Chapter 2: Sinister Whispers

3 years ago.....

He didn't like it.

He didn't like that he was all alone. He didn't like the state the world was in right now.

He didn't like how everything that was happening was his fault.

And not just the things he caused when he was only a kid. But all of the chaos in the Merged Realms was all his fault.

The Merge Quakes were back and destroying the world because of him.

If he hadn't chosen to save that Source Dragon, then maybe they would have a chance. Maybe they would have a chance to be a family once again. But they couldn't. Because he just had to sacrifice the Dragon Cores, and now everything was doomed.

Or it would be if he didn't do what he was thinking of doing.

He told himself what he was thinking was crazy. Insane! He needed his life....Right?

"No."He shook his head as he stared at the bright chaos, taking more lives in only a blink of an eye.

He won't let everyone die because of his mistakes. Even if it means that he has to die, then so be it. His friends deserve to live, they deserve to have a happy ending. They didn't cause this. He did. He didn't deserve a happy ending. He deserved just an ending.

And he was going to get that ending right now.....

Or was he?

He closed his eyes and leaned his face against the window as he heard the chaos ringing through his ears.

"That's just the way the cookie crumbles."


She sacrificed herself for not only Jay, but for all of Ninjago. How long ago was that? 5 or 6 years? He wondered if she was scared moments before she merged with the sea...Like how he is right now debating whether he should sacrifice himself or run away.

Run away. As if.

Where would he even run away to? The Merge Quakes would take him like it did to the rest of his friends, he would have to face them and say to them:"I'm sorry, I failed you guys."

God, how horrible that would be.

No, he won't run away. He's done running away. He ran away when he was a kid, and where did that get him? More messes than he could count or handle. He can't afford anymore mistakes, he needs to fix things. Make them better.

He opens his eyes, and slowly drifts away from the window, still not breaking contact.

He's stalling. He realizes it, and hates himself for it. But wouldn't you too be stalling when you are about to give up your life? Even if it is for the greater good?

He shakes his head once more. Stop. Stop it! Your friends would sacrifice themselves in a second flat! They already have! So why don't you do the same?

Because he's scared.

Why though puzzles him, he isn't afraid of death. He knows where he will probably go. He won't disappear from the universe. He will meet his ancestors and his friends will soon join him when the time is right.

Then why is he scared?

Because him dying meant that he had to leave them. That he will never come back. That he won't see them for what? Another 60 years? That would be too much. Way too much.

But what choice did he have? Did he have any choice? Why couldn't the realms give him a break?

"Because you are the damn chosen one."He mumbled. His eyes then darted toward the door. Once he leaves that door, his mind will be made up. He bites his bottom lip. His eyes then slowly trace back to the window, hearing screams as the Merge Quakes took them away who knows where.

Everyone was going to die if he didn't do this ... .If he doesn't die, then everyone will.

What's worse?

Him dying? Or the whole world?

He then inhaled a deep breath. The whole world. The whole world is way worse than his death. He's made up his mind. And Lloyd Garmadon is stubborn as he is human. So, there was no going back.

Lloyd slowly made his way on the top of the building, seeing all sorts of chaos unfold right in front of him. It was as if it was mocking him in some strange mysterious way.

Lloyd closed his watery eyes as he thought about what he was going to do. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want any of this! What he wanted in the whole world was his friends to pop out of nowhere and run over to him to comfort him and just say:

"We are here. We aren't going anywhere. You aren't going anywhere. We are going to go home. Everything is going to be alright. We promise."

It was a silly thing really. Because he knew, they knew, everybody knew that couldn't and wouldn't happen. He would never go home. This was the beginning of his end.

He opened his eyes, causing tears to roll down his cheeks. He didn't want to go. He needed his friends. He needed home."Get a grip."He whispered to himself in a shaky voice. He needed to be brave. Besides, his friends would be just fine without him. His students would be better without him. He had taught them all he knew, he had seen them form into the next greatest ninjas the Merged Realms will ever see. He saw them take every little step, and with each step, the prouder he became. Was this how Wu felt with them? It was so amazing. But just like Wu said, there comes a time when all masters face the fact that their students no longer need them. And after this, his students would no longer need him. His duties would finally be over. And he could finally rest in peace.



