Why Queen Elsa Should Remain Single (Frozen)

Hello, everyone. And welcome to my first Frozen article. I've tried to post one earlier this month, but due to the notification glitch, I wasn't sure if people would be able to find the update, but I'm just going to take a leap of faith and do this anyway. 

Now, this may be a bit of an odd topic to discuss for our first time diving into Frozen in this Book, but I assure you that there's a reason for all of this. 

In this article, I'll be diving into a topic that's been a pet peeve for many Elsa fans probably since well after the first Frozen film came out. But since I'm a part-time member of this Fandom — in fact, I'm almost nonexistent I'm hardly in this Fandom — I can't say for sure. I'd appreciate it if you can confirm or deny this for me.

This article will be a tad controversial, as I will be a little hypocritical in writing this topic since I ship Elsa with a few people (Hiccup and Jack Frost), but as these have to do with crossovers, I don't really count that. When it comes to the actual Frozen universe, I'm more of a pro-single-Elsa fan — most of the time. Or ship her with great OCs. lol XD

Anyway, let's get on with the article, shall we?


The Argument

Ever since Frozen first came into theaters — or maybe well after that — there has been intense debates among a large chunk of the Fandom between the two opposing camps: One that ships Elsa with someone else, and the other wanting Elsa to remain single. Then there's the third-wheel camp that ships Elsa with her own sister for some creepy, disturbing reason. *shudders and dry-heaves*

Anyway, let's dive into these two camps, shall we?


The Pro-Ship-Elsa-With-Someone Camp

Let's first enter into the POV of the side who wants Elsa to have somebody rule alongside her. In some areas, I'm in this camp; in other areas, I'm in the other camp. It really depends on whom Elsa's paired with. Contrary to how MANY people do things, you can't just pick random characters and smash them together just because you like it. There has to be a legitimate reason for them to be together; they need to click, have some common denominator that they can connect with to develop that intimate bond.

Now, a lot of people are fine with smashing random characters together and do their own thing. In fact, that's how a lot of these minor pairings get created to begin with. However, don't expect people to like it. Like with any good story, there MUST be a legitimate and logical reason for every decision, choice, and mistake that each character makes. None of us would've loved Arwen and Aragorn or Faramir and Eowyn together unless Tolkien gave us plenty of logical and reasonable explanations as to why they, respectively, are great for each other to the point where you can't see them with anyone else (unless you're one of those sadistic fans who enjoy tears perfect relationships apart. LOL).

The same goes with any and every pairing that gets created and supported — whether it's canon, fanon, or personal preference. Elsa-centered pairings are no different. 

Part of the reason why I created this pin in early-to-mid 2014 not long after Frozen was on DVD. (You can find this pin on Pinterest under my "Edits by Noctus Fury" board).

(I know, this is rough, I should've used different colors, but hey, I was new to the whole "create-a-pin" thing. lol XD)

I had predicted before the film came out that people were going to create ships like Hiccelsa and Hiccanna (hence this old pin that I had made and posted on Pinterest), though there were other pairings that I didn't even know were getting shipped together (though in hindsight, I should've). Most of them I didn't like at all, because I felt like Elsa would never go for the people she was being shipped with, including Hiccup. 

Ironically, after two years of holding out, I ended up giving in and joining the Hiccelsa and Hiccanna Ships thanks to amazing fan art and fan fiction. I'm not joking, but these two pairings (but mostly Hiccelsa) have some of the best fan art and fan fictions I've EVER seen. For real. For the most part, these two pairings have quality artists and writers. One of the ONLY reasons why I ended up shipping them (and only if Astrid was out of the picture, which she usually is).

One of the biggest pairings, of course, wasn't even these two pairings, but Jelsa — a pairing between Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) and Elsa. In fact, this is probably one of the top pairings in the Fandom. At least in crossovers; in the actual Frozen Fandom, it interchangeably switches between Elsanna and Helsa (again, for some unknown, obtuse reason).

