Chapter 1: Ninjas Never Quit
A/N: I know, I know...I still have like 5 or 6 other stories I need to update. And I will....But I want to publish this story because just after writing the first chapter I am totally in love with this! So bring out your lawyers and sue me!
"Arin, you have the potential to be the greatest ninja of all time. Better than any of us."
"And are you going to be with me the rest of the way?"
He smiled at the young hopeful boy.
"I wouldn't have it any other way, Arin. Not any other way."
Arin looked up at his master's portrait before touching it gently."Wouldn't it have it any other way huh, Lloyd? That's what you said. And now, where are you?"He asked him softly. Silence. Like how everything was now. He hated it. He was used to the ninja's loudness. Their laughter, their chaos. Who knew saving the world would end all that chaos. The only chaos he liked having around. But...Everything has to end at some time......Including his master's life....
Why did he have to go? Why couldn't he just stay? Stay with them....Maybe they could have worked things out, Arin had heard countless times the ninjas have either left the ninja team or died or been sacrificed...But they came back. But why not Lloyd? There must be something or some way to bring him back....Because if they didn't....There would be no ninja team, there would be no hope for Ninjago. Oh FSM. There he goes again, with what if or the whys or what could have happened.....He keeps getting stuck in the past, even before.....But he can't help it. Things had to go back from what they were before.....Everything. First he lost his parents, then he found out Wu was the reason for the merge, then Lord Ras wrapped him up into nothing but chaos leading him to learn Shatterspin fighting the people who only gave him hope, and now....? He's losing everything. Everything is out of his reach. He has no control over anything, but did he ever? Did anyone did? The answer, no. No way. Control didn't exist anymore when the Merge happened. Things just got out of control. Out of complete control.....And he had no one else but himself to blame for that. For everything.
"Arin! You have to stop this!"Lloyd said tugging against the chains that held him to the ground."And why would I do that? You don't get it Lloyd. This is my one and only chance to get everything I have ever lost....Reversing the Merge, I could finally get everything I deserve."Arin said."But it will cause complete chaos! Trust me, I know what it feels like! To lose people! But you have to stop this! Anger won't solve anything!"Lloyd cried out."Anger...Is what made me stronger."Arin said, his red eyes blazing into Lloyd's green ones."Lord Ras was right. You held me back....You kept me weak. It wasn't until Lord Ras showed me how to be strong...."Arin said."I...I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it...All of this to happen!"Lloyd cried out."Well it did."Arin said bitterly."We...We can fix this, Arin! I know we can! But you have to come home!"Lloyd begged."Don't you get it, Lloyd?! I will never go back!"Arin shouted his red eyes suddenly became even more red than before, his eyes only showed pure hate. Only showed the effects of shatterspin."Arin-
"I wish you were gone instead of my parents."
Arin wasn't the type to doubt others or himself....But now? He doubts himself everyday. He shouldn't have said those words. He had a history of hurting his back when fighting with Lord Ras, but that memory hurt Arin more than anything on the face of the Merge Realms. He never even got the chance to say...That he was sorry, for everything. He doesn't even know why Lloyd ever spoke highly of him after that, but he did. In fact, it seemed like Lloyd wanted to forget everything that had happened, Nya told him it was how he coped with things, but still......Sure, they had a few fights with each other after that(Arin was the one who usually started them), but they got over it....Right? But what if Lloyd was so good at hiding his feelings, that he secretly hated Arin? That he ended his life not only to save everyone, but to get away from him? Tears ran down his cheeks as he buried his head with his hands. He raised his head after a few silent moments other than a few of his sobs, and stared at his master.
"Oh, Lloyd. What do I do? I almost feel like quitting......But I won't. I won't for you. I owe you that much."
"Let's all go home."
Nya turned to him and gave him a look, as if he told her something disturbing. Which he did.
"Why in the FSM not?"
"Look, all my life I was told that fate had something planned, that I was destined for something great....And now I am suppose to be some master? I'm sorry, but I can't. At least not until I figure a few things out."
Nya walked over to him, and Lloyd started to flinch as he thought she was going to knock some sense in him. But instead Nya wrapped him in a hug, squeezing him tighter as the hug went on.
"I understand how it feels Lloyd. And from what we've seen, you need a break. You earned it."
"So...Your not mad?"
"No. But you have to promise me something or I will be."She said this while releasing the hug, but had her hands on his shoulders.
"Promise me you won't do anything stupid like putting your life on the line. Because you've had a history of doing that."
He chuckled and nodded.
"I promise."
