Hey guys, im sorry if this chapter is kinda crappy rn. Im sick and ill check it over again when im better but i kept you guys waiting for a long time already and i didnt want you to wait till my head is better so ya,
Nothing.. Not much happends in this chapter? Like one big things does but in the next more shizzle happends.
Warning: mentions of being sick and people throwing and all that stuff
After the great shopping trip of 2K17, things were pretty calm. Things went like they would go in a 'normal' family. Virgil got used to Patton's dad jokes and Logan's stoic behaviour. Virgil was convincedboth Patton and Logan were mind readers, they already seemed to know what he was thinking. yes, sure, in his file there were some things about what had happened in his live, but that didn't explain why Patton and Logan could read him so well already after so little time.
Virgi managed to handle his anxiety and sleeping problems Patton made wonderfull breakfast and Logan still refused to get out of bed early in the morning.
Virgil dreaded one thing. The d-word.
He didn't know if it would be appropiate to call Patton and Logan that. He had only been with them for a short period of time. (And what if Logan and Patton didn't want him to call them that)
All was sort of calm and peacefull for a week and a few days.
Untill Logan got sick.
It was early in the morning when Virgil heard someone running in the house. For a few seconds, he wss scared his door was going to fly open and he'd be in trouble, but then he remembered where he was.
Groaning, he sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes, he was not ready to be awake yet. It was early and he had gone to bed way too late last night.
Deciding that loud noises and sleeping didn't go together, he got out from under the covers and slipped on a pair of socks.
What looked like an ordinairy teenager on the outside, was a slightly panicking child on the inside. Loud noises were still bad, Virgil had learned that at a young age.
Pushing away bad thoughts and trying to convince himself that it was probably just Logan or Patton, Come on Virgil, He noticed the lights on in the adult's room.
Okay, so the noise had definaitly come from there, but now Virgil wasn't to sure about going in. Yes, both Patton and Logan had assured him that he would always be welcome in their room if he ever needed something, but the noises he heard earlier where concerning.
Maybe it was because he was tired, maybe because he was anxious anyway, but Virgil took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Patton opened the door with a tired look,
"hey kiddo, something wrong?"
"uh I, I'm fine" Virgil stammered, trying to decide what to say, "I uh, I heard noises?"
"did it wake you up?" Patton frowned, "I'm sorry, Logan is sick and had to, uh, run to the bathroom."
I am not sick," came a muffled voice, obviously Logan's, from the room, "I just had a case of morning nausea"
"Course honey, that's why you've got a fever" Patton called back before turning to Virgil, "he doesn't like being sick. Do you wanna come in kiddo? Or catch a few more hours of sleep?"
"I couldn't sleep anyway" Virgil mumbled and rubbed his neck, just now realizing he was only standing there in a t shirt and short training pants. He probably looked like a little kid that wanted to sneak into their parent's room in the middle of the night, even though it was almost 6. "so what kind of sick is Logan?"
"an annoying sick person, at first, he'll deny being sick and after he's got no other choice than admitting he's sick, he'll take full advantage of it" Patton chuckled, "but if you mean like, sort of sickness, it's probably just a bug"
"like I said Patton, I- Im no- "Logan stopped talking and sneezed one, two, the devil is trying to communicate, three times. It would be useless now to deny being sick, so he burried himself under the covers and complained,
"fine, I may be slightly sick but that also means no cuddles or anything else today because you'll catch it too and then probably Virgil and I've still got a lot of work to do. School may not start yet, but I've got to be prepa-''
''Logan, stop it!" Patton cut the rambling man of with a yell and Virgil froze.
No, yelling wasn't good, yelling meant someone was mad and when people are mad they aren't nice and not nice people did mean things and mean things hurt.
Patton seemed to have noticed his frozen state and frowned seemingly scolding himself mentally,
"I'm sorry kiddo, didn't mean to yell. Wanna come have a hug party with me and Lo?"
