A/N Yo sorry for not updating in forever but I started a new fic and I haven't really written anything else but I'm at Disney right now so I figured what better fic to write than the fic where the characters are also at Disney?
As they're leaving the restaurant, they find Michael and Bobby walking towards it. It wouldn't surprise anyone that Michael is hanging out with the adult because he's arguably the most mature person on the whole vacation, but he and Bobby don't know each other very well, so it's kind of weird. Then Balthazar and Hannah show up behind them, and they quickly realize that this is just the band of misfits who joined together for a few hours.
"Mikey!" Lucifer yells it in a whisper, because he's still holding Alex, and he doesn't want to wake her up now that she's finally asleep. He obviously doesn't hear them, so Lucifer jabs Dean in the ribs with his elbow and whispers, "Go get Michael and friends for me."
"What are you, my dad?" Dean says sarcastically, but he does it anyway.
Hannah bounds over to them, practically skipping in excitement. "This place is just as amazing as I thought it would be!"
"Shh, Alex is sleeping," Claire says quietly, not rudely but just as a heads up.
"And if you wake her up, I will eat you alive," Lucifer adds.
Hannah slowly steps away from him and hides behind Balthazar.
"Mikey!" Lucifer whispers, grinning. "We missed you! Well, I missed you. Well, kinda. I didn't really think about who was here and who wasn't, but now that I realize you weren't here, I missed you!"
Michael raises an eyebrow. "Um... thanks? I kind of looked for you, but then I realized it was quiet for once and I decided to avoid you instead, but clearly it didn't work."
Lucifer gasps. "Michael! How dare you! I thought we were friends!" His concern is so exaggerated, it's comical, but people try to keep their laughter to a minimal so they don't wake the baby. "Anyway, where are you guys heading? Haunted Mansion? Awesome, us too! Let's go!"
"Actually," Michael says before Lucifer can drag him away, "we were going to go eat lunch."
"Well, now you're gonna ride Haunted Mansion instead. Let's go!"
"We were just there."
"Too bad," Lucifer replies. "You're coming. All of you. You don't have a choice."
"Will you let us eat after?" Hannah asks.
"Then let's go."
It's hard to process just when the ride starts, because as soon as they enter the line, it feels like it's begun. The cue has a very ominous feel to it. There are gravestones for various members of a fictional family, each with little rhymes about how they died, but they barely have time to read them because the line moves too fast.
They only stop moving once they reach a wall with pictures of instruments popping out of it. Hannah presses one of the instruments, and the music changes to incorporate that sound.
"Wait, hold up. These are interactive?" Gabriel says excitedly. He presses one with each hand, then adds, "Guys, press them all and see what it sounds like!"
Unfortunately, they can't reach the instrument farthest to the right because there's another group of people in front of them, these ones not interested in the game, but between Dean, Gabriel, and Hannah, they manage to get most of them going.
"Aw, come on, Cas," Dean says with an exaggeratedly disappointed look. "You're the music person here. Why are you defying your destiny like this?"
"Because I'm a rebel," Castiel replies.
"Well, stop rebelling and try to get the instrument over there," Gabriel insists.
"Actually, something happens if you cover all the instruments, and I forget what it is but I feel like you get wet," Dean says. "Okay, now I'm curious about what happens, but I also really don't want to get wet. Final decision: Cas, hit the button."
"No," Castiel says defiantly.
"Why are you being a rebel?" Dean whines, but he doesn't care as much as he pretends he does.
Castiel walks up to him, standing jut inches from him. Dean turns to face him out of instinct, and their faces are only inches apart as Castiel says quietly, "I rebelled, and I did it — all of it — for you." He takes a step back and adds in a normal tone, "So you don't get wet because that's annoying."
Dean chuckles. "You're such a dork."
"I know!"
The line moves again, and they just barely miss the cut off for entering the next room. Instead, they're stuck waiting outside, next to a couple more gravestones. While everyone else chats amongst themselves, Castiel reads the epitaphs. He's not looking at the faces on the graves, which makes it even more disconcerting when he swears he sees one of their faces move.
"Dean." Castiel taps him on the shoulder to get his attention, not taking his gaze off the statue.
"You look like you just saw a ghost," Dean remarks. "What's up?"