Nya told herself she wouldn't do it. That she would try and be strong.....But...She can't. She would have to face it somehow.
Lloyd's room.
She had tried to avoid it since day 1. She couldn't even look at the room....Until now. Until she forced herself to do it. Why was she forcing herself? Because she's stupid. Because she doesn't want to feel the emotions she's feeling right now....But going in there would only make it worse.
One emotion being hate.
She hated that he left them. She hated how he was always doing this. How he would give up things for other people. It used to be things that he could work through...They could work through. But this? They couldn't. Because he gave up the one thing that they could never work through. His life. But one thing that she hated most was that he broke his promise. He promised he wouldn't put his life on the line, but he did.
And she hated him for that.
But she didn't want to hate him. He was her little brother. And she failed to protect him. But people like they did to Kai and the others always insisted that it wasn't her fault, that she was trapped by the Merge Quakes, that nobody could have saved him. It was his choice. His FSM damn choice. She had already started to feel tears as she thought all of this. But she forced them away. She would have plenty of time to let them out. Plenty of time.
When she slowly opened the door, she was greeted by the green. All of it, green. Everything seemed to be left the same. The bed was made, the swords all in their place, the plants were still living, comics still stash away in a neat pile. Everything seemed to be the same. Nothing had seemed to have changed. But things did change. A lot actually. The owner of this room...Wouldn't come back. Ever. And she hated it.
She then walked over to the bed and sat down. Once she did, she could of swore she heard laughter of her, her brother, and....Lloyd.
"Lloyd?"She asked excitedly standing up rushing out to the hallway.
She then saw the three of them laughing and ruffling each other's hair. Kai and her suddenly disappeared, as that happened, Lloyd also started to disappear which made Nya run out there and try to hug him...Try to make him stay. But he disappeared from her eyes as he just did years ago, making her fall to her knees, hugging herself instead of him. And this time, she didn't dare hold back her tears.
She knew that voice too well.
It was the voice that even in the darkest of times, smooth her, made her feel at home. Made her feel...So alive.
It was also the voice that had said those FSM awful words to her years ago.
"And I will always hate you."
She knew it wasn't his fault. And when he regained his memory he said sorry to hear a hundred times a day, plus he made it up to her daily. But he had already made it up to her. Just by remembering who he is, and that he loves her. And that was more than enough.
She quickly wiped her tears and turned around forcing a smile. It was the most force smile she had ever gave someone. And she would never thought she would have to force a smile to her Yang.
He frowned at her, knowing her too well. She sometimes hated that because he could figure out in a blink of an eye what she was thinking, but she loved it at the same time."You went into his room, and saw him...Didn't you?"He asked her just to be sure."I know I shouldn't have. The reason is dumb, Jay."She told him."Nobody said you shouldn't have Nya. It's normal. And you don't have to hide it, so don't hide it from me."He told her."I should be strong."She muttered."And you are. How many times do I have to say it until you believe it?"He asked her."If I was strong, then I wouldn't have been stuck up in the Merge Quakes...And I could have...He would still be here."Nya argued."Don't say that."He told her. But she continued to argue the fact that it was true, so Jay held out his hand."I think this will cheer you up, my water Lily."He said when she didn't take it at first. She then slowly took it as he pulled her in as they began to move around slowly. They did this for what seemed like forever, until she put her hands around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes."I love you, Jay."She whispered in his ear. Even though she could see it, she could tell he was blushing. Ever since he had regained his memory, she had told him she loved him more often because the first time she said it to his face...He had no memory of him, so she wanted to make sure she would never make that mistake ever again, and every single time she did so, his face became red. The first time he had heard it, he could not believe it. It wasn't until she said it a few more times, then he believed that those words came out of her mouth. And he loved her for it.
"I love you too, my girl."He whispered before giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. She smiled. She didn't know what she would ever do without him in her life."Can we go...Um in his room?"Nya asked carefully."You sure?"He asked. She nodded. He then let go of her, but still held onto one of her hands."Okay. Let's go."
They both sat down in silence, Nya looking around with Jay squeezing her hand."It's going to be okay."He kept repeating."But what if...It won't be?"She asked him."They have to. Besides ninjas never quit."He said trying to sound like Lloyd but failing completely, making Nya laugh."I missed that."He said smiling at her. She smiled and pulled a piece of hair behind her ear. He then leaned in for a kiss, then breaking it before kissing her again.
