
Louis looked at Eleanor with raised eyebrows.

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"Okay, Harry is here somewhere and I need to get a picture with him. It's my life goal. Manip's just don't cut it anymore." Eleanor explains and Louis laughs.

"Fooking hell." Louis jumps out of bed and scrambles to his suitcase. Eleanor is right behind him. She throws around her clothes searching for her nice jumper.

"It's too cold for shorts right?" she asks and Louis eyes her with a 'are you fucking serious look' before going back to his clothes. She huffs and changes quickly. She slips on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black coat. He slips on some boots and some random accessories and styles her hair.

"How do I look?"

"Gorgeous. As always." Louis mumbles barely glancing at her as he puts on one of his best pairs of jeggings. They made his ass look fabulous. He put on a plain black shirt and a black jacket with red plaid lining on the inside. He tied his Vans and grabbed his phone.

"Okay. Done. Let's go." Eleanor clapped her hands, grabbing her phone and basically running outside. Louis followed, just as giddy. They climbed into their crappy car and drove off, while Louis kept his eye on the update accounts.


Harry was walking down the walkways in London as two girls pulled up and asked for a picture. Harry nodded and put his arm around the smaller girl.

"How's your day?" She asks.

"Good. How's yours?" He asks and she blushes.

"Amazing. Now that I met you." She says as she takes a picture.

"Well I'm glad to have made your day better." Her friend giggles.

"Is it true you're with Taylor?" Her friend asks.

"Uh...yeah." Harry sighs a bit sadly. The girl gives him a small smile.

" know I'll support you with whatever you choose." She says and Harry thinks she can see through his lie.

He smiles and thanks her while taking a picture. They thank him about a thousand times before running off screaming.

Harry walked into a Starbucks and ordered himself a hot chocolate before heading out again and looking around. He was kinda bored. He should be rehearsing for his concert tomorrow but he already knew the procedure and everything by heart.

He noticed his guards a few feet away watching him carefully. He was about to ask them to take him back home to his hotel when he saw a boy and a girl slowly walking towards him.

He knew they were fans by the way they were looking at each other, whispering. Once they got closer, Harry thought he recognized them. Maybe he's met them before?

They were a few feet away and now he can see them shaking and on the verge of tears. He smiled at them and at girl gasped.

She reached him first, smiling widely.

"Hi. I-I'm Eleanor. I...can I get a picture with you? Me and my friend have been looking for you for ages." She says and Harry smiles.

"Of course, love." She shakily pulls out her phone and takes a selfie. The girl, Eleanor, was beautiful really. Long wavy brown hair, slim figure, big brown eyes.

He noticed the boy hasn't said anything. Harry turned to look at him and wow. The first thing he noticed were his eyes. So blue. His lips curled into a wide smile and Harry couldn't stop staring at his lips.

God, he probably looks like an idiot. Then the next thing he knew the boy had his arms wrapped around his waist, his face nuzzled into his neck.

Harry didn't wait to hug him back.

"Fuck, you're real..." The boy whispers and Harry chuckles.

"Of course I am. What's your name, love?"

"Louis." The boy says pulling away slowly, "You made our day the other day. You liked and commented on one of our pictures on Instagram."

That's where he knows them from.

"Oh!" Harry gasps and smiles, "I remember you! Louis Tomlinson! Eleanor Calder!"

Louis almost fainted when he said his full name. He remembered him? He actually remembered him? Louis wasn't anything memorable. At all.

He looked at Harry, really looked at him. His hair was long, a bit past his shoulders. His green eyes were dim. His plump lips were curled into a smile. God he wanted to kiss him.

But he's with Taylor...


Louis took a quick picture with him. A few seconds passed before he shivered.

"Are you cold?" He asks and Louis waves him off.

"I'm fine. Just windy." He says wrapping his arms around his torso.

"Nonsense. Here. Warm yourself up." He says handing Louis his hot chocolate.

Louis giggles as he puts his hands over Harry's. They stare at each other for a moment before Harry pulls away with an awkward chuckle.

Eleanor clears her throat. Louis looks at her questioningly.

"I can't take your hot chocolate." Louis mumbles. His fingers were warm already.

"Its quite alright. I can get another. Do you want one?" Harry looked at Eleanor, wanting an excuse to hang out with Louis a bit longer.

"I...can't ask for that." She says and Harry smiles.

"Oh, please, it's just hot chocolate. Come on. There's a Starbucks around the corner." He says guiding them down the block.

Louis and Eleanor follow, starstruck.

He's buying them coffee. Louis almost swooned.

"He's so sweet." Eleanor whispers, "Makes me rethink my sexuality." Louis has to laugh at that. But on the inside he's dying. The only thing running through his mind at the moment is harryharryharry.

Louis knew it was ridiculous but he felt a bigger connection with him than just being a fan. Harry walked ahead of them, never checking to see if they were following. They walked into a Starbucks and Harry went straight to the counter.

"Two hot chocolates please." He says and Louis could see the barista smiling at him. She pulled her shirt down, revealing unnecessary cleavage and leaned over the counter.

"Will that be all?" She asks, twirling a piece of her blonde hair.

Louis had to hold himself back from jumping over the counter and smacking that girl.

"Yes. That's all." He says, as if she wasnt trying to have eye fuck him. She huffs and types in the order. He gives her the money and stands beside Louis and Eleanor.

"She was totally hitting on you." Eleanor blurts and Harry glances at her.

"Was she?" He asks and the brunette nods.

"I didn't notice." Harry says before adding, while looking straight at Louis, "My mind was on someone else."

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I'm updating my other fanfic Drowning tomorrow. So if you haven't read it you should check it out :)

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