"Do the graves here move?" he asks. Dean and Lucifer really seem to have done their research on this place, and he would at least like some confirmation that he's not insane.
"What? No, of course not," Dean replies as if it's obvious. "They're just slabs of plastic or whatever. Why?"
"No reason."
Castiel keeps watching the statue, and again, it moves. This time, it's not the face that changes but the eyes. Castiel taps Dean again, more insistently this time.
"Dean, it moved," Castiel whispers. "It actually moved."
Dean scoffs. "Don't be ridiculous, Cas. It can't move. It's fake. Just a gravestone."
"No, watch it!" Castiel insists.
Dean does as he's told, and once again, the face moves. Castiel looks over at Dean to make sure he was still watching, but while he is, he didn't seem phased by it at all.
"Did you see that?" Castiel asks.
"See what?"
He points at it. "That!"
Dean turns to face his boyfriend, putting his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Cas, it's not moving. It can't move. It's physically impossible."
"But it did," Castiel insists, but he's less sure now. Maybe he's just seeing things. Or maybe this "haunted" mansion actually is haunted. Maybe they only built it here because it's haunted, and they needed to explain the supernatural phenomena, and it's easiest to do that by pretending it was manmade.
"Nah, kidding," Dean says. "It moves. See? Look at the face. It's different than the other few. You can see that they built it so it moves."
Castiel glares at him, pushing his arms away. "Why didn't you say that in the first place?"
"Because you're cute when you're scared."
Castiel crosses his arms and mutters, "I wasn't scared."
"Sure you weren't."
The doors in front of them open, and they're herded into the mansion. Another door opens from inside there, though it seems like the wall just slides away, because it doesn't look like a door at all. The people managing the ride hurry them into the second room with puns like "Please gather in the dead center of the room," and "Drag your bodies away from the walls."
A disembodied voice — the "Ghost Host," begins to speak. After the incident with the statue, Castiel can't help but look for how everything here works. The walls "stretching" is obviously just an elevator, but there's really nothing else to solve in this room; it's just a cool display.
At one point, the lights go out with a crash, and the screaming that occurs is loud enough that Alex wakes up, and, of course, thats followed by some screaming of her own. Lucifer tried to shut her up, eventually just clamping a hand over her mouth. Castiel flinches at that point in the ride, too, and of course, Dean notices.
"You're so jumpy today," Dean laughs. "You're worse than the little kids."
Castiel shoots him a glare but doesn't answer. It's not the lights shutting off or the loud crash that comes with it that bugs him. It's that the whole situation is just wrong.
The so-called Ghost Host said that there was always "his way" to escape this room with no windows and no doors, and though the light and the crash probably distracted a lot of people enough that they just saw the fake window on the ceiling, Castiel's gaze was immediately drawn to the body projected on it, swinging back and forth in the noose. He's all for Disney being creative, but that "joke" should never have been included in the ride. Maybe he's just being oversensitive, but he doesn't find suicide jokes funny.
There's a bit of a line outside of that room where they hop on the ride, but the carts are constantly moving, so the line does, too.
"You ready?" Dean asks, trying to hype him up.
Castiel just shrugs, but he really means no. After the suicide joke, he doesn't care how fun the rest of this ride is. He's already convinced himself that it's going to suck.
"Aw, come on, it's not that scary," Dean adds.
Castiel just crosses his arms. As soon as they're out of here, he'll be back in the Disney spirit, but until then, he's just annoyed.
They sit in the "doombuggy" together, just the two of them, and the Ghost Host lowers the lap bar, which is really just an automated machine.
Castiel can easily figure out how some of these things work. The books popping out of the shelves are automated. The shadow playing piano is a dummy hidden somewhere that it can't be seen — above the cars, probably. There are some things he can't figure out, though. How do the ghosts appear and disappear? How is the menorah floating? Those are the ones that leave him wondering.
Castiel is so lost in his failed attempt to figure out the ride that he barely processes that it's over until Dean stands up. Castiel quickly scrambles out of the doombuggy, and Dean follows.
"So," Dean says with a grin. "How was that?"
Castiel is about to say it was amazing until he remembers the beginning, and his pact to not enjoy it. Clearly, that didn't work very well. He completely forgot about the body hanging from the ceiling as he tried to figure out how the mechanics of the ride work.
