A New Soul - Part 1
I do not own the song or video, they belong to their respectful owners. I just think this fits with Glitchy, no matter where he lands. He really is a clean slate no matter how you look at it. A very adorable one~
Time for some Glitchy~! In Nerd and Jock, it will be different, just saying.
Oh, it would be so, so different with Glitchy instead of Erratum! Like, WAY different than 'Mr. Erratum'. Glitchy would never become the sewing teacher, or a teacher at all. But there would be some similarities. Can anyone say "Over-protective students"? More so than with Mr. Erratum, as Glitchy doesn't look like he can kill a man with a look and get away with it with even if there were witnesses. Sure, Glitchy could make someone die of cuteness with a look, but not fear.
It's not like anyone knows, much less Glitchy himself, that Glitchy has the power to destroy whole universes if he put his mind to it.
Glitchy is called "Error" at the start, but it will change to "Glitchy" later on as there is already a Error - not that Glitchy knows that. You'll understand once you start reading. But I wanted to put this out now so no one is confused.
There is going to be some legal stuff in here, but I in no way think it is or know if it is right. Most likely not, but I am doing it for the plot of the story. So, don't get angry for that please.
I am going to have way too much fun with this....Like, I think I need professional help, but I refuse to get it if it means doing this! I can't stop smiling and laughing, I'm going slap happy! #NO-REGRETS!
Twisted!Error - Glitchy walks out of the portal, and instead of ending up in Snowdin of a random AU, ends up in Nerd And Jock Multiverse.
Pairing: Undecided
-Start Chapter-
Error blinked, confusion turning into delight. Eyes sparkling, the glitch took in all the new sounds. All the new smells, the sights. The new everything.
The shinning things above him made Error's eyes sparkle in the same way. The big glowing, the biggest glowing thing, shinned gently down on him. It made him want to...want to do something. Take it in his arms, for some reason Error felt like that. Shaking his head, Error started his new exploration.
And with no mean Voices to scream at him! Just the thought of that alone made Error skip.
New colors of all kinds surrounded him, making him beam as he walked. With no destination in mind, the skeleton just kept walking. Other people were out, yet stayed away from the wondering skeleton. Error's mind too busy buzzing to go and talk to anyone of them. He was too busy trying to figure out what everything was.
Eventually, Error found a place that smelled nice. It was surrounded by weird cold and sturdy things, but had a big opening Error could walk in. People walked around, some holdings hands and others talking to one another. With wonder in his eyes, he watched them all. He watched two people sit on something, talking, before getting up and leaving.
Rushing to where they had sat before, Error poked it. It was...hard. Cold and not at all soft. Circling around it, Error gaped in awe and wonder, trying to figure out just what this thing was. Humming, Error decided to try what those others did. First, he lifted a leg on the thing, but frowned when he realized that he was doing it wrong.
It took a few tries, but eventually Error was sitting on the thing like the others were. It was hard and not comfy, but Error was proud. Blinking, Error found someone staring at him. It was another person, carrying some white things. White. Error frowned at the color. He didn't like white, it reminded him of the White Room. The person smiled at him and waved, making Error look confused.
Glancing to his hand, he looked back to the waving hand. It took a bit, but eventually, Error lifted his hand, and moved it side to side....backwards. The back of his hand facing the stranger with his palm facing him.
The person blinked, but still smiled as they walked up to him. Error tilted his head, wondering what they wanted....maybe they wanted to sit on the things too?
It was late at night by the time Gina Berry finished her shopping, having just gotten back in the city later that day. After finding out her neighbor was murdered by his third wife after she found out about the other four wives, Berry decided that the day was best spent outside. She just never thought she would be out this late.
Deciding to go through the park to get to her apartment quicker, she did a double take at finding a Monster. A glitching, skeleton Monster. No many Monsters lived near the area anymore. Not after that that racist group dusted a few Monster children and threw their dust in other Monster's faces. While the group is gone and it happened a few years ago, not many Monsters wanted to live, let alone be in the area.
'What...What is he doing?' Gina frowned in concern. The skeleton Monster was a few inches shorter than her, and looked to be young. How young, it was hard to tell. But knowing that a teen could be out alone at this time was worrying. And that's not counting that the skeleton was playing around with a bench like he had never seen one before.