"Oh! Sorry! I didn't see anything!"Kai yelled as he was covering his eyes. They both broke it up, shocked at his appearance."Kai! Why didn't you knock!?"She demanded."I didn't think..."His voice trailed off as he frowned, his eyes staring at a picture on top of the dresser. Nya could have sworn there were tears in his eyes, but once she blinked they were gone."I'll just...Go."He said turning to leave."Kai! Wait! Please. Stay."Nya cried out. He turned around and walked over and sat next to her."I miss him so much."He finally said after a few moments of silence."Me too."She agreed."I was supposed to protect him."Kai mumbled."So was I."Nya said."I'll leave you guys to it."Jay said a bit awkwardly as he turned to leave and closed the door tightly behind him."For so long I wanted more than anything to be the green ninja, but now? I just want him back."Kai said."Yeah, me too. So I can punch his stupid face for leaving us."Nya muttered."You talk my langue."Kai said while nodding."But...We both know that will never happen."Nya added. Kai nodded.
"At least we are not alone. We have Jay, Cole, Sora, Wyldfyre, and Arin to get through this."Nya said."Arin. How's he been taking this?"Kai asked."From the looks of it, not great. I hear him sneak out of his room talking to Lloyd. His portrait, I mean."Nya answered."Just like how Lloyd did with Master Wu. Those two are far too similar. Are we sure they are not related somehow?"Kai asked. Nya chuckled."I wonder where he is right now."She said looking up at the ceiling instead of the sky like she would have."Wherever he is, he might look down a bit on us moping around. You know when you merged with the ocean....He told us if you saw us moping around like we were, you would kick our butts and tell us to get back to work. Now I'm thinking he would do the same."Kai said."He knows me so well."Nya said with a laugh."We'll have to get the team together. Not just for Ninjago, but also for us. We can't be split up like this. We need to cope together. No matter how hard it might be."Nya added. Kai nodded."He might come back...."Kai whispered."Kai-"I mean you came back, and so did Zane. And-"One Zane is a nindrod, and the only reason I seemed to come back was because you guys took my powers, but Lloyd....We saw his body. And we need to move on, Kai." Nya said rubbing her brother's shoulders. Kai closed his eyes and nodded."Well, let's go get the team. We need them now more than ever......We need our family."Kai said determined."FSM yeah we do!"Nya cried out raising his fists up in the air."But I have something to say with you, my dear little sister."He said crossing his arms."And what's that?"She asked while crossing her arms.
"If I ever catch you in here making out with Jay in my dead little brother's room ever again, I swear to the FSM that you and him will get to see Lloyd face to face."
"I'm surprised she doesn't want to talk to the greatest elemental master in all of the merge realms!"
Sora shot her eyes open as she rose from her bed, while breathing hard. She felt her chest, and then sighed. She then pulled the covers off from her body and went toward the bathroom to get ready for yet another very long day.
She looked in the mirror. She didn't know what to do with herself anymore. She didn't know who she was anymore. She used to think that she was just a small girl with shattered dreams. Then she thought of herself as Arin's best friend...And....
Lloyd's student.
Wow. How that had changed.
She closed her eyes. She can't do this. She can't do anything anymore without him. Besides Arin, he was the only one who really believed in her. When she thought she didn't have an elemental power, who told her otherwise? Who was there when even her best friend left her?
Her master.
And now what? Who was going to help her now that he was gone? She wondered what happened to the team after the funeral. She wouldn't have known, she left the monastery without looking back. Without saying goodbye. She regrets that everyday...But what could she have said? Goodbye, our master's dead and now I have no place?! Or goodbye you don't need me, deal with your feelings alone! She felt disgusted with herself now. Arin must be so mad at her...They must all be.
Her eyes then darted towards the picture that hung on the wall. The picture had only showed chaos, with Wyldfyre and Kai fighting over who was the better red ninja, Arin trying to not let his pie get burned, Lloyd trying to contain the fight between the two red ninjas, but ended up getting fire on his clothes, and finally Nya and Zane trying to put out the fire that was spreading. She laughed a little while looking at the picture. Sure, it was chaos..But they were happy. They were all home. There were no villains, no betrayal, no threats, no sarafices, they were all there. Together.
But everything just had to change, didn't it?
Everything just had to go downhill.
"Family is key. You said that, Lloyd. But...I don't think without you, we aren't a family anymore. And no family means no key."
She rubbed her face.
She turned around, her body shaking."Who's there?"
"Why are you quitting?"
"What? Who are you? Why should I tell you anything?"
"You didn't answer the question."
"First tell me who the hell are you."
"I am the ghost of....The mother dragon! Whoooo!"
Sora rolled her eyes.
