Chapter 1

In the city of Dale, in a room of the royal house, was sick woman. She had grey hair, her children all around her, her husband had already passed. Her son was the current King of Dale, King Brand and next to him was her youngest daughter, Berta. There was an eleven-year difference between the two. Now Berta looked younger then her age, this being her mother was half-elf and half hobbit. Berta took on her mother traits plus human while Brand only took on the human side.

Morgana had did not have the immortality of the elves, she laid in bed sick for days. 

" Mommy," Berta said. The girl had long brown hair like her father and purple eyes like her mother. 

" Berta," Morgana smiled. 

" Can you tell us one last story," Berta requested.

" She's too sick," Brand denied with a grunt.

" One last story," Morgana agreed. " I will tell you about the time before I met your father."

" You already told us that story," Brand recalled. " Dad has told us that story."

" Did I tell about the story of the unexpected journey with Mr. Bilbo Baggins?" Morgana asked.

" No," Brand frowned as he furrowed his eyebrows. 

" Well, come listen to one last story my dear children," Morgana insisted.


A young Morgana lived in the Shire among other hobbits, she would sneak out sometimes to train with bow and arrows and train with a sword. Everyone accepted her, even if she was not fully hobbit. Morgana's mother was a hobbit and her father was an elve, her mother died from an illness and her father died a battle long ago. So Bilbo Baggins let her stay with him, but she only came in for supper and sleep. Other than that she was out every day. Morgana was a beautiful girl, she had long red wavy hair and unusual purple eyes. She gained the height of a hobbit, the senses of an elf and lifespan of a hobbit. She was quite thankful to not have hairy feet like them. She was quick on her feet, but hobbits were not violent people, therefore no reason for her to draw a sword and fight.

Morgana was now walking with Gandalf, escorting to the home she shares with Bilbo Baggins. It was a beautiful day in the Shire.

" There he is Mr. Gandalf," Morgana pointed at the man, he was sitting on his bench behind his fence. Smoke going over his face, he had a relaxed smile on his face. He gasped when some went into his nose. " Mr. Baggins." He looked at her, then looked at Gandalf and made a weird face.

" Good morning," he greeted as she put the pipe in his mouth.

" What do you mean?" Gandalf asked." Do you wish me a good morning...or do you mean that it was a good morning whether I want it or not?" Bilbo glassed as the end of his pipe and looked back at the man. " Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating this is a good morning to be good on? Hm?

" All of them at once, I suppose," Bilbo answered.

" Hmm," Gandalf sounded as his smiled dropped.

" Can I help you?" Bilbo asked the man.

" That remains to be seen," Gandalf stated. " I'm looking for two people to share in an adventure." The pipe fell from Bilbo's mouth as Morgana's face lit up.

" An adventure?" Bilbo asked. " No, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures."

" I want to go on an adventure," Morgana stated as Bilbo stood up.

" No, you don't," Bilbo denied. " Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things." He grabbed the mail. " Make you late for dinner. Heh, heh." he put the pipe in his mouth and looked down at the letters. " Mm. Huh. Hmmm. Oh. Ah. Good morning." He turned and started towards the door.

" To think that I should have to lived to be good morninged..." Gandalf began. " By Belladonna Took's son if I were selling buttons at the door."

" Beg your pardon?" Bilbo asked.

" You've changed, and not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins," Gandalf noted as they walked along the fence.

" I'm sorry, do I know you?" Biblio asked.

" Well, you know my name, although you don't remember I belong to it," Gandalf said.

" Morgana who is this man?" Bilbo asked.

" It's Gandalf the Grey Mr. Bilbo," Morgana informed.

" As in the wandering Wizard?" Bilbo asked.

" I wouldn't exactly say wondering," Morgana said. " More like a traveler."

" Well, I know him as Gandalf the wizard, who made such excellent fireworks," Bilbo recalled. " Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. Heh, heh. Ahem. No idea you were still in business."

" And where else should I be?" Gandalf asked.

" Where else..." Bilbo giggled. " Ahem." He put the pipe back up to his mouth.

" Well, I'm pleased to find you remember something about me," Gandalf stated sarcastically. " Even if it's only for my fireworks. Yes. Well, that's decided. It'll be very good for you two and most amusing for me."

" Good for what Mr. Gandalf?" Morgana asked.

" An adventure my dear," Gandalf informed. " I shall inform the others." He started to make his way.

" Inform the who?" Bilbo asked. " What? No. No. No-wait." He marched up the steps to the front door. " We do not want adventures here, thank you. No today. No--I suggest you try Over the Hill or Across the Water. Good morning." He went inside his hobbit home and closed the door, Gandalf and Morgana turned to look at each other.

" I'll put a mark on the door," Gandalf said. Morgana opened the gate and the two walked up.

" Who are the others?" Morgana asked.

" Dwarves," Gandalf answered.

" Dwarves!" Morgana gasped.

" Got a problem with them?" Gandalf asked as he put a mark on the door.

" Well, they might have a problem with me," Morgana stated. " I am a half-elf."

" They'll get over it," Gandalf grunted as he looked into the window. " See you at supper." He walked down the path and closed the gate. 

Later that night Morgana was running a bit late for supper, she was out in the meadow reading a book. She walked up to the gate just as someone else walked up to the gate. She looked up to see a bald man with a beard. 

" Double checking, I see the sign...but does Bilbo Baggins and Morgana Silverstone live here?" the man asked, he was a dwarf, the first dwarf Morgana had ever seen.