Watching as the skeleton tried to figure out how to sit down cemented to Berry was something wrong. Either this skeleton was on something, or something was just plain wrong. Sure, it was adorable in a way. Like watching a child trying to figure out something, yet it was wrong. This skeleton looked old enough to know how to at least sit down if not know what a bench was.
Finally, the dark skeleton got it right. Then, he looked up, giving Gina a full view of his face.
'Innocent.' That was the first thought that came to mind. Wide bright pinpricks of multicolored eyes in red eye sockets set in a dark skull stared right back. They shinned like the stars, filled with wonder and awe as if seeing the world for the first time. What looked to be tears marks where on his face, adding in a tragic touch. It was like he cried for so long it stained his face.
Being polite, Gina waved and smiled.
The skeleton blinked, glancing at his own hand and her's in confusion. Then, he lifted up, backside facing her, and moved his whole arm in a slanted side to side motion. Looking proud while it was going on.
Enough was enough, time to get some answers before her worry gets anymore high. Hopefully it was just a lost teen or young adult that looks young, not something more darker.
So, Gina smiled and headed to the smaller glitching skeleton.
"Hello, dear." Gina smiled gently down at the sitting skeleton. "If you don't mind me asking, I wanted to know what you were doing out so late?"
'Late? Dear?' Error frowned in thought, not understanding. All he could figure out was that the person was asking what he was doing. She even said so! "i'M siTTIng ON thIS thING!" Error brightly told the person, pointing to the cold thing he was sitting on. "iS thAT whY yOU camE oVeER? yOU WanTEd TO SiT DOWN oN tHIS thING ToO?"
"'Thing'?....Do you mean the bench?" Gina asked softly, pointing to said bench. The skeleton blinked in confusion, before brightening up.
"bEnCH? thAT'S WhaT IT'S CalLED?" Error looked down at this so called 'bench' that he was sitting on. This person must know a lot! Maybe she even knows about all the colors surrounding him. "WhAT ColOR iS THiS 'bEncH'?"
"....Grey, as it is concrete." Gina slowly answered, looking the skeleton up and down. Was this skeleton colored-blind? "My name is Gina Berry, it's nice to meet you. What is your name?"
Error frowned, wanting to ask more questions on the colors. Besides, he didn't really have a name. Only what the Voices called him, and that changed on how they were feeling. "i WaS callEd 'miStaKE' By thEm." Error pouted, trying to think on all the things the Voices called him. He only thought himself as 'Error' because it was the one word they called him most. He didn't notice Gina's paling face. "ThEY moSTlY caLLEd ME ErRoR thOUGh!"
".....I see. We'll, why don't you tell me where your home is?" Gina could feel her core shake, not liking where this was going. "I'll walk you home....and have a few words with your parents." Really, she wanted to do more then have words with them. Who lets their kid, as this Monster in front of her had to be a teen at the most if not a child, out at this time of night and calls them a 'Error', which is just another word for 'Mistake', so much that he thinks that is his name. No, Gina retracts that, the one in front of her doesn't seem to know what a name is.
"....WhaTS a 'HOMe' aND 'paREntS'?" The Monster in front of her eventually asked. Confusion and befuddlement written all over his face.
Now, Gina used to be a sewing and Home Ec teacher before she retired. Key word; Teacher. Being a teacher taught her how to spot lies and false tales. The Monster in front of her? The dark, multicolored skeleton that was looking up at her with wide innocent eyes? Yeah, no. He wasn't telling a single lie. He honestly had no idea what were parents or a home was. Before she had been a teacher, Gina had to take several classes on abuse and how to spot them all. In fact, she had to take them every year until she retired, as times do change.
This whole picture that is forming in her mind and how the Monster is reacting to her questions is screaming 'ABUSE!' at her. Either that, or he has a extreme case of amnesia. And as the other has no head wounds from what she can see, and he doesn't smell off crossing off questionable substances, that means something darker is going on.
Trying to think, Gina fired off questions before she even knew what she was doing. "What about 'Them'? The ones who called you...'Error'? Where are they? Where were you before you came here?" Biting her lip to stop herself, she paid close attention and prayed that she was wrong.
"thE vOIcEs!" Error frowned, twitching and glitching. Glancing around as if to hear their screaming once more. "thEm aRE thE voiCEs. i WaS iN thE whITE rOOm WiTH tHEM scREamING aT mE....BuT i GoT ouT!" Error grinned at this, clapping his hands in excitement. "i nEvER lEfT thE whiTE rOOm bEfoRE. i WaNNa kNOW ALl thE colORs tHErE ARE!" Error cooed out, eyes shinning at the though of knowing all the colors. Maybe he might even get to have more colors for himself. He had seen other people with colors on, so many different ones. He wanted new colors.