"Oh. Hey Wyldfyre."Sora grumbled.
She frowned."What? How did you figure out my top secret true identity?"She asked.
Sora turned back to the mirror, and sighed heavily.
"How did you get in here, Wyldfyre? Why are you here?"She asked her.
Wyldfyre then took a step forward."It was easy! I'm a ninja! Just like you are, Sora."
Sora slammed her hands against the sink.
"No. I am not a ninja. Not anymore. I left the team, remember?"She said, her patience growing thin.
"Uhh...Yeah you are. A good one with that! But not as good as me, close though. And that is the best anyone's gotten so far!"Wyldfyre exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
"Why are you here?"Sora glared at her, her eyes burning straight through Wyldfyre.
"I want you to come back, Sora. Arin's all serious, and Kai's been no fun either. And Nya is just sad. I need someone to help me lighten up the place!"Wyldfyre explained.
Sora turned around, and a mixture of anger and sadness washed over her."Not everything is about fun, Wyldfyre! Don't you get it?! Our master is dead! Why would we ever have fun ever again?"Sora demanded. Wyldfyre backed up a bit, opening her mouth but then closed it."Do you even care?"She asked her."Of course I do! But he's going to come back, he will!"Wyldfyre argued.
Sora looked at her with pure shock."Will you listen?! Lloyd is NEVER going to come back! He left us! He died! And when people die, they never ever ever EVER come back!"Sora yelled.
Wyldfyre stared at her with wide eyes, backing up from her, making Sora regret yelling."Wyldfyre-"No. He is. Everybody on this damn team does. He will, you'll see."She mumbled as she turned to leave, but Sora grabbed her hand.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? But we saw...We saw him. He's gone, Wyldfyre. You have to understand that. The others...They got lucky. Lloyd isn't going to get lucky. We aren't going to get lucky,"Sora said.
Wyldfyre stopped."Nya, Zane, Kai, Jay...They all came back. I have to believe that he will come back too."Sora slowly let go of her friend's hand."No offense, but I always thought you hated him."She admitted. Wyldfyre let out a small chuckle."Nah, I just thought he was all rules good, fun bad. But that didn't mean I wanted him dead,"Wyldfyre explained.
"Why do you think he did it? Just to give up everything for all the Merge Realms? He could have run away, and lived for a while longer...Is it bad that I wished that happened?"Sora asked."No. And I don't know why he did what he did. But he wouldn't want any of us moping around like we are. So, what do you say?"Wyldfyre asked, turning around.
"What if...I'm not...What if I mess things up?"She asked."Wow. Now you really sound like Lloyd. And you are not anyway. Even though I'm so much more awesome than you are ... .He was really proud of you, and I don't think you would have become a ninja if he didn't believe in you."Wyldfyre said, shrugging.
Sora laughed a bit."Who knew it'd take Lloyd dead to finally get you to grow up."She said, shaking her head."Hey! I'm still fun! In fact, later I might prank Kai by putting fire ants and lice in his hair gel!"Wyldfyre exclaimed excitedly. Sora rolled her eyes while laughing. Nope, still the same old Wyldfyre.
"So, what do you say? Or should I say....What would Lloyd say?"Wyldfyre asked, putting her hand out. Sora stared at her hand."I don't know...The team's better without me."Sora said. Wyldfyre groaned."What in the name of dragon stew is going to get you to come back?"Wyldfyre demanded.
"You have to start showering once a week, and not once a month."Sora stated.
Wyldfyre groaned."But I smell great! The amazing Roby thinks I smell great!"
"You are talking about the same Roby who says 'Yeet' in every sentence. Or at least some other stupid slang."
"You promise you'll come back?"Wyldfyre asked. Sora nodded.
"Fine! I'll start using your weak way!"Wyldfyre said, crossing her arms, making Sora chuckle.
"But seriously, what if the others don't want to see me? I mean, I did leave them."
"Oh for CRYING OUT LOUD! Just come back! I'm already going to use your weak way of this 'showering'!"Wyldfyre cried out. Sora chuckled."Okay, I'll come back."She said, giving in.
"For Lloyd,"Wyldfyre siad, while nodding.
"For Lloyd."
"Hey, Lloyd...Again. I..Um brought you some pie. I figure it might...I don't lighten up the place. And you always love my pie stories."Arin said, setting the pie down by all the flowers and cards that surrounded the grave. Arin then sat down, smiling a little bit.
"I hope you are doing okay, you know up in the clouds where the great warriors of Ninjago are right now...Resting...Although I would rather have you here than up there."Arin admitted.
