Chapter 24
Kootoni's POV
I awoke the next morning still pissed off at Deidara, I undid the barricade I made the night before as now that his clay is dry he might actually blow down the door. I then walked into the bathroom to take a shower before we were to head out and travel for a while to find the three tails. When I got showered and dressed I left the bathroom and entered my room to find a very pissed off looking Deidara, which made me feel slightly proud that I had managed to piss him off. I ignored him and he ignored me as we got ready to head out. I was ready first as usual and I waited with Tobi for Deidara to finish packing so we could leave. "I'm so happy to finally be a member of the Akatsuki and excited to finally have my first mission with you and Deidara-sempai, Kootoni-chan!" Tobi rambled on and on about how excited he was. For once he was excited, but as usual he was being over dramatic and pretending to be someone he isn't, but I don't mind as long as he annoys Deidara the whole trip, then he can be my friend. Tobi was still rambling as Deidara arrived and we headed out. After about ten minutes of walking, Tobi went very quiet as he sensed the tension between Deidara and I. "How are you Deidara-sempai? Kootoni-chan?" he questioned breaking the awkward silence.
"Fine thanks Tobi" I replied and Deidara impersonated an Uchiha as he just said 'hn' and continued ignoring us. I sighed, this is going to be a long trip!
We had been walking for hours and Deidara and I just listened to Tobi when he decided to break the silence now and again, never actually replying. Eventually Tobi started to moan that he was hungry. "Oh please Deidara-sempai can we please have something to eat?" Tobi whined.
"NO, un!" Deidara shouted starting to lose his nerve. I smiled knowing this was my chance to really get on his nerves.
"Oh come on Dei! Tobi and I are starving!" I moaned. He just started to get irritated and continued to ignore us. I got annoyed at his lack of reaction and so I sat down and when Tobi looked back at me, I motioned for him to come join me. Deidara kept walking until he noticed the lack of noise and turned around. When he saw us he was beyond annoyed and I smirked at him. "I'm not moving until Tobi and I get something to eat!" I informed him stubbornly. He sighed and was about to lose his nerve until he grew a wide smirk on his face and then I panicked a little, what's he up to? He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder and continued walking and Tobi soon followed. Damn him this isn't over. "Deiiiiiiiii...... Deiiiiiiiiii, I'm soooooooo hungry Deiiiiii!" I kept moaning and whining in his ear and eventually I started to feel him tense and so I started shouting in his ear. "DEIIII PLEASE, I'M SO HUNGRY!!!!" He jumped at how loud I was and finally snapped.
"What the hell is your problem, yeah?!?" he growled after setting me down. I got really angry at this question is he really that stupid?
"You know exactly what you did to get me to be this pissed off!! Don't even dare try to play the innocent one!" I growled right back.
"You know what you have taken this too far! Just drop it already and we can call it a truce, un!" he said still shouting at me.
"No way in hell! Not until you say sorry!" I stubbornly crossed my arms and pouted facing away from him.
"I won't because you obviously still haven't grown up! Why don't you do something original for once instead of copying others like Tobi and acting like him! You don't even have an original art, you just copy everyone else and try to learn theirs instead of doing your own. I mean you learned painting from your mother, drawing from a best friend of yours, sculpting from me and how to make puppets from Sasori! Do you even have an original personality or did you copy that too?!" he screamed. I took a huge offense at this. I can't believe he is using one of my biggest insecurities against me when he knows I trusted him to keep that a secret and now he is using it against me? That's it I'm done! I just went silent and walked off in the other direction and tried to stop the tears welling up in my eyes from escaping. That bastard! "Wait Kootoni, I'm sorry, yeah! That was too far, I really didn't mean it! It was just a joke, un!" he yelled after me trying to get me to stop. I just turned around and gave him the coldest glare I could, trying to hide the tears in my eyes.
"A joke.. really, it was just a joke?" I questioned on the verge of yelling again. He nodded his head and I laughed angrily at him. "You wanna know what's a joke?... Your sad excuse of art is a joke, burn in hell you son of a bitch!" and with that I stomped off leaving him and Tobi standing there in complete shock at what I just said.
Deidara's POV
"I won't because you obviously still haven't grown up! Why don't you do something original for once instead of copying others like Tobi and acting like him! You don't even have an original art, you just copy everyone else and try to learn theirs instead of doing your own. I mean you learned painting from your mother, drawing from a best friend of yours, sculpting from me and how to make puppets from Sasori! Do you even have an original personality or did you copy that too?!" I screamed at her. Right away I saw how much that hurt her and I knew I had gone way too far. I saw her walk off and knew she was on the verge of tears making me feel terrible. "Wait Kootoni, I'm sorry, yeah! That was too far, I really didn't mean it! It was just a joke, un!" I yelled after her hoping that she would forgive me and trying to get her to stay here so I can make it up to her. When she turned around the hurt in her eyes made me feel so guilty that I couldn't look at them and ended up facing the ground.