"I don't know," Castiel says finally. "It was okay, I guess."
Dean scoffs. "Okay? How was that not one of the best rides you've ever been on?"
Castiel shrugs. "It just wasn't."
Dean just looks at him for a minute before saying, "I don't know what's going on with you, but you gotta cheer up. We're in Disney, for God's sake! This is a once-in-a-lifetime vacation."
"With my income, I could literally live at Disney," Castiel deadpans. "Not really a once-in-a-lifetime trip unless I make it one."
"No, but this trip is a once-in-a-lifetime trip," Dean insists. "Your first trip to Disney? When everything is new and amazing? That doesn't happen twice, Cas."
"Clearly, it doesn't happen once, either," Castiel replies. "I've yet to find this amazing. It's all just crowds and rollercoasters."
"What are you talking about? That wasn't a rollercoaster," Dean reminds him, gesturing to the Haunted Mansion with his head.
"Well, no, but that one... I just didn't like it."
"Why not?"
"I just didn't," Castiel snaps.
Dean puts his hands up, almost in surrender. "Okay, okay. Sorry."
"Hey," Lucifer says, standing between them to separate them. "Stop fighting. You two are too precious for that."
"We're not fighting," they say in unison.
"I don't believe that," Lucifer replies. "Cassie was giving you the death glare, and you look about ready to give up on life." That part seemed directed towards Dean with the use of "you," but he's speaking to both of them when he adds, "You guys gotta chill. It's Disney! The happiest place on earth!"
"It's really not," Castiel mumbles.
"Aw, come on, Cassie!" Lucifer whines. "It's a once-in-a-lifetime trip! Smile!"
Castiel just crosses his arms. Why does everyone keep calling this a once-in-a-lifetime trip? It really isn't, and it's just getting annoying how they keep claiming otherwise.
Lucifer sighs. "Fine. Be that way. Ooh, hey, Dean, I gotta steal you for a sec."
Dean's brows furrow together in confusion. "What?"
"Just —" Lucifer doesn't finish that thought, just pushing Dean forward awkwardly, trying to be forceful without annoying the baby.
Castiel watches them walk away, confused, but he doesn't ask. Instead, he joins the rest of the group, trailing slightly behind the two — or three, if you count Alex.
"Where are we going?" Castiel asks Gabriel, just because he's the closest person.
"To some ride we have FastPasses for," Gabriel says with a shrug. "I got no clue which one it is, though."
Castiel just nods. He's already sure it's going to be another rollercoaster, which makes it even more surprising when they find themselves at the Jungle Cruise, a ride that appears to just be looking at animals.
Dean loops back around the clump to get back to Castiel. "This one's gonna be fun, I promise."
Castiel raises an eyebrow. "I mean, animals are cool, so probably. What'd Lucifer need?"
"Just double checking future plans," he replies with a careless shrug. "We went through a lot of back-and-forth when we planned this thing about what we are and aren't doing and what happens when. We were just making sure we're on the same page."
"Okay..." Sounds weird, but definitely believable. He definitely wouldn't put it past Lucifer to forget everything they planned for this vacation.
They scan their MagicBands on the FastPass machines and walk through the FastPass line, which is entirely separate from the normal line until they board the small boat. There's a bit of a line, even with the FastPasses, but they only have to wait for a few minutes until they're not-so-comfortably seated on their cramped boat.
"No one sits over here," the "tour guide" says, gesturing with her foot to the part of the bench surrounding her. "This is my space, and nobody uses my space. It's all about Facebook and Instagram and Twitter these days; nobody uses MySpace."
The rest of the people on the boat laugh, but Dean just looks confused. He leans over and whispers to Castiel, "What the fuck is MySpace?"
"More like what was MySpace," Castiel corrects him. "It used to be a popular social media platform until it just... wasn't. I never had one, but people still make fun of it."
The tour guide introduces herself as Natalie, and gives a purposely halfassed attempt to hype up the ride. It's so not good that it's actually good. He likes her already.
"Hey, see that guy over there?" she asks, pointing to the man on the loading platform next to them, talking to the people in line. "That's Eugene. Today marks one year since I asked him out."
Everyone on the boat says, "Aw!"
"And him turning me down," she adds. "Something about me being 'creepy' and 'stalkerish.' Just cuz I went to his house every night doesn't make me a stalker!"