'Ohh~! New colors, everyday! I wanna change colors everyday!' Error tugged at his hood, imaging the color on it changing to other ones.
It's times like these that Gina wishes she didn't enjoy taking walks. She could have took her car and got some groceries instead of walking even if it is only a short distance from her home. If it came down to it, she could have ran over these people and call it self defense. Playing up the old, weakening woman card if anything where to happen. She's sure that she could get away with it too, she took acting classes in school and still remembers them well.
Shaking off her personal desires - and might be reality if there are no options... Or if she ever found out who they were and happened to just run them over. Whatever happened first. - Gina knew what she had to do.
Taking in a deep breath, Gina smiled sweetly at the sitting Monster. "Well, how about you come with me for right now? You need to have a home, you can't stay here forever. We'll go to the police station and see if we can't find you one or get started on finding you one."
Error blinked, having no idea what Gina was talking about - said woman could see this, making her hurt inside - but just smiled and rolled with it. "CaN yOU anSwER mY QuEsTiONs tHEn?"
"I'll answer them on the way there." Gina promised with a sad smile. "Any question you have, just ask me. I'll try to answer as many as I can to the best of my abilities."
That was all Error needed.
Hopping off the bench, Error bright grinned at the taller person. "okAY!"
Gina smiled as she lead the skeleton to the station. Luckily, the station was only a few blocks away from the park.
At least she had some food in her bags, she had a feeling this was going to take a long time to get sorted out....
-Three Hours Later-
"So, lets put everything togethert?" A man in a police uniform - brown hair cut short with blue eyes - ask the other people around him. "John, you start. You talked to the woman?"
"Yeah, Gina Berry." John - another officer, blond hair with brown eyes - nodded. "She was brutally honest, if nothing else. I also think she is low-key planning to committing murder too, by the look in her eyes. But I have a feeling that it either won't happen or we won't be able to find out if it was her or not." John lightly joked before a frown overtook his face. "Ms. Berry stated that she had just come back from out from town and was just on her way back from getting a few groceries to tied her over until she could make a list of everything she needed. She happened to pass by the skeleton Monster. She stated that she was worried for someone who looked to be so young out and about at such a late time. After asking some questions - which are recorded - Ms. Berry felt it was time to take some steps and proceeded to the station after convincing the skeleton Monster to come with her." John sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Really, Drake, it wasn't convincing. Skeleton Monster didn't even know what she meant and just went with it all."
The first man that spoke, Drake, just glanced to the woman in nice suit. "Lucy, as apart of social services, you talked to Skeleton Monster? Did the doctor we call say anything?"
"Yes, and it was decided by him that he wanted to go by 'Glitchy'." Lucy - a woman with bright red hair and hazel eyes - gave a small smile, recalling how that happened. "After one of the other officers had asked "You're really glitchy, does that hurt you?" in worry, Glitchy had decided that he wanted to be called that from now on. We checked the glitching too, but a more through medical examination will be needed to see why exactly he is glitchy and if it is pixlexia. But I am almost certain it is, with his voice and appearance glitching like it, which means it shouldn't hurt unless the glitching got more out of control."
"Well, it's better than 'Error' or 'Mistake'..." Another officer, a lion Monster - called Leon - muttered at the end of the table.
"After talking to Glitchy, I have found some distributing evidence that points to all kinds of abuse if not outright torture." Lucy's face went grim, making the other officers in the room straighten. "From what I can gather, he has been trapped in what he calls 'White Room' for his whole life. Nothing but white surrounding him, never knowing what time it is or leaving said room. Not even to eat.... He doesn't know what food even is. Hell, he doesn't know what anything is." Lucy whispered the last part, eyes watering. No matter how many cases she does, it never gets better.
Clearing her throat, Lucy straightened and continued. "After asking some questions, it seems that he was screamed at by what he calls 'The Voices'. They mentally, emotionally, verbally and even physically abused him by convincing him to hurt himself."
"And he never saw 'The Voices'?" Drake asked with a face that might as well been made out of stone.
"No. Glitchy just told me that they screamed at him. He never saw them." Lucy confirmed. "Things that 'The Voices' told him are written in the file..... They're not pretty."
