
It's been a month since Ari and Ethan got engaged, we started to hang out more often. Ever since we found Ari was pregnant we went to baby stores and we went to their appointments. Idk why I'm so interested into baby's, maybe it's because I almost could've been a mother.

Lately I feel like I've been gaining weight, I've been eating a lot and having weird cravings. Me and Ari went baby shopping I wanted her to have a boy but I just have a feeling she may have a girl. They don't know the gender yet, I'm gonna throw her a gender reveal party, I'm so excited. Ari and I decided to walk to the cupcake store around the corner.

*ring ring ring *

I picked up the phone and answered

" hello? " I said, " yo Alyssia, it's Bryant. I know we haven't talked in like a year, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over and take a photoshoot. " Bryant asked. " um sure where and what time " I asked, " the modeling office where we met up last year it's near the cafe and now could be a good time " he said " okay " I said.

I hanged up and walked over to Ari, " I'm so sorry by Bryant asked me if I can come over to his office for a photoshoot. " I said, " its fine, it must be urgent if he needs you now." She said, I hugged her and walked away.

I walked to the double doors and walked to the reception desk. The man walked me to the elevator and told me what button to press. The door was about to close when a hand popped through it. The doors reopened and a man walked in. He went to go push the button but he realized that I had already pressed the button, we stood in silence and the elevator music played.

We finally got to our floor, he let me walk out first and I walked to where Bryant was, the guy then went the opposite way. I opened the doors and saw Bryant checking his camera, I decided to scare him cause I haven't seen him in so long. I walked softly to him and jumped on his back, " OMG I SWEAR I WILL FI-" he said before he saw it was me, I started dying of laughter I fell on the floor holding my stomach, I couldn't breath and my cheeks were hurting, " ha ha Alyssia very funny " he said as he helped me up, I pulled him in a hug.

I took a look around the office and saw another door that said modeling set. " so what am I doing today? " I asked, " well first we need to have a talk and then we can continue the modeling " he said, " um okay? " I said. He walked to his little office room and sat me down. " so I need a female model and you don't have a job right " he asked, " yeah I know I don't have a job but why did you sit me down " I asked. " well I want to hire you as my model, I'll pay your 85 dollars per hour, you can provide for your soon to be family and I get great content, you were made to become a model" he said. " I'll think about your offer " i said smiling.

He got up and took me to my dressing room, " ok before you freak out my audience wants this type of photoshoot, so don't kill me " he said, " if it's that bad and you think imma kill you then you have five seconds to run. I opened the door and looked at what was hanging on the wall, " BRYANT YOU WERE RIGHT IM GONNA KILL YOU " I said, I opened my door and ran to Bryant. Damn he was running fast, but I can't catch up to him, I know it.

Before I knew it I was right behind him and he stopped and was figuring out which way to turn so that's when I pounced, I jumped on his back tackled him to the ground. " why is there lingerie in my dressing room " I said, " it's what the people want, I only do fun photos but they wanted a steamy romance one, you were the first model that popped into my head can you still do it, I mean it's fine if you don't want to " he said, " I'll do it, just you better run when Grayson finds out " I said. I got off of him and walked back to my dressing room, I sat in the chair and the women curled my hair and put on massive amounts of makeup on. She left the room for me to change. I took a look at the lingerie it was a white lacy top and bottom, there were more lingerie beside it but it has numbers on it.

This is number one. I have to admit it was pretty comfy and cute. I put a robe on and walked to the set. I opened the doors and saw a guy with sweats on and no shirt talking to Bryant. " well are we gonna start doing this " I asked, they both looked surprised and the guy that was in the elevator was here.

" hey Alyssia, this is hunter " he said, why did that guys name sound so familiar. He turned to face me and he smiled, " Hi Alyssia, I guess your modeling with me " he said smiling. Modeling?!?!?, " oh um cool " I said. " um Bryant can I ask you something about the um job " I said. " sure " he said. I started to walk towards to him and grabbed his arm out of the set.

" IM MODELING WITH HIM " I yelled, " woah calm down Alyssia " he said, " oh I'm ducking calm you just better watch out for Grayson cause he's gonna kill you after this shoot " I said. I started to walk away and into the set.  I put on a smile and took hunters hand to the bed, Bryant was taking the photos, hunter started smirking. We did a bunch of poses, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he picked me up and put me on the dresser, we stared in each other's eyes, I got off the dresser and did some poses of myself.

Those were some of the photos we did, hunter and I haven't really talked that much during this entire time we were here. " thank you guys so much, these photos were great " Bryant said, I got off the bed and hugged Bryant " gray will kill you ya know " I said, " yeah I'm ready to run " he said, I started laughing, I walked to where my robe was and put it on. I walked all the way to my dressing room and changed into my clothes.

I checked my phone and saw it was already 6:00. I called a uber and took it the house. After about a 30 minute drive I finally arrived the house. I took my keys out and unlocked the door, " GRAY IM HOME " i said, no response.  " YOU KNOW WHAT GRAY IT ISNT FUNNY " I yelled. I then felt someone grab me and put me over their shoulder. " HELP SOMEONE IS TAKING ME AND GOING TO KILL ME IN MY OWN HOME " I yelled. O god I'm going to die today, unmarried, no family... and most importantly I'm gonna die with no food in my system. " your being dramatic " the guy said. " REALLY GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN " I yelled.

