~ 3 ~
Big thanks to SakuraHayasaki they commented the ideas for dinner. Go read their comment on the noodle flipping, best explanation on how you accidently flip a noodle XD
(It really is amazing)
They also really really helped me out so frigging writing this, thank you so much (again)
Also, thanks to all of you who helped when I asked how to do angst on the one shot book.
(I dunno what I'm doing)
I shall now be trying to write angst, bear with me.
TW: mentions of blood, crying, flashbacks to abuse, swearing,
If I need to mention anything else up here, please let me know.
I apologise if I got the reactions wrong, I am no expert on this.
Making sure he closed the bathroom door, Virgil made his way down stairs, taking a deep breath before entering the room.
"Hey kiddo" Patton greeted him and gestured towards the table, were the food was standing ready, "take a seat, Logan'll be here in a minute"
Virgil fidgeted with his sleeves as he took a seat at the table. He could do this, he had done it before today, he could do it again.
He let his eyes wander around the room, trying to destract himself and noticed something with Patton.
"You, you were serious about the team puppie t-shirts?" Virgil asked, staring at Patton's t-shirt.
He didn't mean to be rude, but instead of the plain blue t-shirt, he was now wearing a darker blue t-shirts with the words 'team puppies' and a pictue of a puppie.
"Yup" Patton said, "Logan has one too"
"Incorrect, mine says 'team space' and has stars" Logan said while walking into the room.
He indeed was wearing a dark t-shirt with stars and 'team space', no necktie this time.
"I can't believe you actually have those" Virgil stared at them,
"I don't think I know any other adults that have an ongoing argument about space and puppies and made t-shirts about it"
"Well, they do say gay people are more over the the top" Patton sat down on the chair at the head of the table, Logan sitting down next to him, across Virgil.
"No, I think that it is the fact that you get very excited about puppies" Logan commented, "or any other baby animal. I don't think anyone else makes t-shirts"
"But the t-shirts are cool!" Patton protested and put some noodles and sauce on his plate, doing the same for Virgil, "and you can't say otherwise because you are wearing yours right now"
"I suppose" Logan shrugged and took a bite, "it tastes really nice Patton"
"Thanks hun" Patton said and started to eat as well, making the room go quiet. The only sound that was heard was the scratching of forks and knives on plates.
Virgil was carefully watching the two grown ups in the room as pushed around the food on his plate, he wasn't hungry.
It wasn't that he didn't like the food, I mean, who doesn't like spaghetti or any kind of pasta, but he just wasn't hungry.
He was exhausted from today, so many new things had happned.
He put his fork on the end of a noodle and started to twirl it, making it so that the noodle went around the fork.
Seeing this, Virgil thought about how it would look like a helicopter if he held it upside down.
So why not try it?
He turned the fork around and started to spin, making the noodle go round and it indeed did look like a helicopter.
Staticefied with himself, he grinned and carefully started to spin it faster, making it look even better in his opinion.
Ufortunatly, he didn't notice that he went too fast, the noodle flipped off the fork.
Logan's relaxed looked turned into when of suprise and Virgil's into one of pure horror when the noodle landed directly on Logan's face.
"I- I, I'm, I'm sorry!" Virgil squeaked, fear started to take over his mind, "I-I d-idn't me-mean to!"
He screwed up. Oh gosh he screwed up, he threw a frigging noodle at the guy.
"I di-didn't mean to" Virgil stuttered out.
Logan took of his glasses and removed the noodle from his face. He looked like he was about to say something, but was interrupted by Patton, yelling
"patton NO!" Logan cried out, but it was too late. A spoon full of sauce was flicked his way and his faced turned a red orange color,
Virgil grinned before he himself was hit with noodles,
He looked to his right and saw Patton sitting there, looking a bit too happy with himself.
Virgil picked up some noodles and chucked them at Patton, smirking when they clinged to the guy's glasses.
"No fair" Patton whined and took of his glasses to clean them, "I'm blind without these"
"You should have thought about that before you started throwing food around" Logan commented and for good meassure he threw a noodle at Patton, laughing when the other whined and threw food back,
"Why did I ever marry you, you dork?"
"Because I'm your dork and you love me" Patton said, "besides, you're the real nerd here"
Virgil snorted as the two started to bicker about who the real nerd or dork was.
His stomach grumbled softly, he was hungry now. He reached out to take some noodles, seeing as the ones he had before were lying on the ground.
