Chapter 1: Y/n vs the apocalypse

in the highway filled with empty cars left there, music was playing as the bike droved around them.

y/n found some music on a device call a iPhone, it had no password after viewing this Internet from the computer he learned on how to use the phone while learning on how to use YouTube.

The new world is confusing but y/n adapt to it.

now he transferred music to his pip boy and listing to music. 

Time skip 51 minutes later

the drive was peaceful if you don't include cars left on the road, mutated dogs, squirrels and more zombies which is peaceful.

so y/n arrived in Glendale which is quiet, so he have to find a place to lay low.

but then he heard a another bike engine.

Y/n pulls out his pistol.

then he saw a armored figure on a bike.

when it saw me it stop the bike and looked at me.

it was a tense stand off. until the person said something to him.

??? : (Distorted) Hello, Welcome to Glendale Stranger.

Y/n: Thanks and you are?

Baron: my name is not important but the survivors here called me Baron triumph, so be warned the kids here are well lost in their way so be careful.

Y/n: thanks.

Baron rode past him but stopped.

Baron: but you look like a good kid since you listen to me, I'll give you knowledge about me, I was once a Principal.

Then it drove off leaving him alone.

Strange but y/n drove on following the directions on his pip


After a short drive y/n has arrived at his destination.

Y/n: so that's the apartment no doubt it's infested.

Y/n drives the bike into the underground parking, he start house cleaning sneak style, he cleared the lobby, the rooms, the kitchen, and the staff room.

After he killed all the ghouls in the hotel he piled them outside and set them on fire, he barricade the windows and doors and now the safehouse is secured.

Now time to find a clean apartment.

He walked up the stairs and check every rooms but no luck but then sees a out of order room so he open the door saw what's inside

Y/n holy shit I must say whoever built this has great taste.

it looked cosy but he was hungry, so he checked his bag and pulled out the MRE to eat.

he opens the MRE and it was a pizza so he puts it in the microwave for 1 Minute and eats it.

Y/n eats the MRE and drank a Nuka cola copy called Coca cola, after finishing his meal he was about to head out to collect any blood or tissues to take with him back to the bunker.

But before y/n can continue he heard engine and yelling.

Y/n: What the fuck?

y/n gets up and heads to the window and some teens wearing sports gear driving vehicles ,and two people on a makeshift stage on a van driving by one was wearing a helmet with 1 painted on it and a female with spiked shoulder pads.

Y/n: Great raiders seems they are after someone.

Raider: Lets get this pussy!

Y/n: yep correct on that theory, I better follow them and see if I can try to stop them.

Y/m suits up, grabs his weaponry, he gets on his bike and silently follows them.


After following them from behind they start throwing rocks at the window of the apartment

Raider: Throw the rocks!

Raider #2: Pussies!

They even began to cheer and mock those inside.

Then the ones in white shirts are now speaking to their leader.

White shirt man #1: They're not coming out, Turbo.

White shirt man #2: We gotta turn up, Turbo.

White shirt man #3: We're savage AF, Turbo.

White shirt man #4: No one ducks our tribe, Turbo.

White shirt man #5: Let's bust through this goal line, Turbo.

Y/n: So the leaders name is turbo.

The leader stands up and pulls his axe and yells.

But then y/n sees one of the kids throws a water balloon at the white shirt man and hits him and in the balloon was blood gel.

White shirt man: I'm dirty! Josh!

Y/n sees two teens and one kid on a balcony with water balloon with blood in them.

Other teen: Make it rain!

They start throwing blood balloons at them.

Y/n figures out that they are attracting the ghouls to them, y/n sneaks away to the back of the hotel to wait for them.

After a few seconds he sees the one called josh on a skateboard trying to hide but was unsuccessful.

Then the guy hears bike engine.

Raider: Tracks!

Josh: crap crap crap.

But the a hand covers his mouth and pulls him in a building.

Josh: hhmppff?!

Y/n: Shhh! Quiet.

They hear the second in command speak.

2nd commander: You can run, but you can't hide sucker!

The rest of the Raiders begin their search.

Y/n: now you better be quiet when I move my hand from your mouth get it?

Josh nods y/n moves his hand.

Josh: (Breaths for air) what the hell man, Why you dragged me in here man?

Y/n: just saved your life and since your the Normal one perhaps you got a name kid?