"I love you guys so much. Thank you for everything. I couldn't have made it this far without you. I hope one day you can all forgive me."He whispered as he stared at the chaotic sky.

Yes. This was a perfect ending for him. Perfect.


The green sprit watched carelessly at the people in the monastery, not knowing what would come. He secretly smiled. He knew he shouldn't have come back here, it would just bring up unpleasant feelings. But he was starting to get worried about his family. He thought they would fall apart....But they had each other to lift everyone up...But alas.....They were still broken. They were a long ways a way from being healed. Maybe they never would be....But that is the cycle of life. He press his hands on the door, opening it only a bit. He then carefully walked through it, despite this, no one noticed his presence....That's because he did not want to be seen, he knew if he was they would all run to him and beg him to stay.

He really didn't need that.

Because he knew....He would say yes.

But that is not how the world works. He couldn't be happy. He couldn't stay with them. Leaving them was hard enough, he didn't need to go through that again. He couldn't handle it, and neither could they.

He walked toward Nya and Kai....Who were now sparring while everyone watched. Kai was attacking her roughly and firecly, but Nya showed no sign of fear, she only dodged his attacks and soon countered every one of his attacks, leading for him to fall to ground. Nya held out her hand to pull him up, which he took.

"Did everyone see that?"Nya asked them.

"What even was that? All Nya was doing was defending herself! That's not fighting!"

"A very wise man taught Lloyd this very style of fighting."Kai said, grinning.

The art of the silent fist...

My father....

"It's the art of fighting your enemy but not really fighting them. We've invited Euphrasia, Frak, and Geo to join us so it'll be more even. Arin, your with Frak. Wyldfyre is with Frak. And Sora is with Euphrasia."Nya explains.

They then get in position, and begin to use his father's art of fighting. He watches them absently. 

This was getting to be too much...

He walks by each of them, trying to get through it. He needed to be here. He walks by each of them, taking in their defending moves and their attacks. 

He shouldn't have came here....

This was a terrible idea.

After he was done with his students, he looked at his friends.....Jay and Cole were debating which video games were better, Zane was watching his students practice the art of the silence fist. And Nya and Kai were comforting each other. The green spirt walked up to both of them, and hugged them both. But they of course didn't realize he was there...How could they? To them, He was just the wind.  And that's all he was going to be to them. His spiritual presence...

He broke the hug to see his closest friends reaction, they were shivering, thinking it was the wind. If he wasn't a spirt, he would cry. Right there and then. But it wouldn't matter....No one would see him, because that would be too much for him or for them to handle. 


Oh no.

He had been caught.

His grandfather was sure to give him a lecture about this...But he just couldn't help it, he missed his family.....And they missed him. But he knew, he would have to leave at some point. So, the green spirt began to depart from his home once more...Until he stopped with his hand on the door once more. He looked behind him and whispered:"Why does fate have to be so cruel to us all?"

And then? He was gone.


He failed.

He failed.

All of his plans....All of that planning.....All for nothing...

All just to get locked up until he slowly grows insane....

They ruined everything....

The ninjas had won the battle, but not the war. Not the war.

But to be fair, they didn't win. They lost a warrior. But that warrior deserved it. He had. He after all did cause everything. Even before the merge. He did deserve it. He did.

Lord Ras stared at his hands. He failed his master, but he wouldn't fail again. He would succeed, and this time.....He wouldn't fail. Because this time....The green ninja wouldn't be there to stop him.


"Lord Ras. Has failed his master. But he could be a great host for my plans. Great indeed. With the green ninja gone, he could be a perfect host for me. For me to finally get my revenge. There is no more light, and soon everything will fall into darkness. Finally, there will be peace in the dark."


Lord Ras closed his eyes only for them to be shot open by the sound of whispering.

"Ah...You finally awakened."

"Who are you?"

"I go by many names. But you can just call me your master."

"I already have a master."

