Chapter 2

As soon as Morgana knew it, they were making supper for everyone, they were all getting things from the cupboard and finding chairs for everyone to sit at the table. Bilbo was not very happy about this.

" Those are my pri--! Excuse me, not wine," Bilbo complained. " Put that back. Put that back." Morgana was carrying more cookies into the room. " Not the jam, please. Excuse me. Excuse me."  She then saw Bombur carrying loads of cheese wheels.  "It's a tad excessive, isn't it? Have you got a cheese knife?"

" Cheese knife?" Bofur asked as he walked in with a ham. " He eats it by the block."

" Ugh," Bilbo groaned.

" Won't he get constipated?" Morgana asked as he followed him into the dining room.

" Never," Bifur denied.

" No, no, that's Grandpa Mungo's chair--" Bilbo tried to stop someone. " No, so is that. Take it back, please."

" I can't hear what you're saying," Ori said as he pointed at his ear. 

" It's an antique. Not for sitting on," Bilbo said loudly. Morgana shook her head as she helped rearrange things on the table. " That is a book, not a coaster. And put that map down."

" Excuse me, Mr. Gandalf?" Dori asked walking up.

" Yes," Gandalf asked as he looked at him.

" May I attempt you with a cup of chamomile?" Dori asked as he poured tea into a cup.

" Oh, no, thank you, Dori," Gandalf denied polity. " Hand the tea to the lady if you will, as for me...a little red wine for me, I think." Dori nodded he handed Morgana the cup of tea.

" Thank you Dori," Morgana thanked him, he smiled at her before going to go find wine. Soon they all sat around the table chowing down on the food. The dwarves where very handsy and messy. Morgana could have sworn that Bilbo looked like he was about to faint. He stayed out of the dining room and stared out of the window.

" Bombur catch!" Gloin yelped as he threw a cheese ball at him. Bombur caught it with his mouth and all the dwarves cheered happily.

" Oh, you great galumphing git!" Dwalin said as food flew across the table and Fili walked across it.

" Who wants an ale?" Fili asked as he held to two mugs of it. " There you go."

" Over here, brother," Kili insisted. Gandalf ended up having food be bounced off his plate.

" I said I have another drink," Dwalin informed. " Here you go."

" Ale on the count of three," Bofur said. They put the mugs in the middle.

" One," the counted. " Two."

" Up!" Kili said, they swung the mugs back and let the ale go down their throats and all over their beards. Nori burped after they finished and they all started laughing. Ori let out a blech and soon it turned into a bleching contest everyone laughing. Soon they finished and were heading into another room.

" Excuse me, that is a doily, not a dishcloth," Bilbo informed as he took the doily from Nori.

" But it's full of holes," Bofur noted.

" It's supposed to look like that," Bilbo said as he folded it. "It's crochet."

"And a wonderful game too," Bofur added. " If you've got the balls for it." All the dwarves laughed." 

" The balls for it?" Morgana asked Kili confusingly.

" When you're older," Fili said.

" Don't wanna corrupt that young mind of your just yet," Kili laughed.

" My dear Bilbo, what on earth is the matter?" Gandalf asked as he walked into the room.

" What's the matter?" Bilbo asked as he followed the tall man. " I'm surrounded by Dwarves. What are they ding here?" Bofur grabbed a long sausage link from Nori, the two began to fight over it.

" They're quite a merry gathering once you get used to them," Gandalf said as they watched.

" I don't want to get used to them," BIlbo hissed. " Look at the state of my kitchen. There's mud trod into the carpet. They've pillaged the pantry. I won't even tell you what they've done to the bathroom. They've destroyed the plumbing. I don't understand what they're doing in my house!"

" Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt," Ori said as he walked up to Bilbo. " What should I do with my plate?"

" Here you go, Ori. Give it to me," Fili said as he took the plate. He threw to Kili, who caught it and threw it to Bifur who was at the sink.

"Excuse me!" Bilbo protested. " That's' my mother's West Farthing pottery. It's over 100 years old!" At the table, they clinged the silverware together. " Can you not do that? You'll blunt them."

" Ooh," Bofur began. " Do you hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives."