"Leon, any progress on finding any papers on Glitchy? Anything mentioning a missing skeleton Monster?"
Leon sadly shook his head. "No, nothing. No is reported missing, and his magic is very....weird." Leon frowned, thinking about it. "Our scientists can't make it out. But it doesn't seem like it's harming him, so...."
"Great, might as well put illegal experimentation in his files too while we're at it." John groaned, rubbing his head. "'The Voices' might have done something to him without his knowing too."
"And we couldn't find a birth certificate either..." Drake groaned out himself before gathering himself together, waving Lucy to go on. "What else did you find out, Lucy? What did the doctor say?"
"Well, I can say for certain that Glitchy has Leukophobia." Lucy sighed out, wanting to just cry. The only reason she had this job was because she loved helping children. But it never got easier when faced with the harsh reality of what happens to all kinds of children everyday. "But, it is manageable. I had given him a white bear, he refused to touch it or even look at it besides from some fearful glances. Then, I had tied a pink bow around it's neck. Glitchy then took the bear and was able to face it without much fear. As long as it has even a little bit of color on it, Glitchy is fine with white because he unconsciously focuses on the color, not the shade of white. He might also have monophobia, as he did not want to be left alone at all, but it is only a assumption right now."
"Only those phobias?" Leon couldn't help but ask. He thought with everything that had happened, Glitchy would be worse off. But then again, if Glitchy didn't know what anything is, then how can he fear it?
Lucy nodded. "The Doctor, Dr. Bright, came in and had done a few tests with Glitchy. More extensive tests are needed, but Dr. Bright strongly thinks that Glitchy has Asperger's Syndrome or at the very least, somewhere on the autistic spectrum. With the color obsession Glitchy has, as well as everything else, I strongly think that is Asperger syndrome."
"But no injuries?" Drake asked after a moment of taking in all the information. "No bleeding or hidden wounds?"
"Some old scars that may or may not heal with time. There are some scars on his upper arms that look like biting marks. Glitchy admitted to chewing on his arms until they start to 'gush out weird stuff' because 'The Voices told me I might escape if I chewed my arm off.'"
"Son of a bitch..." John muttered out. Leon hummed in agreement, brows frowned in thought.
"But this still doesn't answer why we can't find him in the system... there has to be at least on doctor visit for the birth..." Drake mused, eyes darkened in thought. Leon shifted, before speaking up, slowly stating his words.
"What....What if we are looking at this at the wrong angle." Leon's eyes were slowly getting wide in horrified realization. "We've been thinking that some assholes have gave birth or take some kid as a child. Anyone of those options would leave some type of paper trail. But, what if it's the first one, and they didn't go to a hospital to give birth." Leon looked to his co-workers with horror painted on his face. "Maybe they even hid the pregnancy. No one would know about the kid, no one would think to ask about the kid if something were to happen. Just think, they have the perfect victim then. No kid, no eyes on said kid if they look off or say something off. Hell, this might even be a hate crime too with the kid having Asperger's Syndrome and Pixlexia."
"Oh God." Lucy breathed out, hands coming to cover her mouth. "No one would think to report them. With everyone thinking they don't have a child, why would anyone think to call them up on child abuse if they acted normal with other children and didn't have one themselves?"
"And that's not counting what they did to him without his knowledge. We might be looking at some kind of criminal underground or a underground lab of some kind if there is illegal experimentation." John pointed out, face cold and eyes hard. "To get DNA, we'd need to get to the marrow. And the only way to do that is by breaking one of his bones. It's not worth the chance, not when it is most likely that his blood has been tampered with like his magic is."
"This is all assumptions and speculations." Drake reminded them, but he was starting to believe it himself with everything in front of him. "For now, we have to find Glitchy a place to stay."
"Ms. Berry offered up her home, even to adopt him." John's face softened a little while he said this. "I know that Glitchy should immediately go to a foster home or even the hospital, but I think we should make a exception here.... We'll still do everything else right of course, checking the house and making sure she gets the paperwork done...but I really don't think we should separate them."
"I agree with John. It might set Glitchy off." Lucy agreed with a nod. "A foster home, the system itself, would not be good for Glitchy's mental health. Better to have him stay with someone who is planning to adopt him then off to a home where he will be shuffled around."
Just because she worked in social services, did not mean she agreed with the system.