Jelsa became viral and exploded in the net world just because both of them have ice powers and have isolation issues and stuff. Personally, it's kind of a shallow reason to ship them to begin with. I know that there are other reasons why people ship Jelsa, but wouldn't it also make sense that they'd also be great as a BROTP? As friends or as siblings, rather than as romantic interests? However, I ship these two anyway from time to time. Mostly in Modern or Historical AUs. My friend xElsa_Arendellex is a big fan of this pairing. So a shout-out to her. ^_^

To be honest, I shipped Jackunzel and Mericcup (also known as the Big Four) since that was the biggest thing in Crossover-dom since 2012 — a year before Frozen came out. (I'll write about my history with the Big Four and other Fandoms in another article). Jackunzel was probably one of THE oldest crossover pairings in the Fandom. And they just seemed to click extremely well (sorry Eugene — still love you though). So when Jelsa came along, I wasn't really on board with it for the longest time. Even now, after all these years, I'm still a part-time fan of Jelsa — and that's only when I'm trying to rescue Jack from getting hitched with Merida. lol XD

(But don't worry, my friend's quickly reintroducing me to this pairing and I'm beginning to love it again.)

(Fanart for the popular Hiccelsa fanfiction "Of State". It's on Fanfiction.net. The summary is that Hiccup is destroying the remains of Drago's army, and is taking to the offensive. Though at the cost of his beloved wife Astrid. However, those who served Drago belong to a region that's Arendelle's vassal. In order to prevent war between the two nations, Hiccup and Elsa must marry. It'll be a LONG time before they're able to trust each other completely, let alone fall in love. The political intrigue in this and the historical elements are just... amazing! Even if you're not a Hiccelsa fan, this story doesn't really have Hiccelsa until much later on. So far, they haven't even MET yet.)

(Beautiful fanart by ElsaHaddockthe1st, also known as Nightowl374. Hiccelsa playing the roles of Aragorn and Arwen in a LOTR AU)

Then, aside from Jelsa, there's Hiccelsa, which is the second-most-popular Elsa-centric crossover pairing (arguably even neck-to-neck with Jelsa). Personally, this is my favorite and I can see them together because of the things that they both went through growing up, as well as the trials and struggles both have to deal with as new rulers, trying to fill in their parents' shoes, and trying to find themselves. However, this, again, is a crossover pairing, but an important one.

With these two major Elsa-centric pairings (Helsa and Elsanna notwithstanding), there's also Kristelsa, Flynnelsa, Tuffelsa, Olafelsa, Elstrid, Heathelsa, Elsapunzel, etc, etc (I know, there's a lot of weird pairings).

Then there's your usual and typical Elsa/OC pairings. Some of them are actually good (Read Cke1st's "Frozen Together" trilogy on Fanfiction.net. THAT OC is just fantastic and isn't a Gary Stu.), though sadly many aren't good at all, and make absolutely no sense. And are just... MUSHY. Like a bad romance novel.

There are three major fanon pairings that are totally Frozen-centric that a lot of people want Elsa to be paired up with in the upcoming Frozen 2 film:

1) A Prince or King who either has ice or fire powers that Elsa ends up meeting in Frozen 2. I think his name is Dylan or something. There have been rumors since the first film about this happening. However, there's not really any proof outside from hearsay. Also, it would be extremely predictable for Disney to do something like that. It's such a cliche and shallow trope that's been overused. 

I also could see Disney having HANS be the one with fire powers. Because WHY NOT? *Facepalms*

2) Majority of fans are longing for Dreamworks and Disney to do a collaboration so that Jack Frost can come into Frozen 2 and be Elsa's love interest. While that would be nice, having Jelsa be canon would be as likely as Mericcup becoming canon (especially since Hiccup's married now) — which is impossible. Dreamworks and Disney are mortal enemies and competitors and I doubt they would be willing to do something like that, much less give up their characters.

3) That Disney make Elsa be their first lesbian princess/queen by giving her a "girlfriend," in the words of those fans. Disney being Disney, and their love for diversity, it's only a matter of time before they end up doing something like that, right? While it's a "progressive" move, I feel like it's too predictable and unnecessary. Plus, it'll anger a lot of fans who were expecting other results.