" Blunt the knives, bend the forks," Kili sang as they continued with the plates.

" Smash the bottles and burn the corks," Fili sang.

" Chip the glasses and crack the plates," Oin sang. 

Soon they all began singing. " That's what Bilbo Baggins hates. Cut the cloth, tread on the fat. Leave the bones on the bedroom mat. Pour the milk on the pantry floor. Splash wine on every door. Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl. Pound them up with a thumping pole. When you're finished, if they are whole. Send them down the hall to roll." They made music out of the teapot and danced as plates and bowls flew across the room, Morgana sat on the back wall clapping along. " That's what Bilbo Baggins hates." He walked into seeing everything cleaned and stacked.

" Bilbo," Gandalf smiled as he sat down and put his mouth on the pipe, then there was a pounding on the door. " He's here." He opened the door, revealing another dwarf, he had dark hair, he looked official. 

" Gandalf," the man greeted before stepping in. " I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way twice." He turned his head to see them all looking. " I wouldn't have found it all if not been for that mark on the door."

" Mark?" Bilbo asked as he stepped forward. " There's no mark on the door. It was painted a week ago." 

" There is a mark," Gandalf corrected and the other new man handed Morgana his cloak. " I put it there myself." They all looked at Gandalf. " Bilbo Baggins and Morgana Silverstone, allow me to introduce the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield." The two side by side as Thorin stepped up to get a better look at them.

" So..this is the Hobbit," Thorin stated as he looked at Bilbo. " And this is the half-hobbit." He looked at Morgana. " Tell me, Mr, Baggins, and Ms. Silverstone, have you done much fighting?" 

" Pardon me?" Bilbo asked.

" Ax or sword?" Thorin asked as he walked around the two. " What's your weapon of choice?"

" Well, I do have some skill at conkers if you must know..." Bilbo informed. " But I fail to see what that's relevant."

" Thought as much," Thorin stated. " Looks more like grocer than a burglar." They all chuckled. " And as for you?" He looked at Morgana. " Your weapon of choice?"

" A bow and arrow," Morgana answered.

" Is that so?" Thorin grunted before they walked into the kitchen. They got Thorin a bowl of soup and a mug of ae.

" What news from the meeting in Ered Luin?" Balin asked. " Did they all come?"

" Aye, envoys from all seven kingdoms," Thorin answered.

" All of them!" Balin exclaimed.

" And what did the Dwarves of the Iron Hills say?" Dwalin asked. " Is Dain with us?"

" They will not come," Thorin admitted heavily. They all murmured. " They say this quest is ours and ours alone."

" You're going on a quest?" Bilbo asked.

" Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have little more light," Gandalf requested. " Far the east.." He took out a map and Bilbo fetched another candle. " Over ranges and rivers...beyond woodlands and wastelands...lies a single, solitary peak."

 " The Lonely Mountain," Bilbo read.

" Aye, Oin has read the portents," Gloin informed. " And the portents say it is time. Ravens have been seen flying around the mountain, as it was foretold. When the birds of yore return to Erebor...the reign of the beast will end."

" What beast?" Morgana asked.

" That would be a reference to Smaug the terrible," Bofur informed. " Chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire-breather. Teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks. Extremely fond of precious metals."

" Yes, I know what a dragon is," Bilbo confirmed.

" I'm not afraid," Ori said as he stood up. " I'm up for it. I'll give him a taste of Dwarfish iron right up his jacksie!"

" Good lad, Ori!" Nori cheered.

" Sit down," Dori demanded as he pulled his brother down.

" The task would be difficult with an army behind us..." Balin stated. "But we're number just 13. And not 13 of the best...nor brightest."

" Here, who are you calling dim?" Nori demanded.

" Sorry, what did he say?" Ori demanded.

"We may be few in number," Fili began. " But we're fighters, all of us, to the last Dwarf." He smacked the table.

" And you forget, we have a wizard in our company," Kili reminded everyone.  Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons in his time."

" Oh, well, no. I wouldn't say," Gandalf began to deny.

" How many did?" Dori asked.

" What?" Gandalf asked.