"Uh, yeah sure" Virgil answered, letting his shoulders relax, "won't Logan get us sick?"
"He won't" Patton smiled. "I'm sure we've both got a better imune system than him"
Ignoring the 'hey' from under the covers, he held out his hand for the youngest in the room.
Virgil was quick to take the hand and let himself be dragged to the bed and tucked under the blankets. Logan came out of his hiding place and wrapped his arms around the boy in a nice warm hug. He felt warm and content adn he slowly felt himself drift off to sleep once again.
"virge.. virge wake up kiddo"
dazed, Virgil slowly managed to open his eyes, regocnizing the voice as Patton's, because Patton was the only one who called him Virge.
"Hey kiddo"Patton smiled down at the sleepy child, "it's almost ten, breakfast is ready"
Virgil hummed and took notice of Logan across of him, the sick man still sleeping. Patton mentioned for him to be quiet and let him sleep. managing to get out of bed, the awake pair made their way to the kitchen where breakfast was waiting for them. They both ate in silence, not the awkward 'oh boi I should really come up with something to say this is so awkward what should I say' silence, but the nice comfortable non awkward silence. twas only after they finished eating that Patton spoke up,
"so whatcha wanna do today kiddo?"
"uuh, I don't really know"Virgil answered, how he hated being the one to decide what to do, "I mean if you want to spend time together that's cool, but you already spend a lot of time with me the last week and days and I don't want to bother or annoy you and all and you've probably need to do work adn Logan is sick and i could just scroll throu_"
"whoah Virge" Patton stopped Virgil's rambling. "first of all, I would always love to spend time with you kiddo, just ask.or say when everything's overwhelming, because I know Logan and I can be a little overwhelming sometimes. Now, you pick something to do today, wether it's doing something together, making sure Logan actually rests, or you playing on you phone on the couch or in your room or wherever you'd like to be on your phone, you pick."
"I uh, I" Virgil tried to find an answer. yeah, he actually did want to spend time with Patton (and with Logan, but Logan was sick and they couldn'f bother Logan) But he didn't know what to do. So he thought for a few more seconds and then rememberen Patton liked glitter and freckles and that he hadn't done his own make up yet, 'I, I could d-do you make-up? I mean, if you want to and all"
"that would be awesome" Patton grinned, trying to keep in the excited noises about glitter, because he knew virge didn't like loud noises, "lead the way"
Virgil awkwardly coughed and lead the way towards his bathroom, where he had his make up stored,
"So, uh, glitter?"
"All of the glitter" Patton answered, dead serious, "all of it. Everything you've got"
Virgil bit his lip and started working. While Patton started talking away, Virgil thought of what to do. It was a pain to get the right foundation colour for Patton, seeing as Virgil was much paler. After finishing that, he thought of something and grabbed his brown foundation ro eyeshadow, he wasn't sure what it was. After apllying mascara (which almost went horribly wrong), He grabbed the eyeshadow they had bought when they went shopping and that was that.
"So, uh it's not much and everything and I'm not an expert" Virgil announced, already feeling anxious (whatifpattonhatedit), "but tada"
Patton went to look in the mirror and gasped. Not two seconds later he strated rambling about how amazing it looked and that Virgil was freaking talented. When he looked for a second time, he noticed the little extra touch, "I Have freckles!? You gave me freckles? Aaah, it's amazing Virgil!"
"No, no problem" Virgil awkwardly smiled, not used to compliments, especially not about make up, "so, you like it?"
"I love it!" Patton gushed, "when we go out the house for something big you've got to do my make-up! Maybe even Logan's!" his eyes widened as he remembered his sick husband, "I haven't checked on Lo yet, he needs to eat something!
Virge, could you wake Lo up while I fix him something to eat?" when he got a nod in return he smiled another one of those bright smiles and went downstairs.