"A joke.. really, it was just a joke?" She questioned seemingly more calm, which gave me an awful feeling in my gut. "You wanna know what's a joke? Your sad excuse of art is a joke, burn in hell you son of a bitch!" I was completely and utterly speechless at what she just said. Part of me wanted to murder her and part of me wanted to beg for her forgiveness knowing I brought this on myself. I finally snapped out of my thoughts, but she was gone.
"You've really done it this time Deidara-sempai" Tobi mocked. I turned around and snapped throwing clay explosives at him and making them blow up causing him to run away for a while. Now that he is gone I should go and find Kootoni, I know she didn't mean what she said about my art she loves it, I know she does. I guess she just said it to hurt me back for hurting her I sighed deeply. I really have fucked it up this time, Danna would kill me if he were here!
Kootoni's POV
I was sitting at the bottom of a tree crying curled in a ball and holding my legs. I have never seen Dei so angry and I have never ever seen him try to hurt me like that. He has changed so much since Sasori died yesterday. I don't care if he is grieving, I miss him too and I didn't start shouting at him until he started on me. Dei does have a point though, I'm pathetic and have no originality to me at all. I probably don't even act like myself around Dei, what is my real self anyway? I have lived for so long and haven't found one thing that I'm incredibly skilled at, all I can do is be average at everything. I put my head down and rested it on my knees and sat there silently crying and hating myself more and more as the minutes went by. You know what Deidara isn't good for me right now, maybe when this mission is over I can ask Leader-sama if I can go with Itachi and Kisame on a mission as they are really fun and actually nice to me, I could even ask to go on a solo mission if he has any. I jumped when I heard someone coming and went to attack them, but stopped when I saw it was Deidara. Damn it he's seen me cry because of him. He is going to think I'm weak now too. I slowly sat down not caring anymore and leant against the tree again. Deidara came to sit beside me and I just let him feeling too depressed to move away or fight him right now. "I'm sorry, Kootoni. I really am, I promise!" he whispered to me avoiding eye contact. "And I'm sorry I've been treating you like I have. I love you the way you are and really don't want you to change" he urged me to forgive him.
"It's fine, you were right anyway. I don't do anything original. I don't even seem to have an original gift or even an original personality as I seem to be able to get along with everyone by copying them" I spoke looking to the ground the whole time.
"Kootoni, that's not true. You don't copy people's personalities, you just know how to talk to everyone so you act according to what you think they will get along with more. You're just a good people person. You are pure of heart and couldn't hate anyone, no matter how much they deserved it, you respect the lives of others as you see the beauty in life. And, your art is beautiful, you are one of the few people who are good at sculpting, drawing, painting and even making puppets, which is practically all the best arts. Your view on art is the most original view I have ever come across in all my life and it even shocked Sasori when you first started talking about it. And, you do have a gift. You can make even the most heartless of people feel loved and happy and you are a really good healer to the point where you can even create your own medicine pills to help others! I love you because I have never come across anything so special in all my life, no other girl could even compare to you and I was so stupid. I treated you like shit when others would die to be with you and would treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I'm so lucky that I got caught that day and met you in Konoha because even though that was the most painful week of my entire life I would still go through it over and over again as I found you and you are my soul-mate Kootoni. I knew it as soon as I met you that there was a spark and an attraction that I couldn't resist no matter how hard I tried" he spoke softly to me and I could tell by the way he said it that he meant every word of it. He grabbed my chin and made me look up at him and I saw those crystal blue eyes that I loved so much and just stared at him loving him even more than I did before, if that was even possible.
He leaned in and kissed me making sparks fly up through my body, making my aching heart start to mend as I started to feel the heat in my chest again that spread throughout my body this time. I couldn't describe in words how much I loved Dei at that moment because my love for him was indescribable and the way he made me feel confused me as it was so intense that there was never any in between, I either truly hated him or loved him immensely. I grabbed onto his neck and rubbed down his back as he softly caressed my waist and sides making me shiver at his touch. His lips moving ever so perfectly with mine as they always did, making me feel in complete bliss. I felt his tongue roam my mouth as he slowly made me melt inside and..
"Ahhh, Tobi's eyes, they burn!!" Tobi interrupted us and my thoughts. I stared up at him and glared and I could tell Deidara did the same. We sighed getting up and starting to make our way to where the three tails was last spotted. On the way there Tobi would keep asking really annoying questions that I eventually gave up on answering and just ignored him while I held onto Deidara's arm leaning my head on his shoulder as we walked.
OMW! This was just so corny XD Please forgive me! :L LOL Anyway hoping this chapter was more enjoyable than I think it is. Thanks for the votes, comments and continued support from everyone! You guys are awesome xx :)
P.s If you can't see the video its a song called Human by Christina Perri :D I just found this song and I kinda love it now :P Sorry if it's not your type of music :D Also I don't own Naruto
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