The next day...
"Everyone is telling me to live stream again because most of America was sleeping during my last one," Castiel observes as he's surfing the Twitterverse the next morning. Yes, he actually woke up in the morning this time. It's eleven thirty, but it's still technically the morning, and that's what matters.
"You should," Dean tells him.
"But today's our last day before you go back to wherever you live. Somewhere in New England."
"Massachusetts," Dean replies.
"Oh, right. I knew that."
Dean chuckles. "Sure you did. Go live stream. And don't tell Lucifer because he'll just fill the comments up."
"I'm gonna tell him just because you said that," Castiel replies. "But this is only for half an hour, so we can hang out, too."
As Castiel gets his phone out to text Lucifer, Dean takes a seat out of frame with Castiel's guitar.
"Did you just tell me to live stream so you could use my guitar?" Castiel asks.
"Maybe," Dean admits. "I never get to play guitar anymore. I'm always practicing with the guys."
"Well, that's no excuse. Guitar is awesome." Castiel opens up Messenger and texted Lucifer quickly.
Castiel: About to go FB live btw
Almost immediately, Lucifer begins typing a response.
Lucifer: Coolio I'm there
Lucifer: So are Mike Anna and Samandriel
Castiel: Cool be right on
Next, he takes to Twitter, where he tweets, "Going Facebook live. See you there?" In a rare moment of productivity, he opens Facebook on his computer, which was all the way across the room, and starts the live stream.
"Hey, guys! Oh, look, people are joining. I don't have to talk to myself! Hi! Hi, everyone! Comment stuff. Anything. Comment literally anything. Okay, a lot of people saying 'hi.' Hi, guys. Oh, an actual comment. 'Do a duet with Taylor Swift.' Should I call her and ask? I'm gonna call her. Hold on."
Castiel whips out his phone and calls her up, careful to hide any contact information from the camera. He turns the phone on speaker and waits for her to answer. She finally does, though it takes what feels like forever, and Castiel makes funny faces at the camera to keep them entertained as they wait.
"Hey, Castiel, what's up?"
"I'm live streaming and someone wants us to do a duet. You think that's a possibility?"
"Yes! Totally!" she agrees immediately. "I can't believe we haven't done that."
"I know, right?" Castiel agrees. "This is happening. It's online now, so there's no excuse for it not to happen."
"But your music is complete different," Dean observes. Castiel glances over at him, and he shrugs.
"We'll make it work, though, right, Castiel?"
"Definitely," Castiel agrees. "An acoustic song, maybe?"
"Yes! When you get back to New York, we've got to work on that."
"Awesome. Thanks, Tay."
"No problem, Castiel. Bye."
They hang up, and Castiel returns to his live stream with a grin. "That went well." His phone dings, showing he has a text. It's from Lucifer. Of course. He must have realized Castiel can't see the majority of his comments and decided to reach him the one way he knows he can. Through text.
Castiel laughs, then explains, "Lucifer is probably the biggest Taylor Swift fan out there, so he's psyched. There's no getting out of this now; when Lucifer wants something, it happens. Luckily, you guys seem excited about this."
He skims through the comments. "'Shut the fuck up you gay ass bitch go suck a dick,'" he reads aloud. "Okay, I'm confused. You said 'gay' like an insult, and yet you're pretty much telling me to go get laid. I don't see the logic there, but hey, I'm happy to oblige."
Dean laughs from behind the laptop, though it's clear that he is trying to be quiet about it. Castiel shoots him a suggestive look, and Dean gives up on laughing quietly. Castiel grins victoriously and returns to his live stream again.
"I feel like everyone here is either saying 'Castiel no' or 'Castiel yes,'" he observes as he scrolls through the responses. He begins humming as he waits for one comment to reply to.
"Seriously?" Dean says judgmentally. "That song blows."
Castiel whips his head up to look at the other boy. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" he demands.
"'Jessie's Girl'? Seriously, Cas? You're better than that."
"Okay, Rick Springfield is awesome, thank you very much," Castiel replies with excessive sass.
"Well, duh, but seriously, 'Jessie's Girl'? Most overrated Rick Springfield song ever."
"Would you like me to hum something else?" Castiel offers with exaggerated politeness. "'Don't Walk Away,' maybe? But, I mean, if my music choice bothers you that much, then please, do walk away."
"I can't even be mad," Dean tells him. "Nicely played."
"I know it was," Castiel replies, then returns his gaze to his computer, only to find it flooded with people wondering who he's talking to. He thinks of a lie quickly, and he knows it sounds convincing when he says, "Oh, guys, this is a friend of Gabriel's, the brother than goes to Stanford. Ignore him. That's what I usually do."
"Hey!" Dean whines.
Castiel makes a point of ignoring him. "Guys, believe it or not, I can be friends with a guy and not date him. I know, crazy, but true." This isn't an example of that, but it's probably best to avoid saying that. "Okay, next person... When am I going to release another album?"
Castiel really wants to tell them that it's almost here, but he knows he's not allowed to. During his inner struggle, Dean silently tells him that he's going to bathroom, because people do that. It's a thing. No reason needed, really.
"Maybe tomorrow. Maybe in 2034. Who knows? 'Do my math homework.' Oh, god no. I finished my school time, I am done with that."
Castiel's phone rings again. He expects to see Lucifer's name again, but it's not.
Charlie: Come on, you tell Lucifer you're live but not me?
Castiel rolls his eyes in that friendly annoyed way. "Hey, guys, my friend Charlie's watching. Everyone say 'hi' to Charlie and maybe she'll forgive me for not telling her I was going live!"
As the comments fill with people saying "hi" to Charlie, there's a loud knocking on the door, followed by Jim saying, "Dammit, Castiel, open the damn door!"
"Hold on!" Castiel calls, reaching for the mouse to end the live stream.
"Now!" Jim adds.
"Busted," Castiel says quietly, but loud enough that it can be heard over Facebook. "Think he saw my Twitter video. Pray for me. Alright, bye guys. Love you all. Hopefully I'll survive this and I'll talk to you later."
He ends the live stream and quickly hurries to the door, opening it to reveal a very pissed off looking Jim. Well, he's fucked.
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