Arin sighed."How am I? Oh where do I start, Lloyd? Terrible. I just...Wish you didn't leave us. Then everything would be fine. Everything would be normal. But it isn't.
The team is barely holding on. Sora and Wyldfyre left, Nya and Kai are grieving. Cole and Zane...Who knows where those two are, and..And Jay is just trying to laugh and get everyone to laugh with him, he's literally the only reason some of us smile. And that ain't a lot. And me? Oh, I just go off to your portrait, just thinking you might say something out of comfort or wisdom or anything! But no, all I get is silence! Just stupid freaking silence!"Arin cried out.
Arin felt a tear roll off his cheek, he then took a shaky breath."I deserve the silence though. For what I said, for what I did, for everything. I wish I could go back in time and knock myself out or just knock some plain sense into myself. I now know that it isn't yours or heck even your uncle's fault that the Merge happened. In fact, I'm actually kind of glad it happened in a weird way. If it never happened, then I would have never met you and trained to be a ninja. And I would have never met Sora, Wyldfyre, and the others. My new family. I just can't believe it took me this long to realize it,"Arin said.
What finally made me realize it was when you died.
"What I guess I am trying to say is...I'm sorry. I know I've said it a thousand times when I finally came to my stupid senses...But I still am. And if you could just come back from the dead and be our master again, that would be great! Then everything would be okay again! Then we would all be united,"Arin said.
But once again, he was only greeted by silence.
His face fell. He then slowed his eyes, as some more tears fell before he wiped them off.
"I can't do this alone."
"Well, then it's a good thing you don't have to, Arin."Said a voice.
Arin quickly turned his head around to see Sora, Wyldfyre, Jay, Nya, Cole, Zane, and Kai. All of them, smiling together.
"Sora? What are you guys doing here?"Arin asked, getting up and now facing them.
Wyldfyre rolled her eyes."We are here to suck your blood! What do you think dummy? Getting this ninja team back together!"She exclaimed.
"But...Why?"Arin asked, clearly confused.
"Because we are family. And we can't do this all alone. Lloyd was our brother, and he was also your student. And we need to get through this. Together,"Nya replied.
"But we need a master, or at least a leader."Arin said, trying to reason with them, even though he wasn't quite sure why. Maybe he thought what was the pont? What was the point of having a team without Lloyd?
Sora moved forward, and stared at Arin."Arin, I think the answer is right in front of us."
He looked at her confused. She then put her hand on his shoulder.
"It has to be you. Lloyd always said you were destined to be the greatest ninja. Maybe this is what he meant...That you would be the next leader of the ninja team."She said.
"Wha-What? What do you mean? I can't...I could never live up to what he did. To what he taught us. You know that."
"I'm not saying that you have to be exactly like him, Arin. But Lloyd chose you for a reason. He chose all of us for a reason. Maybe...This is the reason,"Sora said.
"But...Why? Is there some kind of threat?"
"No. And maybe that's a good thing. Pretty much after somebody here we love to sacrifice ourselves, we split up and don't come together unless there's a threat. And from past experiences, it doesn't work. The only way we become whole again is when somebody comes back. But it doesn't matter what we wish for to happen, I don't think Lloyd is coming back anytime soon."Kai said, shaking his head.
"I'm..I'm sorry, but I can't be a master."
"You don't have to be one, Arin. You just have to be a leader,"Nya said.
"Lloyd believed so much in you, Arin. Just like we all do. Now, I think it's time you start believing in yourself."Sora said, pointing at him.
"I don't know if I can do that, Sora."
"Well, lucky you have us. Just like Lloyd did,"Jay said.
"Yeah, and the only reason he turned out as good as he was, was because of how awesome we were at raising him! Without us he would have probably still been stealing candy and pranking people!"Kai exclaimed.
"Wait! Lloyd. Our Lloyd. LIKED PRANKING PEOPLE AND NOBODY TOLD ME THIS!? Come on! Don't keep a dragon in the dark like that!"Wyldfyre complained.
"Way to ruin the moment, Wyldfyre."Mumbled Kai. Wyldfyre glared at him.
"No, she didn't. In fact, just you guys being here, makes me believe that maybe everything will be okay."Arin said, while smiling.
Everyone smiled. They then wrapped each other in big hugs.
Maybe everything was going to be okay. As long as they were here.
Boy, he wished he and the others were right about that. Because the next morning, he and the others got a very surprising visit from someone the ninjas knew too well ... .And that somebody came bearing new threats towards the merge realms...Threats that could destroy everything...
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