~ 2 ~
Some of you might notice that part of the one shot I made about this is in this chapter, but is edited, so yeah
The car drive was long and hot. After and hour Virgil decided that in order to keep himself from complaining, he'd listen to some music.
He was halfway through his My Chemical Romance playlist, they stopped in front of a house.
"Virgil, we're here"
Virgil sighed as Sofie, opened the car door for him. After a long car ride of almost four hours, they had arrived at the place he'd be staying.
He took of his headphones, grabbed his bag and sighed, follwing Sofie to the door.
"Cheer up Virge" Sofie said and put her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
Virgil couldn't help but flinch, he didn't like being touched, by anyone. Sofie wouldn't hurt him, he knew that, but still.
Sofie noticed and retreated her hand, apologising,
"Don't worry, these people are a lovely couple, that won't even think about saying anything to harm you, you'll love them and they'll love you. I mean that's what the questions were for"
"Mmmh" Virgil hummed and gave her the best smile he could manage, "sure, those questions were helpfull"
Sofie rang the doorbell, checked her watch and mumbled something about being late.
A man opened the door, looking to happy for Virgil's taste.
The guy was pretty tall and had brown eyes and hair, glasses on his nose. He wore a bright blue t-shirt, with a cardigan wrapped around his shoulders.
"Hi there! You two must be Sofie and Virgil! I'm Patton" Patton greeted them, "Welcome, come in!"
"I wish I could mister Sanders, but I really must go" Sofie said, ignoring the 'awww'. She turned to Virgil and gave him a reassuring smile,
"Be good, I'll be back to check on ya in a month"
"Do you really need to go already?" Virgil asked, his voice low.
It was no secret that Virgil had trust issues, but after spending a month with Sofie, who was a kind and patient woman, he had started to trust her. Sofie had humor and said what was in her mind, when others wouldn't
She was safe and took care of him when his father-
Never mind that,
It just was that Virgil didn't really want to be left alone with someone he just met, no matter hiw nice they seemed
"You'll be alright champ" Sofie winked and turned back to Patton, handing him and big envelope, "this is everything you'll need, have a nice day"
With that she gave them one last smile and went back to her car.
After Sofie's car had disappeared from sight, Patton clapped his hands together awkwardly, startling Virgil.
"Sorry!" Patton quickly aplogised, "why don't ya come in? I can show you your room and we can eat something, I made cookies"
Virgil nodded and followed Patton into the house and up the stairs.
The stopped before a black door, which Patton opened with a soft,
Virgil stepped into the room and looked around, amazed by the colors.
No, not bright pink or any bright colors,
But dark gray and space colors, in fact his ceiling ans bed were covered in stars.
The only really outstanding thing was the giant plushen puppy on the pillow.
"It's, really nice" Virgil said, a small smile making its way onto his face, "thanks"
"Oh thank goodness, kiddo" Patton breathed out in relief, "there's a bathroom if you go throught that door. we weren't sure if you'd like it, Logan and I thought that Space might be a good idea, but if you want to change anything about it feel free to do so, or if you need a book closet, just ask"
"No, it's great" Virgil said, putting his bag on the bed, he would unpack later, "space is great"
"I guess you could say this room is, out of this world" Patton wiggled his eyesbrows and let out a laugh, "speaking of, Logan should be home any time now"
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
From downstairs was the sound of a door opening and closing and a, "I'm home!" sounded.
"I'm telling ya, he does that on purpose" Patton said, leading Virgil back to downstairs, into the kitchen, where another man, probably Logan, was making himself a drink.
"Hey honey" Patton said and kissed the other on the cheeck, "you're late, Virgil's here, go intoduce yourself to him"
The man turned around and looked at Virgil, sticking out his hand he did as he was told,
"Greetings, my name is Logan, nice to meet you"
Hesitantly, Virgil shook Logans hand and gathered enough courage to quickly mutter out an 'hi'
"Has Patton showed you you room yet?" Logan asked, looking back at his husband, who nodded, "is it to you likings?"