" How many dragons have you killed?" Dori asked. They all looked at the wizard, he was coughing up smoke. " Go on. Give us a number. They all began shouting, Morgana just sipped on her tea and stared at the table. Thorin then shouted in dwarvish and stood up, they all got quiet and sat down. " If we have read these you not think others will have read them too? Rumors have begun to spread. The dragon, Smaug, has not been seen for 60 years. Eyes look east to the mountain, assessing...wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?" They all cheered.

" You forget, the Front Gate is sealed," Balin pointed out making Thorin sit back down. " There is no way into the mountain."

" That my dear Balin is not entirely true," Gandalf denied as he revealed a key.

" How came you by this?" Thorin asked as he stared at the key.

" It was given to me by your father," Gandalf answered. " By Thrain. For safekeeping. It is yours now." He handed the key to the leader.

" If there is a key..." Fili began. " There must be a door."

" These runs speak of a hidden passage to the Lower Halls," Gandalf informed as he pointed at the map.

" There's another way in," Kili cheered.

" Well, if you can find it, but Dwarf doors are invisible when closed," Gandalf recalled. " The answer lies hidden somewhere in this map...and I do not have the skill to find it. But there are others in Middle-Earth who can. The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth...and no small amount of courage." He looked at Bilbo. " But, if we are careful and clever, I believe that it can be done."

" That's why we need a burglar," Ori gathered.

" Hmm. And a good one too," Bilbo noted. " An expert, I'd imagine."

" And are you?" Gloin asked.

" Am I what?" Bilbo asked.

" He said he's an expert," Oin stated. " Hey."

" Me?" Bilbo gasped. " No, no. no. I'm no burglar. I've never stolen a thing in my life."

" Well, I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr. Baggins," Balin agreed. " He's hardly burglar material."

" Aye, the Wild is no place for gentlefolk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves," Dwalin noted.

" He's just fine," Kili protested. They all began to chat on how unqualified Bilbo is to be a burglar.

" Enough!" Gandalf ordered as he stood up. " If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is. Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet. In fact, they can pass unseen by most, if they choose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of Dwarf...the scent Hobbit and Hobbit and elf mixture is all but unknown to him...which gives us a distinct advantage. You asked me to find the 14th and 15th member of this company and I have chosen Mr. Baggins and Ms. Silverstone. There's a lot more to them than appearances suggest. And they've got a great deal more to offer than any of you know. Including themselves." Thorin looked at Gandalf questioningly. " You must trust me on this."

" Very well," Thorin gave in. " We will do it your way."

" No, no," Bilbo denied.

" Give them the contract," Thorin demanded.

" We're in, we're off," Bofur stated as Balin took out the paper.

" It's just the usual," Balin informed as he stood up. " Summary of out-of-pocket expenses...time required, remuneration...funeral arrangements, so forth." Thorin took the contract and handed it to Morgana, she took it and walked away from the table a little, her and Bilbo read through it.

" Funeral arrangements?" Bilbo asked. As they read, Thorin leaned over to Gandalf.

" I cannot guarantee their safety," Thorin whispered.

" Understood," Gandalf agreed.

" Nor will I be responsible for their fate," Thorin added.

" Agreed," Gandalf said after a second of thinking.

" Terms: Cash on delivery, up to but not exceeding one-fourteenth of total profit, if any," Bilbo read. " Hmm. Seems fair."

" Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by...or sustained as a consequence, therefore, including, but not limited to lacerations...eviscerations," Morgana read.

" Incineration?" Bilbo asked.

" Aye, he'll melt the flesh off your bones in a blink of an eye," Bofur informed.

" You all right laddie?" Balin asked as Bilbo let out a sigh.

" Huh? Yeah," Bilbo confirmed as he put his hands on his knees. " Feel a bit faint."

" Think furnace with wings," Bofur suggested as he stood up.

" Air," Bilbo breathed. " I need air."

" Flash of light, searing pain, then poof. You're nothing more than a pile of ash," Bofur described.

" Hmm," Bilbo breathed as he stood up. " Nope." He then fainted.

" I think you went a bit far with that one Mr. Bofur," Morgana stated as she knelt down besides Bilbo. 

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