got experimented on by the people there and nothing really happened, she just began to lose her hearing a bit. Just a tad. It got a bit quieter. That's all. Anyway, her father joined the Howling Commandos, she'd write to her father at any chance she got and then in 1945, right around the time both Bucky and Steve 'died', Ellie got sick, like really sick. Her father went home to take care of his daughter. At some point while sick, she went completely deaf and then her family went to a different house. A decently sized house in the woods, still not too far from NYC.
Overtime, Ellie adapted to it, naturally and she went along with her life, doing 1940s things, like cooking and learning how to become a housewife more or less. Her parents, despite her being deaf, would still often talk about Ellie getting married when she was older. But that's not what she wanted. She wanted to experience love, sure, but she never wanted a husband. She found girls pretty. Why did she find only girls pretty? Was something wrong with her? Why didn't she want a husband but a wife? Was something wrong with her?
Alright, March 10th, 1949. Ellie is nine years old, having just turned two days ago. Her sister, Susie, was out with friends and was gonna be spending the night there, but not to worry, she promised Ellie that she'd hang out with her for the whole weekend. But that's not how it happened. Ellie's mother had been brushing her hair when she heard something from downstairs. She instructed Ellie to stay there and went downstairs. After a couple minutes, Ellie herself went downstairs, seeing her parents dead bodies. And was that...Bucky, standing over them? There were a few other people there, they talked to her, told her that she'd be coming with them, she'd be above all others. Instead, Ellie pushed open the door and ran into the woods, but her little nine year old legs could only carry her so far and they caught up with her and took her to a place where she was christened Hush and trained almost to the brink of death and after several months, put on this weird serum thing that would keep her asleep so long as it was pumping into her. It would remove her memories, it would make her extremely suggestible, it would completely pause her ageing, both physically and developmentally.
She would be a partner to the Winter Soldier himself. She was a determined little thing, remember when she went all the way to Europe to find her father? That's cool. She could fit into places a big strong grown ass man couldn't, she could approach people all sad and deaf and little girl like and be all "could you let us in pwetty pwease? we totally won't kill everyone in there" and then they'd let them in and they'd kill everyone in there. Besides, a little girl was much more off putting then, once again, a big strong grown ass man. So, for the next sixty-five years, she would kill alongside the Winter Soldier, essentially a little helper for him. During these years, Ellie was repeatedly raped and touched by multiple HYDRA officials. Sometimes she'd be awake for it, sometimes she wouldn't.
Let's take a lil' stop on December 16th, 1991. Bucky gets thawed out to go kill some bitches. But this time Ellie wouldn't go with him. She was woken up, sure, but for another purpose. They placed her in the clothes she had arrived in all those years earlier, her hair was taken out of the braid it was always in, and she was placed in another room to be experimented on. Their plan was if she died, they would dump her body somewhere and her missing person's case would not become a cold murder case. She'd be experimented on with the darkness stone. She stepped towards the thing and power shot out of it, there was a vague image of a girl with her arms outstretched, the girl bent down towards her, extending a hand towards Ellie. Ellie reached out and then the power from the stone hit her and she passed out, but she was alive. For a few weeks, they'd try to see if anything came of it, but no. Her powers refused to show themselves, if she even had any. Maybe it had just been luck of the draw that the stone didn't call her. But shouldn't she gain something from it? Oh, well. And she was placed back under.
Cut to the year of our lord and savior, 2014. Ellie and Bucky are sent out to go kill bitches, what's new? That highway fight came. And someone recognized Bucky and then he and Ellie subsequently got the hell out of there and then Buckster had an identity crisis because don't we all at one point or another? So, they proceeded to wipe his memory again and now they're on a helicarrier trying to stop Cappy Murica from stopping them from killing millions of people. This is when he sees her face, when she drops her face shield guard thing. And then Stevie boy fell into the river and Bucky dragged him out and now he and Ellie are like "you know what no fuck you we ain't killing bitches no more" and they went to Romania where they just kinda hid out for the next two years just chilling and being paranoid I guess idk. Ellie was slowly getting her memories back. Also during this time, Ellie dealt with some pretty bad separation anxiety.
So one fine day, after getting some groceries, they head back to the apartment to see Steve there and snooping through they're stuff like a fucking weirdo. They played dumb, said they had no idea who he was, Ellie honestly had no idea who he was though, she just knew she knew him. Anyway, police came, arrested they're murderous asses and they were supposed to get questioned by a psychiatrist or whatever the fuck but instead it's Villain Time™. So, Bucky's mind is controlled and murderous again, and Ellie's just kinda following him around as he tries to murder bitches because she doesn't know what the fuck is going on, she just knows he's running around being violent again because violence is cool and fun. Anyway, he calms down, and I guess now they're fighting against a spider boy now. As they did that, Ellie kept shooting at him, to which Bucky told her to stop because she was going to kill him, to which a very confused Ellie responded with "That's what I'm trying to do?"