Then there's the 4th pairing that quite a few people in the Fandom are both wanting to happen and are expecting to happen, and is a part-fanon, part-canon pairing. 

It's with Hans. That's right. Traitor Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 

"Why?" do you ask? Simple. Because they believe that Hans will be redeemed and will end up coming back to rescue her from some new evil or something. Or that the Trolls messed with his mind so that Kristoff could get Anna, and that Hans has been innocent the whole time. However, as interesting as that would make Frozen 2 (in fact, that would be pretty great to watch, if not cliche and overdone), it's very unlikely. Also, the book for the film "A Frozen Heart" proves in the chapters under his POV that nobody manipulated Hans' heart with magic — he did that to himself willingly and eagerly (much to the shock and indignant anger of many fans). Sorry, Hans lovers. ^_^

However, that being said, this might be something that they might do. And it could explain the part in the trailer where Anna is taking Kristoff's sword and swinging it at Hans. And the guy that was flying up in the air with leaves. However, these are just hypotheses and can't be proven. Either Disney is trying to keep that a surprise, or Hans isn't even IN Frozen 2 to begin with. Unless Disney's being diabolical and making villainous schemes to 

In fact — and I'm not sure if this is true — but Disney even seems to be hinting at the possible future pairing with their merchandise.

While these seem like great ideas and something that Disney might do, here's something that I would like to submit to you, the reader, as to why shipping Elsa with anybody might be a bad idea.

With this said, now's the time to check out the Pro-Single-Elsa Camp. Shall we?


The Pro-Single-Elsa Camp

Now let us dive into the POV of those who want Elsa to stay single — of which there are many, surprisingly enough. What's even more surprising is that I'm finding myself to be more a part of this camp as the months go by. At least, in the Frozen Fandom. Even in the Crossover Fandom, I'm beginning to lean towards Elsa being single there as well (despite my love for some crossover pairings and Elsa/OC pairings).

Now, why should Elsa remain single? For several reasons.

1) Because Disney has yet to make a Disney Princess/Queen who's single with no intention of engaging in romantic relationships. (No, Merida doesn't count because she'll be in one eventually. And she was technically Pixar's originally, so I don't really count that). I know that Disney can't seem to do that, but there's been several Queens who've been single for most — if not all — of their lives: Elizabeth I of England, Queen Mary of the Scots, several Byzantine Empresses (Theophanu and Theodora, to name a couple), Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen Ingigerd of Sweden, Queen Isabella of Castile, Queen Gunnhild the Grim of Norway, Queen Victoria of England (after her husband's untimely death), to name several. And there's many more besides them. Of course, many of them married, but often their husbands died prematurely and left the Queens to rule single and by themselves (and their sons) for the rest of their lives.

Personally, I think it'd be great to see Elsa strike out on her own and grow into a powerful Queen (winter powers notwithstanding) with the aid of her supporting sister and future-brother-in-law. Not that I'm against her being able to marry somebody, but there's nothing that says that she can't be single for the rest of her life. And I think it'd be neat to finally see a main character who's single. Us single individuals get left out a lot in favor of romance and romantic relationships. It's a little annoying. And it'd be nice to see a single character kick butt and take names — one who's not a villain, preferably. 

Actually, come to think of it, why are VILLAINS almost ALWAYS SINGLE?! Just because they're evil doesn't mean that they don't get married. In fact, most evil people in the world hide their evil ways from their own families a lot of times, and keep their "other life" separate from their personal lives. You'd be surprised at how common that is.

2) Elsa already has an heir to succeed her. There's logically or legally no reason for Elsa to be in a relationship (or realistically, just get married, since they didn't really date or anything). I'm not joking. Legally — depending on the country and time period, of course — Elsa doesn't have to marry and produce heirs. I get it that most Queens and Princesses HAD to get married for political reasons in order to end/prevent wars, gain alliances, etc, etc. It was a necessity. A questionable necessity, but a necessity regardless.

