Ch. 3
"Who—what?!—AH!!" Hiccup started awake to see a body hurling toward his bed. Said body landed with a thump between he and Astrid, screaming "I'M BAAAAAACCCKKK!!"
"Heather!" Astrid exclaimed. "We missed you!"
Heather rolled her eyes. "Oh please! If I see something I haven't seen before I'll throw a gold coin at it."
Astrid and Heather both laughed as Hiccup disappeared under the furs with a beet red face. "Don't mind me! I'll just wait here until the welcome home chattering is complete!"
Heather's eyes widened at the sudden irritation in Hiccup's voice.
"Yeeeaa, so Heather I will catch up with you in the Great Hall." Astrid urgently jerked her head towards the door mouthing, "I'll explain later!"
"Alright then, see you." And she was gone as suddenly as she appeared.
Astrid gently pulled the covers off Hiccup's head. His face wasn't red anymore but his cheeks were still slightly flushed.
"Sorry..." he muttered. "I-I didn't mean for it to come out like that."
"I know," she snuggled closer to him and rested her head on his chest as his arm instinctively snaked around her body.
"This is a hard day for you, Hiccup. It's okay to be upset." She murmured. "But I'm here for you."
"I don't want to think about it.. I can't. I don't think I have the strength to even remember any of it today." A wave of emotion rose up in his heart and pooled in the corners of his eyes.
"Do you want to stay home?"
He suddenly got up and started getting dressed hurriedly. "No, I just want to get this day over with. I'll see you tonight." A quick peck on Astrid's forehead and then he was gone.
"Oh Hiccup.." Astrid shook her head as she got up and pulled a skirt and tunic out of the dresser. As she got dressed she thought about how hard it must be for him, not having his father around anymore. Stoick was the only family Hiccup had for years, and the best Chief of Berk anyone had ever known. This day was the worst out of the year for Hiccup. He hadn't cried since the day it happened, but Astrid had a feeling from the way he acted towards Heather that today he might.
Just as she finished pulling her leggings on there was a loud rapping on the door.
"Who is it?" She called.
Snotlout's irritated voice came from downstairs. "Astrid! Heeelllp!!"
Astrid rolled her eyes and grabbed her axe from the hooks near the door. That's when she noticed that Hiccup had left Inferno behind. She grabbed it as well, figuring she'd take it to him.
"Alright Snotlout, what is—" As she opened the door she was met with the sight of Snotlout holding his daughter, Freya, by her feet! The baby was crying and looked like she needed a diaper change.
"Snotlout! Where is Ruffnut?! Who in their right mind would leave a baby alone with you?!"
"She made me take care of demon child today! Apparently I need to bond with her. HELP! I can't take it anymore! She won't stop crying! And every two seconds she wants to be picked up! And then she wants to eat! And then there's diapers! Bleck!!"
"Oh for Thor's sake." Astrid pulled him inside and snatched Freya from Snotlout, turning her upright and resting her on her hip.
"Are you trying to kill your daughter Snotlout?"
"Then stop holding her upside down ya mutton head."
"Oh. Is that not good?"
"You know absolutely nothing about babies." She groaned.
"Yea I'm aware." Snotlout grumbled, walking over to the table and plopping down. "That's why I came here. I need help."
"Well why did you come to me? I'm not a mother." Astrid was only have paying attention as she sat down and cradled Freya in her arms. She had stopped crying the moment she'd been turned upright and now she was just looking around at everything.
"Yea but you know like.. everything. Just teach me how to take care of demon child so Ruff will stop trying to kill me."
Astrid shot him a death glare and he added "Please."
"Fine. Baby Care 101, lesson one. Sit up straight."
"What does that have to do with—"
"If we're going to do this, you're going to do what I say. Got it?"
"Ugh! Fine!"
"Okay for one you need to stop shouting so much. And second, sit up straight."
"Like this?" He mocked.
"Yes," she smirked, ignoring the mocking tone. "Now hold your arms out."
He did so, and Astrid gently placed Freya into his arms. "Support her head with that arm, and cradle her with the other. Hold her close."
A smile spread across Snotlout's face. "Woa.. this is.. kinda nice."
"Of course it is. Now I have to go, I have a lot to do."
"What no!" He hissed.
"Shhh!" Astrid pointed down at Freya, who had fallen asleep.
"You have to tell me how to get her to eat."
"Great Odin's ghost, Snotlout have you done anything to help raise Freya?"
"Not really..."
Astrid fought back the urge to slap him, and quickly scribbled down some notes on baby care. She herself didn't know much except what her mother had taught her, but she knew the basics.
"Here. And before I leave, one last thing. Be nice to Hiccup today. I mean it. It's a rough day for him, he doesn't need anyone teasing him or annoying him."
"Why what's today?"
Astrid stares at him, mouth gaped open. "You are unbelievable!" She hissed as loud as she dared. "Drago Bloodvist? Mind control over Toothless? Stoick's death? Any of that ring a bell?"
His mouth formed to shape a small "o".
"Yea OH. So be nice if you see him today."
To be continued! Our poor Hiccup is in for a bad day 😭😭
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