"It will also help us keep a eye on him." Leon added in helpfully. "In the system, he would be shuffled around and moved around constantly. If something the case were to happen and we need to talk or get to Glitchy, we know where he is."
Drake took in a deep breath, looking at everyone, before letting the breath out slowly.
-One Hour Later-
"Glitchy Err Berry." Gina softly whispered, tracing the name written on the paper. the official document stated and shows that she was the guardian to the skeleton Monster she had found at the park. Sure, there were a ton of legal to get through still as well as medical visits needed to get to, but Glitchy was as good as her's.
While she is much too old to be a Mother, she always had wanted to be a Grandmother.
"GrAnNy?" Gina brightened, turning her head with a grin. Glitchy stood there, a brightly colored blanket wrapped around him like a cape. One of the Officers had given it to him while Gina had explained everything to Glitchy, and told him to call her 'Granny' or 'Granny G'. "aRE wE staYinG hERE?"
"No, Glitchy, this is the police station. I have a different home. It's smaller, but it works." Gina lightly explained, a thoughtful smile on her face. "Although...I guess I should look into getting a bigger place now..."
The only reason she had a apartment and not a house was because she didn't need much room. But with a teen - the doctors can't guess his age, so they guess he is a teen, about fourteen or fifteen years of age. Gina decided to go with 14, to make things easier. - living with her, she knew she was going to need more room. Her only free room was a work space for her sewing and storage for everything else. And a yard filled with colorful flowers would be best, giving Glitchy some much needed air with some color to it.
Glancing to Glitchy, who was rubbing the soft blanket and cooing at the colors, Gina felt so right in making her choice to take in the skeleton Monster. Most would have just got him to the police station and let that be that. Yet, walking to the station, looking at his wonder filled eyes as he took in the world for the first time like a newborn baby... Gina couldn't leave him. Maybe it was selfish on her part, but she found she had fallen in love with the young skeleton; Seeing him as the son that she never had before as she lightly answered his questions like one would do to a child. While she is too old to be a Mother, a Grandmother can work just as well.
Glitchy needed love, attention, protection and so much more. He needed to see how life worked and understand so much. Heck, he needed to be guided through how to eat and how to do the most basic of things. Gina looked forward to it though. loving, guiding a child to a better future no matter what age they are.... Isn't that what a Mother does? A good one at least? There might be harsh roads and bumpy rides, but at the end, everything will be fine. If it isn't fine, then it's not the end yet.
'Glitchy Err Berry.' Gina hummed, thinking of the name Glitchy picked out for himself, 'Err' because it sounded like 'Error' without being 'Error', 'Glitchy' because he liked the sound of it, and 'Berry' because '"It's the same as your's!"'. Glitchy was a new soul, much like a newborn baby in so many ways.
It was Gina's job, duty, honor, and downright pleasure to take care and love Glitchy in place of those horrible 'Voices'. She only hopped that she would do a good job and not fail him.
"GraNNy! GrAnNy! WhaT'S thAT ColOR?"
"That's pink, Glitchy. A soft carnation pink." Gina lightly smiled, feeling warm. At the very least, her fashion design degree would be useful now. Studying all those colors, the woman knew it would come in handy one day. Just never thought it would for her skeleton Monster grandson that she adopted, who used to be a abuse victim.
But, that's destiny for you.
-End Chapter-
Here it is! Speculation is running wild about Glitchy. While no one knows it, Glitchy is a God of Destruction and a Destroyer. With magic being different in Nerd and Jock - not as strong - than Glitchy's Multiverse, Glitchy's magic would look very off and maybe even tampered with in certain situations. It also doesn't help that in this Multiverse, they can't CHECK someone's SOUL. Only a little magic is in this multiverse, enough for some moves but not enough to pull out Gaster Blasters or the more powerful magical attacks. Really, pulling out a gun would be easier and stronger in most cases here. So, yeah, speculation ran and is going to run wild.
I have no idea how social services are ran, nor how everything else would go. Look it up if you need information, do not take my story with seriousness in that regard.
It was only after making Glitchy did I realize that he or seemed like he had Asperger's Syndrome after someone mentioned it. I looked it up, and it really does fit in with Glitchy. If he was in a place like Nerd And Jock, he would be diagnosed with it and after looking it up, I'm pretty sure he has it. Like, when I read that comment, I felt like a parent myself as I went to look up everything about it and found out my kid most likely has it.