He put me on the bed and kissed my neck, " gray " I said laughing, "mmmmm what " he said against my neck. I couldn't say what I wanted to say, in fact I forget everything and all that I knew was that I wanted him. I grabbed his face and kissed him, I wrapped my legs around his waist and ran my fingers through his hair. I always get butterfly's with just being with him, it's like falling in love with him over and over again. He took his hands and took my shirt off, he saw that I was still wearing the lingerie. Shit did I forget to take it off, it's just really comfy. " where did you get this? " he asked smirking. " yeah I about that " I said before he started kissing my collarbone, " I um h-had a photoshoot " I said " really " he said, he moved to my stomach. " it was um a sexy photoshoot I had with a guy " I said, my heart started beating super fast I was scared and nervous. He stopped kissing me and looked up, he got off of me and stood in front of me, he just stared at me and didn't say anything. That's what really scared me, " gray please say something, anything " I said, " a guy ? " he said.
" yeah Bryant needed a female and male model, and we were the closet models that were available " I said. " you wore this in front of a guy and did sexy poses with him ? " he said, l well yes but I wished you were there so I could do it with you, the boy didn't mean anything at all " I said, " he wasn't that cute at all so you got nothing to worry about I would never ever cheat on you, you know that right " I said, I started rambling my heart was beating out of my chest, gray smashed his lips against mine and my heart melted, it was rough yet gentle and passionate, he pulled away and our faces were close to each other, " I trust you " he said I kissed him and flipped him so I was on top of him, " I'm glad you trust me " I said. I yawned, I know I was tired but I didn't want this night to end, " your tired, we don't have to anything tonight " he said. " wait but I don't wanna sleep just yet, I wanna eat first " I said smiling,  I got up and ran downstairs, for someone reason I wanted fudge and pickles, I know weird. I looked through the cabinet and found fudge batter. I always have pickles cause pickles is the best food. After making the batter I put it to bake. " what are you making " gray asked, " fudge brownies " I said. " why " he asked. " cause I wanted some " I said. " WAIT DO WE HAVE HOT WINGS " I said, " I think so " gray said, I ran to the freezer and checked and we didn't have any. " NOOOOO " I said, I feel on the floor and started crying, I honestly don't know why I was crying, gray ran to me and cuddle me.


I was no longer crying and I was happy, I got out of grays grasp and ran to the oven and took them out. I love the smell of fudge brownies when they come out of the oven. I took a whiff of it and it didn't smell good, I started to get light headed and nauseous, " um gray I d-d-don't" I said as I fainted and hit the ground, " ALYSSIA WAKE UP " he yelled. Then I couldn't hear anything.

" I DONT TRUST YOU, I SHOULDN'T HAVE PROPOSED TO YOU " gray yelled at me, " YOUR LYING TO ME AND YOU KNOW IT " I yelled as I was crying " Alyssia you killed our child, you and your dumbness couldn't stop talking to me and we weren't paying attention and a car killed our child! " Ari yelled at me, " you deserve to die " Ethan said. Ethan pulled the gun out and pointed it at my face I started to cry and I closed my eyes, I heard a gunshot sound and opened my eyes, I wasn't dead and no one else was dead, they were all looking behind me, do I dare to look behind me, yeah I do. I got up and turned around, I saw my mother will a pile of blood around her, I ran to Ethan and punched him, I then ran to my mother looked at her, she was so beautiful. I checked her pulse, nothing. Everyone hated me I had no reason to live, the love of my life hated me, and my best friend and her Duane hates me, I turned to look at them and saw Grayson kissing a girl, that's what hurted me the most, I blinked and a tear came out, he was on his knees and had the same ring he proposed to me with to propose to her. I started to break down, I couldn't anymore, I took another blink and saw him and his family with a girl who was gorgeous. I walked to Ethan and grabbed the gun out of his hands, " IM SORRY " I said I raised the gun to my jaw , a tear came out, I was about to press the trigger. " NO " I heard someone say, I looked and saw Grayson with no one, he was all alone, it looked like he was crying to. " I NEED TO EVERYONE HATES ME " I said, " no we don't " Ari and Ethan said, I looked to them and saw them with a child in their arms. " please don't kill yourself sweetheart, you can't let your children watch you die " gray said. What children, I looked and saw a boy and a girl in cute little outfits. No one hated me after all, I started smiling, I dropped the gun and and ran to gray and my family. Gray kissed me while holding the children.

I started to open my eyes, " oh shit that really does work " I heard someone say, " oh baby why are you crying " gray said, " I thought you hated me and that Ari and Ethan hated me, I saw my mother die in front of my eyes, and then you had a new girlfriend and then you proposed to her and you had a family with her, then I-I - almost killed myself " I said started to cry." Shhh it was a nightmare " he said as he hugged me. The doctor came in, " good news you guys " he said, " how is my fiancé fainting good news " gray said. " well we found out the cause of your fainting" the doctor said.

Congrats you are pregnant

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