"Yeah" Virgil said, rubbing his umder arms, he didn't like the attention, "it's nice"
"Great" Logan said and turned back to Patton, who handed him his drink, "I told you, everyone likes space"
"Yeah" Patton pouted, "but everyone likes puppies too"
"Space is still better" Logan, smirked? Yeah it definetly was a smirk, "there for, I was right"
"No, no you weren't" Patton said, while grabbing the cookies and putting then down on the table. He turned to Virgil and saw him standing there awkwardly, like a lost puppie, "go ahead, take a seat and grab some cookies"
"So, uh" Virgil tried to ask while sitting down, Sofie had told him that talking was good, "why are you arguing about space and puppies?"
"Logan thinks space is better than puppies" Patton said, sitting doen next to him, "It's totally not"
Ah, that would explain the giant puppy on the pillow.
"Space can be used for science without harming it and it gives us information about many things" Logan pointed out while sitting down as well, "puppies do not"
"You can't cuddle with space" Virgil said it before he even realised it. He imeaditely wished he hadn't at the the look he recieved,
His mouth had said it with out the permission of his brian, a nasty habit of his. Virgil always tried to think before he said something, but half of the time he already said something on instinct before he even realsied it,
"Ha!" Patton saved the day by throwing his hands up in the air, "I win! Two against one! Virgil is on team puppies now!"
"Team puppies?" Virgil questioned, fighting down the instinct to just run from the room and avoid any other social stuff, "that's.. Great"
"We have t-shirts" Patton said and Virgil couldn't tell wether he was joking or not, "I'll get you one" he handed Virgil a cookie while he took a second one himself.
While Virgil nibbled on his cookie, he listened to the other two in the room talk.
Appearantly, Logan was a math and english teacher at some collage, not so far away from the house.
Patton appeared to be a writer and a baker in the weekends, though that was more of a hobbie, if Virgil heard right.
Logan told about his day to Patton, who made a pun about it.
Patton was probably one of those people who lived for dad jokes.
After just listening for about ten minutes, like the little silent ninja he could be, he zoned out, thinking about really nothing.
He was snapped out of his daze, by someone calling out his name.
"-u Virgil?"
"Huh?" Virgil looked up, wondering what he had been asked. Logan was looking at him and so was Patton and god he fudged up. Why wasn't he listening? He should have listened.
"You okay, kiddo?" Patton asked, seeming to notice Virgil's panic.
"Yeah" Virgil breathed out and fidgeted with the sleeves of his hoodie, something that calmed him down, "w-what was the q-question?"
"Which school are you going to?" Logan repeated himself, "it's still four weeks away, but we're curious"
"Oh, I uh" Virgil frowned at himself, it was stupid that he didn't know the answer, "I don't really know, Sofie took care of that"
"Alright" Logan nodded.
"I- I think I'm going to unpack" Virgil announced and stood up, "i-if th-that's okay?"
He needed to get out of the room, do something that calmed him down. Not be social.
"Alright kiddo" Patton said, "I'll call ya when dinner is ready"
Virgil nodded and went to his room, already thinking about where he'd put his stuff, avoiding any other thoughts.
He put back on his headphones and started to play 'Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued'
Once in his room, he quickly opened his bag and first got out his clothes, putting them in the closet.
Digging in deeper, he found his thooth brush and make up bag.
Yes, he didn't have a hairbrush, but he did have a make up bag, because screw hair, as long as the face looked pretty
(Or just to cover up his bags under the eyes on lazy days)
He wasn't sure how Patton and Logan would react to him wearing make up. They were gay, sure, but gay people weren't always holy people who accepted everything.
Walking into the bathroom, he placed his stuff carefully, not wanted to break any of his precious make up.
After half an hour of placing it different ways, his phone ran out of battery life and Virgil quickly put it on the charger.
"Dinner is ready kiddo!" Patton called from down stairs, "so, You better spa'ghetti' down here!"
"Just because you made spaghetti, does not give you the right to make puns about it" he heard Logan say, "it wasn't even funny, stop laughing"
Virgil laughed at what Patton said next, in the most offended tone ever,
"Yes it was!"
Stopping here for now, becausez homework.
So, dinner is up next,
Any suggestions?
Because I have no idea.
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