
Harry was quite bored if he said so himself. Taylor was chatting about her ex boyfriend and how he dumped her, but Harry stopped listening. He barely started dating her a couple days ago despite his manager telling him he was setting them up two years ago.

They were sitting at a small coffee shop in London. Harry had gotten a hot mocha cappuccino, plain but delicious, while Taylor got something that the barista had to ask her three times to repeat it because she couldn't remember it. It was starting to snow but apparently Taylor wanted to sit outside so the paparazzi could get clearer pictures of them. She knew that this entire relationship was just fake, but it didn't stop her from trying to touch Harry every chance she got. She claimed it was for the cameras but Harry felt it was more than that. After an hour of sitting outside, Harry swore he lost at least three fingers. 

Taylor, on the other hand, was still talking, how has her mouth not fallen off yet? They were walking down some cobblestone walkway and Harry seriously just wanted to go home. A small group of girls walked up to them giggling. 

"Hi. C-Can we get a picture?" one of the girls stutter. She had strawberry blonde hair and thick glasses. Harry was a bit surprised that his security guards even let them through. He nodded and leaned down just as the girl pulled out her phone and opening the camera. Taylor took a picture with another one of the girls and then the other girl. Harry rotated around taking pictures with all of them. When they finished one of the girls smiled shyly. 

"Can we get a picture of you two?" Oh, that's why the guards let them through. Harry forced a smile and nodded. Taylor smiled widely and wrapped herself around Harry. She had her arms around his torso, and her head was leaning on his shoulder. She had her leg lifted up while Harry just wrapped his arm around her waist. The girls snapped a few pictures before thanking them and running off. Harry sighed loudly as he shrugged Taylor off. 

"Time to get you back to the hotel." Harry says and Taylor whines. 

"You can come to the hotel with me you know. For the tabloids..." she says a bit too seductively. Harry rolled his eyes.

"No. Sorry, love. I have to record some new songs." Harry lies smoothly. Taylor pouts, running her hand down his arm.

"Please?" She begs batting her lashes.

"I...can't. Listen, I don't like you that way." God Harry sounded like a five year old, "I'm gay. You're a very nice girl and I'm sure there's someone out there that will love you in a way that I can't."

"I know you say you're gay but maybe you just haven't met the right girl." She says and Harry huffs. She's not getting the point.

"No. I'm one hundred and twelve percent sure I'm gay." Harry replies but Taylor just doesn't stop.

"Oh come on. Come back to my hotel and I can show you a good time." Harry has had enough.

"No. That's final. Let's just get you home so I can wank to gay porn because I'm gay. G-A-Y." Taylor looked at him with a look of astonishment.

"You don't have to be rude about it." She mumbles as she hugs herself.

"Shit. Sorry. I'm just...I don't–."

"Yeah okay. Just get me back to the hotel." She says as she walks ahead of him. Fucking hell.


Harry was sitting around in his hotel. He was completely bored out of his mind. He ended up scrolling through Instagram stalking some of his fans accounts. He came across a big account with 26 thousand followers. Wow okay that's impressive. The user read 'lilshithes' and at first Harry thought it was a hate page but it was definitely a fan page.

Harry found out it was run by two people by the names of Eleanor Calder and Louis Tomlinson.

Harry was scrolling through the posts when he came across a selfie of the boy that ran the account. He had one square glasses and his hair was a mess but in a good way. He had small two day old facial hair and a huge grin.

Harry thought he was pretty good looking. He saw the picture was posted a few days ago. Harry saw the most recent post was a picture of Harry himself with the caption 'tag Harry please!!!' There were over fifty comments of Harry's Instagram.

He liked the picture and comments and likes rolled in almost instantly. Harry decided to comment as well.

'All the love xx - H'

He refreshed the page and saw that he had already posted a picture of himself with tears in his eyes.


Harry chuckled and exited the app, turning off his phone and getting ready for bed. He did after all, have a concert tomorrow.


El was still trying to calm Louis down. He was bright red, his hair sticking up in random directions from him pulling at it, and he had tear stained cheeks.

"Louis...Lou..." Eleanor says and Louis swats her away.

"He noticed me El, oh my God he noticed me. He knows I'm alive." Louis whispers and Eleanor rolls her eyes.

"If you can please quit acting like an idiot I'll give you your present." Louis instantly looks up at her with curious eyes.

"How the fuck do you expect me to calm down?" He replies and Eleanor rolls her eyes. She walks off only to return with a blank white envelope.

"Okay listen to me. Do you want your present?" She asks and Louis shrugs.

"Depends on what it is." He says.

"Oh you'll love this. I'm only scared that once I give it to you that you'll die in my arms and I'll have to hide your body so I don't get charged with murder." She says and Louis sighs.

"Okay okay. Give me a second to calm down." He says taking deep breaths. After a few minutes he looked a bit better. He wasn't as red and his tears were gone.

"Okay I'm calm." He says and then Eleanor walks over to him slowly. She hands him the envelope and Louis rips it open. He pulls out two tickets. To a Harry Styles concert.

And then he fainted.

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