Virgil snuck into the parents bedroom and hesitated when he saw Logan still deep asleep. How were you supposed to wake somebody? Just shake them? Jump on them? No, Logan was sick. Tap on the shoulders? Tapping was annoying, nobody liked tapping.
so there he stood, wondering how to wake up an ill sleeping man.
"virgil?" A hoarse voice snapped him iut of his thoughts, "are you alright?"
Virgil quickly looked towards where the voice came from and saw Logan sitting in bed, rubbing his eyes, "I- I'm fine. I- I just d-pat-patton asked me to come get you for some food"
"That would be nice" Logan nodded and got out from under the covers. His face still looked pale and his forehead was sweaty, but that wasn't the thing that suprised Virgil.
"Is that.. Is that an unicorn onsie?"
"It is" Logan answered, not phased by the question as he began to make his way downstairs to the living room, the teenager following, "it was a gift from Patton''
"Didn't pick you as the onsie type'' Virgil mumbled taking it in. It wasn't that Logan looked ridicules, but he looked kind of ridicules.
"Trust me, he is the onsie type" Patton said as he entered the room with a plate with light food on it in his hands, "how're you feeling lo?"
"I'm alright Patton" Logan answered and accepted the food, sitting down on the couch, "my headache is good as gone and I think I'm good to eat something"
Pattom hummed and put his hand on the onsie wearing man's forehead, checking for the fever,
"Well, your fever has gone down, that's for sure"
Logan took Patton's hand from his forehead and dragged him onto the chouch, "I'm fine, love"
"Calling me love isn't going to stop me from treating you like a sick person because you're sick Logan" Patton reminded his husband, "I'm gonna get you a glass of water, stay" a quick kiss on the cheeck and gone he was.
"You know, I wonder how Patton would react to you being sick" Logan wondered out loud, getting an confused look from Virgil, "Patton.. Worries a lot when someone's sick."
"Yeah, I saw that" Virgil snickered, "do you, ofton call him Love to get out of trouble"
"It works like a magic spell"
They ended up just mostly 'chilling with the fam' (Patton's words, not theirs) for the rest of the day. Talking, scrolling through their phone (virgil) and watching a movie before going to bed.
Well Logan went to bed early, but Patton insisted on tucking Virgil in. Because it was a 'sick person in the hiuse tradition' or something like that.
"You know I'm a teenager right?" Virgil questioned. It wasn't that he didn't want Patton to tuck him into bed, it was just that nobody had ever dome that to him before, "you don't. You don't have to if you don't w-"
"Well, I do want to tuck you in" Patton stopped Virgil before he could continue. He did the thing with his eyes where he silently asked if it was okay to touch and qhen he got a nod he ruffled the younger's hair, "I like saying goodnight to all the family members"
Virgil made some sort of noise of agreement and felt a warm feeling in his chest
All of the family
So maybe it was time to end his mental dillema,
"N-night dad, say g'night to dad for me"
"Night son" Patton kissed his son's forehead gently, a happy spark in his eyes, "love you?"
All of the family
"Love you too"
Like I said, I'll edit it all when I'm feeling beter.
So the dad thing happened! Patton is dad now!
.....and Logan is too....
Anyone have an idea on what to call Lo cuz this is gonna get confusing real quick.
Slight bonus:
Patton barely contained an screech as he ran to his room and jumped on top of Logan, effectifly waking him up,
"Logan! Logan!"
"Oh, for chri- what?" Logan almost hissed, not happy to be woken up when he was sleeping of the remaining sickness, what is so importamt that you had to wake me?"
"Virgil called me dad. And you too." Patton answered, his eyes shining with a happy spark, "he called both of us dad. And when I said love you he said too and I'm really Happy Lo!!"
"That's. That's amazing" Logan said, a smile now on his face as well, "Patton that's great!"
"I know!" Patton wisper-yelled and tackled his lover down in a hug, "now get some sleep, yiu're still sick!"
"You're the one that woke me up"
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