He didn't notice that his glass was standing on the edge already and that his elbow was dangerously close to it.
He didn't notice before it was too late and a loud,
Chrlash, sounded.
Virgil froze when he realised what he did.
Patton and Logan stopped talking at the sudden noise and looked over to see the shattered glass on the floor.
"I, I-I'm s-sorry!" Virgil managed to splutter out, "it was an accident!"
His breathing was sharp and started to get uneven. He kept stuttering out apolgies. He fudged up. He fudged up big time.
"Hey Virgil?" Patton tried to get the distressed boy's attention, "it's okay"
While Patton got up and tried to calm Virgil down, Logan kneeled down to collect the shards.
He wasn't carefull enough with one and a small cut appeared on the palm of his hand, "ow"
Virgil's eyes widened as he realised what happened, looking at the blood coming from Logan's hand. Oh god no.
"I', I'm s-ssorry, p-pleas, s-sorry"
"Virgil?" Patton tried, "Are you okay?" he reached out to touch the younger's shoulder, trying to comfort him.
Virgil violently flinched away from the touch. He stuttered out another apology before bolting out of the room, up the stairs.
Once he got to the door of his room, he couldn't get inside fast enough.
Virgil tried to control his ragged breathing as he closed the door shut and managed to sit on his bed.
He did it again, He fudged up.
He did it again. He didn't mean for it to happen.
He didn't want to get punished.
He didn't want the constant yelling, screaming, and breaking of glass in the kitchen,
The pain.
When his father would hit him, it was because he did something stupid.
Now he did the same thing again, he broke a dam glass, gosh, why was he so stupid.
They probably hated him now, he broke something of them.
Logan had to be mad. He had to be. Virgil saw the look on his face. It was his fault Logan cut his hand, he dropped the glass.
The tears that he had managed to hold back so far, somehow, were now streaming down his face, ugly noises escaped from his mouth.
His nails dug into the palms of his hands,
He couldn't breath. He couldn't breath
He remembered what happend last time, he didn't want to remember.
He didn't want it to happen again
~ Flashback~
Virgil was sitting at the table trying to eat his diner as fast as possible, so that he could go away again.
His dad was sitting accross him, reading today's newspaper.
Virgil reached out for his drink, but his hand had other plans. Instead of taking a hold of the glass, his hand missed and pushed the glass off the table.
His dad looked up, immideatly noticing the damage and stood up.
"I'm sorry" Virgil tried to apologise.
His hand flew up to his now stinging cheek and Virgil looked down at the floor.
"Clean up your mess" His father growled, "now" with that he left the room.
Virgil nodded and kneeled down to pick up the shards, fearing his father might do worse if he didn't.
Being very carefull, he picked up the big shards first, trying not to cut himself on accident in the progress.
Appearently, being carefull was too slow.
"WHY ARE YOU SO DAM SLOW YOU WASTE OF SPACE" His father screamed ad he entered the room again.
Virgil shrieked and tried to pick up the pieces faster, getting a few small cuts on his hands in the progress.
Still not fast enough.
The adult in the room growled and walked over, fed up with his son.
He pulled up his food and stepped on the younger's hand,
Not hard enough to break it, but hard enough to let the glass make it bleed harder.
"Look what you've done now, blood on the floor" The man spat out, "clean up your mess and get out of my sight, or else"
Shaking in fear and pain, Virgil cleaned everything fast and ran to his room.
There he did his best to take care of the wounds, but some would scare for sure.
He didn't sleep that night, scared his dad decided that he would need more punishment.
~ End flashback ~
Virgil managed to take a sharp gulp of oxygen, he couldn't pass out.
His dad was going to hurt him again, he was sure of it.
He heard the door creak as it opened slowly, a tall person stepping into the room.
His dad, he was sure of it. He was going to hurt him.
His dad walked over and raised his hands, saying something Virgil couldn't understand.
"P-please" Virgil whimpered, "don't, d-dad, please do-on't h-urt me"
He sobbed and tried to make himself smaller than he already was.
His dad said something and raised his hands,
"See, I'm not going to touch you"
Virgil shook his head and clenched his eyes close. He had learned early on that people didn't have to touch you to hurt you.
His father didn't always use violence to hurt him. Bawling at him, backing him into the corner until he was whimpering and crying, his father would just laugh at Virgil and walk away, satisfied by his distress.
He closed his eyes and put his hand over his head, protecting hit if nessarcerly.
He heard voices, people talking about something.
Why where there more people? Was he going crazy?