Anyway, when they went to go fight in the outdoors, Ellie essentially said "you're all fucking idiots, this is dumb, I am not fighting over this of all fucking things" and then she went to go chill in the airports food court. She found a lil starbucks, made herself some hot chocolate and then chilled out while everybody else beat each other's ass. And then she got fucking kidnapped and taken to Wakanda as potential leverage. Hooray! But dw it was all good cause now she and discount Jesus live there. Here, she also met the princess of the fairies, Rosette Forester, and then they proceeded to become a bad bitch duo. Also, Wakanda gave her some hearing aids, that basically made her hear like a normal person and she'd use those from time to time.
During Infinity War, she continued to be a bad bitch alongside Rosette, shooting and kicking aliens all while not using her hearing aids. And then she gets turned into dust in front of Rosette. And then got brought back five years later and Rosette and Ellie continued to be bad bitches, shooting at aliens with Rosette being able to fly and use magic because her wings and powers finally started working again.
TFATWS time. In this, Ellie is mostly using her hearing aids, she's being a sassy bad bitch, and she kicks the shit out of a lot of people and yeah, lotta violent urges going on there, so she may or may not nearly kill some bitches here and there, we don't know, you can't prove anything. She may have possibly actually killed at least one bitch, once again, we don't know, you can't prove anything. Also she finds out Susie died like a month before everyone was brought back.
Hush time. Her powers finally actually bubble to the surface, she panics, runs to her old house, call Rosette, Rosette brings her girlfriend, Carlotta, and Carlotta brings the girl who tried to kill Rosette a fews months prior, Winnie. Dw, she gets redeemed, it's all good. They spend the movie being teenage lesbians, joking around, hitting each other, flirting, fighting a villain who's trying to kill Ellie, the usual. Also, Winnie and Ellie fall in love, so that's nice. Anyway, Ellie learns about this whole being a fairy legend thing, and is like "oooo that's fuckin cool" and basically Ellie can use her powers now.
May or may not make her go through an arc where she tries to bring Susie back.
MENTAL ILLNESSES/DISORDERS PTSD, autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety
QUOTES (* at the end means it was signed)
"*Greek screaming*"
"Hiya, Georgie!"
"Dolley, look at this rock! I'm gonna name it after you."
"Susie, come on!"
"Wait, what happened to Papa?"
"I just wanted to save my Papa, that's all..."
"It got quieter."
"Mama! Susie!"
"So, you're a nurse now? Does that mean you won't be taking care of me and Susie all day anymore?"
"But it's Greek, I can read it."
"I have a gun! I stole it from my Papa."
"Can I touch it?"
"I don't feel good, Mama."
"We're going home?"
"I can't hear you! Why can't I hear you?!"
"I want to hear! Why can't I hear?!"
"But why would God make me deaf?"*
"God took away my hearing because I'm a sinner?"*
"If I repent for my sins, will God give my hearing back to me?"*
"I'll pray, I will."*
"Hello, Dolley."*
"I want to go home!"*
"I don't want to do this."*
"No! No!"
"What do you need me to do?"*
"I'll get up there."*
"Where are we going?"*
"Bucky? I'm not sure what my name is."*
"I think my name is Ellie."*
"What if somebody finds us?"*
"No, I don't want to be alone!"*
"I had a sister named Susie. I think."*
"I think my whole name is Elizabeth Mary Maxwell."*
"What's happening?"*
"Is he gonna be okay?"*
"I don't know you."*
"This is stupid. I'm not fighting over this."*
"Let me out!"
"How long will he be in there?"*
"We live here now?"*
"Rosette is a pretty name. I'm Ellie."*
"Hearing aids?"*
"Talk! Talk!"*
"One issue though-"
"I can barely talk."*
"Rosette, what the fuck-"
"Shuri, what's this?"
"You look like Jesus."
"Rosette, why are you talking to the goats?"
"I've heard enough." *removes hearing aids*
"Nope, I don't want to hear it. As a matter of fact-" *removes hearing aids*
"Well, believe it or not, I am way older than you. I was born in 1940." ("I was born in 1845") "...you were what?"
"*going on and on about how she doesn't understand why she's not attracted to men and really wants to kiss girls*" ("idk man sounds like lesbianism") "...What?"
"*describing her ADHD tendencies*" ("idk man sounds like ADHD") "...is that another sexuality or-?"
"*describing her autistic tendencies*" ("idk man sounds like autism") "Okay, Rosette, I literally have no idea what you're saying half the time."
"It all...Bucky, it all just came back to me."
"Everything. I remember everything."
"Taylor Swift?"
"Rosette, get over here! Dolley and Georgie got some hot goss on Steve and Bucky!"
"They did not!"
"You called him 'dad' when he was trying to get girls? That's fucking hilarious-"
"I have many angry and violent thoughts."
"Oh my god, T'Challa is gonna publicly execute us if he finds out about this."
"AAAAAAHHHHH- okay, I'm over it."
"Hey, Ro?"
"Cool wings!"*
"Alright, yeah, sure, let's fly."*
"Rosette, girl, you will not believe what just happened-"
"Come on, us redheads gotta stick together, right? Or not-"
"I literally could care less about who Captain America is so long as he's not a dickhead."
(I'll add more quotes later, I'm tired man)
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