" Yes, sir," Morgana answered. " I'm Morgana."

" Dwalin, at your service," the man said as he bowed a little at him. 

" Morgana Silverstone," Morgana greeted. " I am at your service as well." She bowed towards him a little.

" Supper inside?" Dwalin asked. 

" I sure hope so," Morgana wished as she opened the gate, she let him in first, she closed it as Dwalin went up. " I'm not entirely sure Mr. Baggins knew we had company coming."Morgana turned to that Dwalin had walked up just Bilbo opened the door.

" Morgana, who is this?" Bilbo demanded.

" Dwalin, Mr. Bilbo," Morgana answered.

" At your service," Dwalin answered as slightly bowed at him.

" Hm, uh," Biblo breathed as he tied his robe closed. " Bilbo Baggins, at yours," Biblo greeted. Dwalin walked in. " Do we know each other?"

" No," Dwalin denied. "Which way, laddie? Is it down here?" He took off his cloak and began to look around.

" Is what down where?" Bilbo asked.

" Supper," Dwalin answered as he threw his cloak into Biblo's arms. " He said there'd be food and lots of it."

" He - He said? Who said?" Bilbo asked. Soon the three sat in the dining room, Dwalin and Morgana ate as Bilbo sat to the side.

" Very good, this," Dwalin complimented. " Any more?"

" What?" Bilbo asked.

" Yes, sir," Morgana assured as he eyes darted at the plate of cookies. Bilbo received the message, he went and picked it up, he put one in his robe before setting the plate down. 

" Help yourself," Bilbo offered. Dwalin picked up more than one and shoved it into his mouth. " Hmm. It's just that, um, I wasn't expecting company." Then the doorbell rang.

" That'll be the door," Dwalin informed as he chewed. Bilbo went over and opened it.

" Told you he wasn't expecting anyone," Morgana informed.

" This is going to get entertaining," Dwalin laughed as he got up and tried to get cookies out of the cookie jar.

" Oh! Ha, ha!" a voice shouted, they looked over to see a man white hair in the home.

" Evening brother," the man greeted.

" By my beard," Dwalin laughed as he put down the jar. " You're shorter and wider than last we met."

" Wider, not shorter," the noted on his brother. " Sharp enough for both of us." He winked the two laughed. They grabbed each other by the shoulders, head-butted and laughed more, the other man looked at the lady. " And who you might be?"

" Morgana, sir," She answered. " And you?"

" Balin, he answered. 

" Excuse me?" Bilbo interrupted. " Sorry, I hate to interrupt. But the thing is, I'm not entirely sure you're in the right house."

" Have you eaten?" Dwalin asked his brother as he filled his cup with liquor. They had traveled into the pantry.

" It's not that I don't like visitors," Bilbo continued. " I like visitors as much as the next Hobbit. " But I do like to know them before they come visiting."

" What is this?" Dwalin asked he took the food from Balin.

" I don't know," Balin answered. " I think it's cheese. Gone blue."

" It's riddled with mold," Dwalin stated as he took a sniff.

" The thing is, I don't know either of you," Bilbo said. " Not in the slightest." Dwalin threw the food over his shoulder. " I don't mean to be blunt, but I had to speak my mind. I'm sorry." He put up both palms.

" Apology accepted," Balin said as the two looked at him.  "Ah. Now, fill it up, brother, don't stint." The doorbell rang again.

" I'll get it this time Mr. Baggins," Morgana insisted, she walked over and opened the door. On the front porch stood two dwarves. 

" Fili," the blonder one greeted.

"And Kili," the one with darker hair greeted. Very attractive. Both very attractive.

" At your service," the said in unison as they bowed really low.

" You must be Ms. Silverstone," Kili stated.

" Call me Morgana," Morgana stated. " I am your service as well." She bowed at them. " Come on in."

" They've come to the wrong house," Bilbo denied as he walked over.

" What?" Kili asked as he looked at Bilbo. " Has it been canceled?"

" No one told us," Fili stated.

" No, nothing's been canceled," Bilbo denied.

" That's a relief," Kili smiled before he and his brother walked in.

" Careful with these," Fili warned as he took off his weapons. " I just had them sharpened." He put them in Morgana's arms.

" It's nice, this place," Kili complimented. 

" Yeah," Fili agreed. " Did you do it yourself?" He began to wipe the mud off the bottom of his shoe's a chest.

" What?" Bilbo asked. " No, it's been in the family for years. That's my mother's glory box. Can you please not do that?"

" Fili, Kili," Dwalin said as he walked over and grabbed Kili. " Come on, give us a hand."

" Mr. Dwalin," Kili smiled. "Ha, ha."

" Shove this in the hallway," Balin instructed. " Otherwise we'll never get everyone in."

" Everyone?" Bilbo asked. " How many more are there?"

" Where do you want with this?" Dwalin asked as the doorbell rang again.

" Oh no," Bilbo whimpered. " There's nobody home!" Morgana put the weapons down gently on top of the glory box. " Go bother someone else! There's far too many Dwarves in my dining room as it is. This is some clot-head's idea of a joke...I can only say it is in very poor taste." As soon as she opened it, many dwarves fell over into the home.

" Get off, you big lump!" one of them shouted. Standing behind them was a tall man. The man bent down and looked in.

" Gandalf!" Morgana chirped happily.

" Gandalf," Bilbo sighed.

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