Everyone on the boat laughs, and Dean whispers to his boyfriend, "Damn, and I thought I had some creepy fans."
"Hey, it's no worse than the paparazzi for me," Castiel replies. "And, actually, yeah, I've had fans randomly show up at my house before, so this is nothing new for me."
Dean scoffs. "Wow, sucks to be you."
"Tell me about it."
Natalie continues her little one-sided conversation with, "Do you think I should ask him again?"
No one answers, just waiting for the punchline.
"Oh, gee, thanks for all the support," she says sarcastically. "I'm asking if I should confess my love to someone, and you guys are all just staring at me like I have three heads. Wait, I don't, do it?" She quickly puts her hands up to her head and sighs in relief. "Nope, just one."
"She and Lucifer would get along," Castiel remarks. They're both absolute weirdos.
"Oh god no. The world can't handle two Lucifers."
While they were talking, Natalie decided to give their relationship another go, and says, "Hey Eugene." He doesn't answer, so she repeats louder, "Hey, Eugene!"
This time, she gets his attention, and he turns around to look at her. "Yeah?"
"Fancy meeting you here," she says awkwardly. "You know, in this situation. Really unexpected. Almost like fate, ya know? Crazy, right? What are the odds?"
Eugene is already laughing, probably because he sees her every single day because they literally work together.
"So, I was wondering, do you wanna go somewhere? You know, later? Because I'm working right now? And so are you? We could go to a movie, or...?"
He stops laughing long enough to ask, "Tonight?"
"Yeah! You know, I'm usually really busy, 'cause I got tons of friends, you know, obviously, because I'm super popular and stuff, but you just happen to have caught me on a down night. Ya know, book club got cancelled, so I have the night off, so I was wondering if you wanna go do something later maybe possibly if you want?"
Eugene doesn't answer because he's too busy laughing.
"Wait, is that a yes, or...?"
"Uh, yeah, maybe."
"Yay!" As the boat pulls away, she calls after him, "We're getting married! I love you, boo!"
"What the hell even is this ride?" Castiel whispers.
"I'm wondering the exact same thing," Dean replies.
"Alright, hi, I'm Natalie," she says as the boat leaves. "I'll be your tour guide this afternoon, and, if you don't laugh at my jokes, I'll be your swimming instructor."
"Well shit," Dean whispers. "That escalated quickly."
"Keep your hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the boat and blah blah blah blah, you guys know the drill. We're starting out in the Amazon river, where there are a bunch of animals because that's a thing here. Oh, look, a butterfly!"
Castiel looks around, only to find a very fake butterfly sitting out there. Okay, so this is an interesting ride.
"Their wingspan can range from anywhere from twelve inches to an incredible one foot. You could say they're the rulers of the jungle."
"The cringe is too strong," Dean whispers. "Let me out."
"Let me take your FastPass so I can ride again," Castiel adds.
"Alright, we're coming up on a beautiful waterfall that we here and the Jungle Cruise like to call Inspiration Falls," Natalie tells them. "You know why we call it that? Because if you stay here and stare at it long enough... it inspires you to leave."
They round a corner, and though things look shockingly similar, Natalie tells them they're now in the Kongo River in Africa.
"The natives here are super nice," Natalie adds. "They totally forgave me for that one time I crashed my boat into their tree. Okay, so it was four times, but who's counting? Oh, but don't worry, you're totally safe with me."
"Oh god," Castiel whispers. "I'm too young to die."
Dean scoffs. "Yeah, tell that to your fifteen-year-old self. I think he could use that."
Castiel just bitch faces him.
"We're coming up on one of their camps now," Natalie says, but when they arrive, they find themselves in front of an abandoned African camp. There are three weird boats out front, with a little shed in the back that looks like something you'd see in a cliché movie about Hawaii. "Hey, where'd you guys go? Did I scare them away? I'm not that scary, right? I mean, yeah, there was that one time I accidentally lit their house on fire, but that was a total accident!"
As they turn the corner, they sail by a tree with a fake snake coiled around it.
"If you look to your left, you'll see a boa constrictor," Natalie tells them. "They're known for strangling their prey to death. Don't get too close. He might develop a crush on you."