Josh: I'm josh.

Y/n: okay josh I'm y/n I'm from L.A, would you like to share with me about those raiders?

Josh: those are the jocks and the one in the mask is Turbo, they want me dead.

Y/n: Why?

Josh: they are my bullies from my school.

Y/n: well now let's get out of here.

Josh: hold how can I trust you that your not with the jocks?

Y/n: if I was them I would have knocked you out and you'll be waking up being eating alive by ghouls.

Josh: fair enough but how are we going to get past them?

Y/n points behind him it was his bike

Josh: whoa.

Y/n: hop on.

Meanwhile outside the jocks was still searching for josh but then they heard the garage door open and comes out was a armored man on a bike and behind him was Josh.

Josh flips the finger at them and y/n throws something at their feet.

Y/n: happy early Christmas!

Y/n drove off as the thing at their feet was a flash bang explode.

The jocks was stunned as their sight was blinded and ringing in their ears.

Josh: was that a flash bang?!

Y/n: Yep it can give us more time as it might attract the bloodstarve ghouls.

Josh: you mean ghoulies?

Y/n: what?

Josh: ghoulies that's what we call them.

Y/n: who names them? Never mind where to?

Josh: I'll point the way.


they reached the mall but it was locked and unfortunately a ghoulie was behind them.

the teen in a low budget samurai outfit named Wesley can't attack due to his now role as a pacifist

the girl with a handmade flamethrower who's trying to light it up is angelica.

Wesley: I can't open it!

Angelica: I'm almost empty. You gotta kill her!

Female ghoul: There's a sale! Ten percent off Groove Pants at Lululemon.

Wesley: I'm a Pacifist!

But before he can continue they hear a motorcycle engine.

Angelica: Oh Fucking great baron coming!

They closed their eyes waiting for the death but then.

(Insert whistle here)

The ghoulie stopped in her track and turned around and saw y/n getting off the bike and pulls out his pulse rifle.

Y/n: hey have some taste of this.

The ghoulie starts speed walking at y/n

Y/n aims his rifle at the running ghoulie and as she getting close he shoots her.

The blue beam hits her causing her clothes and flesh to evaporated into ash leaving only the Skeleton.

The 3 teens where in shocked

Josh: What.

Wesley: The.

Angelica: Fuck?

Josh: what the hell did you do to her?

Y/n: put her out of her misery and cleansed her infection.

Wesley: just who the heck are you sci fi dude?

Y/n: Name's Y/n I'm from L.A.

Angelica: los angeles? Are there survivors?

Y/n: Don't know i stayed at the metropolitan area and got here by the highway. And met this Baron triumph fellow, strange but friendly.

The teens were silent.

Y/n: what?

Josh: you met Baron triumph?

Angelica: You talked to him?

Wesley: and lived?

Y/n: Umm yeah wait you know him?

Angelica: Duh yeah he's a cannibal who kidnaps kids.

Wesley: yeah and worse hoyce is a dickhead jerk.

Josh: yeah we been avoiding him ever since the bombs hits.

Y/n: (What? Shit this not good he told me he was once a Principal) well looks like you need help with lock.

Angelica: Don't bother we have no key.

Y/n: who said i need a key?

Y/n starts lock picking the lock

Angelica: lock picking cool hurry up before the jocks find us.

Wesley: wait they not following you.

Josh: well y/n used a flashbang on them so we escaped clean.

Wesley: whoa.

Y/n: Almost...

Then a another motorcycle engine roars.

Josh: Oh shit Baron triumph hurry you got to...

Josh sees y/n has vanished.

Angelica: Oh Fucking perfect he pussy out.

Baron triumph ride from around the corner and slowly ride towards them but then.

Y/n apeared out of nowhere and kicked him off the bike.

Baron???: Ow dude what the hell?

He sees a strange sci fi man pointing a gun at him.

Baron???: Whoa whoa whoa what don't shoot don't shoot chill chill.

Y/n: you're not the Baron, Who are you?

The baron impostor slowly gets up and takes off the mask and helmet.

Y/n saw his face and doesn't recognised him but for the teens they were in disbelief.

Wesley: What the...

Y/n: You know him?

Then josh looks at the readers

Josh: So what's like life in the apocalypse? It's never what you expect.

Y/n saw josh turned his head and talking to nothing.

Y/n: (who the is he talking to?)


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