But that's fine. Glitchy is perfect the way he is, Syndrome or not. If he has it, then he has it. He's still the same as always, he just has a name and title to go with it.
In any case, because of this, Glitchy would be put in a certain type of class. Special Education, or Special Ed. It's fine that he is in there, as he would honestly need to be in there. There is no way that Glitchy could or would be in normal classes. Even without Asperger's Syndrome, Glitchy has other issues that come from the 'White Room' and Voices, not knowing a whole lot and most likely having some types of learning disabilities and such that haven't been diagnosed yet. If not a whole mess of other issues/reasons now that I am thinking about... Like, a type of pixlexia may be considered a disorder or disability. Don't know, but I could see that now that I'm thinking about it....I'm going to use it.
Really, all my versions of Error have issues. Some more serious than others and all at varying levels with each one. Like, Erratum himself alone would make the best councilor or psychiatrist in the world weep and have no idea how to help him.
So, for the class, as there is no Special Ed class from what I can see, I turned what used to be his bitties - my OCs - in/from 'Twisted', into students for the Special Ed class as we never seen one in Nerd And Jock. In fact, I'm pretty sure I am the first one to do this. Realistically, there would be a class like this, and Glitchy would be in it no matter how you look at it - unless he was home-schooled. So, I made one for the purpose of the story.
Please know that I am in no way making fun of these disorders or disabilities. I, myself, have dyslexia - which is counted and is a learning disability - and I have tried to research as much as I can about every single one that I am going to use. I might get things wrong or exaggerate on accident, for that, I am sorry.
So, here are Glitchy's classmates!
Azure W.(Waters) Starline; Has Narcolepsy - extreme drowsiness and falling asleep at random times with no warning, having no choice in the matter when they fall asleep during those times-.
Rose C.(Crescent) Thorns; Is on the autism spectrum and has social-anxiety.
Ruby N.(Novella) Thorns; Has learning disorders;- Dyscalculia - affects a persons ability to understand numbers and learn math facts -, Dysgraphia - a disability that affects how a person writes and their fine motor skills - and Dyslexia - Affects reading and language-based processing skills. -. He also has some behavioral problems/issues. Meaning, he has gotten violent and been in fights as well.
Azure and Ruby both were held back a grade, making them in Glitchy's grade even though they are older.
Rose and Ruby are brothers, with them being a year apart in age, but not related to the Fell brothers in any way.
The three of them have fonts in their names. With Azure's being his last name, while Ruby and Rose have it as their middle names.
And of course, Toriel is the teacher for this class. No one could be better in my mind. I think in the comics, she was the General Teacher or something like that, maybe for the younger years. But, in this, I made her the Special Ed Teacher.
Bullying will happen in this story as well. Teens are known to bully those that are different and Glitchy is beyond different. I wouldn't worry too much though, Glitchy will have his protection squad - almost the whole school, let's be honest here. He's like the baby brother and ultimate Waifu - to be there for him. But these things do happen, so it's going to be in the story. Sometimes, people are assholes just be mean, other times they don't know any different or there is something wrong; In their life or was taught wrong. All these scenarios will happen in the story.
I can't wait to do the next chapter for this~!
Just because I made one version of Error fall into a certain world, does not mean I won't do it for other versions. Like this for example; Just because Flaw and Shears fell and landed in NaJ, doesn't mean I won't make Glitchy do the same.
It's the same for the others. Although, there is no way Delusion or Static would become teachers or students. I would have to go a very different way about it.
....PTA Static - where he accidentally or on purpose, it's hard to tell with him, becomes a parent and has to deal with the school because his kid goes there. Like, everything from volunteering for things, going to meetings and conferences, dealing with teachers and even to dealing with all those PTA meetings. - anyone?
Delusion is a bit more difficult to place. I can think up a scenario for Static to get everything is needed to be a parent, even without use of the Codes to give him a background, and how to get said kid. All of it done in a mostly lazy way too. But Delusion is harder to place in this world, for the fact that he would be rushed to the hospital first chance. It's hard to think up a way for him to meet and interact with the cast of NaJ.....
I think I could also make a PTA Delusion now that I am thinking about it. He would go about it a different way then Static too, making it similar but different. How Static goes about things is different how Delusion would. Delusion would also get one hell of a overprotective kid too.
So, yeah, anyone want some PTA!Static and PTA!Delusion?
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