"These puns are so bad," Dean says, but he still laughs at every single one, so he clearly doesn't think they're too bad.
"Alright, guys, we're coming up on one of our camps," Natalie tells them. "We're just gonna stop over here and grab a snack; maybe a banana —"
Unfortunately for them, the camp has been raided by some very fake gorillas, who are climbing around the place.
"Okay, you know what? Let's take a rain check on that. Let's just keep on going. Now we're in the Nile river. It goes on for niles and niles and niles, and if you don't believe me, you're in d..."
A few people on the boat yell out, "Denial!"
"Oh, no, I was gonna say 'disbelief,' but yours is way better," she says. "I'm gonna have to use that one."
Soon, they see a giant elephant staring out into the water.
"Coming up is an African Elephant," Natalie tells them. "You can tell it's African because it's in Africa."
They float by another elephant, and then they find themselves by a large tan rock formation, and Natalie doesn't miss a pun here.
"I feel like a lot of people take this place for granite, but this thing rocks!"
"Ooh, a double whammy," Dean whispers, chuckling.
"Alright, coming up is a bunch of animals, but come on, who goes to a jungle to look at animals?"
"Literally everyone who goes to a jungle," Gabriel calls out.
"Alright, alright, enough from the peanut gallery," she says.
After the first group of African animals, which consists of giraffes and zebras and such, they find a group of lions eating a zebra carcass.
"Aw, look at the little zebra!" she coos. "He's so cute when he's sleeping! And the little lions protecting him! That's definitely what's happening. Yeah. Totally."
"But, like, no," Gabriel says. "Not at all."
Natalie glances over at him. "Well, we're trying to keep it PG over here, or Mickey Mouse is gonna have to put a stop to it."
She begins talking about the group of fake people climbing up a pole to hide from a rhinoceros, but what she says is lost behind Dean's voice.
"Is there a reason Gabriel decided to play 'let's antagonize the tour guide'?"
Castiel shrugs. "He does that to fun people sometimes. He must've decided he likes her. Either that or he thinks she's a dick, 'cause he likes dicking with dicks sometimes."
Dean giggles. "'Dicking with dicks.'"
Castiel facepalms. "You're such a child."
"Yeah, but you love it."
Natalie begins talking about the new area they're in, which still looks exactly the same as every other place they've been to. "We're in crocodile territory now. Up ahead you'll see two of the locals, Freddie and his girlfriend, Ginger. Freddie's pretty chill, but watch out for Ginger. Ginger snaps."
"Why they gotta be so straight?" Dean whispers. "Why can't they be gay lovers? This is homophobia, and I will not stand for the erasure of my people."
"Hey, look on the bright side," Castiel says. "The snake we saw a few minutes ago? She said he might develop a crush on you, meaning anyone in this boat. He's totally bisexual."
The boat is heading straight for a waterfall, and Natalie quickly aims to save them.
"Woah, okay, this is gonna be a steep turn," she says. "If ya don't want to run into Ariel, lean this way!" She jumps on to the right side of the boat, and most people follow along and lean to the right. Lucifer doesn't so he doesn't crush Alex as he leans forward, and because he's recording it all on my cellphone, and Gabriel purposely leans to the left side of be an asshole.
"Hey, you," Natalie says, pointing at him as they predictably avoid the waterfall. "This is why we can't have nice things."
"Aw, thank you, ma'am," Gabriel says with a grin. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Excuse me, being rude to your customers is not okay," Gabriel says. "I should get you fired for this."
"Ah, I don't see that happening," she says. "See, I landed this job because, I think it's plane to see, I am an expert at it. I took a crash course, but now I'm just winging it."
They pass by a crashed airplane on the side of the river, and the whole joke makes a whole lot more sense.
"Hey, do you think I could get a job, too, just 'cause I'm in the air-ea?"
It's clear to see she's fighting back a laugh, though it's not as clear if it's because she finds Gabriel's joke funny, or if she finds it funny how bad it was.
"Oh god, I hope not," she says. "You'd get the whole boat killed."
"Oh, please, like you've never done that," Gabriel jokes.
"Hey, that was just once, and they said I couldn't be held legally liable for any of them."
"Well," Dean says quietly. "We're gonna die. I don't know if it'll be at her hands or Gabriel's, but we're all gonna die."
"At least I'd die happy."