"Do you really think he would want you to work for him after you failed?"

"I didn't fail. The green ninja is dead. The ninjas have no hope."

"Your mission was to reverse the merged realms, your mission was to make sure nothing got in the way of your master's more twisted and sinister plan....Yet you failed."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I have been watching you, Lord Ras. I know the Forbidden Five have wronged you, took away your people, and Merged just made it worse...But it has made me...A bit stronger everyday now. But I am not strong enough. I need your help."


"As I said, I have been watching you, you can be a truly great service to me. And I shall reward you greatly."

"Do you think of me as a fool? I know who you truly are. I know your past 'hosts'. Lord Garmadon and Harumi Jade. Did I get that right? The ninjas have stopped you, what makes you think things will be different?"

"I admit that Harumi and Garmadon supposedly weren't the best choice. But I know that you are. You have everything I need. And as you said, the green ninja is dead. The prophecy is dead. I can finally rule the Merged Realms just like I planned to do thousands of years ago."

Lord Ras eyed the glowing purple orb. This being couldn't be trusted. He couldn't. But he was right about one thing, his master wouldn't take him back. Not after all of the failures. But still, he still couldn't work for this destroyer.

"I see you are skeptical. I understand that. But the ninjas are vulnerable, but they won't be for now. They never quit. We must act now before they gain hope once more."

"I want to destroy the ninjas more than anyone else, I got one to destroy himself, and I can get the others. I don't need your help."

"I think you do....But if you want to stay here....Until you grow insane, that is fine by me. I can find a new villain who will be more than happy to help me. And I will come back here not to offer you anything, but to destroy you."



"I won't serve you. But if anyone is going to destroy the last of the ninjas....It will be me."

"Yes. That time will come for you to rise. And for the ninjas to fall."

"That time better come quickly."

"Patience....It will. Now, let me set you free...So when the time comes, you can set me free."

"And then......There will be peace in the dark."



"What do you want?"

"I came here for you. I want you to come home."

"I have no home. Not since the merge."

"That's not the truth. The monastery....Sora, Wyldfyre, Riyu, they are your home!"

"No. They aren't. And you aren't either."

Lloyd stepped back. He didn't expect that.

"Arin. I know you are angry. I know fate didn't treat you fair. Your parents were good people. They didn't do anything wrong."

"Unlike you."

"Excuse me?"

"I know everything, Lloyd. You are a monster. In fact, your whole family is."

"You....Don't know what you are talking about."

"I think I do."

He clenched his fists. He knew what Arin was saying was right. But was it really Arin who was talking? No, it was Shatterspin. He was corrupted. He didn't mean any of the things he was saying. He didn't. He didn't!

"Even he thinks you are a monster....Why don't you prove him right?"

"You will never be good enough."

Arin wanted to throw up.

His words made him want to. How could he be so blind? Did he not think of those he hurt? Was there no end? He could never forgive himself for what he did. And now, his master was dead and there would be no way to make up for it. No way. If only-


He rubbed his face before turning around to see Sora look at him filled with worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes...Yes, just getting some fresh, clean bright air."

"Arin...It's late...Maybe you wanna just I don't know...Come to bed?"

"To do what? Sleep? How?"

"Arin....You'ur acting like Lloyd ... .You know how he was with his visions."

"So what if I am?"

"It's not healthy, Arin."

"I don't care. When I am out here, it's...Like...How things were...-

"Before? Before when we had a master?"


Sora sighed."It isn't your fault. I hope you know that."

"How is it not my fault? If I hadn't gone to Lord Ras ... .Then maybe...Maybe."

"Arin, we could have never guessed that Lord Ras would trick you like that. It isn't your fault."She said walking up to him to put her hand on his shoulder.

He pulled away from her."Sure....Whatever you say."


"Sora. I want to be alone. Please?"He asked her with pleading eyes.

Sora didn't know how to answer, so she retreated to her room, leaving Arin alone with his thoughts.

Arin sighed and he looked up at his master's portrait."Lloyd....I am so sorry."


The source dragon of motion.