A hand on Virgil's shoulder made his eyes snap open again.
-+-+- Let's go back to when Virgil ran to his room-+-+-+-
Patton stared confused at the door where Virgil just ran out of. He didn't get it. The young boy had looked so scared, terrified that someone would hit him.
The new parent snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his husband hiss in pain by the sink.
"You okay Lo?" Patton questioned, walking over,"lemme see your hand"
"I'm alright Patton" Logan answered, throwing away the last piece of glass, he'd have to check the floor later, "Virgil didn't look alright"
"He looked so scared" Patton frowned at Logan's hand, "at least your hand's fine, just a small cut"
"I know" Logan pulled Patton into a hug, "it's okay, love. Everything will be fine"
Patton sighed in content for a moment. Logan may not be the best with emotions, but he always knew when Patton needed a hug,
"Do you think we should give Virgil a minute or go see him now?"
"I think it might be good to go see him, assure him everything is fine, else he might overthink it" Logan answered and took a hold of Patton's hand, pulling him along.
Once they got to the room, they could hear crying and soft mumbling inside.
"Virgil?" Patton knocked on the door, "is it alright if I come in kiddo?"
No response.
"Virgil, I'm coming in kiddo" Patton opened the door, his heart breaking at the sight of the boy curled up on his bed,
When Virgil didn't response again, Logan pushed Patton slightly forward,
"I'll wait here by the door untill he is calmer, I don't think he can handle two people right now"
Patton nodded and took a deep breath, determination on his face.
He slowly walked over to the bed, making sure to not make himself look like a threat.
Virgil whimpered and flinched further away when Patton took another step forward, "p-please, don't, d-dad please do-on't h-urt me"
His cheeks were stained with tears and his eyes looked clouded, like he was not fully there, like he was somewhere else.
In some dark place in his mind, stuck in a bad memory.
"Virgil, it's okay, I won't hurt you" Patton tried, raising his hands into the air slowly, so that the fearful boy could see he wasn't going to do anything. He seemed calmed on the inside he furious. How dared someone to somthing to a child to make them afraid like this?
"See, I'm not going to touch you"
Virgil didn't say anything, but shook his head and curled up on himself, putting his hands over his head.
Patton thought deep and remembered Logan telling him about how touch and words could calm people down the most.
He took yet another step forward and placed his hand on Virgil's shoulder, who flinched, but his eyes did snap open, looking clearer than before.
"Virgil, you with me son?" Patton wispered after a few seconds, putting his other hand on the boy's shoulder as well, "kiddo?"
"Y-ye" Virgil tried to respond, but the words wouldn't leave his mouth,"Y-y-eah I-I'm s-sorry"
"Easy there" Patton shushed him, "you have nothing to be sorry for, I just want you to breath, okay? Can you do that for me? Breath with me okay?"
"I-y-eah" Virgill nodded and focused on Patton's breathing.
Breath in, breath out, repeat.
He calmed down slowly and his sobs turned into hiccups and his breathing got more even. It was better, but he was still shaking like a leaf.
"Kiddo, is it okay if Logan come over here?" Patton asked, "he's really worried as well"
"O-hiccup-Okay" Virgil answered, he hadn't meant to worry them.
Patton turned towards Logan and waved for him to come over.
Logan breathed in relief and slowly walked over, not wanting to frighten his new son again.
"Hi there" He said and kneeled down next to his husband, "are you feeling better?"
Virgil mutely nodded, not wanting to dissapoint.
"Can I hug you?" Pattons suddenly asked, looking at Virgil with puppy eyes, "please?"
Virgil stared at the man like he just suggested something dangerous and weird, he wasn't really used to loving affection.
After running all of the possiblities through his head, he slowly nodded, even so, he still flinched when Patton took him into his arms, Logan quickly following his husband's example.
"You're amazing Virgil, you did great" Logan said, trying to sound comforting, "you're very brave"
"I want you to know that no one is ever going to hurt you again" Patton joined in.
"P-promise?" Virgil asked, letting his insecurities shine through for a moment.
Two voices answered him,
So yeah, I said this would be updated yesterday, that was the plan.
I was about to publish it when I noticed that instead of Patton Logan and Angel, I wrote Morality Logic and Anxiety.
I took really long to change all of that, I'm sorry.
So, this was my attempt at sort of angst!
It went kinda well I think??
Now time for all ze fluff next chapter :}
Till the next time my fellow nerd unicorns
Peace out!
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