Outside the boat are a group of hippos, with only their heads sticking out of the water.
"Oh, don't worry," Natalie says. "I'll scare 'em off the same way I scared off all my ex boyfriends." She cups her mouth and yells, "Commitment! Longterm relationship! I love you!"
"Hey, Dean, are you sure you two never dated?" Castiel says teasingly. "Sounds an awful lot like you."
"I know, right? What a weird coincidence."
"Alright, something tells me we aren't out of the woods yet," Natalie announces.
"Hey, true story," Castiel says, as if recalling a fond memory. "I sang that song with Taylor Swift once, on stage in front of a stadium full of people. Ah, bad times."
"What? Isn't that your idea of a good time?"
"Not as an awkward sixteen-year-old, it's not," Castiel replies.
"Oh, hey, there's my last tour!" Natalie says excitedly, pointing to their right, where a boat full of skeleton heads is sitting on the shore. "At least they finally got their heads together. What a bunch of boneheads."
"Are those the ones you killed?" Gabriel asks.
"I told you, I'm not legally liable for any of them," Natalie replies. "We're in hunter territory now, but I've dealt with them enough that that's okay. They always attack from the right. Always. They only come from the right. They never attack from the left. Oh, wait, they're coming from the left! And the right! It's an ambush! We gotta get out of here!"
"Is this ride just bad jokes and fake people?" Castiel asks his boyfriend quietly.
"They're not just fake people," Dean says as if that makes it any different. "Some are fake animals."
"And they're very good jokes, thank you very much," Natalie adds.
"Keep telling yourself that," Gabriel replies.
"I will, thanks," she says. They near a large waterfall, and she narrates it, as always. "Coming up is the best part of the whole tour. You're about to see something fantastic, something very few people have seen before. Are you ready to see..."
The boat goes behind the waterfall, narrowly avoiding getting wet.
"The backside of water!"
Gabriel claps loudly, and soon, half of the boat has joined in, despite the original intent being sarcasm.
"We're now heading into Southeast Asia," Natalie tells them. "Coming up is some type of templey thing. I don't know, I failed history class. We'll just go around it." She pauses, then says, "Or not. Looks like there's been an earthquake. Guess we'll have to go through. Make sure to watch out for danger. I'll just be down here for absolutely no reason whatsoever." She ducks and hides behind the front of the boat as they go into the temple.
One of the first sights they see in the temple is a tiger with glowing green eyes.
"Aw, pretty kitty," Dean jokes.
"Can we adopt him?" Castiel asks.
"But what if this is the beginning of a movie where if you take something from the temple, you die, and the tiger is a something?" Dean counters.
"It's still totally worth it."
The temple is cool, and they clearly put a lot of effort into all the details of it, but it's very uneventful with Natalie hiding in fear.
"Do I still have everyone?" Natalie asks. "Raise your hand if you're not here."
Gabriel's hand shoots up immediately.
"Hey, someone give that guy a high five," she says, gesturing to him with her head. "He clearly wants one."
No one does it, because on one side of him, Lucifer is still holding a baby and videoing the ride, and on the other is Sam, who has too much class for that.
"Alright, fine, leave him hanging," Natalie says with a shrug. "I hope you're all content being horrible people."
Next up is a bunch of elephants in the river, which she calls an elephant bathing pool.
"You're welcome to take pictures," she adds. "They've all got their trunks on."
"It's rude to take pictures of people without their permission, whether there clothed or not," Gabriel scolds her. "Wow, the nerve."
"It's a good thing they aren't people, then, isn't it?"
"Kinda ironic," Castiel says quietly. "Doesn't seem to stop anyone from taking pictures of me."
"Well, you're not a person, either," Dean says as if it's obvious.
Castiel just stares at him uncomprehendingly.
"You're an angel," he adds.
"Aw, you're adorable," Castiel laughs, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Ew, no PDAs," Gabriel whines.
"Sorry," Dean says, then adds, "Except not really."
"Oh, guys, watch out," Natalie says as they near another elephant. "This guy's a trouble maker. He likes to get the boat wet." He ducks underwater, and she breathes a sigh of relief. "Never mind. He's going under. Oh, wait, no, he's coming up! Everybody hide!"
"Sucks for the people on that side is the boat," Dean says.