Arin's eyes widened once he set his eyes on the dragon, his lips were shaking.

"What...Are you? Why? Why are you here after all of this time?"

"I know it may be...Upsetting."

"Upsetting!? You could have helped us at any time, helped Lloyd at any time. But you didn't. I wanna know why."

"Us Source Dragons cannot get involved in human affairs."

"Sure. So, having my master as a conduit wasn't being involved."

"That was not my choice. Your master chooses to save one of the source dragons. He gave your master a chance. Your master was the chosen one. Even if your master did not sacrifice himself, he would still die. The only difference would be that everyone would be gone. There would only be only dark, no light. Your master did the right thing."

"What do you want?"

"Since your master has been deceased...A great evil has risen. Us Source Dragons need your ninjas once again."

"How? We have no leader. Let alone a master."

"You...You have to step up and become the next leader of the greatest ninja force the world has ever seen."

"No. I'm not ready. And I won't ever be."

"You doubt yourself too much. Much like your own master did with himself. And that is a great flaw that will catch up on you."

"But it's true! I was the reason that you and the rest of the Source Dragons were in danger."

"The real threat was never you, it was Lord Ras. Although I doubted you during that time, your master never did. And after all of this time, I hope he wasn't wrong about you."

"What do you want us to do?"

"Lord Ras along with whom you ninjas are no strangers have risen. We fear that they are a threat to not only us Source Dragons, but all living beings."

"Lord Ras? But...No, that's not possible."

"I am afraid that it is."

"Do we know what they are planning?"

"No. But it cannot be good for anyone."

No way. Really?

"Well, what do you want us to do? I mean, if we don't have their plans or let alone our plan, what is there to do?"He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"You must stop them. But we cannot help you...This journey must be your own..."

What a surprise.

"But we shall start you on this journey as we did for your master..."

Arin stared at the source dragon.

"And that turned out well, didn't it?"He muttered quietly so the source dragon couldn't hear.

"You ninjas must go to the FSM tomb...The answers will be more clear for you."

"What answers? What more answers do we need?"

"The answer.....To allow your master to return. It is the only hope we have to save everything..."


She didn't know what to feel about this.

Agent Walker may have betrayed this company, but she wasn't going to allow him to get away with it.

"Miss Pixal?"

She turned around facing this employee."What do you require for my presence to be disturbed?"

"The grandson of the god is dead."

"Who? I have no records of such thing."

"Lloyd Garmadon, Miss Pixal."

"I could kiss you, Pix!"

"Miss Pixal? Are you alright?"

She stares at him."What idea gave you otherwise?"

"You just...Never mind....."

"What about this...Grandson?"

Well, you see Miss Pixal....It is a pretty big deal...You see."

"So, you came in here to tell me a person of unimportance....Is deceased?"She asked, raising her eyebrow."You know what happens to people who waste my time..."

"No! You...Didn't let me finish....A record reveals.....That a source dragon has appeared once again....They speak of the tomb of the FSM.....They came to the property of Agent Jay Walker."

Now, this interest her.


"They should know that it is a violation of code 455."She adds.

"Not only that but they want....To revive the grandson from the dead."

She raised her eyebrow."We cannot have that now, can we? Tell all the agents to prepare for another mission. A personal mission. We must take Agent Walker along with everyone that stands with him."

"What do we do with them once we caught them?"

She chuckles."They want to mess with life and death. There is an immediate death penalty. Do whatever seems necessary."

"Yes, Miss Pixal. I shall prepare them immediately to your orders."

"Excellent. You may leave now."

He pays his respect and then leaves.

"Agent Walker thinks he can escape....Well, then he has another thing coming...."She whispers.

No one escapes this company and gets away with it....No one.

Merry Late Christmas! 

Okay. I know this seems like...An off when to end this chapter, but I feel like if I continue it from there, it will just get a little messy. 

Anyway, I rewrote this chapter one too many times and I am happy to say I like this version a lot more than all the other times I've tried to write it, so I hope u guys like this version as much as I do.

I'll try to get the next chapter out a lot sooner than this one, hopefully!

Bye! ✨💖

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