~ 4 ~
Before I start the chapter,
Y'all should check out cartoonsarelife 's book called, unfamilair,
It is awesome and they need to know that so go check it out! Like for real, it's awesome.
Also, I had no idea how hard it was to just write their names, like I wanna write down Morality, but it's patton gosh darn it.
It's way too late, well early for this, I can't think properly, my eyes have given up. My imaginary voices in my head refuse to come with good ideas and let me write this.
Long story short: I need to go to bed. Fast. Send help.
This chpater will be freaking short.
Because, in the next video, we'll most likely find out Anx's name (well, at keast I really hope so)
And it'll take some time to edit everything, so I wanted to post this already, so have a little something to read ans look forward to.
Aight, let's go, time for fluff
Also, imagine Logan as a -absolutly not a morning person-
Both Logan and Patton held Virgil untill he fell asleep.
When the boy finally did fell asleep, they both stayed, their limps tangled. Virgil was clinging to both of their arms and it was just a mess of legs.
"He looks so cute when he sleeps" Patton wispered, not wanting to wake up the younger, "and peacefull"
"Agreed" Logan wispered back, "Much better than before"
"He was so scared" Patton frowned and slightly re-adjusted his pose, so that his arm wouldn't fall asleep, "do you think he'll feel better tomorrow?"
"After that, he'll probably be tired, maybe he'll want to be alone" Logan answered, "he'll be okay Patton"
"Yeah" Patton muttered, "I hope so"
They sat in silence for the next few minutes, untill Virgil started to fuss and move around in his sleep.
"Shhh, easy" Patton mumbled and Logan stroked his hair, seeing as he was the only one who could move his arm, "it's alright"
After a few moments, Virgil calmed down again and went back to a (hopefull) peacefull sleep.
"Hey, lo?" Patton asked, "do we still have our disney collection?"
"I believe so" Logan answered after thinking about it, "I think it's in the garage, in a box. Why do you ask?"
"We're having a disney day tomorrow"
-+-+-+- To the next morning-+-+-
When Virgil woke up, he noticed that he was lying on something soft and warm, something comfortable.
Which was strange, because the beds in the group house were pretty uncomfortable.
Right now, he felt warm, safe, he liked it.
Wait, was his pillow moving?
He carefully opened his eyes and noticed that the word was blurred black and blue.
After blinking a few times to clear his vision, he remembered. He wasn't in the house anymore, he was in a new home, with Logan and Patton.
But why were they- that's why, he freaked out when yesterday.
Oh god, he freaked out in front them, didn't he?
Right in the beginning, he screwed up and let them believe he was some weak child who needed someone to protect him.
Virgil sighed and decided that it was time to get up, trying to go back to sleep wouldn't work and overthinking everything wasn't the smartest move right now. When he first moved a bit he winced from the sitffness and pain in his muscels and noticed that he was still tired.
Wiggling around, he tried to free himself from the arms and legs, when another body tensed.
Virgil closed his eyes and held his breath, praying to whoever that he didn't just wake someone up. Not onky was it rude, but also really awkward.
"Vir-Virgil?" Patton yawned, slowly opening his eyes.
Virgil cursed in his head, remembering to pray to a specific someone next time, for better results
"Good morning" Patton mumbled, rubbing his eyes and ears. It looked like he slept with his glasses on, yikes.
"M-orning" Virgil muttered back and once again tried to get out of the pile of limbs, but something was holding his arm down.
"Wait one second" Patton said when he noticed the younger's struggling. He turned the best he could and started to shake Logan,
"Logan? Lo? Lo, honey, I need you to wake up"
Some grumbling was heard and Virgil was pretty sure he heard the gay say, 'no, not yet'.
Patton giggled and shook his husband a little bit harder, "Looooo, come on, we're stuck, you need to move"
"I'm awake" Logan sleepily mumbled, his hear was a mess "stop shaking me, I'm up"
After they succesfully untangled theirselves, Logan turned to Virgil,
"Are you feeling better?"
"I.. Uh yeah" Virgil answered, rubbing the back of his neck, "thanks"
"Aw, no problem kiddo" Patton held out his arms for a hug, but when Virgil flinched back he let them down again,
"It's alright, like we said, no one's ever hurting you again"
Not knowing what to say, Virgil just slightly nodded and looked back at the floor, refusing to look at them.
