Chapter 1

Hi! This is my first ever story that I have ever written so please be kind. :) Also know that I am a Fan of Naruto and may not get everything right, so don't be too hard on me! Be warned there are spoilers and that I may not follow the naruto story line exactly and there may be some parts changed etc. Thanks for taking the time to read. Enjoy, don't forget to comment if you like it. Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC Kootoni who I made up. I don't own the cover picture either, Thanks again :)


Running through the dark forest, rain pelting against my skin soaking me right through. The loud noises are fast approaching and getting closer. My feet are starting to falter under the now slippery wet mud that is getting harder and harder to run in. The half conscious blonde teen dragging me down as I try to rush us out of the dangerous predicament we had both gotten ourselves into. Suddenly as if out of nowhere the three dark shadows that had been chasing us stood before us. 'Shit' I think as I start to panic, it's hard enough to take on even one of the Anbu black ops on a normal day when I'm at peek strength but to take on three with my ever-fading chakra while protecting the now unconscious heavy boy leaning on my now aching body.  

"Stop where you are and surrender now miss Nyoko" said the tallest Anbu member, obviously the leader of the group that was sent after me to, if I were to guess correctly, either talk me into coming back with them to the village willingly or to stall until backup arrived. "Lord Hokage has given permission for you to be relieved of your crimes if you just surrender and come back to the village with the S-ranked missing nin" Just as I thought. But as guilty as I felt about what I had done I couldn't hand him over just like that, not when I knew exactly what they would continue doing to him; I could never forgive myself. Argh! what am I thinking I can't take on three Anbu on my own. I just wish I never joined the Konoha interrogation unit all those years back, maybe then I would never have thought of going against all those who I cared for in my village to save this.. what? Stranger I had just met and knew nothing about! Why did he have this effect on me? I mean I never feel guilty for the murderous and treacherous people who we tortured for days on end to get the truth out of them no matter what age, gender or race they happened to be so why him? He is just like all the rest. What makes him so different? Well it's too late to turn back now.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Commander" I reply and even though I tried to hide it you could still hear the fear and hesitance in my voice. I quickly lay the blonde on the ground while I got into a fighting stance ready to hit them with everything I had until I could come up with a plan to get myself out of this mess.

*1 week ago*

"Haha he's got you there Naruto!" I say through uncontrollable fits of laughter to the irritated blonde who I consider to be one of my closest friends, even with his loud mouth and idiotic tendencies which would normally drive me up the wall or make me hide my unbelievably red face and make me wish I would just die on the spot.

"Hey! Who's side are you on anyway Kootoni?!"

"She's obviously smart enough to know you've lost this battle. Baka!" replied an overly smug dark-eyed, raven haired Uchiha. This just made Naruto contort his face even more in anger, which just made me laugh even harder; making him obviously more irritated. While a pinked haired Sakura practically drooling over Sasuke just agreed and hung on to every word the Uchiha said.

Sasuke just gave his trademark 'Hn' and walked back towards his house now that we have finished our mission, but not without calling us both idiots and saying he will see us tomorrow for training, while a love struck Sakura chased after him like a lost puppy trying to get him to join her for dinner. Suddenly Naruto calmed down and turned around to give me an 'how could you look'. I immediately stop laughing knowing I have hurt Naruto's feelings and making me feel a pang of guilt as I realised how much he felt betrayed at me laughing at his humiliation.

"I'm sorry" I said directed towards Naruto.

"Just because you like him doesn't mean you should encourage him to be so mean to me!" He replied in a far quieter tone than usual. Damn! He really knows how to work me.

"You're right I shouldn't have encouraged him, I should have stuck up for you like usual" I sighed, but quickly added with a louder more harsh tone "And I DO NOT like that revenge obsessed, egotistical prick Naruto! Now quit saying that all the time. His Fangirls might hear you and I will be strangled in my sleep or god forbid one day he might hear you and his already huge head will explode!" This cheered Naruto up immensely and he started to laugh so hard he fell over on the ground gripping his sides and kicking his legs in the air. I smiled and started laughing myself at the sight of him literally rolling on the floor laughing his ass off.

We both stopped laughing after a while and he got up off the ground and grinned at me. 'oh no! I know where this is going' I thought as I knew what he was going to do next. "Don't think this means I forgive you Kootoni! you betrayed my trust and now you must earn it back, believe it!" He practically shouted at me. I groaned as I realised my now beautiful fat owl purse was going to lose a lot of his weight soon.

"Fine" I muttered "Tonight's ramen is on me" Naruto immediately cheered and yelled out 'last one there's a rotten egg' as he started to run to Ichiraku ramen. As much as I hated it, I couldn't help but smile even though nearly everyone in the village was staring at us by now.

I was about to run to catch up to Naruto when I heard Kakashi Sensei. "Hey Kootoni" he said in his normal cool attitude.

"Hey Kakashi Sensei" I replied with a smile. Naruto stopped dead in his tracks and started reversing back when he realised who I was talking to.

"Hey! Kakashi Sensei!" Naruto yelled. Sometimes I don't think he knows how to speak normally. "What was so important that you couldn't go on our mission with us?" He quizzed our Sensei.

"Sorry guys! I was sent on an S ranked mission at last notice. But I'm sure you guys handled it with no problems." Kakashi replied.

"Yeah of course we did even though Sasuke held us behind! He is soooo annoying Kakashi Sensei, I'm obviously more skilled than him so why don't we kick him out so it can just be me, Sakura and Kootoni." Naruto rambled on about how much he despised Sasuke. Normally I would listen, but something else had caught my attention as I saw the Anbu black ops members walk in with a young teenage boy, probably only a couple of years older than me with long silky blonde hair that shone in the sunlight. I smiled at how amazing he looked. Everything about him screamed originality and freshness, which took my breath away. He seemed so fun and gave off an energetic feel, I had the over whelming urge to get to know him. He noticed me smiling on the way past us and gave me a very cheeky smile back. I blushed as I saw his dreamy blue eyes that were as clear and blue as the ocean. I immediately felt sick when I realised how stupid I must look, I imagined myself looking as star struck as Sasuke's Fangirls and shivered at the thought. My smile then turned into a frown as I noticed that the young blonde was being escorted in handcuffs by the two Anbu members that just walked through the gates with Kakashi Sensei and I started to notice how ruffed up he looked. He had obviously been in a fierce battle and had lost. "Kootoni" said Kakashi Sensei, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"yeah?" I managed to blurt out.

"Did you hear anything I just said to you?" The look of utter confusion on my face obviously showed I hadn't. "You are needed in the interrogation building immediately" He sighed.

"But I'm only a trainee" I protested. "And today is my day off!"

"That may be, but even without training you are very good at getting people to open up and talk. In fact I would dare to say that you are one of the best trainees we have had in years" He said. "And you can't get out of this one, it's Hokages orders" He made sure to say.

"Who is it I will be talking to?" I know most would connect the dots and understand immediately that it was the boy they just dragged in, but I just didn't want to believe it ok?!

"You have already seen him, it was the young boy you were gawking at a minute ago" He replied. I suddenly had an awful sinking feeling in my gut. This was just not my day.

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