"Nope," Natalie says as they pass him. "Didn't have time to reload."
"I didn't realize elephants were guns," Dean whispers.
"What? I thought that was common knowledge."
"Did you know," Natalie begins, "That there are hundreds of different types of plants here? I'm gonna point or a few of my favorites. See that one?" She points out the boat at some possibly fake plant. "I like that one. Oh, and that one. And that one. And that one, too. And that one's my favorite."
"What about that one?" Gabriel asks, not even pointing to a plant.
"Oh, no, that one's hideous." As they continue, they reach a fake man holding a few shrunken heads by their hair. "And what's a trip on the Jungle Cruise without a visit from trader Sam? Everyone say 'hi' to Sam."
"Wow," Gabriel says, nudging his boyfriend. "Is this what you do with yourself when I'm not around?"
"Yes, I sell heads for a living," Sam says sarcastically.
"Hey, to each their own."
"Trader Sam is our head salesman here on Jungle Cruise, and he has a deal for you. Two of his heads for one of yours." When no one immediately jumps on the idea, she adds, "Come on, is a great deal. No matter what way you slice it or dice it, you always come out ahead."
"I'm in," Gabriel announces.
Natalie eyes him for a minute. "Your head may only be worth one of Trader Sam's. Maybe half a head."
Gabriel scoffs. "Okay, this gift," he circles his face with his finger, "is super cute!"
"Mm, sure," she says sarcastically. "Well, it's now time for the most dangerous part of the trip. The return to civilization. Now, out of every tour I've been on, you guys have definitely been the most..." She trails off, finally finishing the sentence a few seconds later with, "recent. We laughed, we cried, we almost died a couple times. It almost makes us like a family, you know? And, like any family, ten minutes together have been more than enough.
"Really, though," she continued as they pull up to the dock. "You guys have been outstanding. And, in a few moments, you'll be out standing over there on the dock. Everyone get out the way you came in, and watch out for the crates, or you may trip, and that'll mean two bad trips on this one ride, and I think this trip was bad enough as it is."
People begin to file out, and Castiel and Dean was for Sabriel, Clarifer, and Alex before they leave, despite the rest of the group having ditched them. Sam and Gabriel are the last two out of the boat, and Natalie adds as they climb out, "Hey, it was a pleasure riding with you, Gabriel."
Gabriel's eyebrows draw together in confusion. "Wait, how do you... Oh, you recognized Castiel, didn't you?"
"Damn straight, I did," she says. "I gotta go pick up my next tour, but you guys are awesome. Oh, and Lucifer?"
Lucifer clearly wasn't paying any attention to the conversation, but his head whips up when he hears his name. "Hmm?"
"Your baby is adorable." She gives them a mock salute, and, as the Novaks and Winchesters leave, she calls after them, "Hey Castiel, don't forget about us poor people who can pay a hundred bucks for concert tickets!"
As Castiel yells, "Sorry!" Dean yells, "That's what the nosebleeds are for!"
Castiel slaps him on the shoulder. "Seriously, Dean? Can you try to be nice to a fan just once?"
"I'm sure I could," he says. "I just don't want to."
Castiel sighs. "Fine, whatever." He'll lecture Dean on not being an asshole later, when they aren't surrounded by people, but for now, he'll let it slide.
"But hey, wasn't that ride awesome, at least?" Dean asks excitedly.
"That's definitely my favorite one," Castiel replies.
"Same," Dean agrees. "We witnessed a marriage proposal and everything."
Castiel chuckles. "That was great. No, my favorite part was the plants, though."
"'I like that one, and that one, and that one, and that one.'"
"'What about that one?'" Castiel adds.
"'Oh, no, that one's hideous."
They both burst out laughing, because to them, it's just as funny the second time. Gabriel just made that so much better.
Alex starts crying suddenly, getting everyone's attention — including the random people passing by, who look mildly annoyed.
"Shh," Lucifer hushes her. "Do you need to be changed? Maybe? I don't know how to take care of a baby. Um..." Lucifer looks around before handing the kid to Claire. "Go be a mom."
As Claire takes her to the nearest bathroom to change her diaper, the rest of the group just sits down on the ground and waits. Castiel rests his head on his boyfriend's shoulder and stifled a yawn. It's been a long day, and it's only halfway over.
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