He couldn't do this, not right now.
"It's okay" Logan mumbled and laid back down on the bed, turning over a bit. He was still so tired.
"Awww, Logan, you can't sleep" Patton pouted, "Imma make breakfast"
"I'm going to make" Logan turned again and sat up, "you're worse than some of the students"
Patton rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, complaining how it was summer, not the time for school.
"So, you're n-not a mornin-g person?" Virgil guessed, trying his best to avoid an awkward silence.
"My brain needs a few minutes to wake up and than stay awake as long as possible" Logan explained, as he yawned, " as oppisite of me, Patton is not an evening person, he'll fall asleep watching a movie"
"Huh" Virgil nodded. Alright, the was the silence. What was he supposed to do now, share information about himself? He could do that,
"I prefer being awake at night, I'm not really one for sleeping"
"Well, there are methods you could try if it starts to bother you" Logan said, while he adjusted his glasses. He too had red stripes on his face where the glasses had been pushed on,
"Why don't you go downstairs and see if can help Patton with anything? I'm going to change into something more comfortable"
Virgil nodded and quickly left the room, going down the stairs quicker than normal.
"Hey, P-patton?" Virgil entered the kitchen, cursing the stutter, he had talked just fine yesterday, why wouldn't it go away now?
"do you need any help?"
"Sure kiddo!" Patton said, flipping the pancacke he was making and waved for Virgil to come over, "if you could watch this for a few seconds, I'll set the table"
Oh god. This was even worse than an awkward silence. Virgil couldn't cook, last time he tried cooking eggs, he burned up the water. How the heck was he supposed to make pancakes?
"Okay, just... Just make sure it doesn't burn?" Virgil mumbled to himself and took a hold of the pan, moving the pancacke slightly, "see, this isn't so ba- HOLY DISNEY!"
It was on fire. The pancacke was on fire! Fire! Abort missions! Fire in the house! Pancacke! Fire!
Virgil didn't notice how close he was standing to the flames untill someone pushed him back and put a special fire stopping blanket over the fire.
"Are you okay?" Patton asked, checking over Virgil, who was frozen in his spot.
"What happened?" Logan walked in wearing a new shirt and tie.
Patton made a movement with his hand, signaling his husband that'll he would tell later and than went back to fussing over Virgil,
"Kiddo, seriously, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Did you burn yourself?"
"I... I s-sorry!" Virgil snapped out of his frozen state, "I didn't mean to! The pand just chaught fire and I don't know howIdidthatandthepancackewasburningand-"
"Virgil, calm down, don't panic" Logan cut off Virgil's rambling, "it's fine, accidents happen."
"Don't worry kiddo" Patton gave a patton the boy's shoulder, relieved everthing was okay. Grinning he came closer and wispered, "This is why I cook, the same thing happened to Logan a few times"
"It did?" Virgil asked with wide eyes, looking up to Patton with question.
"Yup, he nearly burned down the kitchen" Patton answered and turned to Logan, "huh, sweetie?"
"One time. It happened one time" Logan rolled his eyes, "I believe you had other pancackes?"
"Oh yes" Patton said and took them to the food, fire quickly forgotten.
After breakfast, they moved to the living room. Before Logan excused himself and left to the garage to find the disney collection, leaving Patton and Virgil alone.
"So, where did Logan go?" Virgil asked after five minutes.
"Can't say, it's a suprise!" Patton answered, realising that they would need popcorn for the movies, "be right back!"
" where are y-Aaaaand, I'm alone" Virgil muttered, crossing his legs, "this could turn into a horror movie for all I know, would I die first?"
"Negative, It'll most likely be Patton, he talks a lot" Logan said while entering the room, making Virgil jump slightly, "in most horror movies, the chatterbox dies first"
"Hey! I don't talk a lot!" Patton also entered the room, a huge bowl of popcorn in his hands, "you got the stuff?"
"What's this all about?" Virgil questioned, frowning. It wasn't that he didn't like suprises, he just didn't really like suprises.
Patton opened the box Logan was holding and grabbed the first movie, which happened to be tangled,
Take it easy my fellow nerd unicorns,
Peace out!
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