However, as I've previously stated, it depends on the country and the time period, and the members of the family, and the laws that are in place in said country and time period. Unfortunately, the King and Queen of Arendelle were unable to produce a male heir to inherit the throne — what is it with Disney producing only female royalty in royal families? — and since they "died" in a shipwreck (I refuse to believe that they're dead), no male heirs can be birthed, causing Elsa, being the eldest, to be the heir of the throne. I'm assuming that Arendelle already has laws in place allowing the firstborn to claim the throne, regardless of gender, if a male heir can't be sired; or that Elsa was always going to be the heir from the beginning, if Arendelle's laws don't have the first-born-son succession tradition. 

Anyway, I'm getting off-track. The fact of the matter is that Anna is Elsa's heir. And since she'll eventually marry Kristoff, she'll be able to remain in Arendelle and she and Kristoff will be able to be Elsa's heirs. And when Elsa retires, Anna and Kristoff will take over. And when Anna and Kristoff get married, they'll have several precious wee chibbles of their own that will continue the Arendelle royal line, and Elsa need not ever fear of not having an heir.

Had she married anyone else, she wouldn't have been able to remain Elsa's heir, and Elsa would indeed have to marry — or adopt (I'm looking at you, xElsa_Arendellex  ) — in order for her to have an heir to succeed her. Until she eventually dies in a shipwr — I mean die of old age. Yeah. That's what I was going to say. Old age. lol XD

3) Elsa could possibly still be holding on to the fear of hurting someone. I know that seems unlikely due to the first film and the couple of short films, as well as the trailer to Frozen 2, but here me out. Since she was 5, Elsa's had to deal with the trauma of hurting Anna and ever since then she's had taught herself to believe that she'd never be able to get close to anyone without hurting them with her powers. While she's gotten over it with her sister's help, and she's able to be comfortable around her family and even with her subjects, a part of me speculates that it be a different story with a significant other. Because of the trauma, I'm greatly skeptical that she'd be able to rid herself completely of the lies she had fed herself throughout her life. The end of Frozen 1 and the content of the shorts seem off to me. I don't like how she, a victim of trauma and fear and self-loathing, is able to overcome over 15 years of all that as soon as "true love" thaws her magic ice age and everything's back to normal, as if their family wasn't affected by that at all.

I can also see where she'd be afraid to have a child of her own, fearing that he/she could inherit her powers, and fearing that she'd be a bad mother, or that she might accidentally hurt her child with her own powers. While none of this can really be proven and is just a hypothesis, it's just what I feel as to this being the third reason why she'd want to remain single, not get married, and not having any children.

Actually... a thought just occurred to me. If she has ice powers, does that make her body colder than the average human body temperature? And if so, would that affect her reproductive organs and prevent her from being able to have any children, rendering her infertile? I'm not sure, personally, since Disney doesn't really get into the technicalities of her powers. Then there's the fact that nobody reacts after kissing her cheek, holding/shaking/kissing her hand, etc, etc and say that "she's freezing." So... the jury's still out on that. What do you guys think about this?

I'm sure there's other reasons that Elsa should remain single but these are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head. Besides, this article is already passing the 3k mark, and I think that now would be a great time to end this before it gets longer than my "Heather: A Mary Sue?" or my "Light Fury: A Mary Sue?" or any other articles that are 3-4k words. lol XD

So what do you guys think about this entire topic? Should Elsa remain single, or should she be with someone? Do you have any reasons for or against Elsa being single that I might've missed? Please let me know in the comments. ^_^

As always, thank you for reading this article. And I hope that you enjoyed it. Again, I'm sorry that it's so long, but I think that this is a topic that no one's really diving into, so I wanted to do it. 

I'll be posting another Frozen article soon that will get into the possibilities of Hans being redeemed and of his possible role in Frozen 2. Stay tuned till then.

Long Live the Night!

— Noctus Fury


Word Count: 3500 words


Date Published: 11/19/19

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